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File (hide): 1642904201702.png (1.32 MB, 865x960, 173:192, 9785867978057807578789.png) ImgOps iqdb


 No.3[Watch Thread][Reply]

Tiefling girls best girls.
14 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


So did you just like know this girl and have a crush on her or somtehing, she isn't efamous or whatever. DO you want me to help you have sex with her dude


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dice rollRolled 2


i roll ur mum


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Tiefling or Tabaxi or both.
>tfw no dnd harem

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 No.739[Watch Thread][Reply]

For the longest time, I've wanted to compile DND 5e material into a comprehensive guidebook. I'm aware it's not an original idea and that there's likely better people out there who have made material things than I ever will, but I think I'm going to go through with it anyway. Give myself the illusion of achieving something. I'll post it here once it's completed, whenever that might be.


I remember hearing for the longest time that D&D 3.5 was the best version. Is that actually true?


That's the word on the street. 4th edition is apparently one huge meme. 5th edition is thought of as being hugely pozzed, which it is, but a lot of the mechanics are pretty okay. Just ignore the random nigger they throw in, don't waste money buying their ridiculous bullshit when you can just as easily find pdf's/make your own stuff and bingo bango, you're solid.


Monsters of the Multiverse is so god awful, holy shit. What the fuck is DnD doing?


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Yes. 5e wishes it was a quarter of the game 3.5 was.

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 No.352[Watch Thread][Reply]

I made a thing.
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>mfw only men are here
Based, woman don't exist on the internet anyways.


based image


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Nice triple.


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>I made a thing
>So this is a thing
>Like ACTUALLY??? It's actually, like, actually good you guys


I have contributed. You have no. You are a null factor in every way. Irrelevant. Pointless. Empty.

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 No.13[Watch Thread][Reply]

Beat my roll to win.

{1d6}||[ 1d6 = 3 ]
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click to expand.


For fucks sake


Check em


{1d20}||[ 1d20 = 2 ]
{3d6}||[ 3d6 = 16 ]
{1d100}||[ 1d100 = 73 ]
{2d1000}||[ 2d1000 = 1144 ]
{16d6}||[ 16d6 = 60 ]


{1d6+15}||[ 1d6+15 = 21 ]


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 No.627[Watch Thread][Reply]>>689

This is now a Travis Scott board, faggots.


>>627 (OP)
store svarte kuker! små hvite prikker!

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 No.468[Watch Thread][Reply]

I think so.
1 post omitted. Click to expand.


Holos are just a gimmick.


Counterpoint: no.


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for me it's mothman


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Where's mothgirl?


No, but seriously.


 No.529[Watch Thread][Reply]



ur mom

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 No.520[Watch Thread][Reply]

Are you really allowed to make your own fusions in Yugioh like that? When I used to play it the other kids said you could only make fusions that already had cards.


in the manga (and I assume anime)
fusion just fused cards together, it didn't require fusion cards
the tcg does though


 No.62[Watch Thread][Reply]

Continuing on the now dead thread from /dunk/ RIP
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jews like NOSEWATER changing a game made for white people into a game made for nogs


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I was thinking, when I'd get my tax return, I'd use some of that money to get the books dirt cheap off of Ebay. This included Witchlight and Strixhaven, which I heard were borderline dogshit, but still had some content that was worth potentially using. Then I heard they were coming out with a new monster manual. Then I looked into the new monster manual. Guess I'm not getting that.


suck my dick fag


Nah, I'm good.


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Good at sucking dick you mean

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 No.385[Watch Thread][Reply]

Once again MtG chads win.
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MtG art is becoming soulless and shit as fuck since 2013, but still better than yu-gi-oh tbqh


>set to private what was it?


One of the best MtG artists left is canceled because he and his family supported the canadian convoy.


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Yesterday, I traveled to Ottawa with my family to support the Trucker Freedom Convoy @freedomconvoy2022 .The media and politicians are trying to paint this as "anti-vax" and "white supremacist". Don't fall for it, and don't be like them. This is vile, and insulting to the good people there, unvaxxed and vaxxed alike, from all races and walks of life, taking a stand for the following:

- Freedom of choice and bodily sovereignty.
- Informed medical consent. No coercion.
- A world without QR code passes.
- No mandates; tools of segregation, discrimination.
- End of lockdowns & restrictions, which are damaging to mental health and the lives of ALL, from the elderly to the youngest child.

If you don't stand for the above, ask yourself why. For those who hold these principles dear, especially if you're Canadian, I encourage you to take a stand as well at this moment of history. After yesterday, I am compelled to speak out and voice that what is going on in this country is NOT RIGHT. I choose love over fear. And for the first time in a long time, I feel hope.


Gatekeeper is amazing, look at what happened with 40k and MtG with the influx of normalfags, trannies and niggers.

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