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For the longest time, I've wanted to compile DND 5e material into a comprehensive guidebook. I'm aware it's not an original idea and that there's likely better people out there who have made material things than I ever will, but I think I'm going to go through with it anyway. Give myself the illusion of achieving something. I'll post it here once it's completed, whenever that might be.


I remember hearing for the longest time that D&D 3.5 was the best version. Is that actually true?


That's the word on the street. 4th edition is apparently one huge meme. 5th edition is thought of as being hugely pozzed, which it is, but a lot of the mechanics are pretty okay. Just ignore the random nigger they throw in, don't waste money buying their ridiculous bullshit when you can just as easily find pdf's/make your own stuff and bingo bango, you're solid.


Monsters of the Multiverse is so god awful, holy shit. What the fuck is DnD doing?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes. 5e wishes it was a quarter of the game 3.5 was.

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