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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

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the peak of british cuisine


le three day old dead therad memey


>this is what that guy meant when he called Harry Potter "the toast sandwich of movies"
How will Zach recover?


t. Bill Wilson


Have you seen their physique and teeth?


Eat the bugs

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Something called burrito and some kind of energetic drink.
What's the best of modern American cuisine, fellas? And what should I watch while enjoying the meat?
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Americans are fat. Us Italos are fat (esp. in the south). A cuisine's first objective should be to nourish you without killing you, so we are both doing something wrong. Maybe it's just the quantity. But fitter people are in slovenia and croatia. So I'd be looking for whatever they eat there and how much. But I don't have time so my own recipes involve spaghetti with tuna and tomato, or with tuna, cream and pepperoni, krauts on fried onions and marsala (or whatever sweet wine you left and spoiled a bit, add salt early and pepper when serving), crepes with molten chocolate and grated orange skin (pick the oranges with the edible one). Except the crepes, you don't even need instructions to cook that.


That's the best Monster flavor, change my mind.




uh, make brunswick stew retard


Stew is for poor people and fags

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I fell into autism and quit a decent warehouse labor job because the seasoned workers treated me like I was lesser. Been two months looking for work, bank account in the negative 2 hunnit. I have a new job lined up June 10th but got to eat between then. I have like 2 year old chicken protein isolate that tastes and smells like cartilage, bottom of bag of dried bacon, and half a bag of dehydrated vegetables that had a tan/brown color. I also added the last 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter with a quarter cup of corn oil. Salt, pepper, cayenne, and tumeric which gives it a kind of curry smell to it. 15 min boil then simmered with water evaporation, alternated covering when it was due to overflow from heat physics. Still has a grainy texture to it and the smell of cartilage lingers but isn't overwhelming. 75g of protein+bacon bits boost. Not bad over rice.


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Pictures didn't match up


Honestly I don't trust at most of protein slops they sell for /fit/fags


stick to the whey.

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How do you season your rocks /oven/?
Concrete is alright, but I just really like the taste of rocks.
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>Zoomer nigger music


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>Mannie Fresh Disrespeccter

Now THAT'S embarassing!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Need latina cutie gf!


Remember, goy, never talk anything antisemitic otherwise you will suffer consequences.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What do you call this dish /oven/?

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Forbidden cookie knowledge:
You can just buy girl scout cookies from the store, Keebler and generic brands have clones of all the varieties, for half the price and more convenience.
The Keebler ones are actually made in the same factory, yet use a slightly different recipe.


Despite being the purveyors of it IMO american fudge is actually pretty mediocre to downright bad, Keebler even brags about their shit but goes down tasteless
Same with american Cola sodas, they are blatant foreign corruptions of the actual Cola flavor


The nice thing about original girl scout cookies was that they were local, artisan homemade cookies, as the girl scouts were taught baking. When they switched to factory cookies, they lost some of their soul.

I still buy a box here and there when I see them selling, because I support child labor.

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So you have been waiting a full year for this…. You're goofy ass is still dead nigga


I didn't resurrect this meme, I guess somebody just really liked it. Maybe Astroworld was the juice this needed to become a thriving meme


Zamn….. I guess we really are lovin it… It's LIT




Thank you for bumping this thread, anon. The Travis Scott Struggle lives on.

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British "food"
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Damn, all those latinx troons are ugly as fuck, Ramon should fuck more black bois and white twinkhons!


Reminder that niggers are the transest group of people on earth

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Is boiled chicken even any good?


It's good if you're making chicken soup, chicken & dumplings, or something of that nature.


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Weird video

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


GoySlop General


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