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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

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What do you drench your food with my fellow /oven/ dodgers?


Depends on what you're putting the sauce on, thoughever if I had to pick one, it would probably be ketchup.


Ketchup is also my main sauce, thoughever I do like mixing some Valentina hotsauce in it for my eggs. Texas pete is also good, has a thinner consistency but a tangier vinegar flavor.


I don't like hot sauce.


I'm not a americanfat so I don't use any goyslop sauce.


Hummus is disgustang


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Ketchup, preferably something that tastes like Heinz. I also like combining it with yellow mustard on burgers and more recently have gotten into mayo on them too.

I like chipotle sauce for tacos.

For steak, this sauce is most definitely what's up.


Is it similar to A1 steak sauce? I like that savory flavor it has. BBQ sauce gets too sweet after awhile.


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I like to mix the mayo and mustard on the buns and put the ketchup on the patty.


When I first had it, it made me think of something between A1 and barbecue sauce. I'd say it's closer to A1. There is Country Bob's barbecue sauce too, but I prefer the regular sauce.
I like them all mixed together.

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