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File (hide): 1643510104724.png (312.86 KB, 400x527, 400:527, Gorduck.png) ImgOps iqdb


 No.303[Watch Thread][Reply]>>312>>384

As you move aside the thick reeds and peer through the mist, the deep squawking of an unknown creature over the roar of the river become clearer. The mist lifts for but a brief moment, and the silhouette of a large, hunched figure in the shallow water can be seen rooting through kelp with its bill. As the unmistakable shape of an alpha Gorduck stands upright, it turns its gaze directly at you as the fog rolls in to again, blocking any sight of the beast. As you begin to back away to the shoreline, the sound splashing water can be heard from the mist, steadily growing louder and louder.


>tfw no gorduck mount


But I don't want to kill gorducks…


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>Implying you could kill a Gorduck


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>>303 (OP)
Are they those duck things from King of Dragon Pass?


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>>303 (OP)
I want to mount Travis Scott

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 No.348[Watch Thread][Reply]>>354

I have beaten every type of solitaire on worldofsolitaire.com. You people could never do that. You are like insects to me.


How is that relevant to anything? Get off the board, gramps.


Are you under the impression solitaire isn't a card game you FUCKING GOOFY ASS NIGGER???


It is a game you play on the tabletop


>>348 (OP)
>I have sat alone at my computer
Join the club.

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 No.37[Watch Thread][Reply]

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i see you played my favorite trap cards teehee UwU xx


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You GAY, yo

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.225[Watch Thread][Reply]

So, 4/tg/ has the eclectic Tiji (and routinely cranks out forgettable oddball sectors), and 8/tg/ (now Smug) has the Eastern European-themed Aetern. What can /top/ make?

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 No.50[Watch Thread][Reply]

Dawn of a New Era Edition

Previous thread: You are here

The pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

Thread Question: What new games have you played this year?

Post collections.
4 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


This nigger fucks. I bet the bitches leave snail trails on your couch when you invite them in for cocktails and Catan.



Right now my most played game is probably Marvel Champions. Think of it as a cooperative version of yugioh where you build decks to take down a villain who has their own deck. I think I have close to 100 plays. Great fun and pretty affordable. Our second most played game is probably Azul. It's a really simply intro game that almost anyone can learn in a couple minutes.


Is there a version of marvel champions without the capeshit branding? I really like the concept but I doubt any of my friends would play it. I'll look up Azul later too. What's the general concept for it?


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Tbh, I just try to ignore all the soy surrounding Marvel and just enjoy the game for what it is. All that aside, I'd say it's probably one of the most thematic games I've ever played. All the characters really reflect their comic book counterparts. And best thing is you can play it solo.

There is however a completely different co-op LCG if Marvel isn't your bag that's built around H.P. Lovecraft. It's called Arkham Horror. Arkham Horror is structured around these 8 part campaigns where you're traveling around a map, discovering clues, and unraveling a decision driven story. It's an excellent alternative, but can be a little pricy to get started. But like Marvel Champions it can be played solo.

Azul is essentially a tile laying drafting game. You're drafting colored tiles from a common pile nd trying to arrange them in the way that gives you the most points.

I'd rec Tabletop Simulator if you want to try any of these out. I'm usually available to play at night if anyone wants to jam some games .


I have tabletop sim yeah we'll have to plan a game night around it or something. Co-ordinated session nights sounds fun

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 No.174[Watch Thread][Reply]

Who here /pigmaniac/???


My version is called pass the pigs, how many versions of this game are there?


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>not even the pig party or big pigs edition


>big pigs edition

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 No.135[Watch Thread][Reply]>>154

A general purpose writefaggotry thread!

Share your stories, ask for advice and criticism, post ideas or synopsis , whatever else you can think of in regards to writing. Make sure to remove metadata or exif data from any documents you plan to upload!

Are you working on anything? Planning anything? Procrastinating?
1 post omitted. Click to expand.


I'm liberating it from /tg/. If it was OK there, then it's OK here.


Stories that are more genre focused should be fine here. The justification is usually that since tabletop games are basically collaborative fiction then writing can help you be better at them.


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>>135 (OP)
Who gives a shit lol, this board will be dead and forgotten in a month or two like /truth/ was lol


Back to zzzchan with you, pedo


Very organic.

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 No.9[Watch Thread][Reply]>>40>>139

>villain reveals backstory when nobody asked
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>>9 (OP)
Bad news Gahoole, we always thought you were gay as well


Newniggers think he's just joking but when he bitches about his life story he's never ironic, he loves the attention he gets from it. Like casually bringing up how he was raped when he was younger.


The rape makes it more likely he turned out gay. What do you have to say for yourself Gahoole? How does the picture of Mark's ass make you feel?


Nah. I know his mom might think he's gay, and he's an attentionfag, but I don't think Gayhole's actually gay. My mom might even think I'm gay.


>>9 (OP)
I've had this exact same argument with my mom to be desu.

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 No.120[Watch Thread][Reply]

Can we play D&D campaigns in Sea of Thieves now?

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 No.72[Watch Thread][Reply]

is there a tabletop where you play as a seething board owner of dead as fuck boards who keeps samefagging to pretend theres any activity besides himself, getting ownership of more dead boards and desperately trying to spread drama to the other competing boards in an effort to cope and achieve absolutely nothing because hes as irrelevant as a fart in the wind? pic related is what it looked like can anyone help
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i dont want to be a faggot sorry


That could work as an obsession in Everyone is John probably.


I love playing niggerchu in that one, though controlling the Gator piece is similarly fun


>everyone is john


I want a tabletop version of Dolphin Quest where you can obliterate John and his minions by leaning on (doxing) pajeets.

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