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 No.22[Watch Thread][Last 50 Posts]>>46>>101>>193>>251

Master duel just came out so great time to get into yugioh.

Post your deck lists, master duel ID whatever. I'll update this OP with more shit later. If people want to duel live I can do a stream on cytube or YouTube and do video call ins to allow it. Master duel is probably easier for that but real cards are superior.

Obviously people duel with tournament legal rules, but here on /top/ we have 2 other rulesets which are allowed for duels.

>Cards from any era are allowed HOWEVER Synchro, XYZ, pendulum, and Link cards are all banned, The extra deck is now the fusion deck and there are no pendulum or link zones.
>Same limited list as normal tournament rules
updated these to make it clearer

Yugioh Extreme Rules
>NOTHING is banned.
>NO cards are limited
>Max of 3 of the same card in your deck at any time
>Duels do not count to your overall win loss record.


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>>22 (OP)
Your rules are shit and you clearly don't know how to make a YGO format

Firstly it's Xyz, not XYZ.

Banning ALL Synchro and Xyz because Nu-Gi-Oh scares you but allowing modern Fusion and Ritual cards is retarded.

Treating tuners as Normal monsters makes no sense if Synchro monsters are banned. Are you trying to prevent pic related from being summoned?

Your restriction for Spell cards (I assume you mean both Spell & Trap Cards) is worded weirdly, and I'm pretty sure it's a redundant rule since you already can't activate/resolve effects for cards that aren't in your deck. (eg. If I have Toon Table of Contents in my hand but I have no Toon cards in my deck, I can't play the card)


All synchro and xyz should be banned because they are gay and lame. Not necessary to have fun and are redundant. If you want them just play OCG or TCG rules like everywhere else in the world is doing, it's just makes it easier for people to play without dealing with all the nugioh bullshit.


To clarify, the idea is to return to the rules as they were when the game first came out. The extra deck is once again the "fusion deck". That's why it's called "vanilla" as in the ruleset is vanilla. Banning certain cardsets because they are new runs antithetical to the concept of a card game though, so it isn't "banning any card made after 2010"


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'Ate Fusion
'Ate Ritual
'Ate Synchro
'Ate XYZ
'Ate Pendulum
'Ate Links

Love me Normal summons
Simple as.


So a modern goat format? Could be interesting. Personally I'd like to try a format where the only rule is that card text must be 20 words or less (normal monster lore text is fine).
Maybe make it a bit higher if it's too restrictive but the point is you can't use cards with paragraphs of text and a million effects each


This but unironically


That's not a bad idea for a restriction either. Long card text has really slowed the game down when I play now. Again all these ideas are just for variety not to replace the TCG or OCG or anything.


Any anon here ever play the pokemon card game?


I have a ton of cards but don't think I ever played the game. Mostly just collected. My one friend wanted me to play the digimon tcg with her


Closest I've ever gotten to playing the pokemon card game was making 200+ card decks and crashing monsters into eachother without worrying about energy costs


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D/D/D is the best archetype because it has the most giant ridiculous boss monsters, more than any other archetype; even archetypes built entirely around boss monsters such as the timelords and kaijus or whatever still manage to have less! Just look at that huge list just of boss monsters And not only that, but the flavor built around making contracts to demonic businessmen is PERFECT. The icing on the cake is that there are so many essays written upon these cards that no one knows what all of them do or which you'll be running in your deck, allowing you to play psychological games with your opponent.


oh shit, digimon chicks are hot.


>>22 (OP)
>vanilla rules
Six Samurai, HEROs, and maybe Blue Eyes and Monarchs will completely shit on every single other deck in this format. I won't complain because Heroes and SS are two of my favorite decks but considering that most archetypes now are extra deck spam to varying degrees and if you remove that then decks that have easy swarming ability or can cheat out their big boss monsters will run over every other archetype in the format.


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yeah I'm sure you'd see shit like CHAOS MAX stomping over everything else
don't know about old digimon tcg but new digimon tcg is what pokemon should've been
>unique mana system based off an Evangelion card game that only saw a limited release
>good blend of cute, cool, and sexy card art
>digivolving draws you a card, and you can just play cards of any evolution stage for their memory cost, incentivizing the evolution mechanic rather than encouraging you to base your strategy largely around basics like pokemon does


>tfw trying to read these walls of text
My niggas konami are really out here printing entire books on single pieces of cardstock


This is a good thing. Games should be broken.
Also you are forgetting gravekeepers they will shit over your hero deck.


Nah, just niggervalley


Ok so I downloaded master duel
It's a bit wonky and you have to buy all of your cards using the ingame currency
Doing a tournament on there might be possible but you're limited to the cards you unlock via RNG since you need to pull an "ultra rare" from the main packs before you can focus on pulling for an individual archetype


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For your yugioh rulesets do cards (such as, say, CCV) work as pre-errata or post-errata?


Master duel is essentially a digital version of the modern OCG. Which includes you having to buy shit yeah but to be totally fair you have to do that with the actual game too. for ease of use doing a digital tourney probably ygopro would be best. Or ideally we could setup webcams and duel with our real decks
For digital duels I would say probably we would use post eratta as the standard. However rule of thumb for actual cards is you go by what the card says. So go by what the card you own says. In a perfect world we would all be dueling with our physical decks in person but that isn't happening.


Always go post errata, most early Yugioh cards have terrible wording or are complete cancer when combined with modern cards

>Your request looks automated; Post discarded.

Fuck you too nigga


Sorry site has been fucky. Always has cache issues when we add a new board. Should be fine in a day or so


Post your decklist then if you know so much fag


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new rules leaked last month


time wizard sounds fun enough but again putting a hard cut off on card sets is kinda lame imo. Still might be fun though.


>Yugioh has commander now


>>22 (OP)
I will play you Gahoole but I only have starter decks so far and I refuse to pay money.


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I'll follow you when I get on later
What deck are you using?



My roommate is way better than me you should play him. He runs a gravekeeper deck


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ID: 037-978-152
I'm new to Yu-gi-oh so I won't be challenging you guys much just yet but I've played other card games so it shouldn't take too long to learn!
ROCK chads where you at???




n-no… I won't be dueling just yet anyway. Barely finished tutorial yesterday. Or maybe I will idk


I'm playing gravekeepers lol. cancer v cancer

ID 189-284-701


We can do a structure decks only few matches if you want to keep things even steven. You can actually get a lot without paying though just do the missions and shit and you'll get a ton of the IGC to buy packs of what you want.


SORRY MAN, I'M LEARNING AND DOING SOLO CHALLENGES!! I'll play with you guys some time else!


What is this online Yugioh shindig and how do I find it?




master duel, just came out on basically everything steam/ps4/mobile/switch/xbox etc.


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Dare you challenge the Duelist Pro™


I'll challenge ya if you're up for it


Rooms open and invite sent





Say it with me


Sorry I wasn't paying attention to thread


I sent you an invite in game. Might be one of the bugs.


Terrible draw


I kneel Junk-sama.

This deck can not beat your graveyard. Going to need to make a new deck.


Man, why can I never get hands like this on ranked. Either I get no niggervalleys or 3 + no monsters

Good games


Also I only just learned that the red warning on someone's profile means they have a joinable table, not very intuitive if you ask me


I will add you LATER


Do not play this game during Japanese hours. They are the worst fucking players ever. They take fucking forever to play a single card and the matches almost go to time limit every time for fucking three turn battles. I hate it so fucking much I am convinced they are just doing it hoping that you will surrender out of boredom so they get a free win.

Fuck the Japanese


just take the ygopro pill
instead of japs you get to fight brazilians


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>>22 (OP)
yu gay ho is for gay faggot babies


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>gay MASS MURDERING faggot babies


Yo Gahoole stop having mental breakdowns and play some YGO


4 cards to go until I finish my deck and I only have 60 URCP. Might get lucky on tomorrow's draw and get one of them, but I will still need to probably break some cards down. I really don't want to trash 6 UR cards to make two, but I might just have to. Gold tier is rough as fuck.

Anyone up for a few games on Saturday?


What's a good cheap deck to aim for to start out with? I haven't played in ages.


There aren't any cheaper decks unfortunately, all of the packs cost the same.
Best thing I recommend for new players is opening the 3 pack bundles (ash blossom, lightning storm and solemn) and see what secret packs you unlock from those

Check the /mdg/ general on /vg/ for what decks are best, Blue-Eyes or Eldlitch are easy enough for new players



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First thing is first, figure out what deck you want to build and then go in the deck editor and press this button, it will show all the cards available and not just the ones you own. Construct the deck you want with cards that you don't have. This will be your framework. Next do all the solo missions and you will unlock ten more structured decks for free and a shitton of random cards related to those decks. Clicking on one of the cards in your deck to find out what booster they are featured in. For the most part use your craft points only on stuff that is in the master card list because there are tens of thousands of cards and trying to pull a specific one is insane. The only exception to this craft point usage is when you know there is a specific booster you need to pull in order to build your deck. When that is the case craft one card from that booster and it has a chance to unlock that secret pack for purchase in the next 24 hours. Keep doing this until you have your deck built. My Blue-Eyes deck is already done this way and I am two cards short of building my next deck like this without having to spend a single cent.


Oh and absolutely do get the Duel Pass, It is 600 crystal but it gives you a ton of craft points for SR and UR which will make it a much better value than spending 1000 crystal on 1 guaranteed SR.


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Blue-Eyes stronk


depends on what you want to do. Do you wanna spend 300 hours on your main phase 1 with some fuckin link or tuner or pendulum shit? Do you wanna play hand traps? Do you want to run some OG anti-meta decks? Run the top tier best meta? The monarchs strutcture deck you get for free doing solo missions is pretty decent so maybe build off that. In fact playing all the solo missions and finding one you like from them is probably a great idea.


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just use ygopro it's free
or if you want to play with real cards just look on tcgplayer for the cheapest stuff possible, you can build a jank deck for $6 easily
if you want actual good decks/archetypes don't know>>259
just use ygopro it's free
or if you want to play with real cards just look on tcgplayer for the cheapest stuff possible, you can build a jank deck for $6 easily
if you want actual good decks/archetypes don't know


Fuck I hate link decks so fucking much. They just drag on and on each turn while they flip dozens of cards around for no appreciable gain.


This is literally the entire meta rn. Main phase 1 for half an hour then do NOTHING. Bros can literally WIN THE GAME with the atk points they have on the field, and even if you got NOTHING they will still fucking link their full combo dicks off. Keep a mirror force on you nigga


It's painful as fuck because ever single one of these halfwits takes almost their whole alloted time to flip each card. When some faggot Link player takes 20 fucking minutes to take his first turn because he waits until the last second to play a card it is unbearable. Like I shoot think they are doing it just so they can rack up some ranking wins by making the other person surrender.


I hate Japanese players so god damned much


Crossplay enabled:
>5 minute moves
>Not a white man in sight

Cross-play off:
>Dark Magician
>30 second turns
>Every name is English

Yeah, I'm thinking PS4 is based lads


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>even the yugioh characters are wearing the cuckmask now
it's over bros…


I am done. This shit is boring as fuck. 45 minutes of watching some nigger with ching chong signs for a name flip cards while the entirety of my play time is under two minutes per match is not fun no matter how much I may win.

This semen slurping game is not for me.


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I've been visiting my local Gamestop on Fridays. Recently they've been getting in these metal tins and the El Dorado special cards. I have no idea how to play though and not sure I want to as I'm limited on time.


The absolute worst is when you're already dead on board and they take 5 minutes to combo off instead of just ending the game quickly.


Rather than 20 words (which is only like 2 lines) I would go for banning anything with more than 5 lines of rules text.
5 allows for a lot of stuff while still being a creative deckbuilding restriction


Uhhhhh based???
Now I just need to find a way to use this against solitaire decks.


They underproduced the first of those tins so they WAY over manufactured this years tin. There is gonna be a 3rd one next year like that too. You get a good amount of cards and they are nice tins so it's pretty sweet. Again we gotta get a real cards tourney going through video chat at some point.


It's total bullshit, it's why as sad as it may seem you gotta go for OTK decks through some massive burn combos or exodia and just roll the dice you get your shit on turn one. It's the only way to not SUFFER THE ENDLESS MAIN PHASE 1


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xyz? more like _sexyz!


xyz have BOTH cool design AND cool effects, and a cool color AND actually make sense how you use them BUT the name is RETARDED so I hate them


They should have called it Overlay summoning, since they call the cards underneath the black card Overlay units.


Maybe something like spatial summoning or dimensional merging or anything but Xyz….


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Made new account to make this deck. Played it. Bricked. Stopped playing this deck. Now I will be making either a Red Dragon Archfiend redonators deck or Galaxy-Eyes Mekk Knight. I wanted to play Monarchs but apparently you're not supposed to play any Monarch outside of the dark and light variants or else you really suck and brick. That really fucking killed it for me, sucked the life out that most decks don't use even half their own archetype cards and depend on other cards that don't mesh with the theme aesthetically.
The meta is really gay and Konami will take their sweet time updating. Also some good support to some archetypes could be added such as a new Harpie dragon variant and new red eyes zombie dragon not in the game yet.




Speaking of based, more fun and soulful decks: Everyone looking to have fun with decks not meta should try duel-rooms. Alot more fun decks in there. Fought a chink with a red-eyes deck. It bricked hard but it had heart and SOUL


Oh yeah, and also I found out even console players can easily make new accounts besides PC steam players and phone players.
Just make a new PSN account but make your main account considered the primary ps4 so your ps+ subscription carries over for free to all the other ones no hassle. I assume it's similar on xbox. Dunno about Switch


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bought this dude just cause he has a cool name


But that card has no name


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Based rare card.


Sheou is pretty cool. I like the fact that she has a negate that comes with a cost. I'm not too fond of her design, because she looks too human like blue-eyes abyss.


Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon is great, but when I used it in my Master Duel deck I couldn't get its effect to work half the time. I don't know if it is just me misreading rules or it is one of those bugs that is in the game but I would try and combo it The White Stone of Ancients or Sage with Eyes of Blue and it just wouldn't activate.


Is BEWD on your field or graveyard?


Graveyard usually since it is a lot easier to play BEWD from there than my hand.


Hm. I'd have to see an example of it not working to know what's going on


I stopped playing a couple of weeks ago. The main reason was because of how fucking shit it was playing against Japanese autism decks, but this bug helped push me over the edge.


get off the gacha games and take the ignispill



For anybody buying Yugioh cards, Walmart puts the Pokemon cards in the toys section but puts the MTG and Yugioh cards in one of the aisles alone. At least where I live. Very confusing and tricky. Often they have a lot better selection that Gamestop too but if you don't see the cards, look in all the checkout aisles.




5x Exodia

2x Blue Eyes White Dragon
1x Blue Eyes Toon Dragon
2x Magicians' Souls
2x Royal Magical Library
2x Ice Queen

3x Trade-In
3x Afterglow (this card is super kino - gives you guaranteed 2x bin, then you can cycle the other one you can't play with Magicians' Soul so it doesn't occupy space in your hand and gives you draw and maybe your opponent takes 4k LP damage)
3x Upstart Goblin
3x Toon Table of Contents
3x Pseudo Space
3x Chicken Game
2x Golden Bamboo Sword
2x Broken Bamboo Sword
2x Cursed Bamboo Sword
1x Day of Peace
1x Magical Mallet

1x Linkuriboh

Seems like there's no other way to speed up the draw engine unless you play something archetype specific and I can't be fucked to puzzle that out tbh, this is for Master Duel in particular btw, if anyone has suggestions feel free to post'em


yeah but where is GOLD MOON COIN




dead game ngl


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all the cool kids have moved on to digimon


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Dice rollRolled 17

I pulled 2 ghosts. DMG is the most expensive card in the entire set from GFTP: 2nd Haunting.


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I can't believe takazaki is fuckin dead bros


Dice rollRolled 6, 10 = 16

Your post looks automated. Post discarded.
I can't post anything. Why?


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Dice rollRolled 15, 4, 18 = 37

Dark Magician Girl, let's gooooooo. I bought Korean Yugioh cards from Amazon. They are very nice and cheap. 15 packs for $30 usually. Including some old reprint stuff like Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon pack of 40 for $30. I pulled Exodia and Blue Eyes White Dragon, which was a nice rush. Tbf, there are usually only 5 cards per pack though.

Now imagine fa$%ot WOTC increasing prices for MTG Double Masters that just released. One pack of their top-end collector's booster is $70-85. One pack of cards. https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Gathering-Masters-Collector-Booster/dp/B09ZJ9Z6CP/ref=dp_prsubs_2?pd_rd_i=B09ZJ9Z6CP&th=1

And 3 packs of the normal draft booster is about $45. One little pack of draft booster is $15. F$%^ MTG. Can you believe this shit? WOTC made record profits during the pandemic yet have the audacity to keep bumping prices due to inflation and greed.


do yugioh faggots really?


Dice rollRolled 3, 7, 8, 1 = 19

I kept getting a message not allowing me to post so I was trying some things to get my post through.


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Found a box with sealed packs inside the other evening not too far from my house while going on a walk. Not sure what was going on with it. I took them home and opened them. Some new Rarity Pack thing. A lot of the cards I was unfamiliar with. But I got two copies of a cute spell with Dark Magician Girl on it. I don't know shit about Link monsters I quit playing the game at the end of the Dragon Ruler format. I do miss playing Yugioh but I can't handle Pendulum and Link shit. That playstyle just isn't for me and never will.


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>star of david




Who? That's Tea Gardener.




Late as hell but its sad he passed away.

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