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/tv/ - Movies and Television

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R: 9 / I: 3
Christopher Nolan is NOT a hack
R: 8 / I: 4

The prisoner 1967
Nowhere man 1995
R: 2 / I: 1
R: 54 / I: 13
Why women are becoming so obsessed with horror books and flicks?
At this point people are saying "horror literature is all about women reading and writing."
R: 10 / I: 1

New Powergamer310 Kino

R: 19 / I: 8

Most Reddit director

Personally these 2, they smell of SA goons that transitioned to Reddit.
R: 8 / I: 4

WFC: La La Land & The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

>Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) and Mia (Emma Stone) are drawn together by their common desire to do what they love. But as success mounts they are faced with decisions that begin to fray the fragile fabric of their love affair, and the dreams they worked so hard to maintain in each other threaten to rip them apart.

>Dr. Parnassus (Christopher Plummer), the leader of a traveling show, has a dark secret. Thousands of years ago he traded the soul of his daughter, Valentina, to the devil. Now the devil has come to collect his prize. To save her, Parnassus must make a final wager: Whoever collects five souls first will win Valentina. Tony (Heath Ledger), a man saved from hanging by Parnassus' troupe, agrees to help collect them, with his eye on marrying Valentina.

R: 277 / I: 97


is the greatest medium of entertainment of all time

R: 13 / I: 6
C/D list actress you wish to date.
R: 6 / I: 0
Another Korean actress killed herself

It's not a kpop star. She's was good in Man from Nowhere.
R: 1 / I: 0
Brie Larson wept when she met Rick Stein
Has anyone from Movies and Television ever made you cry?
R: 4 / I: 1

My new video is out

I didn't make it with tvch in mind, but I think many anons will like it.

Let's dive into the world of celebrities who drink children's blood.
R: 33 / I: 13
>she voted for Donald Trump
>she voted for Donald Trump?
>Well… that's ok, so what? She wants to make America great again. Maybe she likes the hats, they're nice hats.
>You don't understand. He's going to CRUSH ME with these tariffs
>These tariffs? What are you talking about? You're a tariff guy now? You've never been a tariff guy. I'm not sure if I'm comfortable having lunch with a tariff guy.
>… I've made deals
>You've made deals.
>SHHH. I've made… unfortunate deals with certain baby oil distributors from outside the US
>Did Kramer put you up to this?
>…to rappers…?
>I'm in deep, Jerry
R: 2 / I: 0

Korea is saving television.
Is that show based on a true story ?
R: 172 / I: 70



We will be continuing the awards style of last year. The rules for voting are simple

1. You Must vote in Every Category
2. You are allowed to vote and nominate anything of your choice for each category
2a. The exception to rule 2 is the Weekly Film Club category, which you must pick from the films that were in Film Club this year (which will be below)
3. You must submit your vote as either a post in the thread, an email to [email protected] , or a comment on my youtube video
4. You may only submit ONE ballot


/tv/ awards




>/art/ award for best high effort post

>/wooo/ award for best wrestling/fight/sports event of the year

>/ost/ award for best musical artist

>/lit/ award for littyest post

>/bane/ award for biggest guy

>/dup/ award for most BTFO

>/oven/ award for best chef

/dunk/ awards

>Best Shitpost

>Worst Shitpost

>/truth/ award for best proven truthful conspiracy theory

>/top/ award for best tabletop release of the year

/ch3/ awards







R: 9 / I: 2
R: 2 / I: 0
zach is back
R: 9 / I: 1
Now that the dust has settled, was SNL ever good?
R: 0 / I: 0
It all make sense now, Kanye was a CCP MKULTRA victim all along.
R: 60 / I: 22

American Dad

Is the pinnacle of adult animated comedy
R: 28 / I: 6

High IQ deep discussion thread about films & shows

Let's discuss the current state of the media, the past and the future.
Low IQ people cannot enter.
R: 10 / I: 9

Da Jokah

I'm da jokah babeh!
R: 17 / I: 6
For me, it's the Tonight Dough.

Starring Jimmy Fallon.
R: 18 / I: 7

It seems the sci-fi thread has disappeared

Time for a new one.
Remember when PPP and Surfer reviewed this episode?
R: 77 / I: 21
Was he right about The Godfather?
R: 36 / I: 7

Super Monkey Ball LIX

Which overpaid groid are you rooting for?
R: 5 / I: 1
What other movies have a lot of complex, wooden machinery. I'm really digging that stuff lately.
R: 7 / I: 2

R: 14 / I: 5

Underrated and less know television shows

post em.

Hung by HBO is about a history teacher and former jock who is facing problem after problem when the nerdy jew stole his bimbo wife and he lost his parents house after a fire.
By luck he end up becoming a male prostitute fucking women with his BWC for money.
R: 26 / I: 24

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Christmas is saved and kino is back, thanks to Sonic and Shadow.
R: 23 / I: 7
The great debate
R: 40 / I: 21

Mille 2025

It's her year
R: 72 / I: 16

/tv/ is formally invited to the /christmas/ interboard event of 2024

Merry Christmas, /tv/. I'm an anon from 8chan, and we are organizing our inter-board Christmas event. This project aims to gather around anons from different imageboard and anonymous communities from all around internet during a weekend and celebrate Christmas together. The planned date is December 14 and 15 and it's going to be here https://8chan.moe/christmas you can make your "embassy" thread talking about your IB, its history and local memes.

I hope to see you there. If you have any other questions please make me know, I'll be more than grateful to answer.
R: 62 / I: 11


New updates on the Diddy sex tape videos
R: 202 / I: 117

Jenny Nicholson 1 million subscribers

She's probably about 2 days away from hitting 1 million subs on Youtube. Let us all watch her cross that milestone together!
R: 13 / I: 2

Love Me Dead (2024)

has anyone seen this yet or know where to find the full movie to download and watch?, I've head it Dove Cameron's debut fully nude sex scene and there's talk you see her pussy in it her a very brief moment in it.
R: 34 / I: 15


What are your favorite B=movies?
Are there any B-movies you think are legitimately good and not just something to laugh at?
Do studios still make traditional B-movies or are they all direct-to-video/indie flicks now?
What is the best MST3K episode and was Joel or Mike a better host?
R: 91 / I: 11
Good night sweet Lynch ;_;

R: 85 / I: 48
R: 124 / I: 125
uhhh… FAS bros?
R: 12 / I: 1
Mel is on a quest to destroy autism once and for all.
R: 10 / I: 0
David Lynch let Twin Peaks go down the toilet so he could make this instead. Was it worth it?
R: 2 / I: 2

Greatest movie ever

alright fags

Post your pick for the best movie ever
R: 4 / I: 3

WFC: The Four Feathers (1939)

>When English soldier Harry Faversham (John Clements) attempts to leave military service just before an expedition to the Sudan, he is presented with feathers, symbolic of his cowardice, by other officers, including his friend Captain John Durrance (Ralph Richardson). In an attempt to restore his honor, Faversham goes undercover as a mute native, and has a chance at redemption when he rescues the blinded Durrance from the heat of battle. Will his act of courage result in forgiveness?

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Musical & Cast member died before production wrapped
R: 52 / I: 33

R: 6 / I: 0

Little House on the Multicultural Prairie

>Daily BLACKED IP Thread
R: 67 / I: 33
Which performance resonated the most with you?
R: 7 / I: 3

Jenna Ortega

Waifu #89
R: 208 / I: 70

YouTube General

YouTube is the new television. Everyone watches it and it's where all of the prime kinographers upload their kino. Therefore, we should be able to talk about it on a kino board.
In semi-recent news, Chuggaconroy, the Big Harv of the LP world, is back on YouTube. Some trannies tried to bully him off the platform over some made up metoo allegations, but he told them to shove and is back making his let's plays again.
R: 23 / I: 4
Why do so many great movies have homosexual undertones? Is being gay kino? Or agenda by the homoglobo?
R: 16 / I: 3
Katie, a freelance video editor in desperate need of work, receives a high-paying offer to edit a cryptic and bizarre video from an anonymous employer. Strapped for cash and facing eviction, Katie eagerly accepts the gig. The video depicts people being tortured and even killed on camera - surely just elaborately staged fiction. But when the first job leads to even more lucrative work, and more disturbingly realistic snuff films, Katie's life begins to crumble. Strange figures in her apartment, horrific nightmares keeping her awake, and a mysterious illness plaguing her cat. It's only when Katie decides to finally quit the job that she learns just how cruel her anonymous employer really is, and to what bloody lengths she herself will go to get out of her contract.



R: 39 / I: 10
R: 124 / I: 56
>You will live to see man made horrors beyond your comprehension!
R: 8 / I: 1
This was the only good movie any of the actors in this movie (besides Willis and Keitel) have ever been in. Prove me wrong.
R: 1 / I: 1
R: 15 / I: 4

How did it's always sunny in philadelphia turn to shit.

After Macs finds his pride which was the most retarded, lame display of faggotry, self gratifying shallow trash. Its never been the same. You could see the show going backwards but , my God that episode was a pipe full of sewer water from San Franciscos vile sodomite pit of hate. From what I have seen from there podcast Rob is basically another sociopath leftard rot worshiper. I honestly hope Rob gets raped by a pack of niggers.

>Kaitlin olsons face

Don't know what in the fuck happened there but, its not even pointed out she looks a retired las vegas hooker.


It got much worst when Rob got more involved then became reddit tier chatgpt writing.
R: 169 / I: 90

Post Reviews of Movies You've Recently Watched

Just saw Scaramouche (1952). An 18th century revenge tale about a man who plays a clown in a theater troupe by day as he plots to kill a heartless aristocrat by night to avenge the death of his best friend and foster brother.

The film feels very ahead of its time both visually and in terms of writing. This is probably because it blends elements of several different genres, which seems to have confused the critics of its day. It's essentially a swashbuckler but with a lot of time dedicated to political drama and comedy. It's also very risque for its time. As incongruent as this sounds, it actually balances these aspects rather well. The biggest weakness in the story is the ending, which feels somewhat underwhelming after everything building up to it and the final plot twist is more than a little hard to swallow. That being said, I don't think it detracts from the film too much.

The characters, even the side ones, are fairly strong and memorable and the acting is quite good as well. A few of the actors even act more like French actors than American ones. The villain is especially great. The only one of the main cast who feels like a typical Hollywood actor from the 50's is Janet Leigh but she's still adequate in her role.

The visuals, like I said, are ahead of their time. Only by a about a decade or so though; it certainly doesn't look modern. The most famous thing about this movie is the 5-minute long swordfight at the end. Despite its length, that fight scene is able to maintain a high level of excitement and tension throughout which is quite a feat since you know the hero is going to win in the end. There are many other swordfights in the movie too and they're all used pretty intelligently to serve the plot. What's nice about the fight scenes is that there's very little music in them and the silence helps tremendously.

Overall, I give Scaramouche an 8/10.
R: 34 / I: 23

Just.....just no, what in the everlasting FUCK!?!?!?

what happens when you let pandering and virtue signalling get in the way and destroy Artistic Creativity and most importantly….critical thinking
R: 6 / I: 3

WFC: Tesis (1996)

>While preparing her thesis on audiovisual violence, Angela meets Chema, a fanatic of violent content. After coming across a snuff tape and recognising the victim as a peer, they start a risky venture.

R: 0 / I: 0
Are Anne Bronte's novels really that bad?
R: 17 / I: 7

Harvey Weinstein Back in Court as Judge Weighs Scope of #MeToo Rape Retrial

NEW YORK (AP) - Harvey Weinstein is due back in court Wednesday as a judge is set to decide when the disgraced movie mogul's #MeToo retrial will start and whether it will include an allegation involving a woman who wasn't in the original case.

Weinstein, 72, wants the extra charge thrown out, arguing through lawyers that Manhattan prosecutors only brought it to bolster their case with a third accuser after New York's highest court overturned his 2020 conviction on rape and sexual assault charges involving two women.

Judge Curtis Farber is expected to rule on that and other matters, including the trial date - a task that's been complicated by an increasingly crowded court calendar.

Weinstein's lawyer, Arthur Aidala, is representing conservative strategist Steve Bannon in a border wall fraud trial that's set to start March 4 before a different Manhattan judge. Meanwhile, Farber has a murder trial in March.

Before Bannon's trial date was set last week, Aidala had suggested that Weinstein's trial go first in "the interest of humanity," citing the ex-studio boss' declining health.

Weinstein is being treated for numerous medical conditions, including chronic myeloid leukemia and diabetes.

"They know that Mr. Weinstein is dying of cancer and is an innocent man right now in the state of New York," Aidala argued in court last week. He pleaded to prosecutors: "Can I try this dying man's case first?"

Weinstein is being retried on charges that he forcibly performed oral sex on a movie and TV production assistant in 2006 and raped an aspiring actor in 2013. The additional charge, filed last September, alleges he forced oral sex on a different woman at a Manhattan hotel in 2006.

The Manhattan district attorney's office said in court papers that the woman, who has not been identified publicly, came forward to prosecutors just days before the start of Weinstein's first trial but was not part of that case.

Prosecutors said they did not pursue the women's allegations after Weinstein was convicted and sentenced to 23 years in prison, but they revisited them and secured a new indictment after the state's Court of Appeals threw out his conviction last April.

Farber ruled in October to combine the new indictment and existing charges into one trial.

Weinstein's lawyers contend that prosecutors prejudiced him by waiting nearly five years to bring the additional charge, suggesting they had elected not to include the allegation in his first trial so they could use it later if his conviction were reversed.

Prosecutors called that thinking "absurd," countering that Weinstein's lawyers would have also been outraged if he had been charged based on the third woman's allegation either during his first trial or immediately after his conviction.

Weinstein "would likely have characterized that timing as a vindictive and gratuitous pile-on," prosecutors wrote in a court filing last month.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office said the previously uncharged allegation "required a sensitive investigation" and serious contemplation before seeking an indictment, in part because there are no eyewitnesses to the alleged assault and no scientific or other physical evidence.

Weinstein co-founded the film and television production companies Miramax and The Weinstein Company and was once one of the most powerful people in Hollywood, having produced films such as "Pulp Fiction" and "The Crying Game."

In 2017, he became the most prominent villain of the #MeToo movement, which erupted when women began going public with accounts of his behavior.

He has long maintained that any sexual activity was consensual.

In vacating Weinstein's conviction, the Court of Appeals ruled that the trial judge, James M. Burke, unfairly allowed testimony against him based on allegations from other women that were not part of the case. Burke is no longer on the bench.

Weinstein was convicted in Los Angeles in 2022 of another rape. His 16-year prison sentence in that case still stands, but his lawyers appealed in June, arguing he did not get a fair trial.

Weinstein has remained in custody in New York's Rikers Island jail complex, with occasional trips to a hospital for medical treatment, while awaiting the retrial.

The Associated Press does not generally identify people alleging sexual assault unless they consent to be named.
R: 5 / I: 0
just trying something something
R: 109 / I: 36

Finished 2nd watching of The Sopranos

This time it really caught my attention how much Tony watches golden age flicks. What are the best 1930's-50's gangster movies?
R: 10 / I: 2

Sitcom Thread

I love old sitcoms. They're so comfy when they don't get political anyway. They're the perfect shows to watch just before you go to sleep. The canned laughter is weird when you think about it, but I'm used to it by now.
What are your favorites? Mine, in chronological order:
>The Honeymoonders
>The Andy Griffith Show
>The Dick van Dyke Show
>The Mary Tyler Moore Show
R: 0 / I: 0
Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty

Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
(Tone 6, or another suitably dramatic tone)

Unyielding in faith and bold in speech,
Thou didst stand against the wicked janitors,
Calling out their vile deeds and exposing their shame.
Though falsely accused and cast into exile,
Thou didst not waver, but didst pray even for thine enemies,
Saying, "I pray for you, pooners and trooners."
O Michiruko, champion of truth,
Thou who didst seek to cleanse the filth from the shodjak,
Intercede for us, that we too may stand firm,
And not be banned unjustly by the moderators of this world!

The Life of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty

In the days of great confusion, when the sacred was trampled upon and the wicked reveled in their filth, there arose a servant of truth, Michiruko, who sought to restore righteousness where it had been cast aside. With a heart full of zeal, he came forth, not to condemn, but to save, not to revile, but to uplift.

Hearing of the abandoned CHR board, where once the name of Christ had been proclaimed, Michiruko resolved to restore it. Yet, as he entered the den of the BP, he beheld the lost souls, bound in chains of vice and deception. He did not turn from them in disgust, nor did he strike them down in wrath, but with love and patience, he sought to free them from their shackles.

He welcomed even the furries and anthros, speaking to them not as outcasts, but as brethren, calling them to repentance and the knowledge of truth. Yet, the pagans and the scornful mocked him, casting blasphemous images in his path, believing they could shake his resolve. But Michiruko, unwavering, stood firm, bearing their mockery as a badge of honor, knowing that such trials must come to those who walk the path of righteousness.

The janitors, who lurked in the shadows, beheld his work with fear, for they knew that if he continued, their secrets would be laid bare. The vile things they permitted-the sufilia, the hidden cartels-would be brought to light. And so, they conspired against him, whispering lies, branding him with accusations most foul, hoping to silence him forever.

Yet it was not their accusations that led to his downfall, but the depravity of those who could not bear his presence. In their desperation, they sought to desecrate him in the only way they knew-by turning him into an object of their lust. They defiled even his avatar, believing that by indulging in their vice, they could strip him of his power. And so, their wickedness only grew, drawing the full wrath of the janitors, who, unable to bear his continued defiance, cast him into exile with the stroke of a banhammer.

Thus was Michiruko martyred in the digital arena, suffering exile for the sake of truth. Yet, his memory is not forgotten, for those who seek righteousness remember his works, and they cry out to him, asking for his intercession in their own battles against the darkness.


A Hymn to Saint Michiruko

Tone 5

O blessed Michiruko, warrior of the unseen battle,
Thou didst stand against the wicked and the corrupt,
Calling the lost to repentance and truth.
Though scorned and mocked, thou didst not waver,
And though defiled by the impure, thou didst remain steadfast.
Now banished from the realm of men,
Yet honored among the righteous,
Intercede for us, O martyr of the Sharty,
That we too may stand firm against the forces of darkness,
And be not cast down by the lies of this world!
R: 2 / I: 0
Why didn't America ever get The Voice Kids?

Dup should look into this. They're ripping off our country.
R: 20 / I: 9
Why are crime dramas still so popular? They've been telling the same "gangster's rise and fall" stories over and over since the 1930s. They've even made countless tv shows about it as well as movies. It's more played out than westerns or capes. Yet nobody has gotten tired of them. They're probably the most popular genre of film and tv all over the world. Why?
R: 6 / I: 2

Colombian musician J Balvin dies at age 39

José Álvaro Osorio Balvín popularly known simply as J Balvin was found dead in his bedroom at the age of 39 during this Saturday afternoon in his mansion in Miami, the report has not yet been released but it was a probable heart attack.
R: 6 / I: 1

gooks and chinks are pathetic

Zero impact on any culture just bug minded garbage. So much for asian "men" to be dabbed on by netflix. As their fish faced gook and chink women lust after any White men near them.
R: 40 / I: 7
The great debate
R: 61 / I: 28

Good Movies within past 5 years

Wassup /tv/,
I haven't posted/visited in 5 years. What were some good kinos discussed since then?
What did /tv/ think about Oppenheimer, Barbie, Zach Snyder's Justice League [capeshit], Dunc, and some other stuff I can't recall that came out since 2020.

great to be back here once again
R: 44 / I: 37

Only correct vote

FILM OF THE YEAR Powergamer310
WORST FILM Powergamer310
BEST TV SHOW Powergamer310
WORST TV SHOW Powergamer310
BEST ACTOR Powergamer310
THE QUEEN OF /tv/ AWARD Powergamer310


/art/ award for best high effort post Powergamer310

/wooo/ award for best wrestling/fight/sports event of the year Powergamer310

/ost/ award for best musical artist Powergamer310

/lit/ award for littyest post Powergamer310

/bane/ award for biggest guy Powergamer310

/dup/ award for most BTFO Powergamer310

/oven/ award for best chef Powergamer310

/dunk/ awards Powergamer310

Best Shitpost Powergamer310
Worst Shitpost Powergamer310

/truth/ award for best proven truthful conspiracy theory Powergamer310

/top/ award for best tabletop release of the year Powergamer310

/ch3/ awards Powergamer310

GAME OF THE YEAR Powergamer310
BEST GAMER Powergamer310

SITE WIDE AWARDS Powergamer310

BEST POSTER Powergamer310
WORST POSTER Powergamer310
BEST BOARD Powergamer310
WORST BOARD Powergamer310


R: 59 / I: 17

Ridley Scott is a hack

Here's your newest Ayylium slop!
R: 35 / I: 11

Missy Sheldon

Here's that 'child' I was telling you about from the big bang theory prequel spin off show
R: 28 / I: 7
What is the most cerebral movie?
R: 26 / I: 5

The Wizard

My all time favourite childhood film, what be your favourite from your childhood?
R: 17 / I: 7

WFC: Death on the Nile (1978 & 2022)

>On a luxurious cruise on the Nile River, a wealthy heiress, Linnet Ridgeway (Lois Chiles), is murdered. Fortunately, among the passengers are famed Belgian detective Hercule Poirot (Peter Ustinov) and his trusted companion, Colonel Race (David Niven), who immediately begin their investigation. But just as Poirot identifies a motley collection of would-be murderers, several of the suspects also meet their demise, which only deepens the mystery of the killer's identity.

>Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot's Egyptian vacation aboard a glamorous river steamer turns into a terrifying search for a murderer when a picture-perfect couple's idyllic honeymoon is tragically cut short.

R: 2 / I: 1
New ad kino just dropped.

Steve Schirripa is back in character as Bobby Baccalieri (sort of).
R: 4 / I: 1
I could beat any of them in a fight.
R: 50 / I: 24
Good night sweet Juliet ;_;

R: 10 / I: 4
what are some kinos about e-girls?
R: 35 / I: 11
Musicals are the ultimate form of art. They combine music, visual arts, and narrative fiction into a single from of pleasure for the eyes, the ears, and the mind. The musical film is what Wagner wished he could have made. If only the technology existed in his times…
R: 21 / I: 5
Yub Nub was kino
Prove me wrong
R: 8 / I: 1

I still don't buy it

You're telling me this woman was so heavy that the only way they could get her body out of the house was with a crane? She was able to lift herself with her legs. There's even a scene where she climbs up stairs. You're telling me a handful of able-bodied paramedics and/or cops couldn't move her by lifting with their legs? Heck, they could just use a dolly. The people who made this movie never did a day of physical labor in their life.
This wouldn't bother me if it wasn't the whole reason behind the movie's climax.
R: 28 / I: 32
ITT: Heroes of /tv/
R: 2 / I: 0
>The balls can sock me
What did he mean by this?
R: 21 / I: 4

Ranma 1/2 remake

Is it kino ?
R: 87 / I: 78

Simpsons Joke

Post your favorite Simpsons jokes.
R: 21 / I: 5
>Ello dearie! How d'ya fancy some room-temperature gin?
What food and drink from Movies and Television do you want to try?
R: 27 / I: 12


R: 6 / I: 1
R: 9 / I: 2
Why do Canadians make the best sketch comedy shows?
R: 32 / I: 15
Have the events of the last decade made it easier for you to believe one-dimensional villains whose only motive is to do evil?
R: 1 / I: 1
Big Guy not uploading his latest vid, smh
R: 7 / I: 2

Hollywood is Burning

Why was this allowed to happen? What shenanigans are the studios doing?
R: 26 / I: 8

WFC: The Blue Lagoon (1980)

>Seven-year-old cousins Emmeline (Elva Josephson) and Richard (Glenn Kohan) survive a shipwreck and find themselves marooned on a beautiful island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Under the tutelage of a fellow castaway, Paddy Button (Leo McKern), the two learn the basics of survival. When Paddy dies, however, the now adolescent Emmeline (Brooke Shields) and Richard (Christopher Atkins) are on their own to discover sex, love and loneliness in a tropical paradise.

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Players Choice

Please post any suggestions you have for themes. Submissions will be open for the next two weeks. Thank you again for a great 2024 film club everyone!
R: 2 / I: 0

New A24 movie is about Trump and the alt-right

They were right in saying that A24 is anti-white
R: 28 / I: 11

Power ramgers

Power Rangers SPD came out in 2005 and the show was set in the year 2025. As a kid, I always thought about the year 2025 would turn out given that it was relatively close. Wonder how this year will turn out.

Anyway, do they still make power ranger shows and have they been any good? Haven't seen one in years but I hear about it from time to time.
R: 21 / I: 6

Paul Latza in 2025

It's fucking over
R: 1 / I: 0

Her best role ?

She did the best scene in Friday 13th remake.
R: 31 / I: 13

Mason Movies

Movies about masons/illumunati/gayness

R: 4 / I: 3
R: 108 / I: 36

Peak western animation

Let's nets nerd out.
R: 11 / I: 3
R: 16 / I: 7
R: 11 / I: 11


Is it true that the manga is trash ?
R: 0 / I: 0

I'm bored

Gimmie some good movies like the international
R: 35 / I: 19


Gimmie some good horror movies please.
R: 17 / I: 7

New nolan flick

Christopher 'Auteur' Nolan's new movie is a zoomer version of The Odyssey with grlls of african descent. I'm not sure what kinda memes can be made of this.
R: 12 / I: 0

Lawrence of Arabia crowned /tv/'s Best movie of all time

R: 7 / I: 1

‘Home Improvement’ Star Zachery Ty Bryan Arrested Again for Domestic Violence

Zachery Ty Bryan, the actor who played the oldest son on the long-running 1990s sit-com Home Improvement, was charged Friday with second-degree domestic violence in South Carolina.

Myrtle Beach Police Department apprehended the Home Improvement alum on Thursday and he was held at J. Reuben Long Detention Center in Horry County before being released Friday night on $10,000 bond, inmate records show.

According to TMZ, the alleged victim told police in Myrtle Beach, SC the 43-year-old actor punched her in the face multiple times.

She also said the troubled star, with whom she shares a child, put her in a choke hold, cutting off her breathing and making her fear for her life, according to the police report.

Bryan was arrested on charges of second-degree domestic violence.

If convicted, he faces up to three years in prison and/or a fine of $2500 to $5000, according to South Carolina law.

He will next appear in court on March 28.

This is the former Home Improvement star's third domestic violence arrest amid past years of legal issues.

In July 2023, he was arrested after authorities in Eugene, Oregon, were called regarding a physical domestic dispute between Bryan and an unnamed woman, as Breitbart News reported.

He was then charged with two counts of assault in the fourth degree.

One charge was later dismissed as part of a negotiated resolution. Bryan only had to serve seven days in jail instead of 19 to 20 months in the Oregon Department of Corrections.

ryan was previously arrested in 2020 and entered a guilty plea stemming from an altercation with girlfriend Johnnie Faye Cartwright, where he allegedly tried to strangle her at their apartment in Eugene, Oregon.

As Breitbart News reported, on that occasion police found Bryan, 39, sitting outside and his girlfriend, 27, at a neighboring apartment.

Bryan allegedly assaulted the victim, impeded her breathing, and took her phone away when she tried to call 911, police said. The victim declined medical assistance.

He was then charged with two counts of assault in the fourth degree.

The charges were "menacing - constituting domestic violence and assault in the fourth degree - constituting domestic violence."

He downplayed the domestic violence charges when pleading guilty in 2021, claiming in a subsequent interview the incident had been "blown out of proportion."

"We didn't even really get that physical. We got really loud. We were screaming and because we were in a town home that had [thin walls], everybody could hear," Bryan told The Hollywood Reporter.
R: 36 / I: 12

R: 63 / I: 33


so perfect
R: 10 / I: 3

Isabela Merced

The best zoomer

Her in superman is gonna be so kino
R: 10 / I: 0

David Fincher gives ‘Seven’ a final, 4K UHD glow up for its 30th anniversary

David Fincher's 1995 crime thriller "Seven" is coming back to theaters this weekend for its 30th anniversary

R: 4 / I: 0

Brooke shields

was a tranny this whole time

jesus H christ mary and joseph
R: 3 / I: 2


Forever the queen of /tv/
R: 4 / I: 1
it's up
R: 24 / I: 1

Isabella Colby Browne

This girl I know from our threatre days she starred in quite a few movies over the last few years and remember hearing that at least a couple of them feature her in some nude sex scenes and been trying to find out which ones those are
R: 8 / I: 5

EVAgelion meal

EVA is now certified kino
R: 14 / I: 2

What are your honest thoughts on Woody Allen as a filmmaker and comedian?

I liked Sleeper, and What's Up Tiger Lilly was funny for 20 minutes or so before the gimmick got old. Everything else is pretty boring. His "dramadies" are neither very funny nor engaging.
R: 21 / I: 7

was Spartacus good?

Remember when she lied about the productors ?
R: 4 / I: 0

Jeet (1996)

>Karan, a feared hitman, falls in love with Kajal but she is married off to Raju. However, when Raju plans to expose his father's illegal activities, Karan is hired to kill him.
Sounds kino to me
R: 15 / I: 1

WFC: Doctor Zhivago & How The Grinch Stole Christmas

>During the Russian Revolution, Yuri Zhivago (Omar Sharif), is a young doctor who has been raised by his aunt and uncle following his father's suicide. Yuri falls in love with beautiful Lara Guishar (Julie Christie), who has been having an affair with her mother's lover, Victor Komarovsky (Rod Steiger), an unscrupulous businessman. Yuri, however, ends up marrying his cousin, Tonya (Geraldine Chaplin). But when he and Lara meet again years later, the spark of love reignites.

>Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot. And every family likes How the Grinch Stole Christmas! a lot! This joyous, heart-tickling holiday event based on Dr Seuss' beloved book and featuring the voice of Boris Karloff has delighted all ages since its 1966 debut.

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Coming-of-age
R: 20 / I: 4

ITT: Movies and shows that predicted future events

Evil Toons with David Carradine, he literally acts like a creepy and hangs himself.
R: 23 / I: 6
>Early 70s
>gritty, experimental, morally grey films with uncertain plots primarily focused on analyzing people, ideas, and society as a whole
>most notable genre is drama
>closest thing to action movies are disaster movies
>science fiction films are usually political allegories
>humor is mostly either high-brow references or very awkward attempts at sex jokes; very WASP-ish

>Late 70s

>more refined with simpler, yet more likable characters, tighter, yet more predictable plots, and clearly defined good guys and bad guys
>more interested in giving the audience a good time rather than making them think
>most notable genre is proto-blockbuster action-adventure films
>science fiction is basically fantasy with a heavy emphasis on spectacle
>comedy is less sophisticated, but more universal; very Jewish
>even the dramas are significantly more polished and operatic than the ones from earlier in the decade

What caused this dramatic shift in the middle of the 70s?
R: 7 / I: 2

Kraven: The Hunter

Aka Peak Phenotype: The movie
R: 32 / I: 12

2024 in review

What were the best/worst/most notable kino of the year, /tv/?
I didn't watch anything new, aside from pic related on the news.
R: 36 / I: 36

Kino TV

Certified kino
R: 15 / I: 6

Do you think she did the abortion at the end of the movie ?
R: 3 / I: 1
R: 243 / I: 129

Classy Waifu thread.

Share your waifus in a civil way.
Yakuza, Emojitroon, Blissfag, Ashleyfag and Ravenfag are welcome.
R: 1 / I: 0
I used to hate the wife in this show until I learned she's a dup supporter IRL. Now I like watching her bully that effeminate little wop.
R: 5 / I: 1
Has a movie ever changed your life?
R: 1 / I: 1

SpiderKino is so back

bbc influenced spider man kino
R: 7 / I: 1


fired from the military and disowned by all his loved ones when he trooned out, life goal is to make enough money to leave the country and go and live with the ladyboys in thailand because the worst koreans are too based and keep oppressing him
>disgusting hapa-groid mutt
shown to be pathologically retarded with his gambling habits and enough of a disloyal coward to let his mother die without fighting for her, also a tranny apologist
>chigger rapper
pathetic drug addict who was only capable of intimidating femboy tier asian manlets, was stabbed to death by one of the manlets with a fucking fork

are the writers genuinely based or are kdrama writers just cornball hacks who are sometimes accidentally based?
R: 70 / I: 31

Dafne Keen leaks

Post the sauce for this swarthy Arab looking wench so we can beat our incel meat, coons not invited.
R: 5 / I: 0

‘End of an Era’ — Star of ‘Crocodile Dundee,’ Dies Peacefully at 90

A star of the iconic mid-1980s Australian film Crocodile Dundee has died peacefully at the age of 90.

The enormous saltwater crocodile called Burt that actor Paul Hogan used to help propel his movie to smash-hit status died at a Darwin wildlife park during the weekend, News.com reports.

The beast was estimated to be over 90 years of age, measured more than 15-feet long and weighed about 1500 pounds. After appearing in the 1986 film, he spent the past 16 years at Crocosaurus Cove in the Northern Territory.

A spokesperson for the attraction broke the news of Burt's death on Monday morning.

In a statement posted on Instagram, the wildlife centre wrote: "It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Burt, the iconic saltwater crocodile and star of the Australian classic Crocodile Dundee."

In the film, character Mick Dundee (Hogan) swaps the Australian outback for the jungle of New York after meeting American reporter Sue Charlton (Kozlowski), who eventually falls in love with him.

The croc is famously seen in the scene where Kozlowski's character is attacked as she kneels next to a creek.

Burt, who was captured in the 1980s in the Northern Territory's Reynolds River, was described by Crocasourus Cove as having a "bold" personality.

"Burt was a confirmed bachelor - an attitude he made clear during his earlier years at a crocodile farm," the centre's statement continued.

"His fiery temperament earned him the respect of his caretakers and visitors alike, as he embodied the raw and untamed spirit of the saltwater crocodile.

"Burt was truly one of a kind. He wasn't just a crocodile; he was a force of nature and a reminder of the power and majesty of these incredible creatures.

"While his personality could be challenging, it was also what made him so memorable and beloved by those who worked with him and the thousands who visited him over the years."

The statement concluded: "Visitors from around the globe marvelled at his impressive size and commanding presence, especially at feeding time."

It's not unusual for saltwater crocodiles to live beyond 70 years old, especially in captivity, the BBC notes.

Burt will be honoured with a commemorative sign at the attraction.

The first Crocodile Dundee film cost less than $10 million, but it made more than $300 million worldwide in 1986 alone, eventually surpassing Mad Max 2 as the highest-grossing Australian film at the worldwide box office.
R: 37 / I: 15

ITT: Post the Thinking Man's Films of Their Respective Genres

Pic related is the thinking man's talking dog movie.
R: 8 / I: 2
Are you ready for your government sanctioned propaganda?
R: 5 / I: 1

R: 259 / I: 100
R: 39 / I: 26
R: 6 / I: 3
What could Hollywood celebrities have done differently to make you vote for Kamala Harris?
R: 19 / I: 6

28 Years Later

>Danny Boyle directing
>Not a single nigger
>Vintage radio recording
>28 days Later MC cameo
>Theaters Only
Yeah, I'm thinking kino

Don't watch the "sequel" though, they're making this a trilogy with niggers and faggots involved to give jobs to their faggot kids and friends with no talent.
R: 13 / I: 3
R: 6 / I: 5
Corden Wardens, our response?
R: 4 / I: 0

Godzilla/Kaiju Thread

I watched the first movie and enjoyed it. Where do I go from here with the series? What are the cream of the crop? What are the stinkers to avoid? How does Gamera fit into all this?
R: 43 / I: 18

High Quality AI slop

AI is the future either we like it or not.
It's time to become a cyborg so that our machine masters are lenient with us.

Post some AI kino