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This time it really caught my attention how much Tony watches golden age flicks. What are the best 1930's-50's gangster movies?


In this house…Columbus is a god damn hero anon.


The original Scarface i guess


I'm watching the show in full for the first time, along with some people. It's a good show but it hasn't become one of my top 5 favorite shows yet.


>It's a good show but it hasn't become one of my top 5 favorite shows yet.
How far into it are you?


All the bros got together and decided it was the best tv ever made you know?


Dumb dagos


Gabagool anon, its certainly an entertaining show at that.


Near the end of season three.


I felt the same way, good show but not one of my favorites. I think it's because the show is too real and shows how dumb and unlikeable real mobsters are, it's good writing but there are basically no characters with sympathetic motivations.


Why do you need to insert or sympathize with the characters? It's not that kind of show.


because normie society has left me jaded


I save the obvious choices for last. I got halfway through Little Caeser (1931) on jewtube but it only has audio on the left speaker for some reason so I stopped it. I liked Joes Masarra having an American accent even though he's supposed to be an adult immigrant from Sicily.


Pretty much any gangster movie with James Cagney is decent at the very least. White Heat, The Roaring Twenties, and Angels with Dirty Faces are probably my favorites of those.


>I think it's because the show is too real and shows how dumb and unlikeable real mobsters
I don't care about that aspect, any kind of american is retarded IMO, see their "italians", "irish", "german", "afro", "asians", etc.


What great country do you hail from?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The main problem is that it has gotten so popular to the point of becoming a cashcow for HBO, meaning the show can get really retarded due to high demand, same thing with Breaking Bad and Oz.

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