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File: 1734411347124.png (6.15 MB, 1518x2000, 759:1000, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb


This was the only good movie any of the actors in this movie (besides Willis and Keitel) have ever been in. Prove me wrong.


Christopher Walken has been in several other good movies.


File: 1734419047098.jpg (124.58 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Made in Britain.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Tim Roth has been in several other good movies.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
There was a time stealing from 'arrods and putting a brick through a Pakis window used to get you locked up.


Oh right. I forgot they were in Pulp Fiction. I guess I'm mainly talking about Travolta, Jackson, and Thurman.


Travolta and Thurman were in two or three other good films. But their careers really suck.


Travolta in Saturday Night Fever was pretty good, memes aside. In Pulp Fiction he didn't really act, they were just rehearsing a cartoonish version of a previous role, for example Travolta was doing a Fever/Grease joke.
Willis was just being Die Hard and Jackson was being an overly dramatic hood nigger like in Menace 2 Society/Juice.
It's all a con, "act like in that movie bro, just relax" is a simplistic retarded instruction but it does really work when the actors are seasoned, either bad or not.




Tarantino was going to give the role to that other guy, the character wasn't made for an actor with crazy energy like Travolta.

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