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Just saw Scaramouche (1952). An 18th century revenge tale about a man who plays a clown in a theater troupe by day as he plots to kill a heartless aristocrat by night to avenge the death of his best friend and foster brother.

The film feels very ahead of its time both visually and in terms of writing. This is probably because it blends elements of several different genres, which seems to have confused the critics of its day. It's essentially a swashbuckler but with a lot of time dedicated to political drama and comedy. It's also very risque for its time. As incongruent as this sounds, it actually balances these aspects rather well. The biggest weakness in the story is the ending, which feels somewhat underwhelming after everything building up to it and the final plot twist is more than a little hard to swallow. That being said, I don't think it detracts from the film too much.

The characters, even the side ones, are fairly strong and memorable and the acting is quite good as well. A few of the actors even act more like French actors than American ones. The villain is especially great. The only one of the main cast who feels like a typical Hollywood actor from the 50's is Janet Leigh but she's still adequate in her role.

The visuals, like I said, are ahead of their time. Only by a about a decade or so though; it certainly doesn't look modern. The most famous thing about this movie is the 5-minute long swordfight at the end. Despite its length, that fight scene is able to maintain a high level of excitement and tension throughout which is quite a feat since you know the hero is going to win in the end. There are many other swordfights in the movie too and they're all used pretty intelligently to serve the plot. What's nice about the fight scenes is that there's very little music in them and the silence helps tremendously.

Overall, I give Scaramouche an 8/10.


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Found Black Narcissus (1947) by accident on my hard drive, no idea when or why I downloaded it.

A couple of nuns take over a decrepit pleasure palace in nothern India in the 1930's and are driven crazy by the environment. I'm glad I took the time to view it without distractions, tons of attention to detail and difficult shots.


That's another one that looks ahead of its time.


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I should have known Narcissus was a reference to a Greek God and not an original gimmick in the WWF.

Film looks amazing btw.


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This is one of those movies that seems like it should be trash but somehow turns out to be pretty good. It feels much more Chinese than any other John Woo movie I've seen. And that's not just because of the setting either. The entire tone of the movie and the behavior of the characters felt very alien to my Western sensibilities. There were several points where certain things the characters do would have shattered my suspension of disbelief if I hadn't been familiar of enough with Chinese people and their culture to know that they just act like this sometimes. I still found many of the characters likeable in spite of all that and the villains are good too.
It doesn't look much like a John Woo movie for the first two thirds. I got the impression that there are very strict rules that martial arts films like this have to adhere too which can tie down a director's individual style. However, you start to see Woo's style shine through a lot in the last act. The fight scenes become so over the top that you just accept, and even appreciate the insanity. There are many moments where something makes absolutely no sense but still works. For example, there's one fight scene where a character is suddenly able to fly for no reason. At no point in the movie up until now has he had this ability, and it is never explained why he can do this now. But, in that moment, him being able to fly feels so right that you don't even question it. It's almost like a dream.


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Just finished The Conversation (1974). Very, very good character study with a great twist. By far the best of those post-Watergate paranoia films. It almost seems like a companion piece to Taxi Driver, which is one of my favorite movies, and was made around the same time. There are parts that almost seem to anticipate Jacob's Ladder and the works of David Lynch. I can't think of a single flaw with it. An absolute 10/10.
And yet, in spite of all that, it just didn't click with me for some reason. The Conversation is one of those movies that I appreciate a lot on an intellectual level but wasn't moved by very much on an emotional level. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for this sort of movie. Still though, I recommend it to anyone looking for a good film with a paranoid and isolated atmosphere.


You made it look way cooler than it is. Its some chick romance novel thing.


As much as I wish I could be a filmfag, and of course it's a hat I can wear from time to time, I just have to add to the discourse in a more realistic way. I haven't seen his entire filmography (Gene Hackman), but it seems like a theme in his career to star in movies involving surveillance. He might be typecast but in a different way. I think actors are chosen for works based on their ability to attract certain demographic audiences. When it comes to brainwashing people, there is always an underlying element at work in a film, and the thing in this film that they would get people to accept is that they are being monitored. This subconscious constant understanding shapes behaviors arguably for the worst. Even if someone isn't scheming maliciously, they are less likely to be their genuine self if they are being observed. The ending is sort of a trick since he plays the sax in defeat and acceptance that he's lost and will never find all the bugs.


There's also the underlying implication that Gene Hackman's fear of having other people know anything about him causes him to push everyone away which in turn makes him miserable. The last scene of the movie, I think, is meant to symbolize how he has destroyed his life in his efforts not to be spied on.


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You're agreeing with me about how that's a subversive lesson, right?


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No, I hate you.


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I watched Beverley Hills Cop last night. The actress who played the girl wasn't very good and the way movie tried to show how close Eddie Murphy is with his friend who gets killed feels a little forced but besides that I liked it. It's not an artistic masterpiece by any means but it's a perfect little movie to watch when you just want to have fun.
Also, I couldn't help but noticed that the structure of the movie is almost exactly like those point and click adventure games of the 80's and 90's. It's like they were all based on this.


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Watched Serpico last night. I liked it overall but was still a little disappointed. The film tries too hard to make you like the main character, especially at the beginning. There's a (completely pointless) scene early on where he and his girlfriend are at a party where he goes around showing all the hippies and art freaks there how cool is and then his girlfriend literally says "Everyone loves you! I love you!" Thankfully the rest of the movie isn't quite that bad. I still think there should have been less focus on his personal life though. Once you get through the first act, it picks up and becomes more about corruption in the police force, which the movie does a really good job of portraying. But even then, something about the story feels too polished for a gritty movie like this.
Also the music is really weird. It often seems to go against the tone of the scene to the point where it become almost comical.
I'd give it maybe a 7/10 at best. I may give it another watch later because I really did want to like this movie.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
My description was accurate, what did you expect from a 1940's movie about nuns. That movie is on several top 100 film lists and still mentioned to this day as an inspiration for a good reason, Jack Cardiff was probably the best person in the world available to make that movie considering his background in India.


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Finally watched pic related after making this thread >>331557
It actually is a good movie and isn't propaganda at all. Modern leftists just make it out to be some kind of "milestone for LGBTQ+ representation" simply because it has a gay and a bisexual character. If it makes any comment on gays and trannies at all (and it really doesn't,) it portrays them in a negative light. It's suggested that Pacino's character only began his relationship with the gay guy because his stopped caring about him. The gay guy/tranny is obviously very, very mentally ill and the only reason he wants the sex change is because some psychiatrist told him it would help his inner turmoil. Not only that, it shows how abusive gay relationships are.
But like I said, it doesn't really make a comment on gays one way or the other, at least not consciously. The gay stuff seems more like a joke than anything else. The entire thing is a comedy, except for the very end where it turns into a bit of a tragedy. The best way I can think of to describe the movie is like a really long episode of Seinfeld where Kramer tries to rob a bank and is also a bisexual.
Really good movie and definitely better than Serpico.


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Midnight Run is a good movie that could have very easily been a great one. As far as buddy comedy movies go, it's one of the best and the ending is especially strong. But everything about feels just slightly off. The actors (even Deniro) don't feel quite as natural as they should, the plot isn't as tight as it should be, the action feels just a little too underwhelming, the visuals just a little too lackluster, the dialog just a bit too ham-fisted and, most of all, the energy is never quite as high it needed to be for a film like this. Midnight Run reminds me a lot of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World but it never comes close to achieving the chaos and frantic pace that film had.
Like I said, it's a good movie, just not a great one.


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I was let down by this one. I enjoyed it up until they got into space and met the ugly, annoying aliens, and then the entire movie was ruined. The subplot with Dick Miller also ended up going nowhere. The Lori Swenson thing felt a bit tacked on too.

I knew little about the movie going in, but apparently it was rushed out the door by the studio. It definitely feels that way. It's too bad, considering how much potential it had. Hopefully Flight of the Navigator is better when I finally get around to seeing it.


Midnight Run is definitely a good watch and it's one of those films that gets better on the second. Not ashamed to admit I've watched it several times since you can never go wrong with buddy films from the era, a lot have hold up over the years. You're right about something being off and that is that the main character was miscasted. De Niro is not an energetic person which you can feel throughout the film that the character was written to be such. I think the writers had someone like Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills cop in mind, De Niro could have played the other freelancer which funny enough was played by josh Ashton who was in Beverly Hills cop


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Jack Cardiff is based beyond belief. He even had a /tv/ waifu folder before the internet existed


I always find it funny how old movie posters like that don't even try pretending like any of the actors are playing characters in the synopses. He's not really playing anybody, he's just "Robert De Niro" lol


I changed my mind. The aliens were actually kino, it just only hits you the next day. I'm unironically considering giving it an 8/10, now.


Nice try.


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Watched "The Warriors" last night. Really fun movie. A lot of it is silly but that's a huge part of the charm. It almost feels like a Greek myth or Arthurian legend but with 1970's New York window dressing.
My only nitpick is that it didn't really make sense to me why the girl goes along with them. Just because she's bored? Also, the actress looked like ten years older than everyone in the movie.


>It almost feels like a Greek myth
Wasn't based on a Greek myth but an ancient Greek account of mercenaries fighting their way back home from Persia


>an ancient Greek account
so a Greek myth


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I watched this last night. The super fast pace, frequent shaky cam, and the fact that most of the actors looked very similar, made it difficult to follow. I had to keep referencing the wikipedia page while watching it to keep track of who was who. It is a very good movie in spite, or maybe because of all that and I feel like it's one of those that gets better and better with repeat viewings. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes crime movies. It's like a much faster paced, much more violent and much more raw version of Goodfellas, set in post-war Japan. The main character was especially interesting. He's both a hardened killer and an naive, idealistic boy scout. You'd never see a character like that in a Western movie unless you go way back.
From what I understand, this is only the first movie in a long series of yakuza films. Are the sequels just as good as this one or are they just cash-grabs?


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Army of Shadows is a very well made film but I didn't have much of a reaction to it for whatever reason. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood or maybe I'm just bored with WWII as a setting. The only thing I noticed that seemed a little odd was how, for most of the movie, only the guy with the glasses has an inner monologue but there are a few scenes where you hear the pilot's inner monologue too. It's just those two characters and no one else and it's not like the pilot is the second most significant character in the movie or anything like that. But that's a very small nitpick. The movie is very well made, it's looks nice, it's shot well, it's structured well, it actually has a plot unlike most French films in the 60's, and it has just enough creative flourishes to make it standout. I just didn't really feel anything while watching it.


I didn't think much of it until i rewatched it later, have seen it 3 times more and the pilot sub-plot stands out along with the final resolutions of the glasses man, both the actual ending and the one when he was in the tunnel.
It's obvious the chinamen in Hong Kong were heavily influenced by Melville because we can see the glaring "real" brotherhood themes with the pilot plot, and i think that market was one of the few in which the movie was shown.
>it's not like the pilot is the second most significant character in the movie
Kinda is, he had the complete journey along with the glasses guy unlike the other guys. For example The Mask started as a kid in terms of behavior but suddenly was a rough hitman next time we see him, The Bison was always tough and the woman had her development behind scenes.
What i note about the movie is how it exactly portrays the french resistance, as a bunch of savvy saboteurs in a functioning society rather than freedom fighting guerrillas in urban warfare like the americans imply.


The four sequels by the same director Hiroshima Deathmatch, Proxy Wars, Police Tactics, and The Final Episode are all absolute fucking kino. Sort of. Like I said in another thread about the Outrage trilogy, if you like this kind of brutal gangster movie, you'll love them. If you don't, there ain't a lot there for you. But. If you like the first, you'll almost undoubtably like the four that come after, they're just variations on the same theme with just enough changed to make it interesting but without trying to like, re-invent the wheel or make them into like romantic comedies or whatever.


It was shit, Armond was right again. It's one of those films where everything wrong with it is very obvious. Easiest, fastest improve would be removing the last 10 minutes since they are meaningless.


It's good but Melville's Alain Delon trilogy are better: Le samourai, Le cercle rouge, and Un flic. Also Le deuxieme souffle and Le doulos


My nitpick with it would be that all the racially homogenous groups are the villains, whereas the heroes are the diverse group. Also the comic book frame transitions in the director's cut version are unnecessary.
He should have stayed with Eleanor Parker, but Janet Leigh is gorgeous
Jean Simmons is hot asf


>My nitpick with it would be that all the racially homogenous groups are the villains, whereas the heroes are the diverse group.
Some of the villains are mixed as well, like the guys dressed like rednecks or the lesbians.
>Also the comic book frame transitions in the director's cut version are unnecessary.
I heard about these. Thankfully, I watched the original cut. It sounds like a dumb idea.


>Also the comic book frame transitions in the director's cut version are unnecessary.
They look completely retarded and clash with the rest of the movie.
>Jean Simmons is hot asf
What do you think of Paul Stanley? :^)


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The Big Heat is kino. Better than The Big Sleep and about as good as The Big Combo. Next on my list is The Big Knife, which I've heard mixed things about.


Heat real big
Sleep real big
Combo real big
Let me tell you how it is


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>order a BIG COMBO
>cooked with BIG HEAT
>have a BIG SLEEP afterwards
>mfw I'm lovin' it


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Con tic tacs
Of coursseeee


>The Big Heat is kino. Better than The Big Sleep


I don't get it. Probably because I've never eaten that "tic tacs" shit.


If you know, you know


Tictacs in USA are 1.5 calories each. In EU, they are 2. Eu tictacs are fluffier as they dissolve almost like a hard marshmallow. USA ones dissolve into a shitty rock, and they do so quickly.


So it's about circumcision. I knew it had something to do with penises.


Tictacs are goyslop. Like most "breath fresheners," they're sweetened with aspartame.


No shit, but USA gets the shit end of the goyslop even.


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People make such a big deal over this movie being made during the German occupation of France that I went into it half expecting the whole thing to be an allegory about WW2. Thankfully, unless it all went over my head, the movie itself seemed completely removed from the era it was created in. It does an amazing job at capturing the spirit of novels written in the early to mid 1800's. If authors like Victor Hugo and Honore de Balzac had access to filmmaking technology back then, this is exactly the kind of thing they would have made. I actually thought it was an adaption of one of those novels at first. The writing is certainly good enough to stand alongside something like Balzac's Human Comedy. I honestly wouldn't mind reading a novel adaption of the story if such a thing exist. That's how strong it is.
The movie looks very good, thanks in large part to the set design. The pantomime scenes in particular are quite beautiful.
I really appreciate the lack of music in the dramatic things. 99% of the reason pre-60's movies seem corny and melodramatic to modern audiences is because of the orchestral swells they played over everything back then.
The acting is also very strong but my main nitpick with the film is that the actress whose plays the female lead looks at least 10 years too old for the role. She looks like she could be the mother of some of the men who are in love with her. I actually thought this was why the mime was so obsessed with her. We see his father in the movie but not his mother, so I thought that maybe the mime was really just looking for a mother figure. But that's probably not what the writer or director intended.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
netflix's city hunter
it was fun, mostly just feels like a long episode of the show


You convinced me to actually watch something from Netflix, bravo.


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Meh. I was spoiled on the ending before I saw the film but they have actually been a good thing since, otherwise, I would have just been irritated with it. It's interesting seeing Edward G. Robinson play a refined, sophisticated role but aside from that, the movie wasn't that remarkable. It reminded me of Hitchcock's lesser films (e.g. I Confess, Stage Freight.)


I got as far as them crashing a drag show with constant zoom in on homo asses, not that the scene where he's stripping wasn't bad enough already. Clearly Netflix wanted to turn this into some gay thing because a perverted straight detective is not allowed in troonworld.

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