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Movies about masons/illumunati/gayness



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Is Trans500 masonic?


Killers of the Flower Moon had an interesting scene in an old masonic lodge.


Blacks on Boys


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spy kids.
da vincis code
under the silver lake


Anything with Cosmo Kramer


National Treasure tries its hardest to make Freemasons seem like heroes.


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came as a surprise in the lawnmowerman


These were from the Burger King kids' meal, right? I think I had collected the left three.


>group of tradesmen who know how to read, but not much else
>read whatever they can find
>haphazardly take ideas from everything they read, even the really stupid stuff, and use them to form a secret club with nonsensical rules and rituals they just made up as they went along
>use club's influence to push their inconsistent meme beliefs on the entire world
The more I learn about the masons, the more they remind me of image board users.


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Killers of the Flower Moon was anti-Masonic kino. Scorsese is so good when he isn't doing mobslop




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I picked up a copy of this book recently. It's about how the Illuminati (the actual group from the 1700s) infiltrated and subverted the Freemasons in the 1770s AND 1780s. At first it looks like your typical tinfoil schizobait, but what's interesting about it is that George Washington owned a copy and, though he may not have actually read the thing, he appears to have agreed with his conclusions. This is interesting because Washington himself was a mason, albeit a relatively low ranking and inactive one. He seems to have believed that the Masonic Lodges in America were not as altogether corrupt as the ones in Europe. But as he himself admits, he had been active in the freemasons since the late 1760s, which was before the Illuminati was even founded.
A German preacher sent a copy of the book to him, and that opened up a fairly lengthy exchange between the two. You can read their letters here: https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/06-02-02-0435


So where are the yids in all this because I know jews hold a big role in masonry, basically using it as the religion for their high-ranking goys.


I don't know. The masons read a lot of the Kabbalah in the early modern era, as well as a lot of hermetic and occult writings. They took ideas from anything that seemed old and mysterious. The freemasons allow Jews to join, but I don't know if it's always been like that or if they only allowed in them later on.


Hermetic ideas are not Jewish but the Jews adapted them for their own purposes.


I'm saying they were reading all that in addition to reading Jewish writings like the Kabbalah.


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Aren't Kabbalistic teachings built on Pythagoreanism to some degree?


A lot of Catholic Teachings have their roots in Roman, not jewish tradition, and yet the abrahamic corruption remains, you can learn a lot about how jews think esoterically but remember that its still literal jewish magic.


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I still have no clue what the hell is a freemason and what they do to supposedly control the world. They sound like a gay sekrit club with weird ways to level up to DND tier ranks, the kind that kids make for fun but these are adults that take it seriously.



Huh, so it is as stupid as I thought


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>interesting scene
>leo gets berated and whacked in the ass for being an idiot
It was funny


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>Leo gets his ass paddled
>No spanking scene with Lily Gladstone
Scorsese is a hack


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What's the relation between jews and freemasons?


Freemason higher-ups are all lucifarians, another branch of extreme abrahamic worship pinned on chosenism, it makes sense that the two groups would intertwine and work together to try and take over the world. Most jew-adjacent white goyim that are a part of the NWO are Freemasons, their are also plenty of jews that are freemasons as well.


Gematria is of Hellenic origin and the ancient Pythagoreans Eudorus and pseudo-Archytas projected their perfect number idea (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10) even on the ten categories of Aristotle, but new age acroams like the innermost part of Keter comprising a tetractys of the Tetragrammaton have a recent origin


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She didn't even fellatio a shotgun, shit film


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They are both larpers claiming to be the originators of knowledge from Ancient Italics and basically both practice kabbalah which is larped schizo nonsense from the original sciences of Ancient Europeans.


From Hell


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For me it's the Church of MeLENdez (famed star of Howard Stern, announcer on the Tonight Show and writer of the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar roast)

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