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Why women are becoming so obsessed with horror books and flicks?
At this point people are saying "horror literature is all about women reading and writing."


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Women need to be oppressed by men. They know this on an instinctive level and long for it. When that oppression is lifted, you get all kinds of weird sublimations, like women wanting to be terrorized and raped.


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There was a study I read that typically when women in mass start getting interested in horror related books/media its a preemptive that the country is going to go into a civil war.


Is that Nuzach's sister?


She doesn't have a Jewish nose.


You aren't meant to be attracted to prebuescent children anon.


you niggers are lucky AI got banned from your corpse forum.


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Which reanimated corpse of a social media you're referring to? Because they're still using Ai, not for art but to pretend they're still the most popular hotshit site of all time. There are three popular twitter offshoots for artists, can you guess which one isn't packed with marxist dykes?


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>you niggers are lucky AI got banned from your corpse forum.


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Sure thing Rabbi Goldbergsilverstein


What was she in again?


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Music videos since she's a singer with only a few literally who level of acting gigs.


A pretty jewess for BWC.


He's right. Actual pedos should be tossed in an oven.


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I gotchu!


Kys emojitranny



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This is Islamophobia! Be better.


This isn't a real Muslim child marriage proposal because there are roasties there without headscarfs.


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….that motherfucker is so lucky. God, why was I born in ZOGmerica? It's really not fair.


I'd guess some groups interpret long hair as a suitable covering, similar to how many christian groups still believe women should cover their heads


After I put my thinking cap on, I realized this is probably Lebanon. Child marriage is big there, and they don't require female head coverings.


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The Middle-East is shit unless you're rich, and when you're rich, national borders don't matter that much, you can do what you want and law enforcement covers for you.


Kill yourself, pedo.


He's right, though.

Young girls should be married off to young bachelors. That's your reward for working hard, a virgin bride you can mold into an honest woman, before soyciety gets to her.


Sure thing, Cakekike


I agree if its actually girls of a traditional marriageable age, aka 14-16, which our ancestors were actually known to practice, because it was normal. most of the men who married them were also around 15-16


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This is true, but traditionally you had the freedom to marry younger girls if you were inclined, the age of consent was based on common law which was 10, and child marriages weren't uncommon, certainly more common than the gay marriages we have today. Guys would often marry girls and wait until they were ready to consummate, because they weren't cumbrains, and there's more to a marriage than sex, like teaching her to be a homemaker.


Cucked faggot. Go sniff your grandma's cunt.
I need to go to the 3rd world and impregnate as many of these women as possible. ZOGmerica is remorselessly kike'd.


So you want to racemix with a bunch of underage girls kike?


Yes I am aware of canon law 1083, but internet pedos would have you believe Europeans were subhumans like mudslimes and consumated the marriage when it wasn't even viable to do so.


Never have a serious relationship with a woman who is obsessed with this kind of thing. Even a vile, bimbo woman is less of a problem in the long run.


I dated a hot big tiddie goth girl before, she turned out pretty well-adjusted, she's a small business owner with a couple of kids.


Apparently Hollywood released a new horror movie that all the bitches are claiming is one of the best and most intelligent movies ever made.

And that bitch OP posted is praising this.


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She is my waifu, please respect her.

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