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File: 1722994242212.png (2.01 MB, 777x1063, 777:1063, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb


Pic related is the thinking man's talking dog movie.


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The Thinking Man's capeshit.


Why that junk looking modern version?

Wrong, its Robocop.


I just grabbed the first one I could find on image search that wasn't also used in the Wikipedia article because I didn't want anons to think I just read the Wikipedia article and didn't actually see the film.


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What a great lil movie!


There's a fan edit that removes the opening narration from the audio, makes the movie much better without a major plot point spoiled in the first few minutes.


>A director's cut of Dark City was officially released on DVD and Blu-ray disc on 29 July 2008. The director's cut removes the opening narration, which Proyas felt explained too much of the plot, and includes approximately eleven minutes of additional footage, most of which extend scenes already present in the theatrical release with additional establishing shots and dialogue
Looks like it was official


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The thinking man's Disney movie.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The thinking mans Animated TV series


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The thinking man's comedian.


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With the thinking man's fetish.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The thinking (wo)man's cartoon


About time you come back. Where the hell have you been, Louis?!?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
he was just certified BASED by mark dice


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>Jewy Rodditgan
How the fuck didn't he notice Rogan switches his script for his convenience like any redditor?


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does cuckquean count?


File: 1723432744151.jpg (42 KB, 268x371, 268:371, If.....jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

The thinking man's edgelord flick.


>No Kung Pow so far


Kung Fu Hustle is a thinking mans film.


Both are really good, I love them both.


Kung Fu Hustle isn't even as funny as your average Jackie Chan movie. The excessive use of CG really ruins the gags.


I don't agree I think the CG is funny. the autistic transformation at the end is funny as well.


Both are good IMO, Jackie Chan's flicks are good before his Hollywood era, Kung Fu Hustle had a lot of soul in it.

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