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YouTube is the new television. Everyone watches it and it's where all of the prime kinographers upload their kino. Therefore, we should be able to talk about it on a kino board.
In semi-recent news, Chuggaconroy, the Big Harv of the LP world, is back on YouTube. Some trannies tried to bully him off the platform over some made up metoo allegations, but he told them to shove and is back making his let's plays again.


Remember when Gahoole made videos?


>some grifter faggot is back in normalfaggotville doing videogame streams
I never watched a single videogame stream. It's a shit version of already shit. I hope the trannys burn it all down. Zoomer scum
Gahoole was buck broken over a year ago, dude.


As a kid I'd aimlessly scroll through channels on TV and I guess I do the same on youtube now. It's the same with TV, some good stuff but a lot of faggotry, ads, people shilling shit, it is so annoying. The e-celeb drama is terrible. Some guy I have no clue about gets into trouble and everyone needs to make a big deal about it, I couldn't care less.


Hey guys its Nuzach already show up to seethe and make another thread be about him! He has the personality of a Jewish woman.


You're the one bringing up nuzach, zoomer retard. Neck yourself.


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you are honestly a very pathetic creature, buddy.


you are a soytranny incel drowning in irony because you're too much of a weak loser to do anything in life. Fuck off back to soyjack.party.




Jewtube sucks for the most part, at least some old channels like smosh had some funny immature humor.


Your projections and COPES are what make you such a funny and easy to fool lolcow.
They are crypto-breadtubers at this point.


Not sure about Ian but Anthony had L.A. rape his brain into becoming a soyjak.


What is a shame, because the guy was actually funny and even good looking, L.A is indeed a fucking cursed place.


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They're called let's plays, you philistine.




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gamer kino


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Some of his nuskits with Ian are still funny, about a year ago they bought back Smosh from the company they made the mistake of making over ten years ago cause both him and Ian realized Smosh was actually the peak of their life and it really wasn't gonna get better. Just don't let him open his mouth outside the skits.


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>The guy who tried his hardest to be sterile and safe enough for his tumblr audience
<Still got allegations out of nowhere


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>you are a soytranny incel drowning in irony because you're too much of a weak loser to do anything in life. Fuck off back to soyjack.party.


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>soyranny zoomer


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Any anons watched oldschool minecraft jewtube? I mean before it even became mainstream.


So what's this big controversy or whatever surrounding Mr. Beast? I've never watched him but youtube has been recommending me videos about his supposed downfall for months.


A frequent guest on his program is a pedophile tranny, or something.


That and he's rather fradulent. Youtuber ChadCat makes TL;DW videos of it which get to the gist of things in seconds.


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I thought it became mainstream the moment people started uploading videos of it


Kek, those niggers never finished SOL.


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Hey guys Yakuza here I jerk off my small Arab dick imaging her being gangbanged by black guys


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I freccking love this dude, he deserve millions of views, we need more creative and funny dudes like him making all the chuds and feminists seethe.


If you ever caught any of his late night phone streams where he's out-of-character, there was one where he admitted he's a crazy person and it bothers him. Kinda dark


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I remember the 911 intros.


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So, the whole mentally ill thing isn't just a character? I figured as much.


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based black man DESTROY captain marvel


He's a local goofball in Youngstown. Townspeople say he's a really nice guy though.


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Yeah, he seems to get along with the locals pretty well.


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Tamers12345 has forgotten Sonic Underground. He now exclusively makes MLP cartoons now. I will never forgive bronies for this.


His quality is dropping, he was gone for a long time and when he finally came back it was just to do meh streams and keep talking about Avatar. Looks like he lost his edgy. Streaming always ruins the best ecelebs who used to make creative content.


kek, I hope tamera brings up equestrias traditional super-fascist system of living.
For sure I think he dropped a lot of his edgier persona, I think unlike metokike he still believes it but I do miss the more raw, out of nowhere unfiltered opinions and edits, thats what he gets for selling oit to jewtubers like mauler I guess.


He stopped doing the edgy stuff because it was getting his videos taken down. Pewdiepie did a video recommending his channel and that put a lot of targets on his back.


It feels like gaming channels in general are becoming less and less of a thing on youtube. I keep seeing more and more channels either mostly doing streams or moving away from games entirely. There are still lots of huge video essays being made about them but those get boring really fast. I don't care how good Mega Man is. It's not worth talking about for 7 hours.


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this one from 6 months ago is still pretty edgy
some of it overlaps with gahoole's review


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I don't think he edited his latest video, the Netflix Avatar review. I'm disappointed, but I also get that editing sucks.


Mauler is a fat faggot.
Synthetic Man is the only guy still having some balls to delivery our kind of content in jewtube in 2024 without caring about everyone hating him or jewtube taking down his videos.
The internet is dying.


Months ago, was kinda funny but not his best. I guess he is really fucking autistic about Avatar, just move on, do videos about something else, nobody cares about fucking Korra or the original Avatar, only menchildren hitting their 30s and most of them are trannies and obese redditors anyway. Do something else, buddy, you already made 30 videos about this shitty western cucknime.


>Months ago, was kinda funny but not his best. I guess he is really fucking autistic about Avatar, just move on, do videos about something else, nobody cares about fucking Korra or the original Avatar, only menchildren hitting their 30s and most of them are trannies and obese redditors anyway. Do something else, buddy, you already made 30 videos about this shitty western cucknime

I happen to be one of those autist, reminder M Night's adaption is unironically better.


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>posted 12 years ago
>WWE fan
>talks about underground flicks
I don't remember anyone posting him in the past.


Damn you found a gem of an autistic channel.

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