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 No.341589[Last 50 Posts]

YouTube is the new television. Everyone watches it and it's where all of the prime kinographers upload their kino. Therefore, we should be able to talk about it on a kino board.
In semi-recent news, Chuggaconroy, the Big Harv of the LP world, is back on YouTube. Some trannies tried to bully him off the platform over some made up metoo allegations, but he told them to shove and is back making his let's plays again.


Remember when Gahoole made videos?


>some grifter faggot is back in normalfaggotville doing videogame streams
I never watched a single videogame stream. It's a shit version of already shit. I hope the trannys burn it all down. Zoomer scum
Gahoole was buck broken over a year ago, dude.


As a kid I'd aimlessly scroll through channels on TV and I guess I do the same on youtube now. It's the same with TV, some good stuff but a lot of faggotry, ads, people shilling shit, it is so annoying. The e-celeb drama is terrible. Some guy I have no clue about gets into trouble and everyone needs to make a big deal about it, I couldn't care less.


Hey guys its Nuzach already show up to seethe and make another thread be about him! He has the personality of a Jewish woman.


You're the one bringing up nuzach, zoomer retard. Neck yourself.


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you are honestly a very pathetic creature, buddy.


you are a soytranny incel drowning in irony because you're too much of a weak loser to do anything in life. Fuck off back to soyjack.party.




Jewtube sucks for the most part, at least some old channels like smosh had some funny immature humor.


Your projections and COPES are what make you such a funny and easy to fool lolcow.
They are crypto-breadtubers at this point.


Not sure about Ian but Anthony had L.A. rape his brain into becoming a soyjak.


What is a shame, because the guy was actually funny and even good looking, L.A is indeed a fucking cursed place.


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They're called let's plays, you philistine.




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gamer kino


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Some of his nuskits with Ian are still funny, about a year ago they bought back Smosh from the company they made the mistake of making over ten years ago cause both him and Ian realized Smosh was actually the peak of their life and it really wasn't gonna get better. Just don't let him open his mouth outside the skits.


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>The guy who tried his hardest to be sterile and safe enough for his tumblr audience
<Still got allegations out of nowhere


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>you are a soytranny incel drowning in irony because you're too much of a weak loser to do anything in life. Fuck off back to soyjack.party.


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>soyranny zoomer


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Any anons watched oldschool minecraft jewtube? I mean before it even became mainstream.


So what's this big controversy or whatever surrounding Mr. Beast? I've never watched him but youtube has been recommending me videos about his supposed downfall for months.


A frequent guest on his program is a pedophile tranny, or something.


That and he's rather fradulent. Youtuber ChadCat makes TL;DW videos of it which get to the gist of things in seconds.


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I thought it became mainstream the moment people started uploading videos of it


Kek, those niggers never finished SOL.


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Hey guys Yakuza here I jerk off my small Arab dick imaging her being gangbanged by black guys


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I freccking love this dude, he deserve millions of views, we need more creative and funny dudes like him making all the chuds and feminists seethe.


If you ever caught any of his late night phone streams where he's out-of-character, there was one where he admitted he's a crazy person and it bothers him. Kinda dark


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I remember the 911 intros.


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So, the whole mentally ill thing isn't just a character? I figured as much.


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based black man DESTROY captain marvel


He's a local goofball in Youngstown. Townspeople say he's a really nice guy though.


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Yeah, he seems to get along with the locals pretty well.


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Tamers12345 has forgotten Sonic Underground. He now exclusively makes MLP cartoons now. I will never forgive bronies for this.


His quality is dropping, he was gone for a long time and when he finally came back it was just to do meh streams and keep talking about Avatar. Looks like he lost his edgy. Streaming always ruins the best ecelebs who used to make creative content.


kek, I hope tamera brings up equestrias traditional super-fascist system of living.
For sure I think he dropped a lot of his edgier persona, I think unlike metokike he still believes it but I do miss the more raw, out of nowhere unfiltered opinions and edits, thats what he gets for selling oit to jewtubers like mauler I guess.


He stopped doing the edgy stuff because it was getting his videos taken down. Pewdiepie did a video recommending his channel and that put a lot of targets on his back.


It feels like gaming channels in general are becoming less and less of a thing on youtube. I keep seeing more and more channels either mostly doing streams or moving away from games entirely. There are still lots of huge video essays being made about them but those get boring really fast. I don't care how good Mega Man is. It's not worth talking about for 7 hours.


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this one from 6 months ago is still pretty edgy
some of it overlaps with gahoole's review


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I don't think he edited his latest video, the Netflix Avatar review. I'm disappointed, but I also get that editing sucks.


Mauler is a fat faggot.
Synthetic Man is the only guy still having some balls to delivery our kind of content in jewtube in 2024 without caring about everyone hating him or jewtube taking down his videos.
The internet is dying.


Months ago, was kinda funny but not his best. I guess he is really fucking autistic about Avatar, just move on, do videos about something else, nobody cares about fucking Korra or the original Avatar, only menchildren hitting their 30s and most of them are trannies and obese redditors anyway. Do something else, buddy, you already made 30 videos about this shitty western cucknime.


>Months ago, was kinda funny but not his best. I guess he is really fucking autistic about Avatar, just move on, do videos about something else, nobody cares about fucking Korra or the original Avatar, only menchildren hitting their 30s and most of them are trannies and obese redditors anyway. Do something else, buddy, you already made 30 videos about this shitty western cucknime

I happen to be one of those autist, reminder M Night's adaption is unironically better.


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>posted 12 years ago
>WWE fan
>talks about underground flicks
I don't remember anyone posting him in the past.


Damn you found a gem of an autistic channel.


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I don't think he is autistic, but most of his vids seems to be kinda shadowbanned by jewtube.
I do enjoy Brandon Tenold, Stoned Gremlin Productions and other guys who make flick reviews in the same format.


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Yeah I skip all his Avatar vids, I watched maybe 15-25 episodes of the original over a decade ago and maybe the movie once
pretty sure Avatar is one of those things where you watch it for a bit then start asking yourself why you're not just watching real anime instead
Brad really brings the kino sometimes


Brad has made consistent kino for over a decade.


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Hello, Hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic! Hello, Hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic!


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His mouth is open like that because he wants someone to put a cock in it


good to see the coon is thinking of gay sex as always.


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You let THAT gremlin live in your head rentfree? lmao



That's a tranny. She had sex with black guys. Emoji jerk off watching her all the time and that's why his parents sent him to work at McDonald's.
Yakuza won.


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>That's a tranny. She had sex with black guys
I hate to burst your bubble (I don't) but trannies are notorious mudsharks. Consider Ivermectin


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Black guys when they finally match with a white girl and it's "Lilith"


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Lulz or like this


god dammit


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This one about the UNIVERSAL and Orlando is to gahoole and wrist, my bros


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New The bad bible movie is out.

And the autistic guy from The Atoll also posted a new video after months.



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Britbong is a fucking narcissistic faggot.
He got The Bad Guys banned from jewtube, they were one of the few things that still made me laugh.


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What happened to the Pinochet guy who made videos about the Young Turks and Ralph?


He went AWOL wants Ralph did something he thought went to far and he also got doxxxxed.


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Posting some Synthetic Man kino ITT


I wanted some Young Turks dabbing tbqh, I know he used to be kinda faggot with some dramas, but jewtube have zero joy and creative content anymore.
Didn't he btfo'd a lot of grifters, foxdicks and left-wingers with a recent vid?


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>What a fucking shizo


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>Didn't he btfo'd a lot of grifters, foxdicks and left-wingers with a recent vid?
Pretty much, yeah. Hopefully his content will help motivate more youtubers to speak out against leftists and fence-sitters.


Unironically syntheticman is one of the only jewtubers I have seen that hasn't sold put on his beliefs which is pretty shocking. Hes a rare species.


Pathetic Bum should review some job applications on his next video


Considering he doesn't take seriously jewtube unlike the vast majority of numales who keep on avoiding upsetting their autistic cattle, might as well fill in for a low wage job and share stories on how retarded the mixed race can get.


Yeah why can't those mixed race people get a clue? They should be intelligent winners like Synthetic Gooner who makes videos for no money for the low low cost of being unemployable and a social pariah


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I don't think there's any need for that. I hear he already shares some of his jewtube money with his mom to help pay rent.


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Whoever said that you can make a career in videoblogging should fellatio a loaded shotgun, Soynthetic ManBaby has proved the opposite fucking Mike Matei and Kyle Justin dodged a bullet while leaving James Rolfe choking on soy latte stuck with an audience who thinks self-castration is an improvement.


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Honestly enjoy his videos but if you have taken long enough to listen to his streams you will find out he is sort of stuck in place in a lot of ways. Can't entirely blame him since hes fucked like most modern men and their isn't really a reason to contribute to a dying society.

Be Honest what are Syntheticmans chance's of actually getting a woman? I think he could hold down a job if it was in the middle of nowhere but his chances of having a career are over after all the things he has said with his face out there, especially with all the tranny freaks that orbit him around from discord/trannyfarms.

He's an admitted porn-addict as well who has spoken over and over again how bad it is for him and that he doesn't look at it as much but how its essentially broken him, all things considered hes doing pretty okay for a NEET. I think he probably would have killed himself at some point if he wasn't making his videos, and I'm pretty sure he admitted to wanting to kill himself multiple times.

>Mike Matei and Kyle Justin dodged a bullet while leaving James Rolfe choking on soy latte stuck with an audience who thinks self-castration is an improvement

Honestly don't entirely get what you mean, mike is the original autistic manbaby, hes actually a handsome guy who could have been a successful cartoonist, and he was one of the original successful independent video makers on the internet. He even has an okay girlfriend, but now that hes pushing 40 he has no children, mike has already decided he doesn't care about the future and in his own paraphrased words:
<I'll shittalk games I hate until I'm dead
Kyle on the other hand actually became a successful normal guy with a pretty big family, props to him.

James technically had a family. yes his daughters are technically jewish since April is a jewkranion jewess who ran a blog obsessing over aborted fetus, and yes shes the reason the nigger kiss exists. But, technically james also reproduced.

I'll get back to it though, what do you think a dead end like syntheticman, some guy who has no future should do besides what hes doing? I am not a fan of being a jewtuber whatsoever but I'd rather him do this than kill himself.

I also don't really see whats wrong with being a manchild with self-awareness since literally every single generation have been adult children in mass starting with the boomers.


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>I'll get back to it though, what do you think a dead end like syntheticman, some guy who has no future should do besides what hes doing?
Dysgenic Man could start with actually playing the games he's critiquing since he seemingly has no idea who Harding is or that she's not the first dwarf to use magic (Sandal, Shaper Valta)


Anon what do you expect from a redditor who got redpilled by gamergate? Don't get me wrong hes a fun youtuber and I enjoy his videos but especially in some of his older videos he does play up the contrarianism just to farm hate views from normalfags.

Honestly liked his latest video because I agree with him but I basically see him as in a similar situation to most hobbyist in general when gamergay got around
<our hobbies are dead fuck lets complain about it a lot
Maybe its overstating it since he actually makes videos and does streams where he talks about how much he still enjoys the oldschool games that he played, like dead rising as a recent example or the classic sonic/resident evil games of the 2000s.

He never even wanted to critique the latest dragon goy he if you watched the entire video he said to not even bother playing it but how the kike shit in it and actually buying it is retarded. Honestly I think there is a place for an autist like him that brings up how shit things are I just feel bad because I think so many people feel they are at a dead end with their hobbies, its understandable since normalfags ruined them but I feel like many anons today lack the creative energy they once had.


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Trannys btfo'd


I hate trannies


He posted it again, very nice.




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nip slip 21:32


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Someone fucked up putting the life rune instead of the death rune aka the "peace" sign.


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Shame cosmotheism never really took off, not personally my cup of tea but it seems like a decent post-societal religion to guide whites through the dankness.


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He also called out Disney being brainrot propaganda for boomers.


Just follow Asatru. Cosmotheism was tbh a cringe name.


Imagine doing hasbara for free on a niche Mongolian basket weaving forum.


Muh oppressed POCs deserve to be shat on too.


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You think they'll ever realize that they are the problem? I kinda wish they wouldn't ever, because modern day soft lynching is pretty meme worthy.


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>closed body
>that close to the corner
>head turned looking away that much
I remember the video, the nigger tried to get a high five or something out of her and she seemed really uncomfortable trying her best to ignore him.
And the nigger likely didn't even realize it, completely engrossed in his own world for dancing like an idiot while everyone else too were uncomfortable.


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>Golden goblin
Is it really hard to call out the nigger stereotype? Of course, once redditors caught wind of the killjoy going ape they always come out with the most retarded insults just not upset their own sensitive kind.


They're really good at fantasizing a story in their head and following through with the delusion. The last 8 years where they felt the world was on their side really elevated their chimpery.


he was called "a golden goblin" because the streamers who hunted him got a huge uptick in viewers, thus increasing their revenue. the nigger created a metaphysical larp by accident due to it's nature. these times we live in mang…


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Wtf, this manbaby filled with hatred should be downvoted to heck. He's not being positive


what an ignoring nigger, couldn't believe it possible for me to hate a sandnigger more than a kike but it happened with this faggot.


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>Who hurt him?
>Why is he trashing on my retarded preschooler comics?
<I'm a big boy and can handle heavy and mature topics
<But he just said that I'm a dumb fucking nigger, waaaaaaah
This is why ComicsGate was a miscarriage.


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What are the best gaming channels you know of? I found one called Electric Underground that I really like. In depth analysis of old video games by a guy who at least appears to not be on HRT. So many retro video game channels are either run by trannies or tranny-adjacent soyim.


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I don't really watch many anymore. SsethTzeentach is probably my current favorite. LGR was my favorite for a while, but I stopped paying attention and read that he's lost his passion and gotten complacent in what he puts out now. I like what I've seen of the Ross's Game Dungeon series from Accursed Farms. I used to be a regular Game Sack viewer but am not sure if it's still any good. Synthetic Man was a breath of fresh air when he was up on JewTube, although I had no interest in the games he'd cover.


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American Comics post 1930s were never good to begin with.


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/ourguy/and based AI girl.


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While the plebs here have shitty liberal waifus who pretend to be weird and autistic for millions of viewers, a patrician like me really appreciate true autistic girls who love movies and barely get any attention.


There are things I like about Gremlins, but it's beyond me why some people think it's some kind of all-time classic. They're not necessarily all bad, but I think Gahoole was right when he called horror comedies a Reddit genre.

Little Monsters is one I haven't seen since I was like 8 or 9 and remember being kind of cringy even then.


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>hates Blazing Saddles, not because of the racism, but because of the fart the jokes
Genuinely don't know what to make of this.


Blazing Saddles was antiwhite propaganda that used racial humor to make the poz easier to swallow.


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And Mel Brooks started this trend of "mature" comedies but it was all fucking juvenile humor, Spaceballs was rated PG only because of the swearing.


Spaceballs is an interesting case, it would never be rated PG if it were made today, it would be a borderline PG-13/R due to the adult humor and profanity.


That looks like fucking ghallager


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What if Ron Jeremy is the third Gallagher brother?


These days the R barrier is how many swears it has. You can have all the sexual innuendo in pg-13 but if you say bitch more than twice or fuck more than once then you're R rated.


This swearing regime has been about the same since the '90s, but a lot of sexual situations and dialogue which would've flown as PG-13 back then would now be moved to R. There used to be occasional brief nudity in some PG-13 films, but I'm pretty sure that hasn't occurred for decades by now. And a great many PG films of the '80s would most surely be PG-13 now, for language, violence, and sexual content. Pretty much any violence that goes beyond slapstick such as showing people being killed now goes straight to PG-13.


Tamers recently had a form open for his next FAQ, which he will animate. Purps, the ponyfag who handled his first interview, may as well be his handler now. Rumor has it that if you answer positive for being a modern Sonic fan, your responses will be ignored.
E;R has gone downhill since he came back after losing his memory from meds. He's bad at video games and hangs around an annoying center-right Xitterfag. His fascination with AI voices makes the streams unwatchable. He has started streaming video games on his main channel. It's a shame.


The world needs more women like her.


EFAP is trying to make E;R go after Synthetic Man for being a nazi racist instead of just being "edgy" and "joking" about it like E;R.
So yes redditards are taking over E:R fanbase.


>sup crackas I got buck broken by a children's cartoon in which some failed artists project their fantasy revenge on white people
<Produced by Yisdney, man nigga they fell off


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Anyone else like CineRanter?


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anyone else like wwe interviews?


shoot interviews are better than most wrestling if you have an idea about what they're talking about


bro. tell me the kayfabe curtain call scene didn't elevate the industry


Ofc it did. Caused the last great boom


outstanding realism will never be topped


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I watched this with no knowledge of wrestling beyond basic shit like who The Rock is. I understand it was probably only entertaining because it condensed decades of TV history into six episodes but I thought it was docukino

Is there any other good behind the scenes stuff like this?


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right off the top of my head would be "Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows".
the recent documentary "Who Killed WCW?" comes to mind as well.
And now that I'm thinking about it, Vice's "Behind the Ring" show is actually fucking amazing, and I hate Vice.


"Dark side of the Ring" not "Beyond the ring", sorry.


>CP is posted two seconds after coonseether comes back to spazz out

truly a mystery


>a film by Paul Jay
Really sad what happened to this guy. Daniel Ellsberg is long dead now, the world is closest to nuclear exchange in history, and his Doomsday Machine documentary is nowhere in sight.


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Couldn't he chose a much more annoying audio for his intro?


>presidup doug


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File: 1733781837866-4.mp4 (2.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Synthetic Man - There you ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Posting some more Synthetic Man kino.


Thanks for the kino


>EFAP is trying to make E;R go after Synthetic Man for being a nazi racist instead of just being "edgy" and "joking" about it like E;R
Seriously? I hope he's smart enough not to listen to them. I remember seeing him say he browsed 8/pol/ in the comments of one of videos years ago, before 8chan went down, so I don't know how much of his edgy jokes really are just jokes.


E;R sadly went down bellow in the e-celeb pipeline, for being a literal r/kotakuinaction user synthetic man has never truly cucked on his believes, it goes to show how strong they are for such an autist like him. I am unsure if E;R ever had as strong beliefs.


>Fence sitting EDiot
It's always the case with these fags who refuse to stick to their guns, how long until he follows ShortFatOtaku's path?
>Tranny apologist
>Nanny for pedophiles
>Mocks the death of anyone who had different political views
>Dickrides liberals and turn a blind eye at their crimes
Or just another TurkeyTom who ended up getting cucked and pulls out essays of "right-wingers are flawed" after exposing lolcows.


File: 1734114795258.jpg (339.43 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Mark looking like a total ….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

one mann is going to stand with synthetic man til the last second.


File: 1734240260006.jpg (90.07 KB, 1197x261, 133:29, Cosmo Kramer improves Yout….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

That is if he doesn't end up crying: "schizo"


Based Synthetic Man had almost 5k live viewers during the gaming awards, more than any anti-woke faggot or major gaming channels.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
A new challenger has appeared, I've lost the count at how many numales are seething at his channel.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Remember when Earwinson and his cappos tried to force the term "Kino dogma 2007"?
This is the real deal.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
These small channel interviews are kino


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I didn't get it


I thought that was Max Hardcore at first.

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