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 No.346432[Watch Thread][Reply]

Forever the queen of /tv/


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Get some taste incel


Emojitroon = Zach's half-brother

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.346344[Watch Thread][Reply]>>346368

it's up


>>346344 (OP)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Here the real kino


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>The Futacast


Okay Mauler, you can go back to watching your blacked along with your tranny and furfag friends.

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 No.342062[Watch Thread][Reply]

This girl I know from our threatre days she starred in quite a few movies over the last few years and remember hearing that at least a couple of them feature her in some nude sex scenes and been trying to find out which ones those are
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Good night sir


I am from Mumbai


I'd really like to know if anyone found anything




good morning sir

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 No.346008[Watch Thread][Reply]>>346375

EVA is now certified kino
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Anno is the biggest hack in the history of Japan


He looks like a kike.


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>soul vs soulless
old anime > new anime


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>>346008 (OP)
>Gaynass went bankrupt
<Literally Evangelion is the only shit that paid off the debt of their local bankers
You can(not) support your local tranimu gooks enough


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 No.344388[Watch Thread][Reply]

I liked Sleeper, and What's Up Tiger Lilly was funny for 20 minutes or so before the gimmick got old. Everything else is pretty boring. His "dramadies" are neither very funny nor engaging.
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Stop being Antisemitic, I am Jewish btw.


>Hello I'm a girl btw ^_^
Hello, jew.

What is the meaning of this? From a kabbalistic approach
>mimmaon qadsheka min hashamayim


We need proofs of you being jewish


He sucks


I am atheist. teehee.

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 No.341617[Watch Thread][Reply]>>343668>>346354>>346361

Remember when she lied about the productors ?
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>>341617 (OP)
Is it true that whore is on onlyfans now ?


I can tell this is ahistorical garbage with a single glance. Gladiators did not have visible abs. They deliberately had some blubber to protect themselves from shallow cuts.


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Because was a manly and yet silly show, but despise all the greenscreens it had a soul.


>>341617 (OP)
What was the lie?


>>341617 (OP)
Who is this slut?

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 No.346067[Watch Thread][Reply]>>346345

>Karan, a feared hitman, falls in love with Kajal but she is married off to Raju. However, when Raju plans to expose his father's illegal activities, Karan is hired to kill him.
Sounds kino to me


According to Will Durant, women in ancient India got offended if a man simply asked for their hand in marriage without attempting to buy them or kidnap them. It was like saying "You're not even worth kidnapping." I usually take what Durant says with a grain of salt, but this sounds like it could be true.


It went from that to the dowry system where the woman's family have to pay an amount to the man's family as a way thanking them for marrying their daughter.


Kidnap-rape-marriage culture is more prevalent in central Asian countries.


>>346067 (OP)
He's doing the Ramon face

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 No.345769[Watch Thread][Reply]

>During the Russian Revolution, Yuri Zhivago (Omar Sharif), is a young doctor who has been raised by his aunt and uncle following his father's suicide. Yuri falls in love with beautiful Lara Guishar (Julie Christie), who has been having an affair with her mother's lover, Victor Komarovsky (Rod Steiger), an unscrupulous businessman. Yuri, however, ends up marrying his cousin, Tonya (Geraldine Chaplin). But when he and Lara meet again years later, the spark of love reignites.

>Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot. And every family likes How the Grinch Stole Christmas! a lot! This joyous, heart-tickling holiday event based on Dr Seuss' beloved book and featuring the voice of Boris Karloff has delighted all ages since its 1966 debut.

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Coming-of-age
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Merry Christmas!


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Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991)


I don't like killers.


The Blue Lagoon (1980)


I never watched it once I learned they used a body double for Brooke.

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 No.342408[Watch Thread][Reply]>>342963

Evil Toons with David Carradine, he literally acts like a creepy and hangs himself.
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That shit is just pretentious, and all his roles on pretentious emotional flicks are just bad.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>342408 (OP)
Family guy saying bruce jenner was a tranny.

Also NSA was whistle blown back 2003 by some guy working at ATT.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The movies did predict he'd die, just like the Simpsons predicting death.


That movie with that vampire hapa, yes that one

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 No.346006[Watch Thread][Reply]

>Early 70s
>gritty, experimental, morally grey films with uncertain plots primarily focused on analyzing people, ideas, and society as a whole
>most notable genre is drama
>closest thing to action movies are disaster movies
>science fiction films are usually political allegories
>humor is mostly either high-brow references or very awkward attempts at sex jokes; very WASP-ish

>Late 70s

>more refined with simpler, yet more likable characters, tighter, yet more predictable plots, and clearly defined good guys and bad guys
>more interested in giving the audience a good time rather than making them think
>most notable genre is proto-blockbuster action-adventure films
>science fiction is basically fantasy with a heavy emphasis on spectacle
>comedy is less sophisticated, but more universal; very Jewish
>even the dramas are significantly more polished and operatic than the ones from earlier in the decade

What caused this dramatic shift in the middle of the 70s?
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Angloids can't compete with medbvlls


I've always thought the 70s were the most culturally irrelevant years of the twentieth century, along with the 1910s.
But in the last few years I've noticed that I like the women and books of that era. Even some of the movies from that decade are interesting. And all the women and men born in that era seem to be attracted to me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I disagree completely as far as music is concerned. The late '70s had much more going on.
It's been kind of a grower decade for me.


What do you think is in that bottle, chud?


Micro plastic, fluoride, preservatives and transgenic vegetable protein. Very yuuum.

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