>>342236>I generally see that guy just posting gnostic slop like so many othersAny of videos are naturally subversive, I don't remember the ones I skimmed through entirely but its the same jewish-post religious lens that seeks to turn esotaric knowledge into something redditors can make a post-modern set of tropes to define themselves as someone or something unique.
<I am le alchemist Now I just remembered seeing one of his videos glorifying how the jewish god eventually grew to be le one gawd, you can see his pride in feeling how deceited all the goyim have been.
Maybe hes not as openly subversive as other jewish/leftist channels but there is something about seeing actual traditional knowledge be interpeted and marketed by the literal modern day "tee-hee I'm such a nerd" that deeply angers me. The fact that he is a jew makes it all the more sterotypical.
I have seen in the last 15 years every form if escape or what remained of a decent society be raped and ruined by bugmen like this subhuman.