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 No.347733[Watch Thread][Reply]>>347761

Waifu #89
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Ugly troon.


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>>347733 (OP)
2D > 3D


Buld to Green Horse Cock.




So sick of these midget waifus

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 No.341589[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

YouTube is the new television. Everyone watches it and it's where all of the prime kinographers upload their kino. Therefore, we should be able to talk about it on a kino board.
In semi-recent news, Chuggaconroy, the Big Harv of the LP world, is back on YouTube. Some trannies tried to bully him off the platform over some made up metoo allegations, but he told them to shove and is back making his let's plays again.
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
As in the past: where niggers got lynched legally and women had tight dogleashes


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I just came across this last night.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The woke awards 2024 edition


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I'm almost done with this series. It's definitely worth a watch.

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 No.347142[Watch Thread][Reply]

Why do so many great movies have homosexual undertones? Is being gay kino? Or agenda by the homoglobo?
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As a gay man who loves shoving cocks up my broken ass, I can affirm that being homo is the best thing ever. Please somebody give me AIDS I want to die the loser I was born to be.


Hot places make people gay.


are the black guys on grindr still rejecting you? oof!


Is there any related meaning behind her in poltard Russia-Ukraine war memes?


Those are newfags and actual professional shills from both militaries, that's why they're so easily impressed by some tsundere bitch character from 30 years ago that even the most hardcore coomer oldfags have moved on from.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.347886[Watch Thread][Reply]

Katie, a freelance video editor in desperate need of work, receives a high-paying offer to edit a cryptic and bizarre video from an anonymous employer. Strapped for cash and facing eviction, Katie eagerly accepts the gig. The video depicts people being tortured and even killed on camera - surely just elaborately staged fiction. But when the first job leads to even more lucrative work, and more disturbingly realistic snuff films, Katie's life begins to crumble. Strange figures in her apartment, horrific nightmares keeping her awake, and a mysterious illness plaguing her cat. It's only when Katie decides to finally quit the job that she learns just how cruel her anonymous employer really is, and to what bloody lengths she herself will go to get out of her contract.



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We all have parasites inside us, Anon, whether or not we interact with cats.


No thanks, I don't want brain parasites.



You're the nigger. There are cancer cells inside you right now that your immune system can just kill, that doesn't mean you should think cancer itself is something trivial.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.345074[Watch Thread][Reply]

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Based Vargposter.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Movie 28 was announced: The One-Eyed Flashback


Detective Conan will exist as long as Japan exists.


Anons, any experience with Hidive? Do they have a lot of uncensored stuff, or is it like Crunchyroll with mostly TV editions?


don't know because I get everything from nyaa and archive.org

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 No.347062[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>You will live to see man made horrors beyond your comprehension!
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So close anon, but actually race isn't real at all. You cannot define race in a way that's consistent with modern genetics. It's nothing more than a spook invented in the 19th century to legitimize colonialism (and slavery).



>there are "people" out there who genuinely believe this


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Ok, Sargon.


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Shut up, you moronic kike.

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 No.345609[Watch Thread][Reply]

This was the only good movie any of the actors in this movie (besides Willis and Keitel) have ever been in. Prove me wrong.
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Oh right. I forgot they were in Pulp Fiction. I guess I'm mainly talking about Travolta, Jackson, and Thurman.


Travolta and Thurman were in two or three other good films. But their careers really suck.


Travolta in Saturday Night Fever was pretty good, memes aside. In Pulp Fiction he didn't really act, they were just rehearsing a cartoonish version of a previous role, for example Travolta was doing a Fever/Grease joke.
Willis was just being Die Hard and Jackson was being an overly dramatic hood nigger like in Menace 2 Society/Juice.
It's all a con, "act like in that movie bro, just relax" is a simplistic retarded instruction but it does really work when the actors are seasoned, either bad or not.




Tarantino was going to give the role to that other guy, the character wasn't made for an actor with crazy energy like Travolta.

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 No.348074[Watch Thread][Reply]>>348076



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>>348074 (OP)
>going towards the light
>despite being a soulless bug

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 No.347954[Watch Thread][Reply]

After Macs finds his pride which was the most retarded, lame display of faggotry, self gratifying shallow trash. Its never been the same. You could see the show going backwards but , my God that episode was a pipe full of sewer water from San Franciscos vile sodomite pit of hate. From what I have seen from there podcast Rob is basically another sociopath leftard rot worshiper. I honestly hope Rob gets raped by a pack of niggers.

>Kaitlin olsons face

Don't know what in the fuck happened there but, its not even pointed out she looks a retired las vegas hooker.


It got much worst when Rob got more involved then became reddit tier chatgpt writing.
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Yea I think they all got old and tired to fight rob on his faggy quest to make it a mindless reddit show.


They have had plenty of niggers on the show but, I don't remember them putting them in a good light.


>Pathological liar

I mean they got blacks pretty good for the area its self.


The show became a zombie show, it hss bi right to exist.


*has no right to exist anymore, much like the simpsons, its continued existence is an insult to everything decent. Its also an insult to the show when it used to have some substance.


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Shitty shows that should've been put down 20 years ago will last as long liberalism keeps getting funded, compared to marxist propaganda: Liberals know how to disguise their shit and emotionally manipulate their cattle, so yeah there's a slight difference between both anti-white tumors.

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 No.331158[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just saw Scaramouche (1952). An 18th century revenge tale about a man who plays a clown in a theater troupe by day as he plots to kill a heartless aristocrat by night to avenge the death of his best friend and foster brother.

The film feels very ahead of its time both visually and in terms of writing. This is probably because it blends elements of several different genres, which seems to have confused the critics of its day. It's essentially a swashbuckler but with a lot of time dedicated to political drama and comedy. It's also very risque for its time. As incongruent as this sounds, it actually balances these aspects rather well. The biggest weakness in the story is the ending, which feels somewhat underwhelming after everything building up to it and the final plot twist is more than a little hard to swallow. That being said, I don't think it detracts from the film too much.

The characters, even the side ones, are fairly strong and memorable and the acting is quite good as well. A few of the actors even act more like French actors than American ones. The villain is especially great. The only one of the main cast who feels like a typical Hollywood actor from the 50's is Janet Leigh but she's still adequate in her role.

The visuals, like I said, are ahead of their time. Only by a about a decade or so though; it certainly doesn't look modern. The most famous thing about this movie is the 5-minute long swordfight at the end. Despite its length, that fight scene is able to maintain a high level of excitement and tension throughout which is quite a feat since you know the hero is going to win in the end. There are many other swordfights in the movie too and they're all used pretty intelligently to serve the plot. What's nice about the fight scenes is that there's very little music in them and the silence helps tremendously.

Overall, I give Scaramouche an 8/10.
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forgot muh pic


The character isn't really a manic pixie dream girl. She's like a 12 year old girl's idea of a cool biker chick. The film starts with her riding around on her motorcycle, looking at various statues of lions and pumping her fist. She carries a pocket knife that she always opens by pulling the blade out with her teeth. She goes around stealing things and cutting the eyes out of posters for no reason. There's a scene where she wakes up in the morning and does these autistic martial arts poses while yelling.
I can't find any videos of it on YouTube or else I'd post it.


Romanticization of the crusty girls; sounds familiar.


I was interested in seeing this one for a while, but I decided to actually watch it once David Lynch was dead. I thought it was perfectly watchable and did a good job exposing Transcendental Meditation for an uninformed person like me but would have preferred less time spent on the director's personal life.


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Watched it on tubi. It was kino, Trinity mommy feeding her boy toy tendies. 8/10 better than Warm Bodies.

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