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 No.340216[Watch Thread][Reply]

Post the sauce for this swarthy Arab looking wench so we can beat our incel meat, coons not invited.
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>Children born out of wedlock are responsible for ALL societal problems.
No who and what you're thinking of there are niggers






Yo yo

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 No.345873[Watch Thread][Reply]>>345879>>345924

A star of the iconic mid-1980s Australian film Crocodile Dundee has died peacefully at the age of 90.

The enormous saltwater crocodile called Burt that actor Paul Hogan used to help propel his movie to smash-hit status died at a Darwin wildlife park during the weekend, News.com reports.

The beast was estimated to be over 90 years of age, measured more than 15-feet long and weighed about 1500 pounds. After appearing in the 1986 film, he spent the past 16 years at Crocosaurus Cove in the Northern Territory.

A spokesperson for the attraction broke the news of Burt's death on Monday morning.

In a statement posted on Instagram, the wildlife centre wrote: "It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Burt, the iconic saltwater crocodile and star of the Australian classic Crocodile Dundee."

In the film, character Mick Dundee (Hogan) swaps the Australian outback for the jungle of New York after meeting American reporter Sue Charlton (Kozlowski), who eventually falls in love with him.

The croc is famously seen in the scene where Kozlowski's character is attacked as she kneels next to a creek.

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>>345873 (OP)
I thought it was going to be Paul Hogan, but I guess reptiles can have serious longevity.




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>>345873 (OP)
You forgot the role that gave him notoriety from the public: Beebo.


>In December 2015, the St Helena veterinarian Joe Hollins said that Jonathan was "alive and well […] He's blind from cataracts, has lost his sense of smell, and so cannot detect food (his fellow giants mug him and can detect the tiniest morsel dropped on the ground), but he has retained excellent hearing."[1] In January 2016, the BBC reported that Jonathan was given a new diet intended to keep him healthy and extend his life.[13] Due to his advanced age, Jonathan spends his days doing almost everything with his mate Frederik, another male tortoise he was introduced to in 1991, including eating, sleeping and having sex
WTF he's alive but is gay old cripple. Nature wouldn't allow this.

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 No.338800[Watch Thread][Reply]

Pic related is the thinking man's talking dog movie.
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It's the chad version of J.D. Vance!


>is it predictive programming?
>about young White woman having kids


She probably changed her tune at some point when she realized her time is running out. She's got baby fever now, many women who haven't had one yet get it around that age.


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I volunteer and as a show of my loyalty I will let either dakota or elle piss in my mouth.


Saving Private Ryan is the best war movie.

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 No.345942[Watch Thread][Reply]

Are you ready for your government sanctioned propaganda?
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There's hundreds of "free" channels and hundreds more satellite and cable.
Quantity over quality.


What a bland lineup.


What do they show on the Dave channel?


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Mostly BBC comedy and Top Gear. The sort channel you watch when there's nothing good on.


Never enough BBC

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 No.346023[Watch Thread][Reply]>>346025


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S for suck.


>>346023 (OP)
He's alive, fake





and gay

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 No.337702[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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When will the Japanese finally make manga and anime with male characters that are mature and capable instead of being weaker and dumber than the generic twink or loli? All the simping they earn is being undeserved, they are generally almost as shitty as Westerners.


You can still find hyper-masculine anime but your probably gonna have to go into the past for the majority of it. Nips are about as cucked as westerners when it comes to this stuff, and any masculine characters are often side characters in shonenshit when it comes to modern stuff, or they get character assassinated at some point.


detective conan


>largest population of pedos and faggots in the entire world
ackshually, that would jews


Unironically read Josei manga. Women like seeing strong, independent male leads. If you want, something a bit more extreme, read Josei with the Sexual Violence tag.

[Last 50 Posts]
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 No.345795[Watch Thread][Reply]

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Ramon will take Varg and his whole family's buttholes. He loves white buttholes.


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Does nuzach think he's clever trying to imitate the Ramonfriend?


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 No.345888[Watch Thread][Reply]>>345899>>345925>>345929

What could Hollywood celebrities have done differently to make you vote for Kamala Harris?
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She isn't any less of a zogbot than he is


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>>345888 (OP)
Live stream all the anti-white and faggy celebrities being blown apart by metal storms and hacked with swords.


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>>345888 (OP)
Control and indoctrinate the masses, however their narcissistic asses got out of control and unintentionally exposed what liberalism is all about: just another failed ideology ruled by dykes and numales who'd end bending over to marxism right after they ditched the functional adults.


>>345888 (OP)
I don't get my politics from trained monkeys.


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Then it's over, joever and bidone.

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 No.345340[Watch Thread][Reply]

>Danny Boyle directing
>Not a single nigger
>Vintage radio recording
>28 days Later MC cameo
>Theaters Only
Yeah, I'm thinking kino

Don't watch the "sequel" though, they're making this a trilogy with niggers and faggots involved to give jobs to their faggot kids and friends with no talent.
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How British will the film be compared to previous ones?


Not a single towelhead yet, so not much by the looks of things.


>now towelhead
More like kino incoming


That drawing was made of vaush like 300 pounds ago lel


Not a good depection of British people tbh.

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 No.345819[Watch Thread][Reply]

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hes a faggot nigger who cares


Is hailee (((steinfeild))) also weird?


Well, yeah. She's a mutt, playing a White girl who fucks a nigger.


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>Steinfeld's father is Jewish and her mother is Christian.[8][9][10][11] Her maternal grandfather, Ricardo Domasin, was half Filipino (from Panglao, Bohol)[6] and half African-American.[12][13][14]
Yikes, always thought there was something off with her


That mean she loves deep anal, a tell tale sing of jewish femininity

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