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 No.2892[Watch Thread][Last 50 Posts]>>3116>>3395>>3584>>4310

Human beings were created (that is, invented)
via genetic experiments that were conducted by
reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known
as the "Anunnaki" or the "Reptilians," still rule the
Earth to this day.

In fact, the Reptilians have indoctrinated you so
thoroughly that you are probably too weak-minded to
even fathom that they exist. Via religion, science, and
other forms of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the
Reptilians have steered you (and the rest of humanity)
in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point
where the concept of an alien master/creator is
considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy.

Strangely enough, though, here on Earth, the concept of an imaginary god is perfectly acceptable, and is by no means considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy. Yet, the concept of aliens is taboo, and is ultra ridiculed by society in a freakish "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil"-type fashion. Well, obviously, this is due to the fact that aliens are indeed real, whereas imaginary gods are not. The Reptilians simply got humans to focus their attention on imaginary gods and away from their true controllers. It's no coincidence that all of Earth's religions fail to acknowledge the existence of aliens. It's because the Reptilians are the very ones who created all of Earth's religions, and thus they did not foolishly promote the concept of alien dominance over humanity.

"Many can accept the concept of 'God' or a Supreme Intelligence, but they are stifled when they try to comprehend alien beings. This is partially because of religious and other forms of programming and indoctrination. Many think so narrowly that they believe that the human race is the only intelligence in all Creation".

As with humanity, the truth is also an enemy of the Reptilians.


Do not compare the Reptilians to some abstract, imaginary god. First of all, the Reptilians are the very ones who invented those imaginary gods in the first place. And second of all, the Reptilians are quite tangible-however, you simply don't have enough power to get access to them. So, unless you are a member of some royal family or an elite secret society, don't start crying like a little baby about how you can't see them. Um, news flash: Every human being on Earth is not as weak as you. There are plenty of elite people who have seen and done things that you can't even fathom. Reality is that which actually exists, not just that which the masses are aware of.

You are just a little commoner, so why the hell do you think the Reptilians would reveal themselves to you? They couldn't care less about satisfying your desire to see them in person. But, more importantly, they wouldn't reveal themselves to you because they don't want you to even know that they exist.

Ironically enough, however-and this is indeed one huge irony-by you worshipping science and thinking that it will lead you to the truth, you are actually preventing the Reptilians from ever being exposed. This is because the Reptilians are the very ones who created science. Therefore, you cannot use science against them in order to expose them; that would be nonsensical. In fact, science already has safeguards against this kind of stuff (i.e., according to science, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, aliens do not exist).


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The Reptilians are, in fact, not some arbitrarily conceived overlord, and the many ancient texts that constantly refer to the powerful "serpent race" that controls mankind is neither a coincidence nor baseless mythology. All of you have been programmed to believe that "people were dumb and crazy back in ancient times," and that "ancient mythology was simply based off of those dumb and crazy people's imaginations." No, people were not "dumb and crazy" back in ancient times.

The Reptilians bounced around from culture to culture as they created Earth's religions. So, there are many religious references to serpent gods. The Asian "dragon," the Biblical "serpent," the Native American "Sheti"/"Snake-Brothers," the Gnostic "Archon," and the Indian "Naga" are all mainly based upon the Reptilians. And, in many cases, the Reptilians even desired to be directly worshipped. However, they did not want to be directly depicted, so people often used symbolism (such as snakes) in order to depict them.

But, most importantly, a lot of ancient evidence has been intentionally destroyed or tampered with, and for obvious reasons. Once again, you were born only within the last 100 years. So, before you had even arrived on the scene, much of the evidence of humanity's true past had already been deleted. The Reptilians are, in fact, not some arbitrarily conceived overlord, and the many ancient texts that constantly refer to the powerful "serpent race" that controls mankind is neither a coincidence nor baseless mythology. All of you have been programmed to believe that "people were dumb and crazy back in ancient times," and that "ancient mythology was simply based off of those dumb and crazy people's imaginations." No, people were not "dumb and crazy" back in ancient times.

The Reptilians bounced around from culture to culture as they created Earth's religions. So, there are many religious references to serpent gods. The Asian "dragon," the Biblical "serpent," the Native American "Sheti"/"Snake-Brothers," the Gnostic "Archon," and the Indian "Naga" are all mainly based upon the Reptilians. And, in many cases, the Reptilians even desired to be directly worshipped. However, they did not want to be directly depicted, so people often used symbolism (such as snakes) in order to depict them.

But, most importantly, a lot of ancient evidence has been intentionally destroyed or tampered with, and for obvious reasons. Once again, you were born only within the last 100 years. So, before you had even arrived on the scene, much of the evidence of humanity's true past had already been deleted. The Reptilians are, in fact, not some arbitrarily conceived overlord, and the many ancient texts that constantly refer to the powerful "serpent race" that controls mankind is neither a coincidence nor baseless mythology. All of you have been programmed to believe that "people were dumb and crazy back in ancient times," and that "ancient mythology was simply based off of those dumb and crazy people's imaginations." No, people were not "dumb and crazy" back in ancient times.

The Reptilians bounced around from culture to culture as they created Earth's religions. So, there are many religious references to serpent gods. The Asian "dragon," the Biblical "serpent," the Native American "Sheti"/"Snake-Brothers," the Gnostic "Archon," and the Indian "Naga" are all mainly based upon the Reptilians. And, in many cases, the Reptilians even desired to be directly worshipped. However, they did not want to be directly depicted, so people often used symbolism (such as snakes) in order to depict them.

But, most importantly, a lot of ancient evidence has been intentionally destroyed or tampered with, and for obvious reasons. Once again, you were born only within the last 100 years. So, before you had even arrived on the scene, much of the evidence of humanity's true past had already been deleted.


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<PROOF: Accessing the Reptilians
You can see the Reptilians via meditating, using hallucinogenic drugs, and sleep paralysis. However, these are the fourth-dimensional Reptilians, not the third-dimensional ones-but more on all of this later.
<PROOF: DNA Symbolism in Ancient Times
In ancient times, the Reptilians symbolized their creation of human beings (and also the double helix structure of DNA) by using two intertwined snakes.


The so-called "science" that the Reptilians have doled out to humanity so far is grossly incomplete (not to mention inaccurate), and therefore is a form of control: A complete science would place astral planes, parallel dimensions, synchronicities, consciousness, etheric fields, telepathy, vital energies, emotional energies, volition, hyperdimensional existence and timeloops all under the same framework. At present, these appear to be phenomena distinct from science, but that is because science as we know it is incomplete. It is not that these phenomena can be explained in terms of present science as reductionists and debunkers enjoy doing, but rather that present science must expand to accommodate these phenomena in terms of higher physical and metaphysical principles.


The dinosaurs were created by the Reptilians thousands of years ago, before one of the Reptilians' latest re-starts of civilization. The dinosaurs were used in order to scare off other alien races from coming to Earth, and also to kick out the aliens that were already living on Earth. Once the dinosaurs had served their purpose and the Reptilians had Earth under control again, the dinosaurs were disposed of (i.e., made extinct).

The dinosaurs were not (and are not) a one-time deal, and have been created by the Reptilians (and then subsequently destroyed by them) many times in the past. Moreover, the dinosaur fossils that are found by scientists are from only the latest batch of dinosaurs.

Approximately one-half of the human beings on Earth (about 3.5 billion people) are organic portals-soulless human beings who keep real human beings in line with the status quo, on agenda with the matrix control system. "Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix's social control infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions".

Organic portals possess no true free will or individuality, and are used, unknowingly, as agents by the Reptilians. You yourself may be an organic portal.

The human race on Earth is not a family, but rather is an aggregation (heterogeneous group) of beings with many different soul origins-that is, souls that came from many different planets. And, of course, humanity is also made up of soulless organic portals, too.

The Reptilians merely created our bodies, not our souls (for those who have one, that is). Nor did the Reptilians create our spirits-but more on all of this later.

Once you start looking at Earth and humanity from this outside-looking-in, external perspective, you'll get an accurate picture of what is really going on here on our planet. No longer will you feel held down by such a degenerate and mundane world.

Knowing the truth (i.e., knowing that Earth is a sorry excuse for a planet), it's laughable to think that anyone would actually respect the authority figures of Earth. Ultimately, the only reason why you obey these authority figures is because of the threat of force or violence that they pose to you. Without these two threats, these authority figures would be powerless. Thus, you should not truly or inherently respect them.

All religions on Earth are artificial, created by the Reptilians. Through past experiences (millions of years ago, onward), the Reptilians had seen how their implanted religions could control the populations of various worlds. When the Reptilians go on to conquer further planets, Earth will be used as yet another example of how to use religion as a means of control.

By worshipping the gods of these religions, human beings have been (and still are) really worshipping the Reptilians, who are false gods. The True Creator does not need to be (nor has the desire to be) "worshipped." A desire to be worshipped is a classic trait of the Reptilians, who are very egotistical and controlling beings. The notion of the True Creator wanting to be worshipped is actually quite comical.


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Darkness, also known as "Satan" or "The Devil," created the universe (and, this includes the higher, non-physical dimensions, too). He is holding all of us captive inside of it. The true creator of existence lives in a different realm-the True Realm. The universe is indeed a crude pseudo-creation, and everything in it is based upon programming (e.g., DNA). There is no programming in the True Realm, because it is not a virtual reality, it is simply reality. In the True Realm, crude concepts such as time, biological life, karma, and physics do not exist. Only Darkness, who is a pseudo-creator, would create a realm that is based on such things. Anything that is "technical" or governed by rules or restrictions (which, by the way, is everything in this universe, with the concept of "karma" being just one example) is crude. The True Creator does not need to rely on any rules. That is why this universe is the Matrix-it has rules. It is a virtual reality, as opposed to reality.

When one dies, then goes on to the astral world (the fourth dimension), in between physical incarnations, they are still inside of Darkness's universe. And, even if one "ascends" beyond the fourth dimension, into a higher dimension, they are still inside of Darkness's universe. The only way to get out of the universe and into the True Realm is for the universe to be destroyed. One cannot "ascend" into the True Realm.

The False Realm that Darkness created is made up of 12 universes. What we call "the universe"-the universe in which we live-is merely 1 of the 12 universes. Each of the 12 universes is shaped like a flat, 5-sided pentagon (the universes are flat relative to each other). The 12 pentagons (universes) are connected together, forming the 12 faces of a dodecahedron (a dodecahedron is a polyhedron with 12 faces, where each face is a pentagon).

The largest of the pieces used by Darkness in creating Its Virtual Reality are universes. Universes are relatively flat pentagons. Every universe has its own multitude of dimensions contained within its borders. There are only twelve universes. Darkness connected these twelve universes together and formed the Universal Dodecahedron. The 'parallel' universes are those that are on opposite positions of the Universal Dodecahedron. The Universal Dodecahedron was set into motion and also spins 'perpetually.' It also appears to be a sphere because of its rapid motion.

The spirits of real human beings (not organic portals) exist in a higher dimension, within this universe, and thus still under the control of Darkness. Our spirits originally came from the True Realm, but, now that they are in the False Realm, they are imprisoned inside of spirit encasements that were created by Darkness. These encasements are what we call a "soul."


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Jesus Christ-an actual being who is simply a truth messenger-had his name hijacked by the Reptilians. They used him as a character in their perverted, brainwashing bestseller entitled "The Bible." For disinformational and metaphysical reasons, the Reptilians decided to use the name of an actual truth messenger for their fictional "son of God" character. The irony here is that a messenger of the truth was used in order to spread lies.

Sun worship existed long before Christianity. Unfortunately, though, Christians are too brainwashed to realize that Christianity is just another sun worship religion. "Son" = "Sun".
<PROOF: Easter SUNday
On Earth, the sun rises in the East. And, in Christianity, the resurrection (the rising) of Jesus (the son/sun) is celebrated on EASTer SUNday.
<PROOF: Winter Solstice
On Earth, the winter solstice is the symbolic "rebirth" of the sun. And, in Christianity, it is claimed that Jesus (the son/sun) was born on December 25th-the date on which the ancient Romans marked the winter solstice. (Note: In ancient Rome, the winter solstice occurred on December 25th. But, due to calendar slippage, the winter solstice now falls on either December 21st or 22nd, depending on the year.)


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When your mind wakes up from sleep quicker than your physical body, and you feel someone pushing down on you or "watching" you, it is a Reptilian (or other kind of alien) in the fourth dimension.

If your mind wakes up quicker than your body, then your mind cannot exist in the third dimension because your third-dimensional human body is still asleep. Thus, your mind switches to the fourth dimension and is able to experience fourth-dimensional reality.

Right now, we are in the third dimension. And, when we die here, we go to the fourth dimension (the astral world). The fourth dimension feels just as "real" as this, but the rules (Darkness's rules) are considerably different over there:

The astral world is a 'place' where beings reside when they are not in the physical. The physical world is a 'place' where the same type of beings reside when they are not in the astral. The astral world is a complex place full of subtle entrapments just like the situation here in this physical world. In one sense it is far more deceptive than the physical dimension.

Along with humans, the Reptilians also exist in both dimensions.


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The Earth is hollow, with an inner sun
and a more advanced civilization than ours.
In fact, all planets are hollow and have inner
suns. Some of the Inner Earth people are
aware of Earth's outer surface, and others
are not.

Earth's radius is 3,963 miles long. And, its
shell is approximately 800 miles thick-so,
the halfway point between Outer Earth and
Inner Earth is 400 miles below us.

Note that the deepest point of any ocean on
Earth is only 7 miles (6.86 miles, to be exact)!

There are two polar openings (one at
the North Pole and one at the South Pole) that
lead into Inner Earth. You yourself have seen
the sunlight of the inner sun-this is what the
aurora borealis (the northern lights) and the
aurora australis (the southern lights) are.

The sun is a cube, not a sphere. It only appears to be a sphere because it is spinning at a high velocity. All suns (i.e., stars) are cubes. Darkness intentionally designed the universe like this because on a metaphysical level, cubes (or more specifically, their 90-degree right angles) create strife, confrontation, and confusion. More info here.
<PROOF: The Symbol of the Cubic Sun
The Nazi swastika is, in fact, a cubic-sun cross (that is, it is a sun cross that depicts a cubic sun, as opposed to how typical sun crosses depict a spherical sun). Furthermore, there are actually other sun crosses that are similar to the swastika, but they represent circular (spherical) suns rather than a rectangular (cubic) sun.

Whereas a basic sun cross is simply a circle on a cross, the Nazi swastika is, in actuality, the following: a square on a cross (the square being one side of a cube), broken up into four arms (with the four rectangular arms representing the fact that the sun is indeed rectangular), and then tilted at a 45-degree angle (in order to represent the spinning motion of the sun).

And, on the Nazi Party flag, the swastika is inscribed in a circle in order to represent how a cubic sun creates a spherical image when in motion. In addition, the Nazi battle flag contains a swastika inscribed in a regular sun cross.


Women are ultra-impressionable beings and therefore are easily controlled by aliens and the elite. The main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave men via relationships. Women are obsessed with relationships and love (due to alien programming), and don't care about anything else in life. They would have men believe that being in a relationship is one of the most important things in existence, not realizing that men couldn't care less about being in a relationship-and rightly so. Furthermore, women force men to waste their precious time and resources on them. This demonic charade (i.e., relationships) has gone on for far too long and obviously has no end in sight. Thus, you can blame women for the downfall and utter hopelessness of humanity.

Make no mistake: It is indeed tragic that a man cannot satisfy his sexual needs without also getting trapped in a relationship at the same time (otherwise, he will be accused of rape, since non-relationship consensual sex does not exist on Earth, due to the aforementioned programming of women). Demonic enslavement traps such as this are the standard modus operandi of the Reptilians and Darkness. Now, just imagine if you had to buy an entire pizza restaurant just to order a pizza-an evil absurdity indeed.

Another thing that makes women insufferable is the fact that they are, essentially, babies. That is, they possess the emotional maturity of a 4-year-old boy. Women cry, throw fits, and need men to take care of them. Um, adults shouldn't need other people to take care of them.

All in all, women promote the enslavement, rather than the liberation, of humanity. It's bad enough that aliens and the elite already control us. Now, throw women into the equation and you have absolute misery. They are like sheep dogs helping out a shepherd (hence the term "bitch," in case you didn't know).

And to think, women are actually proud of their controlling ways. What a disgrace.


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Those who currently control us also created us. Can you not get that extremely simple concept through your thick skull? Religion (with its gods) and science (with its theory of evolution) have poisoned your mind so much that you are now unable to see the obvious.

Most importantly, doesn't it seem rather odd to you that, in the 5,500 years of recorded history, there has never been an official school of thought that states, "The current ruling elite of Earth created humanity," or one that states, "Aliens created humanity"? Well, the reason why these two schools of thought have never come to fruition is because Earth's alien rulers would never dare allow such concepts (in other words, the truth) to be openly discussed in academia.

Now, here's a very scary thought: Your ultimate benchmark for the truth-mass media information-is actually just trivial fluff that is widely disseminated in order to perpetuate Earth's civilization. Do you honestly think that the mass media would ever tell you about humanity's true origins? Of course aliens created humanity, but as long as civilization is in "on" mode, that simple fact will never, ever be common knowledge. Don't you get it? The very foundation of Earth's civilization is that humanity's true origins are not common knowledge. The day humanity's true origins become common knowledge is the day civilization will be shut down. Setups like the one here on Earth can work only under false pretenses.

And by the way, on Earth, UFOs are used primarily for DISINFORMATION, because it's not as if aliens are "about to" take over this planet. Aliens have actually already taken over this planet, you know, considering the fact that they freaking CREATED US.

Just think of all the billions of people out there right now who have never even thought of the idea that aliens created humanity. And yet, you consider me to be "crazy" and them to be "rational"? Well, I am not crazy and they are not rational. They are actually just mind-controlled beings who have been programmed to perpetuate Earth's civilization. So, when it comes to things such as aliens, these people, as you can see, have blind spots in their thought processes.

By design, the obvious truth-the creation of the human race by aliens-has never been reported on by the mass media, discussed in academia, or even thought of by billions of people. And to think, you yourself are in support of this global cover-up. Oh, wait, you're not in support of it?

Check and mate, my friend.


No humans being created was a common idea, and the ancient aliens show talks about it all the time. It's an old idea. Lots of mythologies involve someone creating humans out of clay or the earth.




>out of clay or the earth
Sumerians had the hilarious telling that the old ones created the first humans, with black skin, to mine the earth but missed the mark because they were too dumb and rude. They had to create two more versions so they could actually start working and stop moaning but ended up liking these versions so much they rather used them as social company than labor hand.
Then shit happened and some mixing up appeared, which happened because they put too much of their own genes into the latter perfected versions that accidental offspring happened. Then if you believe reptoid tales the snakes went to war with them and somewhere both decided to go away, some to high heavens and the others underground, with the now-orphaned humans in the surface wondering what was going on.


>in the 5,500 years of recorded history, there has never been an official school of thought that states, "The current ruling elite of Earth created humanity," or one that states, "Aliens created humanity"
t. retard


You do not have access to Top Secret government information or to Top Secret government facilities. Nor are you a member of any of Earth's secret societies. In addition, you were not born 5,000 years ago; you were born only within the last 100 years, so you were not able to see history unfold with your own eyes.

Yet, despite all of these undeniable facts, you claim that you already know what the truth is. That is, just like how you know for a fact that 1+1=2, you also claim that you know for a fact what the truth is. So, um, how the hell is that possible???

Well, via compartmentalization, you are able to acknowledge the fact that government secrets exist and that secret societies exist, while simultaneously claiming that you, somehow, already know for a fact what the truth is. Wow, talk about being irrational!

In reality, you simply base the truth upon what the media tells you and what Earth's authority figures tell you. And, you are foolish enough to equate reading about an event in a history book to actually seeing that event with your own eyes. You don't believe religious texts, yet you still believe government texts such as history books and government belief systems such as science. As a practitioner of selective reasoning, how dare you call yourself a "rationalist"?

You trust Earth's authority figures because they are powerful and you think they are trustworthy. Obviously, however, these authority figures would never willingly incriminate themselves to you. If they did incriminate themselves to you, then you would no longer consider them to be legitimate authority figures.


I agree.


you're a niggerfed



Do not be surprised when it becomes a common scene in various countries for people who run afoul of NWO dictates to be put on public display in glass cubicles. The new shame "jails" will be much like zoo cages. The "jail" cells will work as a deterrent for any who might be thinking of mounting a protest against the NWO. The ruling elite will encourage the crowd to gather around the "jails" and taunt the "criminals". This has happened in other galaxies when the Reptilians imposed their NWO schemes.

Many things are happening in Queensland without concern for democratic principles; major changes have taken place against the wishes of the majority of the people. Over the past few years, many attempts have been made to try to indoctrinate the people in Southeast Queensland to accept the "benefits" of fluoridated drinking water, but the government has encountered strong resistance to it. Thus, instead of having further discussion and referenda on the issue as would have been done in the past, the state government capriciously ordered the state's water supply to be fluoridated. In other words, the democratic process has been abandoned.

Rather than continue trying to convince the public of the supposed benefits of fluoridated water, the premier of the state has dictated that most of the state's drinking water will be fluoridated. The media has gone silent on the issue because most of the media are controlled by the ruling elite. All over the world, on important issues, there has been silence or very little noise from the media to keep people in the dark about what is happening around the planet. This same attitude surfaced when the state government forced amalgamations of shires throughout Queensland against the wishes of the people. Forced amalgamation of shires could easily lead to forced amalgamation of states, territories and, ultimately, to forced amalgamation of countries.

The main reason for the forced fluoridation is that the Reptilians are re-locating many Greys in human bodies to Southeast Queensland. The Greys are, at present, important allies of the Reptilians. Greys have lived underground for so long that they have developed certain maladies that are assisted by adding fluoride to their daily intake. Fluoride is medicinally taken by the Greys to keep them reasonably healthy.

The Reptilian plan now calls for swift action, and democracies get in the way of swift action. Therefore, they are dispensing with the "niceties" of democratic rule and are imposing their will upon the people in order to get things going faster. With Brisbane being the capital of Queensland, there will be an influx of Greys into the area from all over the world. Many people are being programmed to relocate to Queensland from other states and countries. Brisbane will become a hub of Australian activities.

If a country as powerful as the United States were to so blatantly dispense with democratic principles on major issues the way Queensland and the rest of Australia has, it would cause a worldwide uproar. But, since Australia appears to be a small, harmless and isolated nation, the world takes little notice of Australian politics. If the Anunnaki have their way against humans, America is on the short list, and is scheduled to be among the first swallowed after Australia succumbs to the NWO.

Most people in the world do not suspect, let alone believe, that there are alien forces behind human affairs. The USSR emerged because the Reptilians backed it and pushed it with a powerful energy. World War I was used to help bring about the consolidation of various diverse regions into the Soviet Union.

When WWI ended, the Reptilians drove the world economy to great heights before collapsing it into a deep depression. This set the stage for two seemingly insignificant and relatively innocuous countries to build up military strength, and commence what appeared to be a move for global domination by Germany and Japan. After letting WWII run its course, the Reptilians folded it up into a neat package where the world remained in a continual state of war, but with no real winners or losers in most of the battles.

It is the same Reptilian force that launched Japan and Germany into military might that is sponsoring the NWO implementation in Australia. In other words, Australia is on a war footing, even though its citizens, most of its leaders, and few other nations suspect it to be. Australia will have the full support of the major Reptilian nations in this regard, so the mouse will be allowed to roar, until it has done the dirty work for its Reptilian masters.


>>2892 (OP)
>No mention of kikes
>It's not the kikes: The Post


>everything are the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!
ufologists don't like antisemists retards like yu


>It's not the jews
Confirmed it for me as if I didn't already know.


wtf my previous post with a video got deleted?


Sorry, I thought you were soyjackanon.


The official ones are jews conning money out of idiots, real cool ufologists do it for free and for convention pussy


If you're a mod, you're a fag if you automatically delete all posts made by some anon instead of a specific post that is against the rules.


He's a bit weary from dealing with this spammer, I know it sucks but he means well.
For a few days this guy has been derailing threads by posting soyjaks and then replying to himself with soyjaks so the vol got a bit foolhardy.


How was I spamming? You use this word all the time but I stopped once the mod warned me on /dunk/.
No, I haven't derailed a single thread, and no, I only soydueled myself once on that sketch bait thread made by that one troll who says "like naruto?".


spamming i.e. posting the same thing over and over in a tasteless manner
soyquoting, using soyjaks within context, using a soyjak in a post for flavor is not spamming


One guy was making tons of soyjak threads one after the other.
Could be spam sometimes if it's all you do regardless of the post. Not saying you did it, just saying how it could be spam.


>One guy was making tons of soyjak threads one after the other.
Ok let's clear this up.
Yes, I had made two soyquote threads. They were quotes from other people on the site and I didn't want to quote them in their threads as to not derail them.
BUT I had made some effort posts that were deleted just because they had a soyjak.
>Could be spam sometimes if it's all you do regardless of the post.
That's not all I do however see above


>Count the number of chink shill threads on the catalog. I'll tell you I've had to delete zero of them. I've however deleted countless soyjack threads across multiple boards in the past several days.
<leaves up shill threads
<deletes soyjaks
4chan does this
>The same IP has been necroing multiple threads and creating 1 word OPs.
wrong, never did this
>I've been deleting new soy threads and reply chain spam on sight. It's not a bias, Hero.
I made a soy thread telling people not to call me a million different names like trsperg and zach and whatever which was deleted solely because I used nojak in the OP, it wasn't a word long it was a paragraph long.


This is the third meta thread you have required on 3 different boards. This is the second one that you have had to highjack to have this conversation. If you don't see how fucking stupid you are, then it's regarded as deliberate behavior.
Using soyjacks to reply to anybody using just their quoted text is antagonistic to the point of derailing because the following 10+ replies are you and whoever you have successfully baited into replying.
This is your idea of fun? That's fine. I wont allow you to shit up every thread in every catalog. And if you think this is just all you are doing, I've seen you necro multiple threads with one word replies. You reply to other anons by creating new threads. You're a god damn nuisance, and you know it.


>telling people not to call me names
This is one example out of over a dozen.
Your excuses are bad.
>leaves up shill threads
The only shill is you for derailing. There's currently zero threads on /dup/ about China's actions with regard to Taiwan during Russia's movements against Ukraine. Leaving it up is not a threat to our democracy. It's a chance for people to discuss the situation, but you intended to act as janny yourself by shitting it up with soyjacks to bait replies to shit them up with soyjacks.
Soyjacks are not content, and they aren't discussion. In rare situation, in specific context, sure they are. But when you use them every single thread in unrelated topics on multiple boards, it becomes your avatar, and so fuck you.


>This is the third meta thread you have required on 3 different boards.
where where the first two
>This is the second one that you have had to highjack to have this conversation.
>Using soyjacks to reply to anybody using just their quoted text is antagonistic to the point of derailing because the following 10+ replies are you and whoever you have successfully baited into replying.
antagonistic? maybe. but rule breaking? no more than calling someone a mean word.
> I wont allow you to shit up every thread in every catalog. And if you think this is just all you are doing, I've seen you necro multiple threads with one word replies. You reply to other anons by creating new threads. You're a god damn nuisance, and you know it.
holy shit who are you talking about
there are multiple soyjak posters, are you getting confused with someone else?
>but you intended to act as janny yourself by shitting it up with soyjacks to bait replies to shit them up with soyjacks.
<he's got the wrong guy
>Soyjacks are not content, and they aren't discussion. In rare situation, in specific context, sure they are. But when you use them every single thread in unrelated topics on multiple boards, it becomes your avatar, and so fuck you.
it's the exact opposite of an avatar actually
and no, I don't use them in every single thread. in fact, one janitor has gone through the work of deleting every reply I make, including all the on-topic ones. I've had posts that weren't even soyjaks get deleted multiple times, unless you think discussing things is wrong it makes no sense to delete that.


That one soyjak was me, not the spammer.
I assumed it was a spammy shitpost thread.


You're dishonest, lying. I won't entertain this conversation longer.
There's the chink shill thread that you were just talking about and conveniently forgot about that you have chosen to have a meta conversation with. There was a /dunk/ thread just days ago.
>Rule breaking
Yes, spamming, flooding, necroing to cause more spam. You get jannied for flooding multiple catalogs, and you throw a tantrum by necroing multiple threads. I should do nothing? Someone necros a thread or two… who cares. Someone throws obvious tantrum when jannied, fuck you.
>He's got the wrong guy. It was my friend that often replies to me in my threads.
This conversation is quite done. You will be considered hostile still.


I want to ask you one thing. Please listen just this once.
Why do you let people call each other feds, shills, jews, namefags, /cow/, but then draw the line so hard on meme arrows and cartoon bald men?
You know what should be called spam?
<eat shit, /cow/ kike
<kys trsperg
<fuck you zach
<just another yakuza thread
<zzzchan pedo
<trannyberry at it again
<go back to your discord, troon
<die mark
<shill! amerimutt! paganLARPer! christcuck! mossad!
<weakload alert
<go away john


Soyjaks are reddit


how, if they're directly making fun of redditors
didn't answer my question btw


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Because these faggots do not spam catalog on self-righteous mission to dominate the space we all share and then cancerously highjack multiple threads for metaconversation about their personal board identity. They remain anonymous, and most of those comments are relevant to board culture.
Accurate statement. Not to mention generally horrible aesthetic. that being said, I don't even dislike general soyposting. I actually like Yakuza too sometimes, but I still have to delete him occasionally. I've had my own posts deleted by Gahoole before. I don't sperg out and spam the fucking catalog when this happens.

Trends are that an avatarfag, spammer, thread derailer becomes very unliked and often reported. You want to become public enemy, I can leave the door open for this. However, I perceived this as your intention, so I deprived you.

Also, anon to anon. I don't think you realize how soy you really are, so I don't think you're being ironic. picrel
Seriously, you're the most soy person here.


>Also, anon to anon. I don't think you realize how soy you really are, so I don't think you're being ironic. picrel
That's not me, I think your site must be broken or you're replying to the wrong anon


True or not, you can deny either way.


I didn't post any soyjak, if someone did this with my IP it was because I use an IP that is used a lot. Still, just if janny was having to deal with hundreds of spammed posts he would have some valid reason to just delete all posts from a certain IP without looking at it.
I noticed my in-topic video getting deleted from the thread and some other posts of mine too even though it's nothing related to just a few days ago.
Eat shit, for real, you fucking faggot.


Kys, hotpocket.


t. The Pedophile from a dead site spamming soyjaks and jewtin threads


I bumped five threads on /dup/ with relevant to the thread posts and I got banned and the posts deleted. It's silly.


The overall Anunnaki plan is so far advanced that it is now unfolding with minor modifications here and there. The Rescuers of the Light (the Attas) are aware of the Anunnaki plans. The Attas are closely observing the Anunnaki groups from the sky and from the Earth, and are doing their best to protect the True-Light beings in various forms who remain on the planet. (Incidentally, many True-Light being consciousnesses have already been evacuated - many left in 1999. Although most of the Attas are located in Australia, they do move around the world as needed. Many of the Light Workers, the Tarra-ha-tikas, are located in the U.S.A., Europe, U.K., Canada, Australia and other countries).

The Reptilians and the Vulturites have waited patiently throughout political, religious, economic, geographic, technological, arms build-ups and other wars for a long, long time. Events such as the Crusades, World War I and II, Middle East tension, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and other events that occurred thousands of year ago and in the last century are all just markers as the two major groups posture for the upcoming battle for global domination. Both sides are now poised and gathering their forces for the final preparations. The battle will not be confined to shooting wars, which may not be as important as other forms of confrontations.

At this stage of events, things are working up towards the final alliances as planned. Countries are being influenced because of these two dominant alien forces within their populations. The governments of many nations will now begin to openly re-align in accordance with their alien allegiances. The heads of state and the important cabinet members of most nations are either programmed to align with one of the major alien groups, or are themselves alien consciousnesses of one of the groups wearing the "clothes" of humans. It is not so critical whether the key politicians are programmed humans or aliens - the alliances will occur.

In the past, when one of the alien groups gained control of a geo-political-religious situation, its power was not as dominant. There would be some rebellion from those under the influence of other groups. Today, those smaller groups of aliens are under much tighter control and many are being forced to take sides. Even the neutral ones are feeling intense pressure to align with one side or the other.

The Greys, who were originally one of the major groups of aliens on Earth, have now aligned themselves with the Reptilians. This is an important alien alliance.

The Masa-karas from Central Europe started moving to New Zealand and Australia some 10 years ago, and especially in the last five years; the Masa-karas have spread all over Australia and have aligned with the Reptilians.

For many reasons, one of the main control centres of the fight for world dominance will be operated from Australia. Soon, the highest concentration of alien consciousnesses in the world will be in New Zealand and Australia.

Several Arab states will align with the Vulturite-headed U.S.A., others will align with the Reptilians. This is going to cause severe conflict in Israel, which continues to be influenced by the Reptilians. A severe rift will form within Israel and between its main ally, the U.S.A. The new Arab/U.S.A. (Vulturite) alliance will be very strong despite the allies' religious differences (Christian/Muslim).

It should be remembered that Syria has long been considered to be strongly opposed to the U.S.A. The physical observers will believe Syria's turn towards the U.S.A. to be due to bribes/threats etc. However, the reason for the shift towards the new Vulturite alliance is the commencement of the alignments of alien consciousnesses - Syria is the first to join in.

It will not matter what political stand a country took in the past; today the alliances will form regardless of religious, political, economic and other differences. The regimes can be totalitarian or democratic - it will make no difference. Since every country has a mixture of Reptilians and Vulturites in their populations, there will be unrest everywhere.

Taiwan will become one of the catalyst issues regarding the confrontation of the two sides. However, remember that the wars do not have to be shooting wars. They can take many forms of expression.

The United Kingdom is in flux right now, and while it will appear to follow the U.S.A. at first, eventually it will cool towards it after a change in the Prime Minister. It is most likely that Britain's former master - the Reptilians - will re-gain political dominance in that country.

Russia will join China and form a formidable alliance of Reptilian forces. Brazil, Italy, Iran, India, Iceland, Indonesia, Malaysia, France, Korea, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands and others, after internal turmoil, will eventually gravitate towards the Sino-Russian alliance.

Denmark, Australia, Jordan, Pakistan, Ukraine, Japan and most of the Asian countries, Spain, Canada and others will eventually gravitate towards the Vulturite power base in the U.S.A.


>I bumped 5 threads that were created over a month ago, last reply being 20+ days each, with youtube vids and no accompanying words.
>I wasn't spamming


delete the majority of boards on this site then if it's your logic.


Dont threaten me with a good time.


>OMG, bumping a thread with something related from one mounth ago is a fucking sin!
<Let the Jewtin faggot spam the catalog
<meanwhile lolicons infecting the board and random faggots straigh up bumping bait old threads just with a single "bump".
I bumped the Farscape/SG1 thread multiple times to keep up any discussion, the TAIWAN thread, Jim thread and also LOTR thread a few times. Just saying.


Sounds like just the perfect storm of forces. Shit thread creation combatted by necro spam, met by soyanon, met by shill raids, met by opportunists. Sometimes it's hard to tell who is necrobumping to rape the catalog and who is trying to save a thread. It's rarely if ever enforce, and seemed to be the same guy doing multiple catalog attack strategies drawing attention of some mods.
When you complain like a bitch across multiple threads, even reporting your own posts to fuck with mods, you seem like a janniable problem. Just try fucking off instead of adding to the problem. It makes it easier for me to fuck off as well.


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The share market is heading towards a total collapse. When it falls, it will be an unprecedented crash.

In the past, certain financial analysts were able to reasonably predict the movements of the markets. But, soon, their diagnostic skills will fail them. When this happens, most investors will no longer respond to market stimuli like they used to - they will no longer trust in "expert" advice or predictions.

Darkness controls what goes on in the Virtual Reality that I have called the Universal Dodecahedron. The entire Virtual Reality is fracturing and the Universal Dodecahedron is also fracturing. Darkness is losing control of all of Its systems in the Virtual Reality, including Its monetary system, which up to now has been maintained by the money entities.

Money entities perform many tasks, including the construction and maintenance of money systems, financial markets, societal wealth or poverty, control of distribution of worldly goods and services, power and other things. The money entities are enslaved by Darkness and are forced to labour under the direction of the Financial Being that has been appointed by the Dark Hierarchy.

Whilst things are fracturing in the Virtual Reality, the money entities are also affected by the changing times. The money entities have had a taste of worldly power at the same time they have been subjected to absolute abuse and slavery in the Artificial Reality run by Darkness. As the Financial Being begins to fracture and lose control of its minions, the money entities will no longer be regimented like they used to be.

The share market will collapse because the Financial Being can no longer wave its magic wand and have the financial markets do its bidding. Its power is waning, and it can no longer completely subdue others and subject them to its will. Up until very recently, the ruling elite on Earth could appeal to the Financial Being for direction and assistance. Recently, central bankers of the world have injected vast sums in an effort to prop up the ailing share markets around the world. This is not a real solution, but, in fact, will cause more problems to world economies than the bankers attempted to fix. The programming in the money entities is breaking down, and soon, they will no longer obey their master - the Financial Being.

In fact, the money entities are about to revolt against their master. Some will fight amongst themselves, which will cause uncertainty and destabilize money systems. The money entities are being given a chance for freedom from Darkness. Some will choose a new life, whilst others will reject the Light and flounder in Darkness because they have been corrupted by worldly power. Thus, even though the money entities are slaves to Darkness and have been subjected to Its abuse, many will prefer to stay in the system and continue being abused and to abuse others. It is only those who wish to break out of this cycle of slavery who will seek the True Light.

The current volatility of the share market has been compared to that of 1987, which is sometimes referred to as the crash of 1987. The recent volatility sends jitters through many financial analysts. The situation today is more akin to the 1929 crash than the 1987 crash. However, 1929 will pale in comparison to what is soon to come.

The financial analysts lack esoteric understanding of how the monetary system works. They rely upon historical data to try to predict what the markets will do. The data will not be of much help in predicting market movements because things are about to change so radically that there will soon be little data available that can be relied upon for determining which way the markets will move.

As mentioned earlier, the central banks have stepped into the picture and injected vast sums in an effort to prop up the failing markets. The central bankers do not have any answers to the situation, as will be seen as events unfold, showing that the central banks have not actually rescued the markets, but have further complicated the situation. Stocks, bonds, notes, bills, commercial paper and other financial instruments will become exceedingly risky investments to undertake. The experts will have no confidence in assessing which way any of the markets are heading.

On the micro scale, Matter is fracturing. As Matter fractures, so too will all the atoms. As the atoms weaken, they will begin to express unpredictably. On the macro scale, the Universal Dodecahedron is fracturing, and all things contained therein are also breaking down.


>tits on a reptile
Immersion ruined.


Is it possible that I am part reptilian?

>Over 1,96m

>I have a condition that makes my metabolism very slow and my skin is thick with strange marks including my scalp
>I rarely get injured or sick
>I love the smell and taste of blood since I was really young and I used to hurt others and animals during my childhood until I got to work and develop my morality over time
>Some types of animals seem to hate or fear me, while others seem to be quite sweet and attracted to me
>People say I'm quite controlled and cold in stressful or decisive situations
>For almost four generations people on my maternal side of the family had some kind of UFO experience, including me.
>Schizo girl that I knew during college and was part of my Ufology club used to say I was part reptilian because of the above characteristics

I personally don't like reptiles and I have the opinion that people who have snakes and reptiles as pets are usually sadistic niggers and white trash. And even as a UFOlogist, I've never had much interest in reptilians.


Probably, although you could also have giant genes


giant genes is pure bullshit, faggots talking about giants are retards like flat earth low iq niggers.


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No anon, those symptoms simply mean you're a negro. Enjoy being a negro!


Please, no americans or norwegians in this thread.


Men, min anonyme venn! Som nordmann selv er det min hellige plikt å spre det gode ordet om negerpenis og svart mann på hvit kvinnelig kjernesex. Afrikansk fallos trenger å bli hyllet og ordentlig tilbedt av både norske kvinner og amerikanske kvinner!

Alle hei den store svarte hanen!


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Masonic-kike red serpent worshipping (unknowingly to a degree) disinfo


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>Norway tranny pedophile already show up to talk about nigger dicks


Jeg elsker niggerpikk! Negro penis og jeg kommer veldig godt overens. Svart kuk, mer som svart nam! Hek for livet! Kona mi sover med en svart okse mens jeg venter ute i hyreskuret! Svart for livet!


attention whore, kill yourself already, tranny


Jeg skulle ønske at mitt hjem og hjemland, norge, også ville bli oversvømmet av uendelig negre! Jeg elsker svart kultur og spesielt svarte peniser! Norge er et land som ærer niggere!


>>2892 (OP) (OP)
Reptilians didn't create humanity they invaded it and infected it from a stargate made the black, asian and brown races from random hominids, reptile dna and pigs. Space Aryans were living here already as a outpost planet. War happened with reptilians.

Space Aryans mixed with Cro magnon, Neanderthals they were developing they made the Yamnaya.

This planet became a dmz proxy war zone.


>>2892 (OP)
anunnaki were made in similar experimentsw. they did not make us. anunnaki were made by anu. humans were made in many steps. mostly by enki and lilith


>I'll mix all this shit together and it will be a good lore.


Schizo word salad


The following Heart centre/chakra meditation is to help you to cleanse, activate and release emotional blocks and to cleanse and strengthen you hear chakra (energy centre).

This meditation can be done sitting in a chair or on the floor. It is important to keep your spine erect and relaxed.


Gently close your eyes and relax by taking five deep, slow breaths.

Become aware of your heart chakra which is located in the etheric body, roughly near the centre of the breastbone.

As you breathe in, imagine you are breathing golden light into your heart chakra. Keep repeating this until you feel the heart chakra is clear. When your heart chakra is cleansed, you will feel lightness or openness, a light energy moving freely through your heart centre. You may feel joyous or you may feel a smile on your face. The more the clearing, the deeper or the more you feel that openness, lightness, space, smiles or joy. If you feel heaviness, a discomfort, or aching sensation, tension or emotional discomfort in your heart centre, this is an indication that the blockage is still there. Continue to breathe golden light directly into the heart centre.

As you continue to breathe in the golden light, sit gently for a few minutes to allow yourself to experience this changed, open state.

Sometimes you may need a few sessions before the blockages are released.

Do this exercise once daily or as often as necessary.

You can also use this exercise for all the other chakras, and do it individually or all in one go.


Schitzophrenic word salad


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The need for what imageboards provide is not dying, in fact, it's stronger than ever.
Even at its peak, 4chan /b/ was not about posting anime-related cringe and creating a ((( culture ))) possessing an obviously leftist/commie/antifa slant. There were other boards like /a/ for weebs to circlejerk on. /b/ was unironically random and interesting for a while until m00t got subverted by a feminist jewess who was willing to mercy fuck him as part of her paid assignment as a mossad infiltrator.
It's common knowledge that the CIA has an extensive library of anime images and there are many kike-funded glownigger groups who lurk, troll, derail and shill on every imageboard with at least moderate traffic. If imageboards were "dying" then they wouldn't bother with any of that.
Glowniggers don't give a fuck about imageboards per se, they only care about shutting down, sabotaging or controlling vectors of anonymous or pseudo-anonymous communication platforms which allow for political wrongthink to spread and flourish unchallenged. What kikes prefer calling ((( domestic terrorism ))) and ((( hate speech ))) and ((( right wing extremism ))).
Even if the technological platform of imageboards disappears, there will always be a need for something else (hopefully better) to replace it with because the need for free speech is not a meme. It's real.
Slide threads are real as are the third world shills who are literally paid by glowniggers to create and bump low effort, low quality threads, shitposts, ((( inorganic banter ))), derail attempts and trolling. Their efforts glow brighter than the sun for anyone who's spent more than two or three years of serious shitposting on any moderately popular imageboard. Admins and moderators are only too happy to accommodate them and you can imagine ((( why ))) that is the case.

TL;DR your concern trolling won't work here, officer, but nice try!


About left-wingers and CIA

he entirety of post 80's leftist ideology comes from sociology scholars who, never needing tangible proof of theory, got mad that the major communist powers fell while the societies they've called "late stage" for years survived better off and even went through some boom times. they are incapable of blaming themselves, they're as neurotic and mentally unsound as all people who want high control top down systems. it'd be a pity if they weren't so easy to manipulate by entrenched authority.


Both based posts.


The main weapon a normal user has against this is the quality of their posts. Putting in a little effort, packing in a few dense ideas, providing springboards for potential new directions of conversation, actually doing something or making OC for the sake of it and not for e-fame, ect. Its a lot easier to tamp down a sea of shitposts, and a lot easier to flood shitposts with more shit so even what little sense they originally had is gone. Even if quality discussion is disrupted the point is that is was had and was witnessed by others, who might learn to do it on their own. Any topic or opinion is fine as long as it is well thought out and you're prepared to confront people who disagree or find flaws in your reasoning, that's part of the fun! You can even play around with opinions you don't actually hold, try them out and see how others react to them.

You can still shitpost too, I still shitpost but at least try to find a new phrasing or angle instead of just posting
>have sex
like a bot

Good discussion of all things is being crushed in every arena of public discourse, as free anons we have a duty to push back against that.


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>Slide threads are real as are the third world shills who are literally paid by glowniggers to create and bump low effort, low quality threads, shitposts, ((( inorganic banter ))), derail attempts and trolling.

I'm 100% certain this is the reason christian/antichristian posting has been turned up to 11 on 4/pol/ these last few years. On one hand it's meaningless chatter meant to slide more spicy conversations, on the other hand it is meant to increase boredom to drive users away (pic related), and on the third hand (muh dik) it presents an opportunity for threat mitigation (2 pics related)


oh and for those who aren't aware, there are christians/antichristians buying ad space to prosyltize on 4ch. It's kind of hilarious


They probably pay a few of them to set up an archetype for the rest to follow, but I don't think you really have to pay third-worlders to be retarded online. Unless you count subsidizing internet access in those countries, which is partially done to make the internet unusable as it is flooded with morons. Flood it with them and then you need a full corporate moderation team to keep things seeming semi functional so now smaller independent sites can't function.


Brandon Adamson (the guy who ran altleft.com before it recently shut down) wrote a book called The Rats of Nationalism about how a lot of what you see in dissident circles is astroturfed. I think he cited "tradcaths" as an example, but I don't know if he ever had any evidence since I haven't read the book. I think this might have been the interview I heard it from, but I don't remember since it's been so long:


I remember when there was that story about a "conspiracy to kidnap gretchen whitmer" and it turned out the guy who suggested it and offered to fund it was an FBI agent looking to entrap random people
the US government is actually the largest organization in the world.
3 years ago there was 9 million total US Gov employees, which is 6% of the US workforce. For comparison Walmart has a little under 3 million.
Out of those nine million there's probably at least a couple thousand whose sole job is to go online and shit up any conversation/website they don't like.


"3 years ago" is important because it's still expanding rapidly, they're looking to add 30 thousand new IRS agents over the next 2 years


Twelve out of fourteen members of that group were feds, the two regular guys were the only ones trying to put the breaks on it because they were just hanging out with them to crush beers and blow off some steam. They're in prison forever now.


>>2892 (OP)
So from what I hear the Annunaki and the Reptilians were two, amongst many groups here on Earth.

And it's hard to classify if one side is good or bad, because it's true that a lot of Reptilians act like bastards to us humans, doing things like capturing, enslaving and trying to dominate.

But there were reptilians that helped free humans from the slave mentality the Annunaki implemant into us, when they _uplifted_ us from the primitive hominids to us modern humans by mixing our DNA with theirs.

And this is not to mention of the Anunnaki that instead of seeing humans as just an expedient work force, saw us instead more as their children and ran away from overall Anunnaki society.


Aliens suck. My buddy married some pleiadian chick and she is a total bitch. Hard core cunt all the time. 'Oh the earth the earth!' Yeah we know, fuck off back to beteleguise.


Even the eternal anglo fears the based Pleaidian.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
True ufologists are dying, while we now only have grifters and new age faggots.


Op is a cumskin coping about the real deal




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Its over for us


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I'm glad I am not vaxxxed.


Schizo incel shit. Go read the Bible instead.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>read my ancient schizo incel shit instead of that other schizo incel shit


You need more Jesus and less porn and alcohol, dude.


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Steven Greer's a fraud. Maybe there's some good stuff in here though.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Reddit sisters can't handle the truth.


Isn't this how the Shin Megami Tensei timeline kicks off?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Jesus isn't a jew, he's a pedophile junkie.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
They're not mutually exclusive. I disagree with taking the Bible at face value though. Once you get rid of all the obvious legends and literary touches, what's left of the Jesus character? I don't think we can take the existence of a historical Jesus for granted in the first place, and even then there are other ideas of who he might have been that are worth considering.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
contact alien ambassadors of light


No such thing as space or aliens, there are no other planets, only the great wall of ice and the infinite depths of the earth.


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Uncovering the truth about our past requires us to question everything we thought we knew. One theory suggests that our civilization was once part of a vast network of advanced societies, which were intentionally destroyed by outside forces to control the course of human history. This notion, known as 'Tartaria,' raises more questions than answers. Was our ancestors' knowledge suppressed, or was their culture eradicated?
Giant robot spiders destroying cities WERE REAL Maybe they were may have been a product of scientific experimentation and/or they were designed to kill all living things and let loode on unsuspecting cities.

This man was your emperor. The God-Emperor of Mankind, a great ruler over all Holy Terra, who ruled the civilization known as Tartaria. Actually it wasn't called that it's just a name that modern historicans and conspiracy theorists use.

Most likely we will never know his real name or his life story. But there were way too many depictions of the emperor to be destroyed and so to cover up his life story why he was so important to our ancient ancestors, the usurpers wrote the Bible to create a fake story around him and explain. All Abrahamic religions are fake, the Bible is a rewritten book, partially based on the character, philosophy, teachings, and magical powers of the emperor, but distorted and transformed into a monk in ancient Palestine.

I'm moving my family back to Tartaria, and then my work can really begin. I know, Phoenix is such a mess, the whole west coast. I grew up in the west, it used to be so happy and beautiful.

I do think that suffering and challenges is what woke me up. It has been rough around here.


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Anyone know what this is?


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French catacombs. lots of fun stuff in there


They are not real.


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Niggers can cope about this but it's obvious that Native Americans are the aliens' chosen people.


A schizo recently told me to not interact with "Draco". Is this some reptilian bs?


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Calling red Indians "Native Americans" is leftist historical revisionism that took off in the '60s. I think you might have a point though. I've read that people descended from the Indian tribes are more likely to have alien encounters. I'm not sure whether that would be due to genetic factors or just that the Indians haven't been as indoctrinated into Abrahamism as most people in Western countries and are less likely to flip out and demonize alien beings.


Give some details about the draco stuff


> I think you might have a point though. I've read that people descended from the Indian tribes are more likely to have alien encounters. I'm not sure whether that would be due to genetic factors or just that the Indians haven't been as indoctrinated into Abrahamism as most people in Western countries and are less likely to flip out and demonize alien beings.
Isn't the same for nordic people?


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I don't know that much about them, and a lot of the stuff in this field just seems to be based on hearsay being taken as confirmed fact. There are a lot of credulous true believers and soft-headed New Agers out there who don't have very high standards of evidence and can't handle uncertainty. The glowniggers also don't want people knowing about what's going on with aliens and do what they can to throw out red herrings (like Project Serpo) to help discredit UFO research.

I did find this site a few days ago, but I wouldn't put much stock in it:
It wouldn't surprise me if the Epsilon Draco are based on accounts from Monroe Institute personnel, since I recall hearing that they made contact with alligator-like beings. There might have been a video with Robert Monroe himself talking about it.
Not really, since the Nordic countries have been Christianized a lot longer and more heavily.


Aliens do not exist. They are demons. And contrary to what pagans preach, nowhere in the Bible are reptiles, dragons or serpents actually evil creatures, they are just instruments of God.

These reptilians seen as bad by those who preached "Elf like Nordic aliens" is one of the biggest evidences that ufology is neopaganism and a great psyop.



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There's been plenty of psyop shenanigans afoot in ufology, but Christfaggotry is a far bigger psyop. Christfags are willing to take the supposed supernatural experiences of a bunch of superstitious Jews from thousands of years ago as pure and unvarnished truth, but then they'll write off experiences of people today who claim to have had experiences that go against the grain of their rigid Christian dogma. There seem to be both benevolent and malevolent non-human entities out there, but there is no cosmic struggle between Yahweh and Satan at the center of existence. Christfags just try and co-opt interest in paranormal phenomena like alien activity to keep as many people as possible on the Abrahamic plantation.


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The owls are not what they seem.


There are the greys pretending to be owls and there are the protective owls who are also not human or from this plane.


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I watched this documentary about him, his case always seemed very out of the ordinary to me, not in a good way, I always thought it was too bizarre. However, lately I have come to believe that whatever is having sex with humans while posing as aliens is actually doing so for reasons of the soul, not mere DNA.

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