[–]▶ No.2892[Watch Thread][View All]>>4310
Human beings were created (that is, invented)
via genetic experiments that were conducted by
reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known
as the "Anunnaki" or the "Reptilians," still rule the
Earth to this day.
In fact, the Reptilians have indoctrinated you so
thoroughly that you are probably too weak-minded to
even fathom that they exist. Via religion, science, and
other forms of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the
Reptilians have steered you (and the rest of humanity)
in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point
where the concept of an alien master/creator is
considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy.
Strangely enough, though, here on Earth, the concept of an imaginary god is perfectly acceptable, and is by no means considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy. Yet, the concept of aliens is taboo, and is ultra ridiculed by society in a freakish "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil"-type fashion. Well, obviously, this is due to the fact that aliens are indeed real, whereas imaginary gods are not. The Reptilians simply got humans to focus their attention on imaginary gods and away from their true controllers. It's no coincidence that all of Earth's religions fail to acknowledge the existence of aliens. It's because the Reptilians are the very ones who created all of Earth's religions, and thus they did not foolishly promote the concept of alien dominance over humanity.
"Many can accept the concept of 'God' or a Supreme Intelligence, but they are stifled when they try to comprehend alien beings. This is partially because of religious and other forms of programming and indoctrination. Many think so narrowly that they believe that the human race is the only intelligence in all Creation".
As with humanity, the truth is also an enemy of the Reptilians.
77 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click to expand. ▶ No.4267
>>3958The main weapon a normal user has against this is the quality of their posts. Putting in a little effort, packing in a few dense ideas, providing springboards for potential new directions of conversation, actually doing something or making OC for the sake of it and not for e-fame, ect. Its a lot easier to tamp down a sea of shitposts, and a lot easier to flood shitposts with more shit so even what little sense they originally had is gone. Even if quality discussion is disrupted the point is that is was had and was witnessed by others, who might learn to do it on their own. Any topic or opinion is fine as long as it is well thought out and you're prepared to confront people who disagree or find flaws in your reasoning, that's part of the fun! You can even play around with opinions you don't actually hold, try them out and see how others react to them.
You can still shitpost too, I still shitpost but at least try to find a new phrasing or angle instead of just posting
>cope>dilate>have sexlike a bot
Good discussion of all things is being crushed in every arena of public discourse, as free anons we have a duty to push back against that.
▶ No.4273>>4275
>>4272oh and for those who aren't aware, there are christians/antichristians buying ad space to prosyltize on 4ch. It's kind of hilarious
▶ No.4274>>4275
>>4272They probably pay a few of them to set up an archetype for the rest to follow, but I don't think you really have to pay third-worlders to be retarded online. Unless you count subsidizing internet access in those countries, which is partially done to make the internet unusable as it is flooded with morons. Flood it with them and then you need a full corporate moderation team to keep things seeming semi functional so now smaller independent sites can't function.
▶ No.4275>>4291
>>4272>>4273>>4274Brandon Adamson (the guy who ran altleft.com before it recently shut down) wrote a book called The Rats of Nationalism about how a lot of what you see in dissident circles is astroturfed. I think he cited "tradcaths" as an example, but I don't know if he ever had any evidence since I haven't read the book. I think this might have been the interview I heard it from, but I don't remember since it's been so long:
https://starktruthradio.com/?p=9309 ▶ No.4291>>4292>>4293
>>4275I remember when there was that story about a "conspiracy to kidnap gretchen whitmer" and it turned out the guy who suggested it and offered to fund it was an FBI agent looking to entrap random people
the US government is actually the largest organization in the world.
3 years ago there was 9 million total US Gov employees, which is 6% of the US workforce. For comparison Walmart has a little under 3 million.
Out of those nine million there's probably at least a couple thousand whose sole job is to go online and shit up any conversation/website they don't like.
▶ No.4292
>>4291"3 years ago" is important because it's still expanding rapidly, they're looking to add 30 thousand new IRS agents over the next 2 years
▶ No.4293
>>4291Twelve out of fourteen members of that group were feds, the two regular guys were the only ones trying to put the breaks on it because they were just hanging out with them to crush beers and blow off some steam. They're in prison forever now.
▶ No.4310>>4312
>>2892 (OP)So from what I hear the Annunaki and the Reptilians were two, amongst many groups here on Earth.
And it's hard to classify if one side is good or bad, because it's true that a lot of Reptilians act like bastards to us humans, doing things like capturing, enslaving and trying to dominate.
But there were reptilians that helped free humans from the slave mentality the Annunaki implemant into us, when they _uplifted_ us from the primitive hominids to us modern humans by mixing our DNA with theirs.
And this is not to mention of the Anunnaki that instead of seeing humans as just an expedient work force, saw us instead more as their children and ran away from overall Anunnaki society.
▶ No.4312>>4318
>>4310Aliens suck. My buddy married some pleiadian chick and she is a total bitch. Hard core cunt all the time. 'Oh the earth the earth!' Yeah we know, fuck off back to beteleguise.
▶ No.4318
>>4312Even the eternal anglo fears the based Pleaidian.
▶ No.4454
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True ufologists are dying, while we now only have grifters and new age faggots.
▶ No.4639>>4640
>>4638I'm glad I am not vaxxxed.
▶ No.4640>>4642
>>4638>>4639Schizo incel shit. Go read the Bible instead.
▶ No.4641
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▶ No.4643>>4644
>>4642You need more Jesus and less porn and alcohol, dude.
▶ No.4903
>>4901Steven Greer's a fraud. Maybe there's some good stuff in here though.
▶ No.4909>>4910
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Reddit sisters can't handle the truth.
▶ No.4910
>>4909Isn't this how the Shin Megami Tensei timeline kicks off?
▶ No.4911>>4925
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>>4644Jesus isn't a jew, he's a pedophile junkie.
▶ No.4925
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>>4911They're not mutually exclusive. I disagree with taking the Bible at face value though. Once you get rid of all the obvious legends and literary touches, what's left of the Jesus character? I don't think we can take the existence of a historical Jesus for granted in the first place, and even then there are other ideas of who he might have been that are worth considering.
▶ No.4955>>4956
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contact alien ambassadors of light
▶ No.4956
>>4955No such thing as space or aliens, there are no other planets, only the great wall of ice and the infinite depths of the earth.
▶ No.4958>>4965>>4983
Uncovering the truth about our past requires us to question everything we thought we knew. One theory suggests that our civilization was once part of a vast network of advanced societies, which were intentionally destroyed by outside forces to control the course of human history. This notion, known as 'Tartaria,' raises more questions than answers. Was our ancestors' knowledge suppressed, or was their culture eradicated?
Giant robot spiders destroying cities WERE REAL Maybe they were may have been a product of scientific experimentation and/or they were designed to kill all living things and let loode on unsuspecting cities.
This man was your emperor. The God-Emperor of Mankind, a great ruler over all Holy Terra, who ruled the civilization known as Tartaria. Actually it wasn't called that it's just a name that modern historicans and conspiracy theorists use.
Most likely we will never know his real name or his life story. But there were way too many depictions of the emperor to be destroyed and so to cover up his life story why he was so important to our ancient ancestors, the usurpers wrote the Bible to create a fake story around him and explain. All Abrahamic religions are fake, the Bible is a rewritten book, partially based on the character, philosophy, teachings, and magical powers of the emperor, but distorted and transformed into a monk in ancient Palestine.
I'm moving my family back to Tartaria, and then my work can really begin. I know, Phoenix is such a mess, the whole west coast. I grew up in the west, it used to be so happy and beautiful.
I do think that suffering and challenges is what woke me up. It has been rough around here.
▶ No.4987>>4988
>>4965French catacombs. lots of fun stuff in there
▶ No.4989>>4995
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Niggers can cope about this but it's obvious that Native Americans are the aliens' chosen people.
▶ No.4994>>4995
A schizo recently told me to not interact with "Draco". Is this some reptilian bs?
▶ No.4995>>4996>>4997
>>4989Calling red Indians "Native Americans" is leftist historical revisionism that took off in the '60s. I think you might have a point though. I've read that people descended from the Indian tribes are more likely to have alien encounters. I'm not sure whether that would be due to genetic factors or just that the Indians haven't been as indoctrinated into Abrahamism as most people in Western countries and are less likely to flip out and demonize alien beings.
▶ No.4996>>4998
>>4995Give some details about the draco stuff
▶ No.4997>>4998
>>4995> I think you might have a point though. I've read that people descended from the Indian tribes are more likely to have alien encounters. I'm not sure whether that would be due to genetic factors or just that the Indians haven't been as indoctrinated into Abrahamism as most people in Western countries and are less likely to flip out and demonize alien beings.Isn't the same for nordic people?
▶ No.4998>>5003
>>4996I don't know that much about them, and a lot of the stuff in this field just seems to be based on hearsay being taken as confirmed fact. There are a lot of credulous true believers and soft-headed New Agers out there who don't have very high standards of evidence and can't handle uncertainty. The glowniggers also don't want people knowing about what's going on with aliens and do what they can to throw out red herrings (like Project Serpo) to help discredit UFO research.
I did find this site a few days ago, but I wouldn't put much stock in it:
https://www.etspecies.com/reptiliansIt wouldn't surprise me if the Epsilon Draco are based on accounts from Monroe Institute personnel, since I recall hearing that they made contact with alligator-like beings. There might have been a video with Robert Monroe himself talking about it.
>>4997Not really, since the Nordic countries have been Christianized a lot longer and more heavily.
▶ No.4999>>5002>>5003
Aliens do not exist. They are demons. And contrary to what pagans preach, nowhere in the Bible are reptiles, dragons or serpents actually evil creatures, they are just instruments of God.
These reptilians seen as bad by those who preached "Elf like Nordic aliens" is one of the biggest evidences that ufology is neopaganism and a great psyop.
▶ No.5004>>5005
>>5003The owls are not what they seem.
▶ No.5005
>>5004There are the greys pretending to be owls and there are the protective owls who are also not human or from this plane.
▶ No.5014
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I watched this documentary about him, his case always seemed very out of the ordinary to me, not in a good way, I always thought it was too bizarre. However, lately I have come to believe that whatever is having sex with humans while posing as aliens is actually doing so for reasons of the soul, not mere DNA.
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