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 No.2840[Watch Thread][Last 50 Posts]>>2845>>4043>>4298



Middle-Eastern Gahoole nose


>>2840 (OP)
Indeed, the mainstream news that push this image in BBC, NatGeographic and many more are kikes.






Your Greek gods were bisexual cucks and your Norse gods loved drinking semen and crossdressing.




>Quick! Change subject to defend the Jewish Rabbi! Repeat some Reddit tier maymays about some of the European religions.
Like fucking clockwork.


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You're making shit hoping that people ignore the fact that you worship a dead Jew with two dads.


Fed shills already control your mind, turn to Christ if you have any free will left.


>making shit
Christians rarely read the book but larpagans are way worse, it is known Thor drank the juice of his enemies.


Based on what?


>christian monks told us it happened, so it's totally true!


It's amazing how often this is ignored nowadays, the fact that for centuries most of the written sources in Europe, especially religious ones, were written by Christian monks or Kikes.
Look at late Roman empire for example, with christians controlling the narrative and to this day some people believes certain emperors were bad just because of Christian records.

Imagine in the future people will know about right-winger and third postion just by posts written by typical breadtubers and twitter trannies.



You know you are a massive homosexual when even the athenians are appalled at your acts


like clockwork


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That's not even getting into the fact that the earliest extant copies of ancient writings were often written hundreds of years after the fact and could easily contain interpolations. For example, the earliest Greek manuscript we have of Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus dates to the 11th century. And on top of that, ancient historians would routinely make things up in the first place.




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>It's not true, where is your source
>posts source
>NOOOOOOOO don't make fun of MY deities only i get to make fun of yours! You're a homosexual!
lol Cry more you satanic faggot.


>Can't read
Both you and the larpagans are not only retarded but malicious.


What am i not reading?


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>Christian calling anyone else retarded


leftypol tier of a meme, thanks for proving that all of you LARPagans are all leftypol trannies. You'll burn in hell together with Hitler, Varg, Stalin and Marx.




Why my essay about Saturn, Hebrews and God are being blocked?


You know too much.



Fuck off, Nuzach.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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>>2840 (OP)




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>>2840 (OP)


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What happened with his channel?


So modern Moloch is actually all schizo shit. Because of course it is. But if you try to point that out /pol/ types will say you glow in the dark and get all fucked up about it. Moloch is one of two things: either he's a Canaanite god (there are a fuck ton of them) or he's actually a word that got corrupted into people thinking it was a god's name. The word being mlk which means "sacrifice" and is used primarily to describe a specific type of sacrifice in the Punic language. Mlk typically involved sacrificing children and may have been an imported custom by the Canaanites from the Phoneticians. But even assuming that Moloch is in fact a Canaanite god, he wasn't the god of the Jews. The god of Jews was Yah (yah), a son of the God of creation El, whose name eventually became Yahweh (yah-way) as the culture of his people evolved and changed. Yahweh was the god of Jews, warriors, and lightning. After awhile, the Jews actually divorced themselves from the Canaanites ethnically, too. There's a reason so many of those older gods are now seen as "demons" or enemies by modern Abrahamic religions. They led a very strong campaign against that that's actually recorded in the Old Testament (Joshua, the 10 commandments, etc etc). Moloch would be counted among the enemies of Judaism in that regard. But a lot of modern /pol/ types took this weird shit from like 50 or 60 years ago and rolled with it. Conspiracy theories about how Jews control everything and they all sacrifice babies to Moloch in the woods. It's ancient antisemitism that has been changing forms for decades to include the wealthy and politicians and has changed the god they worship to plenty as well.

I should also add that Yahweh is the Christian God, too. Like, the "Capitol G" God. It's also the same God found in Islam, "Allah" is just the Arabic version of his name. All Abrahamic religions are constantly at each others throats fighting over how to honor the same guy.


I should also add, you remember that guy I mentioned earlier who was Yahweh's dad? El? Yeah, so in Abrahamic religions the word/name "El" considered holy as shit. That's why all the archangels have El in their names (Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, etc), and in earlier variations of the Old Testament (pre Christian, Islam, or modern Jusdaism versions) they actually make a note of God creating the universe by saying it was created by El, and then other acts were attributed to Elohim or Yahweh. This got translated through the grapevine as both El words meaning "God" or being two names of God who was also Yahweh. But in actuality it's now thought that that shit was mistranslated (the Old Testament and New Testament both are RIFE with mistranslated shit). El is a specific dude and Elohim means something more like "Gods" as in plural. His Kin. Some some things in the Abrahamic religion attributed to God (with a capitol G) are actually mistakes. They're meant to be attributed to another God or another set of Gods. And this is all because Judaism decided at some point that it wanted to be monotheistic. Because it didn't actually start that way. Originally it respected the idea that many gods existed, but that theirs was the only god they should worship, because he was the best. And then it slowly turned into "ours is the only one" instead. Which is wacky when you think about it.


An idiot from /christian/ doxed himself, and guess what? He's a literal nigger and WE WUZ QUEENS AND KANGZ



Where can we read about the doxing?


If the creator of that playlist is the nigger in question, I saw him defending the Netflix show about Cleopatra and being humiliated on jewtube.


varg goon


funny gay meme, kys


>Imagine in the future…
That's already how most people know about anything third position, some spectacled fuck just telling them it's bad over and over without actually getting into what it is.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Bible bros??? our response?


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>da jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooossss


Post more like that, bro, I need to update my folders


Rabbi Yeshua got nailed by a group of men and came back three days later.


>kys kys kys kys kys


Google "cuckchristian"
this term is actually used by canadians to refer to themselves


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Finally, something bad that the Jews aren't responsible for.


The most based Canadian I've interact in the last years is a literally a tranny who cut off his own dick.
That enough said how shit Canadians are.


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Imagine not being part of Typhonian Order, but instead being some kind of groyper.


I can't find the thread it was said in, but the description of Yahweh actually being a dragon popped into my head again and I had to think it was interesting that Genesis had a serpent give Addam and Eve the means of self-awareness. God in Genesis isn't Yahweh, it's El. El treated humans as playthings. Yahweh, the dragon, the serpent, gave them "awareness", the first covenant, to move them away from El to strengthen his own cult. Yehweh was the serpent.


That's why the jews worship the reptilians


Why they love gold so much.


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>t. black Israelite




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
What about his takes?


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the photo is close to what christ looked like in real life yet we were lied to when we were told that he was white when in reality he was a man with dark skin and was both jew and chistian at the same time.


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sure bruh


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somebody make this and report back with your findings


I guess I'll try that one.


You made the fags from /christian/ made, they linked this thread.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


if anyone has an archive of this dude let me know


That's too difficult to the zoombers using the webring


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
He was blacks and we black people are the true Israelites


They're not even real Biblical jews though. The problem with our world is the 13th tribe of Khazarian Merchants who subverted Judaism and Christianity. The real Biblical jews never survived their time in Babylon and that's where the Talmud and the 13th tribe took over. That same ancient Babylonian merchantry is now hellbent on world domination. That's the timeline that we're all currently living in. I denounce the Talmud and reject the 13th tribe.


>we wuz jews
The 13th tribe have erased your people from the canon scriptures, but there is historic evidence of African jews, but the 13th tribe has stolen it from you. They wrote your people off as "cursed" and claim that it's why your skin is black. You pissed off Yahweh, and that's why your skin was turned black. That's what jews really believe about black people. I'm a white man, but to a jew, you're goyim (cattle/animal) just like me. That's what jews think of us. We're disposable animals. Are you starting to figure it out?


The Khazar hypothesis was popularized by Arthur Koestler, who thought it would let Jews evade accusations of deicide if they were seen as descendants of Khazars and not the Biblical Jews.

Even if it was true, Jews are shit in general. "Biblical Jews" are just another flavor of kike from Rabbinic Jews.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Embrace the Truth and the Light, not marvel gods and suicidal genocides


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Embrace the cultural heritage of Europe, not dead kikes and spiritual slavery.


Allah is an angry, jealous, and merciless god, and I put superior idols before him. Muhammad and Ali were idiots.

The Holy Spirit is a demonical force of pure destruction. Jesus was an idiot.

Moses and the Torah are shit, and I curse YHVH/Elohim/Jehova.


I've been screaming this for a while now because people need to know the truth. It's in the history books, documented, but conveniently, for some reason, (((they))) never seem to teach us this.


It's a bit ironic that these scheming kikes got their start by having their ethnic tribes and religions subverted and invaded by mutts and religious converts. These Babylonian and gypsy merchants re-wrote the history books and even created their own lore like a shitty Disney+ Star Wars fanfic spinoff. Seriously, fuck them all.

Most normies will never know about this because the merchants hide behind their shield of "oy vey, antisemitism" but the truth is, none of them are actual real semites or ethnic jews. It's all a scam to fleece the goyim aka (You)!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Wagner did however heavily flirt with Christianity, especially the middle age Catholic legends like the grail, the knights, etc. Die Meistersinger von Nuremburg is a massive dedication to a staunch Lutheran, Hans Sachs.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
True. But he also deserves credit for generating Europe's traditional heritage. A lot of people piss and moan about the changes he made to the original Eddic stories in the Ring cycle, but he was really just reformulating them for a new era. I know a lot of people just find the Ring tedious, but at its best it's pure magic. It might be an acquired taste, but those instrumental compilation albums you can find usually don't do justice to the real thing.

I put off getting into it for way too long and should delve into his other operas at some point, although I don't think I'll find the subject matter as interesting.
>Jesus was an idiot.
If Jesus came not to throw out the law but to fulfill it, then he shouldn't be relevant to gentiles in the first place. And even if he was the anti-Yahweh figure that the Gnostics claim, then he was a fool for supposedly promoting total pacifism and rejection of the world. There's a large middle ground between being a spineless doormat and being a domineering, bloodthirsty psychopath.

I think that if he existed at all, he was probably just another Jewish rebel from that period who ended up having words put in his mouth by his followers for generations.


*generating interest in and revitalizing Europe's traditional heritage




Funny to hear that coming from a jew whose culture has only ever produced blind cults like marxism and freudianism. The egalitarian spirit of the european university is wholly foreign ot the authoritarian spirit of the semites. Just look at muslims, semites don't do reason or questions, they demand absolute submission to the ultimate authority.



Adam Green just got interviewed on Counter-Currents.


based pierce.
Adam Green is autistic, I don't trust gay johnson but he seems to have some okay enough takes.


>Adam Green is autistic
He's apparently a pretty big prick, but I think his overall religious takes are closer to the truth than the e-Christians who get so butthurt over him.
>I don't trust gay johnson but he seems to have some okay enough takes.
I generally agree with his opinions but don't trust him either. He seems underhanded, and there are accusations that he's a fed that I think might be right. If it's true it's highly unfortunate, because Counter-Currents is probably the best site of its kind. But in light of the rumors, I wouldn't donate any money to them even if I were rich.


Never trust any celeb, even if they are saying what you want to hear.


I don't but if they actually push a message I agree with I will enjoy their content and praise them for doing something based.

I think Varg is the one e-celeb I have always had a hard time not liking as much as I do because him and his autistic wife come across as very real human beans, and unlike many they truly believe in what they preach. I don't agree with alk of it but its much better than any form of christcuckery


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You guys triggered some discord tranny


kek, gahoole should stop using diskike, this is hilarious however.


It's pretty obvious that that person on Discord is a winner while you are a loser.


t. discord tranny
Christcucks will always be cucks.


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>doesn't even mention the epic election season content on >>>/dup/
<complains about transphobia
why do they/them do this


>Narcissistic e-christian who only complains and never adds anything to the site
>Also a shitty shitposter and animalfag
This is peak reddit.


I wouldn't be surprised if this loser is a spic.


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>cleaning up Kris' room after a wild night with the brothers


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If Sam Hyde was actually funny in this day and age he would get this funny Kris instead of the unfunny zoomer one. I think Kris would make a lot of success among his groyper audience.


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Someone should interview Kris. I'd love to know what happened. Such an odd story.


Same, bro, as far as i know he deleted almost everything about himself. He's probably somewhere on tumblr and other porn sites, hiding under some other name and nickname, a guy as autistic as him deserves the chance to say something to the world.


imagine this dude and king cobra talking about how much they hate communists


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Would Kris qualify as a sicko by his standards or not? One on hand, he clearly is a sicko. But on the other, he's not openly into rape or people who are underage or dead or whatever.


What faggot ass "sektur" shit are you losers talking about?


tbh cobes is pretty cringe and bluepilled about this shit. so while he'd wince at seeing all this degeneracy; he'd still "fuck yah dood" it.


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>not knowing the King
That's most definitely not what's up, toobz.
Yeah, that's what I think. As long as anyone is consenting, alive, of age, and all that then he doesn't seem to give a shit. He just regurgitates a bunch of South Park Republican talking points and gets all his political opinions from other people. Unless people brought up the more unnerving parts of what Kris is into, I don't think know that he would care.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>that person on Discord is a winner


Tbqh I never watched anything about King Cobra, normalfags and discorspics ruined lots of lolcows over the years, for me I only care about really underrated lolcows like Kris or some ones from youtube that I watch but I never share about or spergs on imageboards such as Nuzach and Zooslav.


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I think Cobes is a really interesting character, but those faggots have basically ruined him compared to what he used to be like. Because of all the window-licking A-Logs and glass tappers intentionally trying to ruin his life, he doesn't even bother going outside anymore and just sits around drinking himself to death. There really aren't that many truly authentic lolcows around in the classic sense, but the dumbasses can't be content to just let them milk themselves (or at the very least be more gentle with them) instead of acting like a bunch of pricks and leading the cow to be less productive.


>there's jizz on his face

I don't know what to make about this

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