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File: 1732980451060.mp4 (3.51 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1727846593716.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Eva lovia turning into the Most Influential US Female Politicians.
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Projection, only a fag cares about pornies fucking blacks, get bent loser


lol fuck you yakuza.


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Wrong guy


Emojitroon has been exposed as a literal cuck irl.

He made his cousin have sex with a nigger.



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Reminder that zoomers are subhuman infantilized vermin.
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He is completely blind to his own irony and hypocrisy.


Black Zoomers have no respect, none of them want to fuck my ass, they said I'm too old and poor. Back in the day, Black guys would fuck anything for free.


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Lmao, millenials


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>cute things make him angry.



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Why do some women have naturally gigantic tits? Is there a scientific explanation?
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You see anon, when a big titted woman makes babby with a man whose momma had big tits, they get big-titted daughters.


Poor blondie. She's good looking too, but looks like an actual retard next to that gorgeous titcow.
Chicks with big tits are really the only chicks that matter.


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(Big Balvin 'cFlurry)


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After all, autism is a derivative to the Downs.


Mark is my nee god now. I'm gonna eat his whole ass like a cake to make you guys seethe hahaha!




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This is something that I think about every day and it drives me crazy:

tvch is dead. 4chan is dead. youtube is dead.
Waifus era is dead.

Dead internet theory is real. No reason to stay on internet.
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Not me. It's Emoji the tranny.

I leave don't worry.


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>Incel? You're a nazi virgin! Dumb hypocrite.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
My new video is OUT


You've finally posted something good, nice.

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Yo clittycels, what's going on?
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What's going on in this thread?


That's what I'm trying to figure out.


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 No.153667[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Guys please help he won't post black dicks anymore and he seems depressed.
Can yakuza or emoji give him a call and see how he's doing? I'm worried.
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It's toast, but it's thicker-sliced bread, hence the name because "everything is bigger in Texas."


/dunk/ is a board about nothing.


As opposed to? you are a sad clown projecting your insecurities, and while i can understand the first two as being common the third accusation is retarded, and the forth even more so because /dunk/ is the Kid Cuisine of imageboards, goyslop of the lowest order due to low quantity and low quality, any good from it comes from mere accident.


I don't need Jews to make me love BBC.


Obviously, they already got to you a long time ago.

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 No.151623[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Prior to yesterday, if someone said jews were planting explosives inside of electronics and had the ability to detonate them remotely they would be labeled a "conspiracy theorist" and a "schizo". And yet this is exactly what happened.

Also, remember when the jews were caught tunneling beneath the sewers doing God knows what? That's another thing people would get called crazy if they thought was happening, and yet the jews were caught doing it.

Really makes you wonder what else the "Schizos" claim the jews are up to which has yet to be proven but is nonetheless true.
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>Quit projecting your own homosexuality onto me, trannyshitter. Go watch Trans500.


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good weather
is like
good women-
it doesn't always happen
and when it does
it doesn't
always last.
man is
more stable:
if he's bad
there's more chance
he'll stay that way,
or if he's good
he might hang
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Very nice

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Around August 2014 was when IA posted the Quinnspiracy Theory video and the rest was all history. Soon it'll be September when GG really kicked off as well as the exodus. Reminisce on the old times and since then.
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You have to calm down, ma'am.


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This is now a Mister Metokino general.




No one here is interested in you yelling at yourself in the mirror.


The internet needs men like Jim so badly. Its over.

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 No.151677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are the odds that International Jewry set Ramon up for his arrest? What do you lads make of the arrest, anyways?

I presume that nothing came of it, or the charges were dropped, or it got plead down to nothing. I can't really find any information about what happened after he got sentenced to house arrest and the man seems to be doing fine now.

Was he set up? If not, why on earth was this beautiful man out driving around with a bunch of animals in his van?

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What's your problem, buddy?


Ramon took the redpill.


Keep yourself safe


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