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File: 1730556438329.mp4 (2.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, proud.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


>My mom gonna be so proud

Another BANGER commercial from the businessman
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File: 1730829962985.webm (711.29 KB, 302x228, 151:114, mark's reaction to your p….webm) ImgOps iqdb



>hes there
Thank you RAMON BALV very cool.


Do you guys think Mark would watch blacked with me? I would rim his beautiful jewish hole only to make Essayfag seethe, hahaha!


Based trump endorsement


You mean endowment and by that actually means BRC.

File: 1729778617689.png (488.42 KB, 3352x2328, 419:291, indians and pakistan 51405….png) ImgOps iqdb


All indians are subhuman.
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Post your wrists


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
You dare to trash such prominent nations when they conceived such kinos?


File: 1730803738877.webm (1.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6409710-5b3e82afd4f974ab1….webm) ImgOps iqdb

I came across a JewTube video on the Foxdick Farms of an old Indian guy with glasses and gray hair speaking at some event about how awful Indians and Indian culture are, but I can't find it now. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I thought I had it bookmarked, but now I can't find it.


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Saaar please, seethe more.

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File: 1730746004460.png (250.16 KB, 315x383, 315:383, tears.png) ImgOps iqdb

Her panty was glued on her pussy


Jesus Christ, that second pic is horrifying!


Use it or lose it.


I just want too liberals lose their minds again this time it should be a full happening and I expect liberals to start suicide bombing hopefully at gay parades.


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Their braincells clicked over Jan 6 and still brings up every fucking time, hell during OJ's death they kept bringing up:
>Orange Man Bad
>Orange Man is Worse
While ignoring the other trained monkeys who did kill their lovers.

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those are gooks, and I know that place because I stayed around there for a couple months, these are just drunks


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Why are gooks letting him off so easy they should of maimed that nigger with boiling rice water at the least cut the niggers nose off.

File: 1730608640605.png (146.67 KB, 600x546, 100:91, louis.png) ImgOps iqdb


So lost in all the hullabloo lately about Ramon taking his rightful place as the king and mascot of tvch has been the whereabouts of another long-standing and much-beloved tvch meme…



Discuss this world-histoircal man in this thread. How's he doing, how would he get along with Ramon, will coonsteehther whine like a little bitch, what is big money Louey up to?
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>age of cuckoldry

When to when?


File: 1730663320768.png (248.22 KB, 417x462, 139:154, MarkMann crying.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Ramon and Lous would likely have good ol gay sex with each other and you would jack off to it.


2014 - 2020


What year was peak Cuckoldry?


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Looks like emoji is right, Yakuza never created any oc, he just posts coomer shit from 4chan


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Go ahead emoji, post some femboys, we know you want it


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Haven't been here for a while… seems like it's the same 5-10 fags as 2020, where is zach, is yakuza still posting bbc?

so many questions, so little time
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Tiny nigger dick


>muh bee bee see
Pic unrelated, right?


Emoji is right. And there's nothing wrong with fucking a culo. The Romans knew that.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Yakuza was murdered


its worst with the nigger ramon posting spam.

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that's so fucking scary bro
didn't know AI where that advanced now
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>t. Big Black Cock Respecter

Your stupidity, hypocrisy, and lack of self awarness is astounding


File: 1730129939356.jpg (68.15 KB, 768x960, 4:5, IMG_20231122_083200_058.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Yes, you're a dumb old homo. Hahahahah!


>t. Interracial Porn Enjoyer


>No u!
Be honest, are you really retarded and gay or are you just pretending to be? You can't stop thinking about black dicks and posting them.


Did you make these or just save them, OP??

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one of those woke feminism movies made him seethe lol.
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Hey guys its Jewzach coping!


Mark won.


Who? Take your meds or just kys.


Fury Road was genuinely a shitty movie. People for some reason get distracted by all the flashy imagery and miss out entirely on the nonsense plot and the cuckery.


Based Gahoole, the more right-winger he becomes the more success he has had with women.
No wonder he's now dating while OP spams blacked and seethe on discord.

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I was up all night, so I read for most of the morning and went to bed at 2pm and woke up at 11pm.
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My thread about my birthday and guess what, two brown incels show up to make it about themselves and their lust for niggers dicks.


Something else for you to complain about.


I hope you are happy with the life choices that led you to this point.


File: 1727943842916.jpg (199.92 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, nuzach seething as usual.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Something else for you to complain about.


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