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Gahoole, Nuzach, and the Ramontards btfo lol.
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>Calls a store owner a jew and runs him over
Did he almost kill a jewish manager for not complying to his tantrums? It's fine when he harasses white people, but when G*d's chosen people get involved


I don't think Michael Snyder is even a kike.


Looks like Theoden and Wormtongue.


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>Be thankful (((we))) still haven't got rid of your welfare
<You sorry ass freeloadin' sperg

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He recorded and posted the video on internet

He told to the retarded to record EVERYTHING
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This is a completely organic post and not coonseether at all


What are you talking about? I was stating a correct statement, that was a purely organic post and not coonseether doing his usual bitchy woman schtick.


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Both are at their fault, of course nowadays you have to be more open minded, the retard was acting flirtatious and cockteasing Hammod.


nuzach won fr


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>8chan even long after 2014 STILL had a billion more users than the entire webring combined.
nothing really puts it into perspective of how "over" it is than this.
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Indeed and hallelujah!


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I wish we could go back


Wish we could find a way…

I wish I visited more boards back then. I kept only to a few, maybe five. Wish I had viewed more.


It really does seem like everyone just gave up and went home. I know some of you anons got families now but I also know a lot of you don't atm


I'm 35 and don't use the Internet as much as I used to actually. Do not project so hard. Why would I go online other than to either shop or copyright infringe? My two choices. No oldfag is using a site that does range bans for profit. By jewgle captcha it was already too far gone but by now it's literally going to make people pay for a pass and have a static IP just so you can NOT have freedom of speech, saying nigger or kys would get you banned at this point.I would literally use reddit before that place even with what reddit became.

Le bait is nice tho zoomer.

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 No.136350[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since /cow/ died with 8chan and foxdickfarms is straight crap lets post shit here
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A new video about this Grima. I wonder how much he is seething with Dup atm.


Spoony is probably a million times better than this faggot, I wonder if hes just a sons of kojima clone.


>Sons of Hackjima
Another pozzed and failed attempt of Bryan Dunn to get fame and BWC.


Mister Metokur won


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Dudebros nowadays feel remorse once they attracted axis and Nazi Germany was known for purging the mentally retarded.

[Last 50 Posts]

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100 years later and I feel the same way. I assume so but is it truly known that he found purpose and was content with his life after joining the Nazi party?
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I don't think enough people appreciate how fucking kawaii Goeppels-chan is.


Yeah she is adorkable.


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That's Mark's "what if the child consents though" faec


his rape face

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I looked up flights to East Asia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, and it is around $1,500 to $2,000. I can't afford to blow that and end up empty handed. I wanted to go over there so I could finally have sex with a woman, and I am not bad looking or fat mind you, but the cost is huge.
The whole "sex tourism" in Asia, which may not even exist anymore in our world of cunts and troons, was probably just a thing for rich old fuckers. I doubt any young or youngish dude ever went over there, got a wife, came back and lived happily ever after, or stayed over there.
It will forever be a mystery to me how exactly Jim Watkins got set up like he did. I actually liked Jim but he just felt shady.
I feel like Asia women appreciate white meat more, they don't take it for granted like white women do. Brown woman hate us and resent us and I would never trust being married to one, even if they subconsciously wanted to be bleached.
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Just go to south korea or japan asian men are such pussies and faggots that even a shutin American seems like a top tier quality that they will sugar momma.


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YakuzaPEDO exposed


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Nip women are also whores like everyone else and are big cheaters, but they hid it the best. They lose their virginities as teenagers, as early as 13 or early 20s.


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Whores just want to leave their turdworld shitholes, passportbros are in for a rude awakening.


>he thinks white women don't lose their virginity at 13
>or early 20s
been living under a rock?

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That dude deserve a ban.
Ai is better.

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Everything is going wrong.
In personal life and the world as a whole.
Even the small promises of improvement didn't come to fruition and now I find myself alone and hating everyone or at least distrusting them and knowing that I cannot delude myself with friendship or family.
Not even music, books and the Bible are helping me to distract myself or have a good time. Sometimes I go days without accessing the internet because it's sad to see what happened to the Internet thanks to zoomers and corporations.
It's over.
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The end of the cycle is coming, but its not bad for a rebirth will come that will see the yids power finally taken away.


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I blame the other anons for being white and happy and white women for not wanting to have sex with me neither letting hot guys having sex with me.
You losers seethe about DAJOOOOS but they never did anything bad to me, only you nazi virgins who bully me and don't want to fuck my brown hairy ass.


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You need to accept your lot in life, accept that White women are just not for you.


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>You need to accept your lot in life, accept that White women are just not for you.


try beer.

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Ed Jr the legendary SSJ is the real king of Brazil.
Deal with it Ramon poster.
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Is 2girls1cup also from Brazil? What a great way to show your country without the government filtering its harsh reality.


I think they both have a friendly rivalry.


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In the end !!!


He fucked that hot goth chick


Charlote sartre ?

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Why do so many men donate and simp for random streamers?
What's with this parasocial culture?
Do people really wage all day just to spend it all on a 5-second high from some streamer behind a webcam saying your name or reading your message?
Most of the time they don't even respond to donations at all.

Why do zoomers or even people older than that do it? Especially simping for women.
I mean these people don't know who you even are outside of the internet.
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Christianity and zoomers are saving the world, while incel gay millennials are always online crying about both and watching porn shit or cartoons lol.


>Not afraid of each other. Afraid of being our true selves around others.
Because you can't be your real self and less you are a subhuman.
Pathetic porn addict, just get their whore shit for free if you will never quit.
>Christianity and zoomers are saving the world, while incel gay millennials are always online crying about both and watching porn shit or cartoons lol.
Great b8 anon, but zoomers are probably more addicted to porn than millenials.


>Pathetic porn addict, just get their whore shit for free if you will never quit.
It's not actual porn, and you miss the point of why I pay. I'm not trying to save money, I am contributing to the content creator, so they will continue making the content.


The two biggest coomers losers on this site and other webring sites are in their thirties and forties, lmao.


So what ?

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