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File (hide): 1733456601219.mp4 (299.64 KB, 482x730, 241:365, 5c747d08c0767e801124aad8d0….mp4) ImgOps iqdb [play once] [loop]


 No.156724[Watch Thread][Reply]

After all this time has passed, I've been proven right

vol3 and essay fag and proably another vol are bbc faggots

yakuza was the blacked poster this entire time

ramon coons are pseudo bbc posters

god i won

i won so ahrd
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Bloody rich coming from you, gaycel.


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 No.146899[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The easiest way to differentiate a latinomutt from pajeets and sandniggers is the fact that latinos are obese and closet homos.
Other than that, imagine being such a mixture of "colors" that you end up with a boring and ugly brown shade that can "pass" as other inferior races.
Latrinos truly are the transvestites of the races.
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Dios mio!


lmao, grim!

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.152144[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Nuzach not only saved Ramon but literal tranny porn into his barely functioning spic HDD
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>he is still posting about ramon dick.


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Yeah, Nuzach really is a butthurt closet homo faggot. Poor little guy, so flawed in every way.


Nuzach is a pathetic gaycel driven mad by his failures and loneliness.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.148814[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I want 8chan back, and I want it back to the way it used to be. There is no goddamn reason why we cannot do it.
Close all these faggy little ego projects and put everything back on an 8chan.
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loli rules are pretty violent in russia, so sadly I won't allow it but Blue Archive or some generally known IPs are considered ok, as long as there is restriction in that, also kohlchan is fucking gay and the admin is glownigga


chomos seething


What's Blue Archive?


based thread


One of the many shitty Gacha ASSFAGGOTS games that shackle the goyim from facing their harsh reality.

[Last 50 Posts]
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.150745[Watch Thread][Reply]

Around August 2014 was when IA posted the Quinnspiracy Theory video and the rest was all history. Soon it'll be September when GG really kicked off as well as the exodus. Reminisce on the old times and since then.
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He's not as smart as he thinks he is


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He is a genius, you dumb white nigger.


gamergay forever


You don't hate Sargon enough.


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The 10th anniversary of the SVU episode is soon.

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 No.153667[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Guys please help he won't post black dicks anymore and he seems depressed.
Can yakuza or emoji give him a call and see how he's doing? I'm worried.
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Obviously, they already got to you a long time ago.




Funny how Jewzach tried to dick suck emoji a few days ago only to be now seething about any new post about emoji because emoji mostly post good looking women, but Jewzach can't hold his homosexual desire for black dicks and hatred for women.


Why do a bunch of old faggots keep associating themselves with Emoji? Literally grooming.


jew faggot

[Last 50 Posts]
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.152678[Watch Thread][Reply]

I was told to post the BalvinChad again.
There you go
This thread? It's on me
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Your seething is pretty funny, bud.


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This is kino. It is undeniably kino.

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 No.153712[Watch Thread][Reply]

YLYL involving niggers
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On cuckchan do they at least still have rekt threads?




kys shitskin.


anyone got any more of these kinos?



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 No.154202[Watch Thread][Reply]

It's been ten years since Gamergate happened. I never cared about it, but the fallout surrounding it lead to a portion of the 4chan userbase to move to 8chan. It was a wild time, the freedom we had. Didn't like the moderation on a 4chan board? Make the board on 8chan. Make a board for a specific interest. I remember so many people moving over to the site, including content creators like drawfags. It was such a breath of fresh air to be able to post and not be so bogged down by the moderation of 4chan. I remember in the early days of posting and having Hotwheels replying to something I said, it felt nice having that connection with the admin of the site. It felt like the dawn of a new era.

Of course, the good times didn't last forever. I seem to remember a solid six months where 8chan was busy, but then as 2015 rolled on you could feel it wasn't the same, and people were quietly going back to 4chan, even the ones who proudly said they wouldn't. I stopped visiting the original 8chan sometime in 2016 or 2017, because it felt so dead. Then the original site was taken offline in 2019. Now with 8moe, a spinoff of the original site, it feels like a shell of its former self.

In the decade since Gamergate happened, there has never been a single event that has caused a mass migration of 4chan users to go elsewhere. Despite the fact that people proclaim 4chan has gotten worse and worse over the years, people still stay there, stating there is no place else to go. 8moe still exists. So the question I've been pondering for the last little while is this: why do people stay using 4chan when they have alternatives? Will there ever be another event that will cause 4chan users to leave en masse? Or will everyone who likes the image board lifestyle just stay on 4chan 4ever?
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He was quite arrogant and one of those actors who wanted more until they found themselves hitting a wall. I think both he and the actor who played Jonas Quinn talk a lot of cringe shit on social media.


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technically 9 though?

I will redo chudpol and open it.


can passionlip come to marry me and cosplay as cheerleader with giant pompoms in stead of her gaunlet claws? that'd be very sweet )



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 No.152785[Watch Thread][Reply]

I guess the losers still here are going to pretend Gahoole's King of The Incels thing never happened because boogeyman made you all cry with interracial porn? You do realize that King of The Incels meant not only Gahoole is an incel but also everyone in his kingdom i.e. tvch.moe? You retards struggle with logic I've noticed, no doubt because you don't read and you're uneducated. Your only education is "da jooooooooss."
I guess you losers are going to pretend Gahoole and the whole board did not absolutely love Jokershit? It's pretty pathetic seeing basement dwelling virgins act tough because they saw white pussy get speared by a nigger dick in a porno! Haha.
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Isn't it ironic that he seethe so much about Ramon when he is the guy who loves posting blacked, cp, zoofagshit and even porn with Ramon?


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The best thing about him seething again ITT is knowing that this pathetic thread was created by him after being bullied by everyone.



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