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>mfw got banned from cuckchan for 1 year again


Haven't posted there for 15 years, haven't needed to.


I stopped using 4chan in 2002 when the newfags started to fuck up the site.


what is '4chan'?


>there are people still going to cuckchan in the current year
Why do you like eating shit?

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How could you hate a face like that?


Posting smug ramon and then saying you like smug ramon is seething to you, our ESL friend?


White women dont like me neither the black kangz, I am the true definition of an incel. I pray every day for a nuclear holocaust.


Zach, its me, your pal Shane Diesel. Doll yourself up for us, champ


This picture makes Nuzach rage harder than a thousand suns.

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The JAV's are run by literal yakuza and they do simular stuff to yids such as interracial porn.


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Yakuza are patriotic. They do dirty work but are not Jews



I can actually see why they would rather control it than yids, still anything involving nigger porn is disgusting.

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<tfw ywn be the mom that pimps out her own daughter

why bros even go on?


Just whore things.



Menko's are scheming.


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Men did this!


Hopefully she slashes her wrists. Lots of porno whores do that you know.

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It's been ten years since Gamergate happened. I never cared about it, but the fallout surrounding it lead to a portion of the 4chan userbase to move to 8chan. It was a wild time, the freedom we had. Didn't like the moderation on a 4chan board? Make the board on 8chan. Make a board for a specific interest. I remember so many people moving over to the site, including content creators like drawfags. It was such a breath of fresh air to be able to post and not be so bogged down by the moderation of 4chan. I remember in the early days of posting and having Hotwheels replying to something I said, it felt nice having that connection with the admin of the site. It felt like the dawn of a new era.

Of course, the good times didn't last forever. I seem to remember a solid six months where 8chan was busy, but then as 2015 rolled on you could feel it wasn't the same, and people were quietly going back to 4chan, even the ones who proudly said they wouldn't. I stopped visiting the original 8chan sometime in 2016 or 2017, because it felt so dead. Then the original site was taken offline in 2019. Now with 8moe, a spinoff of the original site, it feels like a shell of its former self.

In the decade since Gamergate happened, there has never been a single event that has caused a mass migration of 4chan users to go elsewhere. Despite the fact that people proclaim 4chan has gotten worse and worse over the years, people still stay there, stating there is no place else to go. 8moe still exists. So the question I've been pondering for the last little while is this: why do people stay using 4chan when they have alternatives? Will there ever be another event that will cause 4chan users to leave en masse? Or will everyone who likes the image board lifestyle just stay on 4chan 4ever?
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I'd probably become the new owner of H8chan and /tv/ and bring it back from ruin if it was even possible. A night out with CIA and joining humble harv damn a lot of fine choices.


What happened to the actor who played Daniel? The last time I saw him he had a white beard and seemed to have sunk into madness.


Wait he went insane? Always thought he was better than the actor in the movie. Stargate was a fun show for its pure action and guns solve everything moments.


He was quite arrogant and one of those actors who wanted more until they found themselves hitting a wall. I think both he and the actor who played Jonas Quinn talk a lot of cringe shit on social media.


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sucks to be a beaner.
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Another Freudian slip, buddy.


As far as I know, other Latinos hate mexicans and chicanos


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Nuzach sisters…


I finished reading Pedro Páramo yesterday, supposedly the best Mexican book ever written. It's a 7/10, pure nihilism and full of beta male vibes.

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Is the baggy clothes trend another way that they are punishing men for voting for Dup?

Seriously, this thing seemed to have sprung up overnight, all the girls in my neighborhood are wearing them, and it sucks.
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ummmm based?


Baggy jeans looked like shit back in the '90s, and they look like shit now.


Clothes just gotta be trendy to you, if you ride the /fa/ train you either have too much money, too little self worth or both.


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You don't necessarily have to look like everyone else, but people should be more critical about dressing themselves. A lot of normgroids outsource their fashion sense to popular consensus, and a lot of autists try to dress like characters from pop culture without the least bit of discernment.

/fa/'s probably awful now, but for me as a sperg who didn't care about fashion it was invaluable in teaching me to start paying attention to clothing and putting outfits together. You just had to learn to ignore all the gothninja dorks, hi fashin homos, and streetwear wiggers who were taking over. Being in decent shape combined with wearing sensible, well-fitting basic outfits will always look better than a lot of the outlandish shit like this they started pushing. A little bit of autism goes a long way.


JewAmericans ruined cargo shorts. Only cool guys wore these during the 2000s.

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 No.108481[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nagatoro Chapter 109 is out. What did you guys think of it?
To be honest, even though this guy's a beta male, I can't help but envy him. He's got the high school life I wish I had.
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Acidkike used to spam edits of her being blacked


Negros and spics can't accept that it's only a tan.




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Based bump

[Last 50 Posts]

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YLYL involving niggers
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On cuckchan do they at least still have rekt threads?




kys shitskin.


anyone got any more of these kinos?

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BREAKING: 8chan.moe will be shut down on July 7, 2024, at 12 p.m. C.S.T.

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By "shitpost" you mean ruining the experience for everyone here? Kys cuck.


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Hahaha more seethe from our retarded gaycel!

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