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Are you ready to wake up a second time ?


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I've been awake for a long time…


fuck is that webm ?


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clearly it's a little too late for yakuza


Why do you two keep stealing my webms and pretending they were made by you?

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Everything seems so fake and repetitive, half of social media seems dead and lifeless, advertising is 80% of what the internet is filled with.

social media, the internet is all just a sanitized corporate landscape,Social media "influencers" and content creators have ruined the internet. Youtube was ruined when people started quitting their jobs to make watered down ad friendly content.

>now in this thread i want anons to give your honest opinion about the internet and social media.
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>now in this thread i want anons to give your honest opinion about the internet and social media.
Social media is crap, but it's been moving in that direction since Facebook caught on. Even outside of all the corporate and governmental sanitization and crackdowns on dissenting opinions, all the Third World shitholers and bot activity aren't exactly making things any better. But as shitty as the Internet has been getting over the years, it's still useful for tutorials and downloading things like books, music, movies, and games. I couldn't ever see myself giving up regular usage unless we get to the point where you'd need an ID to use it. Despite that, I don't think I would be using it to interact with other people at all if imageboards died.
>I wonder how many users like i did just decided to quit and move on, never to come back, and how few new users joined, if any. Personally, being a young NEET or student on vaccation were the best times and I was more motivated to do things. As time past, I stopped caring. New blood really is essential for a community to thrive.
That's the problem. The people who would have been interested in imageboards in years past are now usually cookie-cutter Dicksword users, and cancerous Shartyfags tend to be among the better users you could attract. Finding a way to bring the right kinds of people to imageboards is a pretty big conundrum.


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While Encyclopedia Dramatica's domain keeps shitting itself, jewtubers don't really fill that cringe kino that site once offered.


The internet is dead. It's not just imageboards, the whole thing is dead.


ED's back up now:
Or are you just talking about what they've been going through more generally over the past few years?


Not him but ever since ED was used to attack freenode some wealthy South Korean prince who wanted to be a big shot in the tech world got involved and it was never the same again. The same can be said for freenode too.

Everybody keeps talking about how the internet is dying on imageboards but they never bring up freenode which is odd. It only happened a few years ago and it shows that one of the oldest and most popular IRC networks out there can be bought out and destroyed when the community in it doesn't want the IRC protocol updated to include blockchain technology.

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Dude became rich with bitcoin and now he's drugs all the time…
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How do you not know? kimochi warui


he's spamming gif now with trannies!!!



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Why Emoji keep lying ? He's gay as fuck…

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This site will never change, and I don't wanna be on here for more years with a bunch of people who never had any dreams, enjoy your repetitious mediocrity, vol3, gahoole, essayfag, yakuza, nuzach, go fuck ye'selves.

The rest of you were alright
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Yakuza leave forever.


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Listen buddy, I'm getting tired of your attitude towards me, I've done nothing to you.

Yakuza wishes he was a girl, he wanted to live the fantasy of french disney pop star in the early 2000s.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Captain N-word
Now that's a cartoon I haven't herd in a while.


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People don't become sexual perverts because they were "born that way". They become sexual deviants because they made one or more decisions that invited demons to influence their bodies. Asmodeus is a high ranking demon whose specialization is the sins of sodomy and effeminacy.

If you don't want to become gay or a cross-dresser who mutilates his own body, then you need to protect yourself from demonic attacks. The best way to do this is to receive the sacraments of confession and communion on a regular basis, to keep sacramentals like holy water, crucifixes and St Benedict medals around your home and to maintain a barrier between yourself and sources of sin, e.g., internet porn, bad company, drugs and alcohol, and websites or literature that promote atheism, polytheism, New Age beliefs, Gnosticism or Satanism.

If you think that angels and demons aren't real, then you are a naif. The spiritual warfare is real. All you have to do is talk to or listen to a priest who has been involved in exorcisms. They witness the supernatural take place on a regular basis. They see young girls become fluent in ancient languages that haven't been spoken in five thousand years. They see them walk up walls, levitate, etc. The devil wants to turn you gay or turn you into a gender bender because, (1) he wants to prevent your salvation, and (2), he wants to defile your body because the human body is the temple of God. If any idiot ever tells you to "experiment" with your sexuality, the appropriate response is to spit in their face and never speak to them again. That person is not your friend. Why not "experiment" with murder or schizophrenia?
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Explain this !


Ave Satanas
Ave Lilith


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
That's most definitely what's up, toobz.


The funny thing is, some lesbians have started pushing back against the "born this way" shit. Their reasoning is they want their primary targets - broken young girls - to think that queer shit is fluid and is definitely more of a nurture vs nature thing so they will be more open to dyke recruitment after having been abused by men. They consider the "born this way" narrative to be self-sabotaging because a logical consequence of the narrative is that their targets were either born hetero or homo, and the ones who were born hetero will thus never be a dyke despite the heaps of abuse they got from men, which narrows down their pool of recruitment targets considerably. Of course the more mentally ill ones still insist that their targets were actually always gay and sucking a few dudes off in college was (oh the irony) "just a phase", but unlike faggots, lesbians tend to be more monogamous, so the femcels among them are getting desperate which might explain why they've been embracing this new narrative.

Additionally, because they have always been misandrists by definition, they will gladly go against faggots and MtF trannies out of principle. The LGBTQwhatever movement will never admit it but they have constantly been self-destructing and this recent development is just one angle of it. It really reminds of me of that one guy (forgot who) who summed up the leftoid mentality as simply crabs in a bucket. They don't actually want to be winners, they just want to make sure that everyone loses in the end, including themselves and they don't even realize it.


Lesbian women want to destroy everything

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Why did antifa vanish in the US? They were supposed to riot and shut down the political party conventions this summer, but they didn't do shit, and didn't even show up. Where are they?
This proves she was a political actor the entire time. Guaranteed she's now LARPing as a country girl and hanging around wannabe veterans wearing under armor.
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What happened to that couple who used to larp as antifa for lols?


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The fact that antifa appears and disappears at will when politically convenient. Also some of the people arrested were kids of local politicians, rich liberal jews and their friends often from the North East. Didn't someone track their purchases too on a government credit card. That black guy from the chop zone that was handing out guns was a literal glow nigger informant. The upper half of antifa is all jews. Then the fact antifa has been completely silent during the Palestine situation.


If they are actual demon girls that I get to impregnate.


I want to remember what name they used. Was it antifa Boston or what?


>what are media blackouts

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What are you going to do now ?
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>t. negro phallus worshipper


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For someone mad about nazis he sure does hate niggers lol


>For someone mad about nazis he sure does hate niggers lol
Nah he loves them, he spams nigger porn whenever he gets really upset.


No idea what this thread is about but I got a job and now have kidney and liver disease. Better than being bored waiting for you people to be interdasting again though. Later they'll be all "why is everyone on the Internet either a normalfaggot or a zoomer, or both even?" . Hospice is the final desination of shitposting.

See you later space spergs.

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posting some ramon in the hood, bring it on to the moon, just clapped a troon on the boon


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>t. BBC respecter


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coom in the troon

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Also what's going on with alogspace ?
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Also why are they acting superior over discord lol they all are on it.


I want tobe free


emoji please


We love you emoji



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Jews talking about how much they like toilet humor is just another way for them them to try and pretend they're a lot more special than they are.


I would love to lick Mark's toilet, that would make the nazis seethe.



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Time to develop schizophrenia and summon Dark Brandon.

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