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File (hide): 1735689038102.png (1.6 MB, 1286x698, 643:349, based varg.png) ImgOps iqdb


 No.157981[Watch Thread][Reply]

Happy New Year, anons.
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Merry late christmas and a happy new year!


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New year, new me!


What did he do to make you so butthurt with him, jewzach?


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This song makes me want to skateboard.
It actually reminds me of the time when we would take an Audi A3 and drive around like crazy in the early hours of the morning while talking about Jackass, girls and the future and we exchange tips with each other about playing guitar or about tourist places.
At least I have that kind of memory, meanwhile zoomers who think they're superior will only be nostalgic about the time they showed each other their asses on Discord after their bible study larping.



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 No.156577[Watch Thread][Reply]

This is what a cry for help looks like, we're here for you Nuzach, you only have to reach out.
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lol Nuzach is forcing faggot zoomers vols to filter all webms with Mark or white people having sex with animals. That's why 8chan.moe is the only site alive and with the legacy of the real 8chan while here it's full of newfags irony poised losers.


Go back to blacked.spic then faggot. We don't want your lowbrow shit here.


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Is really funny how you self-centeredly and cowardly refers to himself in third person, little bro. It's one of the most pathetic things I've ever witnessed on an imageboard.


>nuzach is angry his bestiality gifs get banned


You don't understand, you're the one who's wrong and a zoofag because you saw him posting that!!!!

I swear for a man who will soon be forty years old he spends most of his time acting like a Jewish woman or a teenager (a nigger one).

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 No.155196[Watch Thread][Reply]

I'm going to Gensokyo. Wish me luck.
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Friend, I like I like the Patch :))


Obviously a tranny


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Great choice, I personally love Koakuma.


I wish I could go as well


Lame gay thread. The weebs deserve the bullet.

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 No.151677[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are the odds that International Jewry set Ramon up for his arrest? What do you lads make of the arrest, anyways?

I presume that nothing came of it, or the charges were dropped, or it got plead down to nothing. I can't really find any information about what happened after he got sentenced to house arrest and the man seems to be doing fine now.

Was he set up? If not, why on earth was this beautiful man out driving around with a bunch of animals in his van?

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How long have you been using imageboards, Nuzach?


Everyone knows it's you. There's no need to lie.


Interesting to note that Idubbz posted this shit the same day Sam Hyde posted his video about Elon Musk.
And Idubbz should unironically invite Ramon, it will be the first time in years that he will do something funny. But he won't because he had his entire soul devoured by the succubus and his demonic breadtuber friends.


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>Attacking Charlie Kirk
>Attacking Ben Shapiro
>Attacking Nick Fuentes

Ermmmm based Ian???

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.153022[Watch Thread][Reply]

been thinking about getting my cdl since it's an easy path to 60k+/year. thoughever i dont like how rulecucked it seems. like, you can't even drink alcohol at all if you're a truck driver. what the heck?! also most of the big companies make you have a driver facing camera. so there's probably some manager out there touching his micropeen to your video feed as you drive, waiting for you to turn on some Frieren: Beyond Journey's End on your phone so he can tattle and get you fired.. i can't think of a single career more rulecucked than trucking.
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You're gay. Accept it. We know the truth about you.


Freud was gay


Every modern trucker I know either spends hours listening to audiobooks and thinking they're smart because of it or they're out there having sex in the most degenerate way possible.
Something about this profession has lost its original character.


Was that that show about UFOs and conspiracies?


It's a long-running talk show, comes on in the AM so it was known to be popular with truckers, a lot of them would call in.

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 No.158011[Watch Thread][Reply]

Dad, you can go in more if you want,,.
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100% of those whores with daddy issues were asking for it and deserved it.


Dad poster is a true oldfag, unlike your faggot ass.


You responded like a butthurt newfag and didn't even try to deny the facts stated.


99% of women have sex before the age of consent, so if statutory rape laws are to be believed, it means almost all women are rape victims. No wonder dating modern women is such a hellscape.


I can confirm;_;

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 No.157887[Watch Thread][Reply]

I love her so much
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preying mantis looking ass

Jen con has the best face of a jew ever

scarjew has the best ass of a jew ever


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>scarjew has the best ass of a jew ever
Based, but Kat Dennings has a pretty nice ass herself

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 No.158018[Watch Thread][Reply]

What happened to anon.cafe? I took a year-long break from these types of forums and it looks like cafe's domain is no longer available.
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Did he ever say why or just pulled the plug one day out of nowhere? Either way, thanks for the explanation.


No reason was given. I do look back fondly on anon.cafe, but the boards that are over on Trashchan now continued right from where they left off over there.


Just up and left? Damn… Trashchan it is, then.

>your request looks automated


/Christian/ being the new /trannypol/ ruined anoncafe. They raided other boards and With that, users left and the moderators, afraid of being doxed and no longer seeing a reason to help support the site stopped putting money in.


>Did he ever say why or just pulled the plug one day out of nowhere?
Don't recall why and i don't think he specified that much other than being tired of it, i think it was a collab between a couple of anons.
He did give a long time to migrate so it wasn't overnight, and i think he gave some tips to another admin/owner so it was amicable, only /fascist/ celebrated i think.

I don't recall any of that happening

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 No.157986[Watch Thread][Reply]>>158007

and a Happy New Year!


You as well 'non


>>157986 (OP)
You too.





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 No.155684[Watch Thread][Reply]

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Waiting for your bbcmenko pmv on Pmv haven.


>I'm a CSISpoo
Not even the upper crust of the laurentian elite like CSISpoos, nigger. Holy shit no wonder the doctors where able to convince you to chop off your dick and balls.






Yes he lives rent free in your gaycel head.

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