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 No.148814[Last 50 Posts]

I want 8chan back, and I want it back to the way it used to be. There is no goddamn reason why we cannot do it.
Close all these faggy little ego projects and put everything back on an 8chan.


anti-pingas faggot bump.


The Webring is meant to be decentralized so another el paso shooting cannot shut it down again, just ignore the fact that every board hates each other and will refuse to flock to their respective grudge board if they ever get pulled down.


>cannot shut it down again
so what if it gets shut down again? Make another one. I don't understand this fear of shutting down.


Obviously we all want the old 8chan back, the webring is more than capable of providing it as it is, we just don't have the users we used to.


Not only that, but nobody wants to go out on a limb and allow the freedom 8chan did. It was the perfect storm at the time, because we had a crippled admin with one foot in the grave who didn't give a fuck, and the feds weren't yet total nazis about child models.


Obvious bait post, a part of me can't tell whether its to farm a (you) or a true defense, likely both. We don't have to cater to your wants, you can just go back to the dark web if you want to be a pedokike. Honestly 8chan's faux freedom evidently worked against its own existence in the long run.


>let's pretend the hebe boards weren't among the most popular and it was all about /pol/ and /v/
I won't play your game.


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Koipedo lost
Pedochu lost
Acidkike lost
Cakekike lost
Nuzach lost


The problem with the webring is that giving every board its own website prevents the a lot of the cross pollination that was so important. The reason 8/tv/ developed such a unique and vibrant culture was the influx of anons from other boards, especially /pol/, /r9k/, /b/, and /intl/, combined with /tv/'s laxed moderation allowing them to use the board as a battleground. Even the Truthseeker comics originated on /co/. Diversity was unironically our strength.


The problem with the webring is that many of our own users are ironically nigger cattle who don't explore their own boards and never find or want to use the overboard or webring functions


I can agree with this, people are lazy, but also the anons of the webring all grew to hate one another, whether it be drama regarding the pedos or lolishit, or the scare of having a /pol/ board or successor. Or the fact that none of the admins have it in them to try and encourage interaction even among their own site.

It seems many anons are content for the webring to be nothing more than a nursing home. Take smug, they care little for the sites growth, they just post all day on their /cafe/ threads and essentially wait to die in cuckime land. /cow/'s mods attempted to try and revive the board a while ago but the only thing people care about is thread 9 so its active when that threads active. Attempts to revive a decent /v/ since julay/v/ haven't gone well at all with /kong/ and /ch3/ having had some staying power in 2023 to early 2024 but now they are almost total ghost boards. Gahoole tried to encourage users to come to the site, but over time he became more and more distant, getting more blackpilled from internet shit he probably shouldn't have been involving himself with.

Again, the anons that remain all hate each other, mostly over the loli/pedo issues, but even besides that the users are so balkanized at this point there doesn't seem to be much hope towards fostering unity.

Sadly most anons are content to a slow death or they long since left. I tried to remove subversive forces and to put together a semblance of unity, and I haven't entirely given up on that, but I still doubt pan-anonism around what remains of 8chan is possible.


>/kong/ and /ch3/ having had some staying power in 2023 to early 2024 but now they are almost total ghost boards.
It's unfortunate how stubborn people are. Do the former /v/ users just have Stockholm Syndrome and want to just stay on Fat Mark's site or what? It's pretty pathetic. I still check in to /kong/ every so often as someone who doesn't have much to say, but you'd think those people would be more motivated to keep a good game board going.


The only decent /v/ users were from /vg/ but they left after koipedo nuked julay/v/. He ran zzzchan /v/ under the identity of seagull but what I found interesting is when I checked that board it was just mark/v/ sans mark aka cake/v/ lite. The remaining anons who still like video games still exist but the red anon is fading away faster every year, hence /kong/ and /ch3/ going from being on life support to being ghost towns.

We can't get new blood easily, it all goes to discord and twitter and once the corruption occurs you can't undo it in a user.

Soyjak.party was basically the zoomer version of 8chan, they came after being removed from cuckchan and they had a decent run. Their culture was the most sophisticated out of any zoomer image board culture, and the closest to something like 8chan. They are now going through the slow death phase 8chan went through because they got overwhelmed by twitter and discord niggers. They always had to deal with them but at some point the based "right-wing twitter" users corrupted their culture so much that they have sadly been on the downturn. Soyjak.party got deeply corrupted as they only found out that us "oldtroons" were right to late and that "NEWGODS" are just normalniggers.

I still cannot seem to find a way to maintain what we have left of users and to trickle in new ones.

We would need to end the dark shadoe of subversive forces that plague the webring and foster a true unity before sending out an optimus prime signal to basically try to call any surviving 8channers to return, along with promising newfags. Sadly this won't happen, likely not in the way I want it.


And one more thing regarding soyjak party, some anon about half a year ago here lamented about not letting them join the webring because of how they have now become the 2nd largest english speaking imageboard. Remember this, even at their peak they were more or less more culturally refined cuckchan zoomers, and they outnumbered us even at our peak 2 to 1, maybe even 5 to 1. Their would have been no synthesis of our cultures that would have lead to a new 8chan-like successor, even the younger anons wanting to adopt our ways would be dwarfed by the army of shitposters who would have culturally displaced and replaced us. Soyjak party zoomers also had to regard for gatekeeping, making fun of the very trannies who complained about it as they trolled them on cuckchan without realizing they they themselves needed to do it.

There was a time I thought that quality newfags may have flocked to the webring and joined it due to censorship but the sad reality is soyjak party proves exactly what julay proved, that even 8chan, representing the finer quality stock of anons are lazy and didn't want a decentralized or federated image board, they just wanted an easy to use, centralized image board that was just as easy to be taken down and just as easy to be corrupted. And, hard as hell to gatekeep.

On top of this discord, twitter, and their e-celeb cults are forever corrupting those who could have and still could bear the legacy of 8chan.



Hey essayfag, you know why /cow/ is dying? Its because the mods there had a meltdown and banned everyone who wasn't sucking gayholes microdick, and what the fuck are you talking about /cow/ mods trying to revive other boards, the only thing i remember was Build Back Better, where robi came in saying that he was going to fix all the site's issues then going back to his usual radio silence, why the fuck is seagull now koi, you complain about the rift between boards when you yourself is seen promoting more fudd to rally behind.


Just look at this shithole. You think any of the substance that made 8chan is still around? That gets a huge LOL from me, friend.


Bad moderation killed the webring and of course blacked.moe
It relaxed lately because everything is so dead. Guys were making Gahoole threads on /cow/ in 2019 to laugh at the moderation. Somehow Gahoole got someone he knew into a mod position on alog.space earlier this year and he banned Gahoole threads and any criticism of Gahoole. It was very draconian and killed the board. Now only the stickied cyclical barely has any activity. Another "nuzach" wild goose chase by a seether.


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The mod in question is weasel actually, he is good friends with gahoole and he was here since the beginning actually, he helped setup the guntporium to profit off the site with robi


Not exactly a fan of the range-banning but I know you were likely behind the constant spam that resulted in it happening nuzach. All you ever did on /cow/ was brigade his thread under multiple ips and tried to personal army anons because of your grudge against gahoole. More of a lolcow behavior itself than lolcow discussion.

>why the fuck is seagull now koi

Because he forgot to switch vpns when posting as both his identities and he exposed himself. The main issue was that ironically enough for all his hatred of jannies koipedo was a turbojanny in his own right and made zzz/v/ cake/v/-lite. This was exposed years ago.

Another terrible issue is the main users of zzz/v/ are from cake/v/ and you cannot have a good video games board with redditors who never properly assimulated into image board culture. it is impossible

The bottom of the line is anons shouldn't use sites run by people like mark, acidblacked, or koipedo because they they are malicious and not truly concerned with having a free board/discussion but only using their userbases to foster clout and to post disgusting material, I.E. 2D to real CP.

Sometimes I wonder why you can't just relax and have a j-balvin meal. If you are so concerned with the future of 8chan's legacy like me why are you obsessed with tearing down the sites that hold what little left it has and having them kill each other in a pointless board war. You used to and probably still try to encourage it on zzzchan but even they didn't want that anymore.

You often get banned because its clear that all you want to do is poison the well and turn other anons against each other, for whatever reason you've held a grudge against then admin and posters of many of the sites on the webring, whether it be for loli or not allowing you to spread your poison.

My best guess is you are a malicious anon in the same vain as /intl/ who simply wants to destroy everything for destructions sake, along with your turboautistic grudges.

I would offer an olive branch but you don't want that, you basically stick around the webring, in particular on tvch and try to take the credit for the natural decline of the site because you wish to be the thing that kills it so badly. How can anyone make peace with someone who just wants to destroy shit. All you ever do is post multiple times on threads in attempts to derail them and you wonder why you get banned.




Where are all the femanons gone?


So this 800 reply thread was entirely the product of one single anon, this Nuzach, who was switching proxies and doing cuckptchas for every two posts, which would be about 400 times?

There were other, older Gahoole threads too that are still on the board predating the Nuzach hysteria and which hit the anchor limit.

There is no "Nuzach." It's just anons, many of whom are long gone now, who left the site and most of the webring because of the shit moderation.


But tbh, I did run with the herd for awhile lol though they really were some fucked up faggots. They were straight up pedos on Freech out of the sight of 8chan. That was a really dogshit site too.

I honestly love tvch. I never had this much fun on 8chan, which is saying something. I love it and hope it never goes away. That's why I've been here for years but the idea that it was all one guy is simply not true. Even today my buddies Yakuza and Emojitroon are with us.


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>So this 800 reply thread was entirely the product of one single anon, this Nuzach, who was switching proxies and doing cuckptchas for every two posts, which would be about 400 times?

The original thread he appropriated and it gradually became just him vs his detractors at that point. His own thread is basically him whining about people talking about him and constantly bitching about gahoole. Don't forget that at one point emojitroon also held a grudge against gahoole and tvch and was also brigading the thread at one point.

One of the main reasons I remember he was banned was he would constantly try to brigade thread 9 in a bid to as I said before personal army people into attacking gahoole, of course his main goal was to sour the relationship between Alogs.Space and tvch, and to make the different userbases dislike each other.

He would also spam threads constantly attacking the site itself and the users with no intent of making peace or having any sort of discussion, again being a well poisoner with the only intent to poison the well shouldn't be welcomed onto a site, that is basically saying:
<welcome please subvert and kill us!

>There is no "Nuzach." It's just anons, many of whom are long gone now, who left the site and most of the webring because of the shit moderation.

There clearly is a nuzach, and several other individuals like him, he has a grudge against the administration of both Alogs.Space and Tvch, and he eventually grew to even dislike elements of zzzchan because they don't entirely support his personal crusade against the sites.

I think some more casual users left tvch because of the drama that he caused but in total people left gradually every year because no one was running or using the site has the spark that they used to have during 8chan. This is sadly the case for all sites on the webring. Not a lot of original content is made anymore and those that make it don't get much made in response. Ramonfag and Conenfag still occasionally make original content but only sparingly because they rarely get any response that's more OC which is how things used to be around on 8chan.

Another thing is anons got blackpilled and they are getting older, some have careers in real life and lack the time to post as much as they used to. It doesn't become worth it to browse a nursing home as I said earlier. Some anons of the webring have become content to die a slow death, refusing to adapt as they once did during the exodus 10 years ago. I still think we are free to rebuild and make a good internet community, one that means something if we just finally accept that 8chan is gone, and to try and build something that does what 8chan was never destined to do, last.

>But tbh, I did run with the herd for awhile lol though they really were some fucked up faggots. They were straight up pedos on Freech out of the sight of 8chan. That was a really dogshit site too.
What do you expect from a site made from /intl/? They were always a bunch of pedophile freaks trying to subvert 8chan, hence why all of 8chan united to nuke them off the site in the glorious raid.
>Even today my buddies Yakuza and Emojitroon are with us.
I like the yakuza, but I'm not entirely sure Emojitroon still posts here. I remember making peace with him along with the entire tvch userbase during movie night about half a year ago so I just hope if he ever does come back he just shitposts instead of going ape-shit like he did in the past.
>I honestly love tvch
Yeah me too.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Did they ever even exist in the first place anon? How many of them were a >her or >she? The only good femanon is the one who blends is smart enough to pretend to just be an anon as no girls exist on the internet. I'd bet there are less than 1000 of these woman that exist in the world.


Well I have met many femanons in my times.


Really? I always assumed 99 percent of them had woman on the internet syndrome or they were just >transwoman.

It's not like I entirely have given up on the concept of their existence but I still think there are only so many that begin to meet my standards as quality individuals.


>Essayfag correcting the record
you love to see it.


Is soyak.party literally the only fucking imageboard that went somewhere?


It did but it fell victim to a twitter invasion sadly. Either way soyjak party was nothing more than an autistic raiding board set around an admittedly funny meme. That is fine but when that is all it ever mainly is you eventually fall victim to those you raided seeping in and subverting the site. Tie this in with terrible admins, constant discord tranny cp raids and twitter colonization and its no wonder they are having a hard time.

On top of this last I checked they are behind cuckflare, ouch.


You still havent posted proof about koi and seagull being the game person.



Diversity is our strength


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Seagull aka john trying to pretend he is neither besides seagull being the most vindictive and active janitor, followed by him forgetting to change ips and exposing himself.


So heckin true we need more diverse users!


That was a Tor ID though


/vg/ was boring garbage, as was /svidya/. The reason 8moe/v/ and zzz/v/ are so awful is because they both try to emulate those boards in all their pettiness and humorlessness. Both will delete any thread that's not a general. Neither one seems to remember that those boards died fairly quickly back on 8chan. /vg/ had less users than zzz/v/ has now.


Yeah, whenever people try to force memes like effortposting it gets stale pretty quick.


Actually, effortposting is cool when its funny Ramon memes instead of wallsoftextslop


No one likes Ramonshit except the 2 fags seething at ol nuzach.


Seethe more, Nuzach, >we love you as our little lolcow!


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>Hey essayfag, you know why /cow/ is dying? Its because the mods there had a meltdown and banned everyone who wasn't sucking gayholes microdick, and what the fuck are you talking about /cow/ mods trying to revive other boards, the only thing i remember was Build Back Better, where robi came in saying that he was going to fix all the site's issues then going back to his usual radio silence, why the fuck is seagull now koi, you complain about the rift between boards when you yourself is seen promoting more fudd to rally behind.
>No one likes Ramonshit except the 2 fags seething at ol nuzach.


Man, you are so fucking obvious with your samefagging, astroturf and attempts to muddy the waters.
You hate tvch, but can't avoid keep using it, you hate /cow/, but you now uses there daily, eventually you get butthurt with some meme or mod and then cries about "muh shit moderation, muh Wrist! Muh Weasel! Muh Ramoncoon!".


I don't think jim profit is nuzach ramonfag.


Are you really Jim Profit, or are you just using his name?


Ofc it's him, just jumped ips as usual and tried to be more "stealth" while keeping with the same faggy talking points.


Nah if it was nuzach he would have just said kys and replied 3 times anon. calling everyone him is what nuzach wants. If they are even willing to have a proper dialogue with you than it isn't nuzach.


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He is a bipolar faggot, sometimes he barely have any energy so he just tries to derail and kill this site like a lazy sperg.
Other times he tries to really muddy the waters while pushing his agenda and talkingpoints.
>There's no Nuzach he left the site a long time ago!!! The mods are awful! Everyone else is the problem, not me… I mean, him… I mean, them… Actually, nevermind, there's no Nuzach!!! He is a boogeyman!!!


I agree with what you say but I don't think every poster that has some beef with the mods is actually him. Emojitroon is an example of an another individual who only made peace with tvch half a year ago. I did not think it was him is the bottom of the line.


Emojitroon is still here, it's easy to see what posts he's made, he posted in my waifu thread for example and got mad at "Yakuza" a few hours ago for making fun of him (obviously it wasn't Yakuza actually doing it, but someone trying to prove both against each other, probably Nuzach since his new arc is trying to pretend to love Gahoole, Yakuza and Emojitroon in a very kike fashion).
>I don't think every poster that has some beef with the mods is actually him
This is true, I myself have already had to complain to Gahoole about some of the mods' behavior, but I never had to create a thousand meta-threads where I kept jumping ips to pretend to be various anons and nor did I keep going to /cow/ to seethe about Gahoole/vol3/Wrist/Weasel/Sneedious/Adam or whatever, which Nuzach did for almost three years.
The only "problem" with moderation at the moment is the cp bots and Nuzach spamming porn and trying to derail every thread, apart from that I don't see any problem with tvch's moderation in recent months. Without the feds and discordspics spamming porn this site would be immaculate and the mods could relax without a problem.


Impressive that you remember everyone nuzach has beef with, autism that I can't even keep up with. My only criticism of you is that I would try to keep the nuzach baiting you so often do to certain threads because it ends up derailing them in some cases. This is why your posts were getting deleted back in the day. I used to also bait nuzach like you back in the day but it became stale from me because he lacks the creativity and the fun that the original had.

I do agree with you that things are quite comfy right now, I just wish we had some more posters to continue stoking the fire. As long as we keep the embers hot we have a chance to rekindle the flame of what was once the infinite. 8chan but you knoe think spengler I guess


Also I wish the CP bots would stop but as long as the jannies keep deleting them we can keep them at bay.


I only use tvch and alogs (former julay) in the last few years. I used to be a way more active anon, making ocs, being a frequent poster, mirroring streams, but I lost my energy to keep up with the cyclical thread after the entire Surfer and PPP drama and platespics being way more active.
I stayed here, and I was one of the first anons to name Nuzach since I was back then alogging Pedochu/Niggerchu and Acidkike, well, it's a long story, but over time Nuzach and other shit going on here made me stop being so frequent as well.
I just want a nice place with chill anons to talk about anything, but this sperg and other fags from discord need to make everything about themselves and poisoning the well.


I lurk all of the webring, including sites that have come and gone but I mainly frequented both tvch and alogs.

I was also around when the drama that still lives on in the legacy of nuzach. I have also watched as the webring has slowly but surely withered away over the years.

What I realized is the main thing that really will always cut the userbase of the webring in half or thirds I guess is the loli vs non loli vs pedophile shit. It is in fact the main reason nuzach still resents the administrations and users of both sites.

Obviously alogs and tvch allow none of it, smug remains in the middle not tolerating the CP and CP adjacent crap and zzzchan remains true to it reputation allowing everything that shouldn't be allowed. I think now that things have long since calmed down, and due to smugs relatively friendly adminship we can remain neutral with them. I know not every zzzchan is like some super pedophile like agent johnson sadly a ton are ni/gg/ers though. I used to think that there was no way to reconcile the webrings differences and to attempt to create something to succeed H8chan. At this point with the further decline of the userbase I am even more unsure.

I am however, sure of one thing, no anons should be demotivated to use a site just because one butthurt pedophile, I personally advise that you just ignore nuzach and filter him. That's often what I do. He isn't going to go away until he goes away. Giving him any attention whatsoever is what he wants.

Hes basically exhausted his milk as a minor lolcow so why bother giving him that attention anymore. I often only ever call him out in threads like these where he tries to rewrite history and as you said before poison the well.

I would at least minimize the attention you give him, cause ignoring him doesn't always work either.


If zzzchan allows illegal stuff, why it's on the webring then?


Listen, every time I try putting effort into an imageboard, someone else ruins it, and I feel like I don't like you anymore.


Have you noticed how Nuzach has a deep hatred for everyone who has ever been involved with the Guntstream in any capacity, not just Wrist and Gahoole?
I've noticed him attacking about esoanon and calculator-anon, for example.


>esoanon and calculator anon
get a life, you loser lol.


he is a bitter little latinx incel, he hates everything and everyone including himself and his mom



Hm,now i see koipedo and seagull are the same person, could you explain to me how acidkike also fits in?


Because you're a bunch of incel losers who pretend to not be incel losers. Easy target.


Tarrantranny is a "femboy" now. He worship feds and IS a faggot.


t. ((("incel"))) loser


>no, u
>Ramon coon troon


Ramon literally lives in your head rent free. You think about Based Ramon more than the Ramonposters do. You bring him up even in situations like this that have nothing to do with him. Face it. Ramon won.


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Ramon coons got btfo. I killed you here and now they don't even try to ban me anymore, and as a result I don't post bbc to respect the truce, and then I burned down /cow/ after Gahoole put his own coon in as a mod over there to (((shut down)) the Gayhoolio threads, which burned down what was left of /cow/ and now you coons post over there constantly seething at Nuzach which just turned /cow/ into a replica of 2022 tvch. I got everything I wanted lol. You on the other hand seethe impotently, you gay homo coon.


Keep gaslighting yourself into believing you are some sort of tranny mastermind jewzach.

You posted nigger dicks because your a cuckold mongrel who wanted to post 2d child porn, you can always post it somewhere else but you remain here because you despise gahoole and the rest of the site for not wanting and praising your obession with 2d child porn and nigger cocks.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Hey guys its Nuzach here.

Fuck you Gahoole, I was in Florida and you didn't want to host me at your house! I will never forgive you for rejecting me.

And remember to leave a like for my video, each like is a dead white blonde Vargcoon!


gahhole didnt put anyone in the mod team though


Do you think people like this realize how insane and delusional they come off as to other people? I kinda doubt it, I think it's a "crazy guy too crazy to realize they're crazy" thing which you do get a lot with genuine lunatics.

As a side note, enjoy watching actual real interracial porn, apperantly you're an expert on it.


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My little ramon coon flock beckons my every call. Haha! I love having this kind of control over such worthless slaves. Torturing you is a treat!


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You are just a butthurt cuckold faggot who enjoys niggerdicks and is also a pedophile who obsesses over your right to post 2D CP on an imageboard.


But hagoole didnt put anyone in the mod team dough, it was just his friend weasel getting hurt for him and he decided to throw the tantrum ):


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keep jerking it to Trans500, coon.
He did. /cow/ moderation disappeared in early 2024 and Gahoole used that opportunity to get one of his guys inside. Gahoole was so fucking pissed off at the /cow/ threads. Gahoole is extremely attentive to everything in the sektur despite pretending to be above it all.


<noooo not my thread where I respond to myself and personal army constantly over nothing!
<there must be some ebil conspiracy against little old me


Essayfag i need the inside scoop on how acidkike fits in please.


You ruined the dajoos meme and Yakuza gahooleposting, you boring and soulless latrino


Every time I see this forced fad/meme (Did Z3R0 just say FAD?! That's like oldfag language from the 90s!), I think of other astroturfed shit like the Monkey Putin or whatever. It's not even real. It's just some made-up AI BS meant to inflame us. And it's another reason why every freedom loving American, who wants to save democracy, needs to buy a 22-250 hunting rifle with a scope. "Speed beats armor!"


Oops, I forgot to add lore to my post. Back in the old days, on YTMND, we used to called out forced memes as forced fads.


You are a tryhard faggot. Shut the fuck up and stop namefagging.


You are a giveupsoft straight, Keep on talking and keep on namestraightin!


Namestraights shall inherit tvch


Yeah but nuzach is in himself a forced meme where he just continues to seethe and exist because hes a butthurt faggot.


>Ramon Coon


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It's a funny meme, but JewZach is still a faggot.


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>da nooozoooooch


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It literally is da joos, though.


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Yes, he's an enormous faggot.


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Why do you always talk to yourself?


He is the resident ADL shill, he has nothing better to do than post his anti-White forced meme.


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I'm not the beaner.


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We got the JIDF working overtime up in this bitch. Free Palestine. TKD.


Fuck kikes. Fuck arabs. Fuck anyone who supports either brown sand nigger terrorists or nation wrecking kikes.


I disavow you, Nuzach. Weeks ago you were begging me to post more of my DAJOOOOOOS OCs and I didn't do it knowing you would ruin it with your genuine jewish seethe. Get fucked.


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Calm down wrist, its not that good in the first place, so pipe down a little and get another drink


That's actually a good point. Maybe I should cut down on posting them for now.


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>da jooooos
>whines about da joooos jooos
da joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosss


Essayfag, you talked about what would have happened if the sharty (which is now splintering into the oldtroon jarty, NAS Puritan zarty, and pretender shemmy as well as the rest of the soysphere) had joined the webring, but what do you think would have happened if 8chan had continued, and they joined it instead? It might seem useless to ponder this now, but it could make for a good comparison between 8chan and webring culture.


Things would have changed but they probably would have assimulated a lot of our ideas in the same way the reich carried on the traditions of Rome after the fall of Western Rome to the Visigoths. 8chan was in an undead state before its death but it still had a much larger userbase than the original sharty. One has to wonder if /qa/ would even have been as heavily censored and locked at it had been had 8chan's censorship never happened. After all 8chan's censorship caused a major chain reaction. It is to late to fix sharty anyways, hopefully one of the successor sites learns the importance of gatekeeping.


hey essayfag how does acidkike fit into this?


8chan censorship was good. It wasn't retarded like tvch censorship 2020-2024, which has finally unfucked itself after much consternation.
Just ban leftists and niggers. That's it. That's all you need. If you can't figure that out, you shouldn't be a mod.


No you really don't want to just let on dozens of twitter and discordniggers even if they were "based and redpilled." There are only select few of these zoomers who are open enough to abandon the ways of the nu internet and retvrn to image board tradition. This is how soyjak party was subverted and has become increasingly less of an effective site. From day 1 they had bad adminship, troons from discord posting nigger cuck, troon porn and cp but it was the dilution of the sites true userbase by le based e-celeb following zoomer who found out about the sharty via some jewtuber or the booru that did the site into its early decline. the sites other biggest mistake but thats another topic all onto itself.

Obviously you are gonna get waves of summerfags as the oldniggers once said once upon a time, and as long as they aren't truly breaking the rules than you probably shouldn't ban them imkikey style, but you should be unfriendly and rude to those who do are obviously not anons. This trial by fire is the only way to sort those who are worthy of staying and contributing the boards and those that belong in nigger hell.


sorry cuck, you know shit about the sharty, spadesons will aways be a gem and newGODS will always be better than oldTROONS, youre nothing but a retard who pretends to have been there day 1 to try and push some retarded narrative on a retarded essay in this faggot ass board.


you still haven't answered how acidkike fits in this, I'm starting to think you're a fraud essayfag


If this wasn't jokepost I would say:
t. totally not a discord tranny

I actually have been observing the sharty since its inception as a lurker, not a user since its far past my time, but I'm pretty brushed up on sharty lore for the most part.

Mark and Acidkike don't fit in any of this at all. At some point they were subversives/useful idiots and now that they have isolated themselves we should leave them to burn in their very own personal hell. Trolling them is funny but there are organic trolls on blacked.gov and /tv/ and /cow/ live so rent free simple descent or disagreement with acidblacked or the cakejew will get you banned for being a subversive /cow/ or /tv/ niggerpiller.

Cake/v/ in itself is a living proof of my theories about certain users being unable to assimulate to being true anons, they were gamergay redditors when they arrived and to this day they are gamergay redditors. The types dumb enough to donate to the fine young capitalist because muh vivian daughterfu, the types of "anons" to actually pick a fight with jewsh without a vpn when he had admin of the site and after already giving him their payment info. The type of subhumans to make the fight about the subversion of the last bastion of true free speech and aryan expression about loli porn.

Oh yeah and the types of anons to ban you over making nintendo soyjaks and call you a shill for pointing out the boards state-enforced nintendo-cock-sucking.


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>fine young capitalists
hahahahaahahahahahahahahahaah I have not heard that name in so damn long! Whatever happened to them? I see that they haven't tweeted since 2016.
8chan.moe is true Redditry in terms of moderation. Just going there reminds me of the bad old days of 8chan. The only time I used /v/ was to shit all over it with the other /intl/ shills lol. I remember vividly in 2015 when MGSV came out and they were sucking Hackjima's dick, I made a thread pointing out Kojima's liberal/leftist bullshit politics and how MGSV is a turd, and it turned into a 1,000 reply seethe thread. Years later it finally sank into their thick skulls and now they refer to him as HACKJIMA. They are really stupid fuckers over there. Even today if you say anything slightly skeptical about anything at all, you get tagged as "niggerpill" and banned. Jannies actively peruse threads looking for bans. That is probably why the "real" niggerpill keeps coming back and blackpills even more, and good for him!
Let me tell you a new story. Awhile back when Gamergate 2 was going viral Cake Kike Mark was trying to own Mark Kern on Twitter because Kern supported banning and censoring liberals and leftists just as hard as they've done us over the years. Mark was saying "no one should be censored" and "on one should be banned, censorship is bad!" Can you believe the kikery of this hypocrisy? That really was their approach to Gamergate, their ETHICS CUCKERY; pretend to represent freedom for everyone, including the leftists and kikes! I pointed this out to him on twitter and he blocked me lol. Total self-serving fatass and very mentally stupid piece of shit. I am sorry to say that Gahoole was just like him for a long ass time. My great attempt over the years has been a labor of love in un-Marking Gahoole, and it worked at least as far as moderation goes. Gahoole is still sulking irl but that's his problem. It's no coincidence that they were and maybe still are friends. I remember Gahoole got banned from a subreddit over some gay sektur shit and he SEETHED about it on twitter lol. That was in one of the Gahoole threads on /cow/ that have since been deleted by Gahoole's stooge over there. They don't like the taste of their own medicine!
All of this makes me think about the worst of 8chan. 8chan has some really bad nepotistic Redditry going on over the years, especially on the smaller boards. I pissed off an Elder Scrolls board owner over there and he stalked me across his board and ended up banning and deleting other guys' posts and threads. Basically what happened here lol. Moderation is an art and you have to be smart. If you try to be gay about some petty favortism or something that made you mad, you will easily burn your own board down if the guy you are opposing is smart. Imkampfy was really good. He knew how to weed out the false flags, the coons, and kept /pol/ from spiraling out of control. His guys rarely went inside threads and stalked you. They would respond to reports of course but it was not like blacked.moe where you have mods who are just banning on a whim right inside the thread and aren't even paying attention to reports because they are so intent on banning already. There were no shootings during his term. When Ron made /pol/ global after /intl/ spammed /meta/ for months, that was it.


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>Mark was saying "no one should be censored" and "on one should be banned, censorship is bad!

Just a reminder that gamergay as it stood was a subversion of the original total war that anons had been giving kike game journos and if it weren't for the video that the (((internet aristocrat))) did on it imageboard culture would have never become an export for normalfags, redditors and twitterniggers.

For such a based 8chan mod of free speech mark sure sounds like sargon of akkad
<its about ethics in muh video games journalism.

No, it was about burning the city, grabbing the whores by the pussy dup style and salting what was left. Anons did this without introducing the report tactics that were used late in gamergay that killed gawker but as an offset began the death of ad-sense on jewtube and fueled the rise of patreon and the importation of the cancer of the once isolated streamer culture.

Thats right, gamergay is like the internets French Revolution, the turning point of no return and the beginning of the long night.

>/intl/'s use of /meta/

Any conincidence that koipedo, a known /intl/ apologist used the same tactic to gaslight the original owner of julay/v/ into giving him the keys to the board so he could kill it. Thanks to that mistake we lost a decent /v/. Now in 2024 all /v/s are dead on the webring for the most part. I always see a pattern of wanton destruction with anyone connected to /intl/. /pol/ really was correct to point out the (((shills))) even if they tried to poke fun at it with microsoft sam. They even supported jewsh due to their grudge against kikewheels until he failed and than they turned on him as they have no loyalty.

I also find it interesting that both koipedo and a known namefag from /tv/ anime pro are known defenders of /intl/, and both are jewish. After 8chan united and kicked them off 8chan, /intl/ founded Freech which quickly devolved into cp, gore, and uhh cp and gore. I used to think that /intl/ were the organic natural subversives, the natural leftist anons that simply want to break everything down. Perhaps the more ones equal to that are the pedoniggers of 8chan's be like the infamous namepedo agent johnson. Now I have realized that much like the JIDF that there was nothing (((organic))) about them. Hahaha They sort of gave off the same feel as the XOF from MGSV.

Oh and one more thing, often times boards run by these "based" free speech, lolicon/shotacon/toddlercon "anons" are the most anti-fun, anti-freedom boards you can post on, one little calling out of the jannies or a challenging of the boards narrative will result in a ban.

Honestly echos the soytendo shilling but cake/v/ literally killed /v/chan for 2k and left 8fed because of muh 2d child porn.


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Don't know how larping about saving the white race being a brownling would reflect on marky mark, i like the figures around 8chan honestly lol dont care, weren't you moaning about the true lolifags from the webring being true and honest while zzzchan being full of illegal stuff too how come that changes now? Sounds to me like a headcanon after years of seething tbh.


Hi Gahoole.


Also all this hindsight about GamerGate not being what it was supposed to be only became common sentiment during the bloodsports days, when Sargeon came crashing down, i remember jewsh posting positively about GamerGate even during 2016 and people shitting on Gym for being suckered into a Yoko Ono lookalike, im not changing one bit im a ni/gg/er 4 lyfe.


You will never fit in even with all this samefagging, discordspic.


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No I am not really the biggest fan of /a/ or their interest in particular, actually were pretty simular but I've never been a fan of loli but they don't interfere with me so I don't mess or interfere with them. A part of their userbase at one point resented us deeply for not liking loli, they likely still do but nepfag is friendly and never took any side against us.

At some point even if you dislike something you can't always change the minds of others. I've been accused of being no different from many of anons from /a/ or /animu/ due to my extreme love of cuckime. I'm not but I can see why some anons might think that due to the tropes that often universally run in association with anime on image boards. I am not a fan of sexualized lolicon stuff, and I think its a gateway to pedohilia, but at this point if its on another site in the webring and they are just doing their own thing, and not dragging down everyone else like the actual cp pedos of early 8ch /b/ than why bother arguing with people who will never agree with you? Alternatives like smuglo.li and zzzchan exists for the resident "cunny" addicts, as well as every single porn site in existence, so I still don't understand why there still a couple anons here who are mad you can't post it here.

zzzchan at one point was deeply antagonistic towards tvch and alogs due to muh lolicon and what happened to /animus/ BO in response to giving koipedo shelter after his attack on julay/v/. Some of the users like nuzach are still antagonistic but at this point hes more a perpetual lurker/seether of tvch and alogs than zzzchan.

Last I was on zzzchan they had content on /b/ I would classify as extremly distasteful and borderline illegal. Like the toddlercon crap I saw on 8blacked. Not to mention there was CP in the catalogue. Maybe the CP problem has been taken care of there, maybe the jannies aren't always around like ours here on tvch, either way I just prefer not to use the site if its gonna host other stuff I would rather not see.

I was only ever weary of them for that, and the fact that koipedo whos a known subversive is a global janny there as well as BO of three of its boards. /japan/, /pol/, and /v/.

Another problem is that most of the sites userbase are just cake/v/ users who hate mark. You can hate mark but you can't change the fact thar your a crossposting ni/gg/er. You also will get banned for not being in line with the sites very anti-fun beliefs of muh loliporn and well' wait isn't that it? Its basically using an entire site of cake/v/ minus the cake.

With the legacy of resentment towards all the individual nodes of the webring I am profoundly sad that there is a possibility that we may never create a new beginning out of the legacy of 8chan, and that like the many civilizations of the physical kind we will only be left behind as relics and remneants.

But we can only simply pick up and keep on struggling through it all.

I will always be a true soldier in gamergay's army, just wish it went better then it did. I think it would have gone better had it never became a hashtag and anons made their own place rather than come to cripplekikes, which's whole character as well as the character he created was in stark contrast to his subversive IRCnigger actions during his tenure as the usurping admin of wizchan. Anons who unironically shit on the original pre-reddit cause of gamergay are more often than not veterans who served as front line soldiers in this autistic internet conflict and felt betrayed by what the e-celebs turned it into and the lack of honesty. They have movie-bob levels of PTSD as gamergay was their very own personal Vietnam.


Quickly everyone ITT give your thoughts and opinions about every site on the webring.


I'm not reading allat, just skimming through this gay shit is unbearable, learn how to spell too ESL.


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Well, I am sorry you felt that way anon.


At this point my only opinion is that every site admin, board mod and ESL shitskin on 8moe and the webring should be strung up and we should all go to 16/0xF-chan.


lol faggot
Gamergate was souring in early 2015, right when Ethics Cucks like Mark assumed full control. I must give credit to the common people, they saw the fraud of the Ethics Cucks and jumped behind Trump for the real war. Mark and Acidturd were left spinning their wheels.
tvch is unironically the best website on the webring now. Sturgeon over at zzz is a total faggot and the userbase are just outright moronic pedophiles. /cow/ is absolutely dead outside of handful weirdos that stalk Ethan Ralph's every move. lol I guess this all means the webring is totally fucked beyond recognition.


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Oh yeah, you touched on francis from the prolikewhoah being doxxed by dolphin and company, yeah housing the dude who was spamming the webring and even posted CP on anon.cafe was not a good idea, even befriending the dude and still being friends with him was a bad idea. LOL i remember you went out of your way to excuse him posting a darknet link full of cp on anon.cafe too saying its the same as opening zzzchan, talk about not being liked for not liking loli, it was also because your buddies and you even were spamming them back in the day, now you're crying like a bitch over the animosity in the webring, talk about being a conniving jew.


What do you think of soyjak.blog and the sharty's attempt to pull a 4chan/4channel split by having nsfw boards on soyack? Do you think FNAC and its potential Steam release is a turning point for the soysphere? Do you think that if we had banded together with the altchan federation, anything would have changed?
Fun when it's not spammed, but Gahoole was too Mark-ish for too long, which has stopped growth. Without irony, one of the best sites on the webring for discussion because of the autism required to overcome the hurdles of the local memes.
Utter shit, mostly because of /cow/. /tech/, /kong/, /retro/, /sw/, /pdfs/, and /strek/ would be better off on a theoretical science fiction imageboard. /mu/ and /ck/ should be on zzz or tvch.
/a/-lite tranny hive, just like what /animu/ was on 8chan. /mecha/ would be better off somewhere else.
Rulecucked and dying. Bad actors smothered it, and site moderation cares little about /a/ and the dead interest boards they control. /tg/ and /wooo/ are usable. /kohi/ is a cesspool and a mistake. /monster/ and /yuri/ are like the /qresearch/ of the site. Overall, it would have been a better if it allowed more boards and never agreed to let Markchan in the webring.
Has a lot of promising boards and a lot of dead ones. Would be a good alternative to zzz if it wasn't so dead.
Markchan-lite. Has some remnants of 8chan culture through community events and the zine, and one of the most unexpected routes for newfags, /rozen/. Unfortunately, it houses /fascist/, /liberty/, and /christian/ despite being a geek site.
>Nuclear Change
Literally who.
Martyrs which would have kept the webring more active.


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Let's be honest here, cp is a part of chan culture pre-2017.


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>(((internet aristocrat)))
How did he get popular in the first place? Was it people who wanted lolcows and e-drama spoon fed to them instead of just reading /cow/ or Encyclopedia Dramatica? I always just found his voice annoying for some reason.
>tvch is unironically the best website on the webring now
The only site that comes close since anon.cafe closed is Trashchan.
That was always one of the retarded things about the old days. Pedos don't deserve anything but getting shat on.


Dolphin never posted CP on the webring, nor have I ever seen compelling evidence that hes posted it anywhere else. I don't really see what is so bad about that post or what is "jewish" about it. There has been CP on 8chan, and all webring sites, and linking it still wouldn't have made me a pedophile. Not my fault its there and some bot posted it. One of the reasons the dolphinfag got so mad was because users accused him of being a pedophile, he was so autistic he went nuclear.

I see why so many anons thought he could be one, I thought because of that link at one point since it was on the deep web he could be. But I also thought about my own experience with deepweb sites, and why I don't use them. So many have links to cp and cp spam and unlike clearnet sites plenty of onions are filled with pedos to the brim. Fuck that shit. There was never post by him that ever contained cp that I was able to find or verify.

Users of zzzchan and elements of markchan/remnants of fullchan /b/ at some point did in fact spam cp on parts of the webring unlike the dolphinfag.

Yeah I messed with the pedophiles from Markchan and ZZZchan, but they struck first blood. /dunk/ had a grand raid where we fucked with cake/v/ for four hours back in the day and it was glorious. At this point however, there is no point on further provoking them. I get it, they are our enemy, they don't like us, the end.

>What do you think of soyjak.blog and the sharty's attempt to pull a 4chan/4channel split by having nsfw boards on soyack? Do you think FNAC and its potential Steam release is a turning point for the soysphere?

Any attempt to cater to normalniggers in any fashion or to copy cuckfedchad will lead to disaster. FNAC seems like a fun idea but puting it up on steam for shekels and monetizing memes is never a good idea. Froot is a foolish owner and he only further leads the site to to ruin.

The alt-chan federation didn't care about having a fun imageboard and being autistic, and saving whats left of western civilization, they were basically like jewsh and wanted to turn their sites into glorified e-celeb cults, and to wield it as a faggy personal army.


>How did he get popular in the first place? Was it people who wanted lolcows and e-drama spoon fed to them instead of just reading /cow/ or Encyclopedia Dramatica? I always just found his voice annoying for some reason.

He made videos to jerk off redditors and make them imagine being le hacker known as anomulus. Redditors love the glory that anons obtained despite hating us, they like jews wished to steal legacy, internet aristocrat wished to steal our legacy, and sadly he succeded.

If we are the ancestors of the original anons, spiritually speaking, he is the ancestor of the true resentful and subversive spirit of something awful. It is in many ways an eternal yang to our yin. There are logs from haberman the creator of the site metokike got his name from where he essentially admits to private chats with aristocrat, that aristocrat wanted to make being an e-begger an acceptable way of making a living since the late 2000s and pretty much his engineering of gamergate was all intentional and was by design so he didn't have to work. I don't remember where it is so you can feel free to think its bullshit but I think it lines up with his nature of supporting causes until its not making him money or giving him attention, which leads to of course his twofaced nature of pretending he never supported it at all. think his attack on the retarded internet movement he created in 2018 He sold the internet for a tranime dungeon and an ugly asian wife whom he fingerbanged on stream before running away in shame.


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What ever did happen to poor anon cafe?


>tvch is unironically the best website on the webring now.
That's like being the smartest retard in the special ed class; you're still a fucking retard. In the same vein, being the least shitty altchan among a few terrible ones is not a sign of being good. No offense, brother.
Agreed with your list, even though it's a little painful to read about some of those descriptions /monster/ in particular. I wish things could have been different.


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Hey anon nothing is permanent, we can always be better.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Thread Theme:
<I despise all things bound to time


FNAC is free on GameBanana and should be to perpetuity. I agree about Froot. He has consistently fucked up moderating the site, including his sudden creation, removal, and recreation of boards. It's no wonder why the soysphere outside of the sharty exists. I hope FNAC 2, if it's ever made, includes colorjak.
Owners announced it was shutting down after four years. I think they mentioned something about being tired of moderating, but I don't know the exact reason why.


>There was never post by him that ever contained cp that I was able to find or verify.

on anon.cafe he was explicitly banned for posting a directory full of cp, you are clearly rewriting history because you are buttbuddies with him you can even check the archives on trashcan you illiterate pajeet, what you wont find is a post with child porn for obvious reasons.


I never saw this, and its a shame if its the real deal. I am not "rewriting" history, a part of me thinks you might be trying to twist the truth since you dislike me and the dolphenfag but obviously I cannot tell if you are being truly genuine or not.
Doll had a good heart, he lacked the will or darkness soot and kuz had to keep the site going, and its sad because as said before froot is foolish, or subversive, or both. Its like the gondala situation with mark but they made a game about it.

The steam game and payment is just the crux of the issue, the youtube "archive" and booru provide an easy entry-way into the site and have always been the reason its slowly but surely been subverted with twitter and discord niggers.

Shame the guys behind anon.cafe gave up, a lot of imageboards end up like it though.


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Here, smoking gun i dug it up.


Wasn't this just a screenshot of the bloody links? I could have sworn this was his autistic attempt to prove he wasn't a pedo, which wasn't a good look. I certainly hope it wasn't the other way around.


Nope, from what i remember he got caught lacking by a janny, he sperged out later when being called out, of course im not gonna post the fucking CP in question or the link without heavily censoring, but he was caught for it.


I really hope this isn't true. Guy was autistic as hell but I never saw him post anything fucked like that on any site when he was around. The image was deleted at that point so I guess I'll never know or be absolutely certain. I had to deal with active cp spammers on tvch and other nodes and at that time the dolphenfag was never one of them.

I still can't say it wasn't what I think the image was due to his nature when he was around. It doesn't match and it makes it extremely hard for me to believe that a super spammer only ever posted real CP once and never again. Every other CP spammer I have sadly witnessed spammed CSAM like it was no tomorrow.


So what is the cp link, that board that sounds like it's themed around /biz/? Calling someone a pedo based on that when you don't even know yourself what is or was on that board or even why he linked it is some pretty schizo shit.


you're a janny here?


if you're gonna cope then i wonder why would the anon.cafe mod call him a pedo


Jim got popular because Jim was the spokesman for /pol/ against the ethics cucks at /v/ and kotakuinaction.
It's ironic because blacked.moe and KIA are now where /pol/ was in 2015. I can only surmise that /v/ guys are very slow mentally.
As far as chan culture, it was always very right wing in an extreme and transgression. The cp fit into that mold, and it always had an anti-feminist tone. Remember hearing about "tits or gtfo?" How about "there are no women on the internet?" That was serious back then. Old imageboards and internet were hyper, hyper masculine. There used to be "pedo bread" threads on 8chan.co /b/ every day. It was a shitpoating thread of course. People these days have no idea how much freedom we had on the internet back in the day.


You don't have to be a janny to document the posting habits of anons, I have mental image sheets for all posters of tvch including myself, because I have autism.


Because the anon.cafe mods are faggots and pedo's themselves?
just like you nuzach


Why are the anon.cafe mods pedos weasel? I thought the webring was supposed to be buddy buddy no more brother wars.


You know you and your buddies faggots are the true pedos.


weasel still haven't answered


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I made a vídeo about 8chan.

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