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File: 1717532273151.jpg (121.21 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Mark goin commando.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


This piece of shit is what killed altchans.


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He'll fuck your shit up.


Webring is free of him for 4 years, it must be him i swear!


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Toonami ruined a generation of manchildren, which snowballed into the end of imageboards where the mods got replaced by short tempered jannies with short cocks, defending their globohomo corporations just to get a head-pat by their messiah gooks.


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Mark dindu nuffin!


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Brilliant idea of having a mentally retard to police the Bing Bing Wahoo board who ends up sucking off everyone's beloved globohomo company that is Nintendo.


Unironically yeah. /v/ was the biggest board, and he fucked it up by being insufferable, and driving posters away.
>dude, I'm going to ban you for posting Wojacks!
Why, Mark?
>we need to maintain our """quality posting""", where we all joke about being pedophiles """""""ironically""""""".

I hate you all so much it's unreal. I really do.


Mark's biggest problem is he that he doesn't think for himself and listens to anyone who acts like they know what they're talking about.


/hebe/ was the biggest board, there were more lurkers than posters.


But there's a Mark free alternative on the webring on the free marketplace of boards in the ring, i can see 4 Vidya boards by clicking on it.


don't forget that initially the webring was just vchan, and that was when we had our peak user number from 8chan. Utterly squandered.


I don't know why people are intent on staying on Mark's plantation.


People don't go to those boards because no one uses them because people don't go there because no uses them because people don't go there.


People should just go to boards like those and post something. That's the only way there's going to be any growth.


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Sorry I'm new here who is this Mark character and how do I avoid him?


Moderator of /v/ on 8ch.net and a kike


i was banned from zzzchan!!


All the webring mods and jannies are awful and the main reason why this project failed so fucking hard.


Lmao they are going to 4chan to spam blacked


File: 1719282238467.jpg (338.29 KB, 500x1088, 125:272, Virgins in general.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Going MarkMann's spinoff board
You only got yourself to blame for.


>don't forget that initially the webring was just vchan
Tell more about this vchan and its lore.


Fuck you.


Interesting… Go on…


I completely checked out after fatchan's demise so i dunno


He could've saved them. He almost did. Then he went and betrayed the web circle for his own retarded version of 8ch. Embarrassing.


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Mark please save us


Yakuza said he jerk off to Mark at least once.


*While Nintendo's lawyers proceed to break into his car*




He does have a fuckable ass. It's a shame about the rest of him.


WTF my dure!

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