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Z3R0 do you fap to f1nn5ter no joke?


Emojitroon/Yakuzapedo thread


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The seethe begins anew!


Imagine thinking Ramon is gay lmao


Imagine thinking a fudge packer is gay.




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Ramon is back and fucking latina women. They all crave for his BWC.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Super Ramons long lost brother


>Z3R0 is nuzach
That sure does explain a lot of things


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In some weird way, I'd like to, but I can't fap and skeet to anything with a dick, but I have tried. That said, I think if it happened to me IRL, it'd be a boner kill, even if F1nn had a scarf around his neck and pretended to be deaf and dumb, so I didn't hear his voice, and we spent 3 hours making out while I was on the verge of blackout drunk, I don't think my dick would get hard once he pulled his dick out. Shitposting about troons is just for the lulz. I don't think I could do it for real.

Maybe I am Nuzach. Or I'm larping as Nuzach or Nuzach os larping at me. Maybe I'm the old Johnny Neptune from 8/news/ larping as Z3R0 because I know from /asmr/ that the real Z3R0 is dead and ole Johnny doesn't want to have another run in with the law. Who's to really say anything in this faggot ass timeline where everything is fake and gay. Picrel, who's the REAL Batman? Well, they're all Batman. Who's the real Z3R0? The fun part is, going full 5GW, that we can all be Z3R0, just like Batman. It's a great way for us to all use namefagging and anonymity. The real Z3R0 died of cancer, so if they track down the real man behind the name, it's just an empty plot of land now. They tore down his old house and he willed it off to his kid, who immediately sold it to the neighbor to get out from under it, but the neighbor doubled their land size, and value. Anyway, that's what I heard on IRC. I digress.

So, Z3R0 is dead, but like a Zoro mask, anyone can pick it up, put it on, and larp as Z3R0?! YES! The next anon posting after me can say, "Hey, it's the real Z3R0 here, and I would drink the cum out of F1nn's balls while I fuck his troon "girlfriend's" bussy. It might be kinda hot cucking him and fucking his "girlfriend," (a troon) in the ass, and he gets off on that shit and drinks the cum from her dick when I bust my nut in her ass. That sound seriously fucking weird and super gay. I'm sure it is.

So, what have we learned here? We can larp as whoever we want to be and shit all over their radar with false positives, chaff, flares, and tow decoys. To such a degree that we create a "reasonable doubt" with any jury if they ever try to prosecute any of us. If the real Z3R0 is dead and everyone else is pretending to be Z3R0 as a prank, they can't make anything stick solid. Even Johnny Neptune, who I namedrop at times, is dead. He died of a heart attack before 8chan went down. That's why you didn't see him posting anymore. I got to talk to him on IRC a few times. He was actually a pretty cool dude. I miss oldfags like him. He'd probably be cool with it if one of you lads wanted to wear his old uniform and larp as him. He was an old rock-a-billy type… with his style. He seemed like a libertarian. He was a good dude if you got the chance to know him.

Q: SO… who is the real (Z3R0) Batman?
A: They are all real Batmen.


Ramon is the best actor of our generation.


Why do you care so much if a namefag faps to a troon?


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Honestly, I would rather to watch some AI movie with Ramon doing all the roles over watching all the recent slop directed by jewish genXers with zoomer actors.


certified nuzach response/10


ZER0 may be cringe, but he doesn't have the small dick energy or the shitskins cope and seethe present in Nuzach



Ramon is a nigger, and you have brown hands if you think he is "white."


>Ramon isn't white
>Ramon isn't straight

What the fuck is it with you? Surely you (and I know it's just one person) have eyes?


You have brown eyes, yes.


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Thank you. I keeps it Nuzach up in this biotch. ARF ARF! WU TANG!

I'm currently in my cring-maxxing phase. Next comes bulking up and then cutting.

You've gotta admit though, when it comes to shitposting, I'm a motherfucking Jedi master at it, and when I say that, I mean back when being Jedi was cool, before Disney+ ruined the entire Star Wars Verse?! Whatever they call it. You know what I mean. Before Disney turned everyone into brown faggots. Fuck Star Wars anyway. I was always a Trekkie.


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>being a poop dick is not gay
He's a nigger too


It's a tragedy what the jews forced this beautiful man to do.


>checking in the thread hours later
>nuzach is seething as usual and being Zach 2.0
lol so easy to be baited and btfo'd


C'mon now Nuzach, this is getting more pathetic than the usual, you are the subhuman with brown eyes and now is trying to pin down this "lol my alogs are the not white ones!!!"? Things like this is why you are a real lolcow.


Sounds like the gay nigger is a bitch too, for Jews lol.
Brown hands too for you, just like your coon.


You will never be white or straight, Nuzach. No matter how much revisionism and cope you try to employ as a /leftypol/ tranny or /Japan/ pedo.


Seethe harder, Ramon coon.



Whatever you think of the man, Ramon is clearly not an african


I don't know what this thread is about


He is a kinky haired nigger. You are a homosexual.


He is very obviously some flavor of latino, not african.


>They HATED him because he spoke the truth.


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Just anons shitposting and baiting our local lolcow, just like back in 8chan days with Zach.


He is a kinky haired genetic nigger from the old Caribbean slave belt. He has a nigger nose, nigger eyes, brown nigger skin, and nigger hair, and he made his porno money advertised as a nigger fucking white men and women in the ass.

Kys, you homosexual faggot.


Hey guys its me Emojitroon im back to post some porn

f1nn5ter is finally showing her cock

Wrist and I already jack off watching her new content, vol3 wants her to dye her hair red and to record hardcore scenes with Black guys


He is literally, unironically the savior of the white race. He is a hero of whites and the white man's vrill and spirit everywhere. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Ramon is Evropa personified.


Kys, coon.


Ramon has raised white racial consciousness more than you ever will.


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He raised your consciousness of your own homosexuality, porn addict lmao.


lol nuzach is now just being more bitter and homosexual than ever by posting normalfag emojis


>shitting all over the Great White Hope, Super Ramon (PBUH)

I think another emoji will really bring the point home that you're a gay retard.


ET? Are you back?


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That is a solid 9/10 in UK


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Back to Christcuckoldry, Jewzach?


Ramon is literally the savior of the white man.


shoutouts to my namefags Z3R0, Conservative BBC Lover and Mr. Freeze


>Conservative BBC Lover
I don't recall that name.


From what I remember it was an anon satirizing cuckservatives.


nope there was no satire, he was a conservative that loved bbc, aint we all.


I wish Z3R0 would come back


I wonder what happened to him.


Maybe the glowniggers finally paid him the visit he was clamouring for.


Emoji said her dick is small and ugly. He would rather be fucked by Mia Isabella.


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