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Why do so many men donate and simp for random streamers?
What's with this parasocial culture?
Do people really wage all day just to spend it all on a 5-second high from some streamer behind a webcam saying your name or reading your message?
Most of the time they don't even respond to donations at all.

Why do zoomers or even people older than that do it? Especially simping for women.
I mean these people don't know who you even are outside of the internet.


Porn addiction. They need new ways to keep the dopamine flowing.


There's less risk involved. Finding and creating real connections with people in your area comes with loads of difficulties. For starters, you actually have to leave your house.
And if there's anything Gen-Z'ers and younger cohorts hate more, it's putting effort into long-term things.
So why bother entering the real world and potentially making a fool out of yourself? even though, at the end of the day it will not matter
People are just lazy. Living has become too convenient. It's easier to just donate five dollars in hopes of them noticing you anyway.


There's also an extreme cynicism going around. We hate each other.


I wouldn't necessarily say hate. It's more like people are afraid.
Not afraid of each other. Afraid of being our true selves around others.
There are too many consequences for you if you even slightly step out of line.
This is why most young people today prefer anonymous or pseudo-anonymous communication. Because again, there's less risk.


I simp for a couple of hot girls who produce content I like, so it continues being made, not for any kind of recognition.


Christianity and zoomers are saving the world, while incel gay millennials are always online crying about both and watching porn shit or cartoons lol.


>Not afraid of each other. Afraid of being our true selves around others.
Because you can't be your real self and less you are a subhuman.
Pathetic porn addict, just get their whore shit for free if you will never quit.
>Christianity and zoomers are saving the world, while incel gay millennials are always online crying about both and watching porn shit or cartoons lol.
Great b8 anon, but zoomers are probably more addicted to porn than millenials.


>Pathetic porn addict, just get their whore shit for free if you will never quit.
It's not actual porn, and you miss the point of why I pay. I'm not trying to save money, I am contributing to the content creator, so they will continue making the content.


The two biggest coomers losers on this site and other webring sites are in their thirties and forties, lmao.

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