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File: 1716252813784.png (482.33 KB, 3593x1018, 3593:1018, JUST.png) ImgOps iqdb


the jewtube thread is now nothing but pedos, incel whatever podcast watchers, a norweigian drug addict, a french porn addict, sargon dick suckers, and ralph alogs


Jim won.


The place is fucking dead too, 16 users and 24 Posts Per Day holy fuck.


What's the other option? There is none.


there's always cuckchan :^)


We don't know if this place is more or less active because the software Gahoole uses doesn't list PPH.


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DSP won.


Well the alternative closed frenschan which was populated


4chan is entirely shitskins and bots. Your better off having chats with ai customer service agents.


frenschan was never populated, also zzzchan.xyz and 8chan.moe are all still there.


4chan cooperates with pigs.


kiwi/cowposting has always been incredibly cringe and redditpilled. Yeah chrischan is funny, obsessively journaling his and even less relevant literallywhos entire lives is just gay woman behaviour, and it's nust not entertaining



Nah, old /cow/ was enjoyable. The Kiwi Farms have always been pretty annoying though. In the earlier days they were a bunch of trannies, legbeards, and bitchtitted Reddit manginas who would attack cows (or supposed cows) for being "racist" and things along those lines. It's not known as Foxdick Farms for nothing.


/cow/ used to be good, many years ago, but nobody there wanted to put any good work and they did their best to silence any criticism, so now the place is dead and the few anons left are awful


Shit like this is what's telling me to quit masturbating to hentai and porn in general. I have a history of jerking off to hentai but I always make sure that the woman in the hentai pic/video does indeed have big boobs/ass. I think the 'cute face' characteristic of the hentai media is the reason why my brains been acting weirdly. Am I screwed? Can I redeem myself? An example of an artist I follow is Kase Daiki for hentai stuff.


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You can redeem yourself if you sing along to the video



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they are now discussing dicks and dicksizes, can't get more gayer than that.


probably is nuzach, the little dude is obsessed with dicks and anal sex, probably got molested by some uncle since the spics love incest and gay shit


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>still mad about gayhole getting btfo in those threads
>probably Nuzach


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Pedochu moment



You're never getting your gahoole thread back, nuzach.
Ramon owns your latrinx ass.


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Dios mio, he will try more pathetic gayops in his lonely crusade for Gahoole love


Seems like Weasel and Essaychad are slaying and assblasting Pedochu and Nuzach. You lost!


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guilty dog barks the loudest, you are a pedophile together with all your buddies, buddy faggot. Kys.


So, with your love of spamming walls of text, blacked and cp, that makes you the loudest. Right, my latrino buddy?


You deserve to be bullied irl.


we know you'd like to be raped by a bunch of niggers and I know you try to find justifications for seeing nigger dicks. jack off your small white dick lol while being ironic gay


You know jews produce that kind of porn to subvert civilization, right? You are a jewish tool.


He probably starts rubbing his little pinto bean just at the thought of being a slave to jews.


What he did this time around? Posted loli shit?


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/cow/ is now ramon's turf


You love your gay nigger pornstars.


lol you are the one always thinking about them and posting them, you dumb lolcow


>I'm going to post the gay nigger pornstars I love but if you react to my post then you actually posted it!
Weird mental gymnastics there, homo.


>lolcow with extremely predictable behavior patterns gets triggered whenever anyone posts Ramon
<why are you gay niggers spamming this gay nigger? I WON
I don't think they spam him because they like him, Nuzach.


>I don't think they spam him because they like him
Brand new cope, Ramon is based and beloved around these parts.


>I just ironically post Ramon just like how I ironically masturbate to Trans500
Ramon Coon.


We know you are gay.


They only do it because they know you will inevitably sperg out and samefag. But you already know that, you just enjoy all the "attention" you think you're getting. You suffer from battered woman syndrome and the sooner you realize it the better. But feel free to keep coping and seething.


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>It's ironically gay, I promise.
>we are only pretending to be gay


timeout on the bullshit, >we do not post Ramon ironically, fuck off with your revisionism, >we unironically love and post Ramon kino for >our enjoyment


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>our enjoyment

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