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Around August 2014 was when IA posted the Quinnspiracy Theory video and the rest was all history. Soon it'll be September when GG really kicked off as well as the exodus. Reminisce on the old times and since then.


One thing people forget is how turbulent things were from 2008-2014. The first Obama term was a disaster.


I'm not expecting any retrospectives in the mainstream media considering that after being showered with money and attention that fair to describe as fawning admiration and worship they did practically nothing. They could have been given a decade of attention and two extra zeros added to their wealth and they still would have done nothing of note.


Bryan Dunn (pedophile faggot and cuck) was desperately trying to ruin this special occasion.


gamergate 4 ever


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Niggers and spics are obsessed with their desire to be destroyed by BWC.


True. Especially 2012 onward with the rise of mass shootings, sensationalizing every nigger getting killed and the following chimpouts. When dupbama won, they enacted some plan to destabilize everything and woketards/niggers got overly smug and empowered to bring ruin to everything. 2008-2012 was still relatively sane but it seems like that term was just setting the stage for when his second term where things really went to shit.


The decadent calm before the storm really ended after 2012, that was the year I saw Brianna Wu and flund out trannies were a thing, little did I know they would destroy the internet.


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The new generation of gamergates are lame as fuck when compared to the good old days. Internet is dead as a whole, that's why I spend most of my time only reading or with my family.


A good choice, a crusade would be nice again, but only if we actually win.


I'm all about a violent revolt, but sorry, I don't embrace jewish fairy tales.


I use crusade in a post-christian term, a holy war is a great way to rally the people, gamergate was literally a crusade, jihad, holy war or whatever you want to say against the kikes as the were invading our spaces.


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You know, I actually respect Sargon now, with his Lotus Eaters podcast and stuff. He's still a bit of a goofy pompous weirdo, but I'm not going to get in his way while he's trying to make a positive change, and potentially throwing himself in the way of harm.


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>Positive change


This is one of the things that I found most retarded and boring about the state of /cow/ post-8chan. First they hate someone and spend years obsessing over them. Then they start to ironically worship said object of obsession. And then idiotically they see themselves as actually loving and praising such a person as a messiah.

Sargon continues to be the same idiot midwit without touching reality. Worse, he has become more cowardly and surrounded himself with other idiots as boring and arrogant as him, while leaving Vee and other lolcows aside.
Now he puts on a lame show trying to manipulate both Zoomers and Boomers, along with a mixed race priest and a literal kike.


Wrong, Sargon is kino and always will be.


Oh, shut the fuck up. What are you doing?
I always liked Sargon more than you retards.
>everyone is a loser but me, lmao. No I will not put my name or face out there, so you can laugh at me too

Never coming back to this website. You're all pedohiles anyway.


Why would anyone in their right mind truly hate a lolcow like carl?


You seem to be a little more schizophrenic than usual, Paquito.


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dumping some old images from back in the day


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Thanks for preserving history anon.


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And that's all I've got


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The original self-congratulatory humiliation ritual.


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>Ending rant at the end of the first Quinnspiracy video
The future refused to change ;_;


Ugh, I am instantly reminded of how gay and cucked Gamergoyte was.


Ugh, I am instantly reminded of how kino and based AryanGate was.


Yeah gaming is dead, the internets dead and its fucking terrible.
Gamergay was both based and cucked at the same time, like a lot of things on the internet it had many contradictions when it came to the individiuals that made it up.


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>10 years ago.
>the same shit exists now but way worse.
it's over.


Lots of BingWahoo developers sided with the lefties just to gain good goyim points, just like in ComicsGate: Both fucking DC and Marvel are already pozzed before anyone in this site existed.


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>Never coming back to this website. You're all pedohiles anyway.


Reminder that sargon was right about Father Jim being a groomer! Faith Vickers only ever discovered ralph and got gunted because she was a metokur fangirl!




Sargon is a tranny chaser, bud, and he is hosting a smug jew and a hapa priest in his show and both probably raped tons of little kids.


Obsessed, go die in a ditch Vargcoon.


None of those involved made any good progress in their lives, they just sank deeper into cope and froze themselves with cold takes.
From both sides.


The internet at its core is, or rather was a neverland for autists, losers, and outcasts, gamergay was seeing a bunch of normalniggers steal thst refuge from us.


Wrong, gamergate forever.


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What about ComicsGate, did that movement also fly or was it rigged from the start? Considering they purged many wrongthinkers before anyone in this site existed.


I agree with the pre-gamergay message of fuck the jews and game journos/woman, I would have liked it if we had won, and if things hadn't ended up like this.


Comicsgate wasn't remotely connected to anon so I don't care about it, comics have always been super kiked in the jewsa.


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Gamergay and dup were kinda like my own personal vietnam like moviebobs console wars. Unlike Moviebob I actually got a bit of merit seeing as how I saw everything I care about slowly degrade into jewish goop. No matter what we anons did to hold back the long night we sadly couldn't prevent it from taking down our once prosperous spiritual land of autism, truth and hobbies.


So explain why crazy left-wingers are claiming that others are "weirdos"?
The internet is still full of outcastes and losers, the difference now is that a few select groups of them have much more power than before.

Bob is incapable of getting any women, instead he's attracting other old farts who are just as demented as he is.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jewzach is one of the idiots in the comments of his videos talking about how "their enemies will soon get what they deserve".


I only say loser in the context of modern society and its inversion of values, many a hobbyist anon would be a respected man in a normal society 100 years ago.


The problem I see sometimes is that some individuals on imageboards think that to be a "non-normalfaggot" you need to be a neet pedo and any anon who does something like have an honest hobby, have one or another friend or have some kind of job is not a true anon and should be kicked out of the community.
I think in general everyone has become more of an asshole online, I just want a place where I can have varied conversations and chill out.


Yep, mark won


Not gonna lie, I feel this sort of divide has always existed and its always often been unironic pedo NEETs trying to muddy the waters. However I won't lie and not say I haven't often thought in a similar way in the sense that I did suspect some "anons" back in the day as being half normalnigger or cyborgs as old /r9k/. Sometimes this can be bad as it could be a normalfag directing to many newfags towards the site, but we are supposed to blend in with society today, and thus its good to try and be well-adjusted enough. Today when we are the last of our kind however, it is easier than ever to see anon to non-anon.
>I think in general everyone has become more of an asshole online, I just want a place where I can have varied conversations and chill out.
Yeah I can half-agree, the anger is very fake, nihilistic and meaningless, it means nothing.
I mean redditor-pedos like mark subverted gamergay's original message and forever soured its legacy among so many anons, in the sense that he turned into nothing more than a namesake for a pedophile general thread and further blackpilled anons who actually cared about the internet and not fapping to 2-dimensional little girls.


not bothering with this tripe, mark won. Simple as.


So the (((Anon))) seething about Essayfag and also siding with Mark is indeed Jewzach aka Pedochu's minion.


We already know you was an active member of cakekike /interracial/, bud.


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By sucking off to Nintendo's gooks and Valve's closet pedophiles, truly the punkest among punks.


mark based mann


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>Mark won


Can we have a list describing what happened to each person involved with Gamergay and how they are today?


>Can we
It's "may we", and no, you may not.




he did


Do you usually download cp via torrent?


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Only GG veterans will appreciate this.

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