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File: 1727462190734.png (1.15 MB, 1001x749, 143:107, EL RAMON.PNG) ImgOps iqdb

 No.152144[View All]

>Nuzach not only saved Ramon but literal tranny porn into his barely functioning spic HDD
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Does a sadist wear a cock cage and post nigger porn?


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Good to see the local punching bag is still taking it like the masochistic gaycel he is.


The degree of hypocrisy and uncrucibility coming from him are so big that I wonder how mentally fit he is irl. The little guy is obviously a lolcow by birth, not nurture, although it's pretty obvious he has both daddy and mommy issues.


>I am sadistic.



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funny how this is his new cope, when in fact he is a masochist and bitter gaycel.


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But it's true. You newfaggots failed one of the oldtest laws on the internet; don't feed the troll. Problem is that I made you seethe so hard that you couldn't help yourselves, and now your imageboards are burned down. Remember when Gahoole and Wrist tried banning for "derailing?" lol good times!


No, I'm actually not terminally online so i don't know who the fuck "wrist" is nor what the hell you're talking about.

It's not edgy, you just have a humiliation fetish along with your interracial fetish and obvious homosexuality, of course


it's not humiliation if i am terrorizing a bunch of genuine losers in society. It's a bit fucked up, sure, but I am obviously a troll and I made the Moliberry troons so mad that they couldn't not fail the test.
then both of the websites died and I won.


Every single nuzach post follows the pattern of being a butthurt faggot followed by declaring victory all with a false sense of confidence that is hiding a veiled asshurt that is one of the greatest I've ever seen on the internet.


You don't understand, he's an epic internet chessmaster mastermind that's terrorizing and ruining this website according to him and only him!

When he gets his teeth kicked in, over and over, for weeks on end, he wins!


Funny how the lolcow gaycel used to seethe at Calculator and weakload about posting pepes, and now he is doing it to "own" them.
Also used to seethe about the word "buddy" and is posting it too.
Plus also spamming loli and ramon to "own" the guntstream fellas.
Also the guy has some weird gay obsession for Gahoole.
He copes really hard about what he hates/love and how people force him to "act"


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>the guntstream fellas.


quoted the wrong anon, damn you are butthurt, jewzach


>It's not edgy, you just have a humiliation fetish along with your interracial fetish and obvious homosexuality, of course
He craves BWC, but no Chad bull wants to fuck his flat little beaner ass.


Just wait for him to come out and say "NO, U" and accuse YOU of having gay fantasies, when all he's been talking about for the last 3 years is anal sex and dicks, including a big obsession with talking about Gahoole's dick. But sure, isn't a prison gay, a gaycel, some closet homofaggot. That is you, my fella goyim!


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Kike show. We need a true hero of the people.


Ramon is the best example we latinos can get, esey.


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Ramon is pretty cool


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That is damn right.


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<spots nuzach


>Ramon: "I don't think about you at all"


Ramon will save Cuba and create the most advanced spic shithole ever, just wait.


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Ramon you're crazy!


Such a happy guy, a true hero to all us latinos.


What happened to ramon posting? Its on an all time low rn


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NuZach isn't sperging anymore so Ramon slumbers.
Don't worry, he'll be back!


>wears his nigger rastafari hat


Ramon is a coon with light skinny. That's lame. And he is uncut to make things even worse. Bring me a real DARK coon with a beautiful circumcised black dick just the way my Rabbi would approve and I'll put on a show to make you nazi virgins seethe.


kino 2000s fashion


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>he saves to his hardrive and posts a gay nigger pornstar because the boogeymen under his bed scare him.


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>crazy? he's just gay, like you lol.


<Says the dude who have blacked in his phone/hd
bro is just clueless or hypocrite as fuck.


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lmao jewzachis indeed the fat faggot from the sopranos


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>replying to a 1 month old nuzach thread to seethe at nuzach.


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Hey little hypocrite fren, you always do it!


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That's the point, it fit him like a glove.



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Ramon's bloopers.




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Theoretically, how would you gangstalk nuzach and make him go insane?

>Change random street signs and names to Ramon

>Get strangers to mention Ramon within earshot
>Get only green cars to tail him and park on his street




This man is like a God to me. Do you think he's going to record me sucking his Jewish dick like he did with /leftypol/ BO? I need some love in my sad life!


I'm Ramon's number one fan, I think about his dick every day. Do you think he would be interested in fucking me even though I'm an ugly thirty year old incel?


Lol seething


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