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 No.143985[Last 50 Posts]

ASMR thread


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I love it.


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Anyone here watch Hannah Rose ASMR? she recently went somewhat viral with vid related but I was watching her before then. She occasionally does obnoxious shit that I hate like random mouth sounds, smacking, etc but she is genuinely good at ASMR and makes really good videos.
Total chocolate waifu


I'm glad somebody made it finally because a handful of autists stuck on 8kun were looking for a way out. At least this board gets traffic. 8kun is dead and FED. Get out while you still can.


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>He was still using 8kun
I'm sorry anon, 8kun has been dead fed shit for like 4 years.
Glad you found us, welcome home!

Would bleach tenderly!


17 comments down
Look who it is.


Garfield ASMR?


Now it's 19 for me. Anyway just have a scroll through the comments and look out for someone you might recognize. I'll give you a hint: It's somebody a certain schizo anon on 8kuck is obsessed with.


Why not just listen to morse code


Only if it's done with a water keetle.


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New VS1 vid Jenbros
Something different this time.


Pretty good stuff. She looks a bit too skinny now. I liked this video. Nice visuals.


How do we embed the videos here?

Btw, who was the girl that used to also do hula hoop videos?


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Shit! I wasted that get when I should have said something cool like TKD or 2 more weeks. :(


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>>144444 (check'd)
>How do we embed the videos here?
good question


Scroll to the top and use that interface for embed


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>Mexican struggling noises.


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>Scroll to the top and use that interface for embed
It was that easy?! FML. I promise to be less disappointment after I've been here all summer.


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Don't get excited. Most embedded goytube links get jewboinked.
And only certain sites can be embedded.


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This one is for my man, Louie!


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I came!


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Niggers btfo'd


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This one is for my man Gahoole


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This one is for my man Yakuza


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This one is for my man Zach


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And this one….this one is for me!


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What are the chances that someone saved or has a link to this asmrtist vids? I REGRET not saving her work…. didn't think she'd pull the plug so soon


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Oh and I said it then and I'll say it again,

Tiptoe going from nerdy asian to tatted up whore, is one of the worst crimes that cunt gibi and that whore satori ever committed. Tiptoe seemed to have changed since personally meeting Gibi


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>I am a raging female pedo please look at my big boobies and jerk your cocktail sausages to me!


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I don't want to be horny, I simply wish to be relaxed.


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Any Bluewhisper bros here? she is my #1 Aryan ASMRfu but her videos are usually lukewarm when it comes to tingles/triggers. This one is an exception though.


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I usually don't stick to one channel, but this guy is pretty good when he shuts the fuck up.
Too bad he hasn't made a decent video in years.


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>Trailblazes the whole fucking concept on Jewtube along with Ephemeral Rift
>Leaves because she's getting stalker
Which one of you guys did it?


Is he paying you to say that about him online? No one liked this egotistical mutt chink then. His asmr is done in the same vein as a jeet when it comes to sounds

She has yet to make a decent asmr video. Same goes to asmr shanny


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His mouth shit is gud.
He is indeed a cunt though, fucking Melbourne.
Imagine starting drama with DA RIFT


What's the point of listening to male asmr? Are you gay?


Relaxing, I don't jerk off to this you fucking loser.


>fucking loser
you listen to men whispering.


He's not even a real chink. His name is Jonah Singer. His first attempt as a YouTuber was as a drama channel where he talked shit about everyone else. That kid is a kike in disguise.


Samefagging. The old /asmr/ busted him back in the day and doxxed him. I forget what the name of his drama channel was, but he's been working the grift till he found something to stick with.

He's a confirmed faggot and troublemaker. A kike.



How is it relaxing to simulate a man whispering soft nothings into your ear? There's like six trillion female asmr channels you could get the same thing from, so that sounds pretty gay to me.


>Men have radio voices only for women.


Because he's gay, as am I as are you as is everybody on this board

see you faggots at pride


The only thing I found were old reddit pages, damn shame that old archive pages are gone. I recall a thread breaking this guy down. Correct me if I'm wrong but did he have a magic tricks channel as well? Anyways, seems like redditors had a hatred over this guy back then, the first being a feud he had against Gwen and another attacking gibi

According to a redditor, the faggot had a failed minecraft channel and a vlog. I'll see where these lead me but you're right, he's an ugly subhuman that looks asian


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Women aren't autistic enough to do this


used to like this guy a lot but he's just a bit too reddit, he's one of the first asmr creators though
used to listen to a lot of Dr.T and TirarADeguello too, similar stuff


Asmr is the opposite of radio voice.


I also love having men whisper sweet nothings in my ear. See you at pride, faggot.


Their reasoning for it is usually that they're supposedly better at doing triggers and often have a better audio setup for ASMR. We know they're jacking off though.


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I only jack off to this ASMR


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How long is it going to be before Gibi shuts this board down? On an unrelated note, she's definitely pregnant now.


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>she's definitely pregnant now
Thinking about pumping my seed deep into her womb makes my peepee tingle.


Me too, anon. I wonder when Gibi is going to announce her pregnancy.


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Here is your ASMR


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And the tingles? Are on me!


>do as I say
>follow my instructions
>counting down to make you sleep
>mic pump for tingles
>spit painting
>heavy breathing camera kisses
>asmr isn't sexual!
These bitches


Settle down, Mark.


Shit like is totally fine, mods? You guys unironically deserve the alogs you got


I deleted one of the posts talking about cumming on a 12 year old that you posted.
See >>144866
It has greentext.


This is why I hate brown people. Why are latinx and indians pedophile subhumans?


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Indians are just craving any pussy with their small dicks, just like asians. The jews and turks are the main pedophiles tho.


kill yourself pedo


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We had this same problem on the old 8/asmr/ and I don't really know if it was CP lovers or flooding it with kids in an attempt to shut it down. Sadly, it's out there and the old /asmr/ tingle nazis exposed a lot of it. I remember us reporting some dude who had his daughter riding his lap and making out with his ears and she couldn't have even been 12 years old yet. Maybe 12 at best. As soon as we put the heat on that guy, he vanished from the web real quick.

It'll be the same battle all over again, but this time, pedos are flying under the faggot flag. It's like all the faggots in the world suddenly said, let's get jobs in BIG EDU or BIG TECH, and if we can't do that, let's apply to be jannies and mods.

Well, fuck all of you troons, pedos, jannies, mods, educators, and other general fags. It's not over yet. We see you.


wrong website


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>If you don't like watching little girls
>Don't be a pest and try to fuck things up for those who do enjoy them


Don't post the pedo youtubes you don't like, and you won't have this problem.


I didn't post it, I'm denouncing it.


Go cook your dinner or something.


Good idea. I'm ready to pass out anyway. I'm living in a stupid timeline. I'm not going to argue about anything anymore because it's really not worth it. I just want CW2 to kick off already. Did you ever see the Jordanian fighter pilot video? They got this poor bastard in a dog cage and douse him with lighter fluid. Then they set his ass on fire for the lulz. I kinda wonder if I'll be able to do that same shit to you on a gore platform, like an OnlyFans for gore, and people will send me money for livestreaming your execution. IDK. I'm just trying to think of an entertaining way to pay my bills.


See ya next false flag.


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>Grown ass man
>On this website
>Listening to little kids whispering on his ear via interwebz
Kill yourself you fucking pedo


>Still pretending he didn't post the little kid videos.
Thanks for stopping by again.


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>Grown ass man
>Listening to little kids whispering on his ear via interwebz


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Trips confirm God loves DUNKACCINO. Check em!


Noice. Channel name?


Who knows. The clip is old as hell. She's probably a mother by now.




>the pedo is indeed a Ramon hater
imagine my shock


>The pedo content poster is the ramon poster.
Billions must be baited?


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>Get banned for posting this fad
>Literal pedos don't even get a slap on the wrist
GJ fags


>Still seething about Wrist.
Grow up, plz


8kun board ded
General thred ded
A far cry from the hate dungeon days.


The Hate Dungeon days have gone the way of MySpace.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

May positive energy asteroids crash upon your flesh capsule, my friend.


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>8kun board dead
Good, everyone should have left after.


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Foamy-chan stands with Palestine. She really was /our girl/ after all.


Based anti-kike aspie gf ASMRfu


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Fat Prim. still would



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*Sigh* another waifu crossed off the list. Looks like Visualsounds1 is a deJENerate. All foids = certified globohomo brained trash.


Gas huffers get the gas.
Shame. she has a nice midsection.
checking that full house


What a fag


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Back in the old /asmr/ we told these bitches not to get involved in this shit, BUT… the payola was coming in. It's my understanding that they don't even know or give a fuck about anything. They're just being paid to say shit because they're considered social media influencers now. "Hi. I'm BLM. I'm going to pay you $1000 to sell the fuck out for our brand and tweet about stuff." And they go along with it. Everything is fake and gay. Everyone is selling out. Jen is no different. At the end of the day, we're all whores for somebody.


Big difference between "I like Niggers, #blm" and "Come to my booth at sodomyfest". One takes no effort, the other means you like the taste of the Kool aide.


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Would you bleach?


It depends on her politics and ideology.


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She spent thousands of dollars to travel to the other side of the planet to get a white girl nose and lose her sheboon nose. Install blue contact lenses on her eyeballs and denounce the Talmud and she might be a keeper.


the problem is that kids can't inherit plastic surgeries, so the mutt children are likely going to look pretty rough
the same applies to south korean women


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asmr needs more variety. its all the same shite repeated by hundreds of channels.
any good asmr channels that break the mould or have high production value?


>Latte ASMR
She's a gook though. If you're not into gook, don't watch
>ASMR Atmosphere
Looks like a pure White woman to me. Her efforts are massive and it can be very immersive in her videos. She is a theater actor I think.


To add on, you can check out unintentional ASMR. Unintentional ASMR's the best ASMR.


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This guy


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Also this guy


pathetic simp


Here's a chick softly singing Sea Chanties.


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Fuck, forgot embed


If someone doesn't post Friv's tits, I'm going to be disappointed. Her tits are fantastic.


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As for the entire ASMR genre, we've got plenty of big titty goth girls who will "sk, sk, sk" on the head of your penis, but if you're looking for true theatrics and production value, Anastasia of "Atmosphere" is really your only option. We don't know exactly where she's from, but she's clearly eastern Europe or Russian. She's a theater student and has a college production team behind her. Their videos are lightyears more advanced than other rando sluts. The "Atmosphere" channel is a 10/10 must sub. I dare say that it's the pinnacle of ASMR.



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Dreamscape ASMR


>degenerate drug user
>lesbian partner becomes paralyzed after car wreck
>doesn't assist old partner financially
>laughs at ex being a vegetable when brought up
>has faced no repercussions
>no backlash
>still allowed on the net
>making thousands making blowjob sounds on yt
"Karma" exists they say, what comes around goes around they say. give me a big fucking break with the superficial bullshit


I don't knoe anything about that
But laughing at a lesbian while being a lesbian faggot herself is pretty based.

Is she a TERF?


She's a kike. Look at her face. As long as she's a kike/nonwhite the warm ASMR feels is ruined.


I think /asmr/ confirmed that she was a Sephardic jewess.


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It's hard to top this.


asmr is more degenerate than onlyfans


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ok libcuck!


>white supremacy
I wish. Shitlibs are so lame.


Her latest video could easily be a prequel to a certain Zootopia comic, so she's certainly some kind of degenerate.


Which comic would that be anon?


I've heard some /zoo/ this before. Really degenerate and self degradating. If VS1 zoons out and takes the knot instead of tying the knot, let me know.


I remember the hate dungeon *sips monster* those were the days…


Things ain't how they used to be.


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Who cares?
Have fun!


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Remember Asmrbylisa? this is her now.


>Remember Asmrbylisa?
No. Was she one of the loli ones?


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Pure /asmr/ kino.

Beast pronz soon.

One of many loli whisperwaifus. Now that they're finally all legal and whoring the fuck out, the pedo crowd has lost all interest. "TOO OLD!" Now that we have legal aged and fappable Lisa, Mak, and Kay, the pedos have abandoned them and don't even tribute spunk to these lolis that we all watched grow up from underage girls making out with a microphone on YouTube to grown ass legal women trying to sell their onlyfans, only to find out, that nobody wants them anymore, because they're too old. It gets the noggin joggin. You never really gave a shit about any of these girls. You were only pushing this shit because you wanted to break laws and set traps. I see you entrapment ass motherfuckers and Chris Hanson. Now that I can facefuck consenting adult Lisa and cum down her throat, nobody cares, because you can't lock me up now.


Do you have any of their @s? Is their old stuff still up anywhere? This sounds like something I could get into.


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The story tells itself and I hope that these girls finally realize what they're good for. Nobody ever cared about your ASMR. You was loli candy for pedos. That's your fandom. You had hundreds of thousands of sub and thousands of view, but ONCE YOU TURNED 18, you declined and had a mere hundreds of views. Nobody fucking cares anymore. You're no longer relevant and your fandom doesn't care, because your fandom was chomos.

If you wouldn't take off your condom and have unprotected sex with picrel, 18 year old girl, balls deep inside that snatch, just the nuts hanging out, and get her pregnant for bonus points, then you're an absolutely confirmed faggot.

Ain't no shame in my game because it's all legal and legit now. The shills used to flood /asmr/ with illegal loli but now that all of these girls are fair game, shills dropped them.

It's all still out there, if you look for it.


>The shills used to flood /asmr/ with illegal loli
Loli ASMR isn't illegal.


Nah, but it used to be the thing on the old /asmr/ that pedos post loli, kinda like how pedos are non-stop trying to infiltrate the LGBT community with molesting children. And it's working. Fags touch kids.


I'll check both of our dubs. And conversely, it might be Mak's 18th birthday. There's a HUGE difference between posting 5 year old girls, and Mak posting picrel after her 18th birthday. If you wouldn't smash picrel on her 18th birthday when she presented herself like that for you, then you might really be a super fucking gay ass faggot. I'm taking my condom off, raw dogging Mak, and I'll try to get her pregnant too. It's all legal and all fair game at this point. You'd have to be a literal fucking faggot not to knock up this fresh 18 year old girl.

These girls see it though. Mak, Lisa, Kay Kay… nobody fucking cares anymore. Their internet careers have come and gone before the even got anywhere near "THE WALL." They were already done by the time they hit 18. Top fucking keks. Is 18 the "WALL BEFORE THE WALL?!" Who knows, but I'll say it on the record right now, "I would fuck Mak 18 without a condom and hopefully get her pregnant with our white child."


I thank the lord everyday for big black cocks


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Doxy's Judy Hopps comic(s) where she goes undercover at clubs and ends up a drug addicted pig.


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Thanks for the info anon, I'm gonna watch the video then read the comic.


Honey Pot is a chapter of it. What you're looking for is the Sweet Sting series. There are four entries, but it's complete now.


So do I read this?
Idk what the uploader means by "no fillers"


DJ Axle pls



>no fillers
No one-off and variant images.


Great, thanks anon. I'm usually not into maledom faggotry but I'm curious to see if I think it relates to the video or not. I'll report back.


Still obsessed that he humiliated you in front of everyone?


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The neglected baby in the background asking for attention makes this pure kino.



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I fucking knew it. Gibi announced her pregnancy. It's over.


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>It's over.
Indeed! In the same few days that Trump was almost assassinated, Hulkamania runs wild again after 30 years, brotha, and Gibi gets pregnant with a white baby inside of her still fresh "20 something" premium womb, ALL AT THE SAME EXACT FUCKING TIME!

Hulkamania is running wild and Gibi is officially pregnant now. Let that sink in.


that's a woman?!


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Hooray, more jews


Gina is a confirmed Italian, npt a jew. Although, she is a shabbos goyl confirmed too. She's friends with Hila and Ethan Klein. I think they might have been the ones to give her an honorary "J-card" and she tried to LARP as Gibi Klein, in an "oops" accidentally leaked address on an Amazon package in a video. Ye old Dungeon of Hate did it's due diligence. Her real name is Gina B. Lupica. She's Italian. Her dad is some multimillionaire insurance company big wig. Gina is an Ivy League mafia princess. Gina is every bit as jewish as Whoopi Goldberg. "GI-BI" is just her first and middle initials. "G"ina "B" Lupica. IDK what the "B" stands for. "Beatrice?" Who knows. The fact of the matter is, one of the TOP ASMR girls is now pregnant and making motherhood great again. And Prim needs to step up her game. Prim is a newlywed from the cornfields of Iowa. Super cute and baby-fat chubby. If Prim's hubby doesn't get her pregnant, I'm going to be very disappointed. Gibi is making pregnancy cool again.


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I bet


Jews and mutts always call themselves "Italian"


This unibrow girl is pretty good

Oh yeah, Italian like Lady Gaga


Don't Jews and South Italians have some genetic link?


It is possible that Gina might be a Sephardic kike like AOC. Kikes like this fly low on my Jewdar and are hard to recognize.


Faintly, but you could say the same thing about any place they've infected. It's mostly a way for them to claim a Roman nose and confuse people that cant tell the difference between big noses.


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Would you bang?


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I finally found the deep end


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New seafoam bideo


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I love Seaboom Foamy-chan. She was always /our girl/ at /asmr/, even when she did troll us a bit, all in good fun. She used to leave us secret messages in her video tags. That's until 8/asmr/ were labeled as evil Nazis and stuff. That's until people finally figured out that /asmr/ was right all along.

Foamy-chan was always our bestgirl waifu. And if she's still out there and reading this, "Z3R0 has your back. Always have."

Keep on keeping on, Nora. If you can do this, you'll unlock your TRUE ENDING and win the game. Hang in there, kiddo. You got this. And I believe in (You).

Put a ring on it dot jay peg.


Check my dubs and the real Nora would know this if I'm actually the real Z3R0 talking to her right now.

She had some weirdo autistic fan from Canadia who's had his family killed in a car crash and he posted a video one day about exposing his true identity and that time was running out and all sorts of fucked up shit. "I've tried to chat with Nora so many times in her livestreams and if she doesn't acknowledge my existence, I'll have to make myself known!" It was some seriously incel tier shit that this dude was working on.

I found out that this kid was legit seriously all fucked up in the head. Almost his entire family died in a car crash earlier that year and it fucked him up permanently. I don't know what got him fixed on Foamy, but I told her in our private chat, "He'll do something tonight or at sundown, that's how most suicides happen."


Hey, any context behind this whore?


And we had a conversation about this before I took action. The sun was setting. Nora lives in Canada and the RCMP couldn't stop this. This kid was living in Georgia, so I took the lead.And the cops paid him a visit that night, found rope, pills, etc, and they got his head on straight again. I honestly think he might have killed himself that night, had we not stopped him.

Seafoam will confirm this story. I'm the real Z3R0, because only "we' know this story. Only the real Z3R0 would know this.


Nah. She's actually one of the few OG cannon characters from the original /asmr/ and the entire genre in general. She's one of the few good people who are OG to our story.


looks like a Jew with that beak and those brown eyes.


Nah. She's an Indian squaw of some sort from the Nova Scotia region of Canadia. We've vetted her for years. She's not a jew.


I think I remember reading in some Q&A or maybe ask.fm where someone asked of her race and she answered mix of cherokee, syrian and "white" (whatever that means) can't confirm, just going from memory.


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You know this seems like the sort of board a site like this really needs

Include neuro linguistic programming analytics combined with users providing ECG feedback and the owner of this site could probably gain considerable funding from OSINT grants

It worked for erowid.org


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First puppet to break 100k. It really is that easy.

Good for him. Enjoy that secondary passive income.


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New foamy vid bros!
I wish Nora would obsess over me
In all seriousness the production quality has really gone downhill since the /asmr/ days.
The audio is so bad compared to the videos she was doing in the 2010s.


Why would you want an autistic girl to be obsessed with you anon? sounds like a recipe for disaster.


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The face has more plastic than a fucking garbage dump, and the tats are disgusting, but the sounds are really nice and the tits are a good bonus.


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… lads…

Thanks for sharing. Gifrel is me smashing that like and subscribe button. She does indeed look fake and plastic, but so is everything nowadays. I'd fuck her though. She reminds me of a cuter Aftyn Rose. Let's hope she does porn soon. I'd fuck her without a condom and cum inside of her so hard that it'd create a miniature black hole inside of my nutsack where my cum used to be. Thoses are some absolutely phenomenal natural tits. You can tell they're real because of the shape and how they hang and droop. Perfect. I'd pay good cuckbux to see them nips and get a JOI. Nice find, anon.


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This one makes me really uncomfortable


Any place we could create an asmr board? this is a pretty pathetic substitute for /asmr/


Her latest video is an exercise in longhousing. Don't interact with or solve what upsets you. Talk to others when you feel any emotion. When others are annoyed, don't help them think through or solve it, just listen to them. Being around others is always good. Being annoyed is as bad as being angry. In an ideal world, there would be no negative emotions. You're helpless in the world and shouldn't care about what happens in your environment, nor should you care about how others act around you because you can't control it. A totally henpecking video, aside from her advice that everything can be cured by exercise, but she's a health nut.


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I didn't click on this, therefore I haven't watched the video or even seen what the title is but I'm really uncomfortable seeing an ugly mutt in the thumbnail. As a white male this offends and disgusts me. Don't post him or anyone else like him again anon. Thank you.

Haven't watched the video yet but sounds like typical woman psychology of conflict avoidance and oversocialisation. Jen suffering from general anxiety would also contribute to this mindset of trying to maintain good emotions and avoid negative ones.
I see this video has more dislikes than usual so it seems there are others who probably felt a similar way.


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Short answer. Hard NOPE! I'm not the leader of /asmr/ either, by any stretch of the imagination. I just get tingles (for real) from cuties whispering to me. And I appreciate beautiful women and simulated affection and personal attention. Anyway. We of ye ole "Hate Dungeon" were a constant thorn in Jim and Ron's sides. Non-stop DMCA claims and takedowns, Even Vox, Vice, and Mother Jones did hit pieces on us. Some kike journo even had a sit down interview with Gibi where she asked Gina about us. "We don't talk about them because we don't want more people knowing that this places exists." It was pure lulz. If you was there for it, then great, but if not, that ship has sailed, lads. That time has passed.

Do (You) want to be the new BO of /asmr2/ (Hate Dungeon v2.0)?! I sure as heck don't wanna be that fucking guy. Did you know, just so you know, Heather sued AZ in court. He got arrested and charged with lots of shit. I don't know how that all ended for him, but it's still not a good time. Gyrus from vola got raided by the cops and hemmed up. That's why vola got shut down. Do you think Gahoole or any of the other mods or jannies want that kind of terminal autism infesting this place? Hell to the naw. I can't blame them either. The "Hate Dungeon" was a 1 off and we did our due diligence during GamerGate and the Great Meme War of 16, but it should never happen again.

We should be thankful that we still have a thread somewhere on the web that we can be autistic and speak freely. This is the bunker for those of us who survived the crash. Don't be sad that it's over, anons, smile because it happened.


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In regards to Gibi, as much as I want to hate on her for being a millionaire mafia princess, I ain't mad at her. I always knew she'd win in the long run. Gibi was a gold medal winning track star. But she was a distance runner, cross-country. Gina wasn't interested in the sprint. The sprint is over and done in a minute. Gina was running to win the marathon, the same way that she won her gold medals in track sports.

In my opinion, Ben really is a lucky guy. He married a mafia millionaire princess, but she's also a girlboss, so it takes a special guy to pair with a girlboss type. You need to keep a butler / samurai mindset. You live for your master. You dedicate yourself to the service of Gina. And that's what she wanted. Sure, you have to do chores, scrub toilets, do housework, suck off Gina's throbbing 6 inch clit, and get pegged by that same clit, but there's also the good times. She wraps her 6 foot long legs around you and strangles you like an anaconda while she sucks you off and swallows your cum, but you're not allowed to tell anyone else about it. She might buy you gifts, like new cars that you want. She spoons you at night and tells you that she loves you.

I imagine the day Gina decided that she wanted to get pregnant, she carefully timed the entire thing with doctors and science and stuff. When the day finally come that she reached maximum fertility, she just pinned Ben's wrists against the bed and rode him. "I command you to get me pregnant right now! Today is my maximum fertility day and you must pump all of your cum deep inside of my womb! Fucking do it now!" Poor Ben didn't even stand a chance. Although, you can't rape the willing. Who wouldn't want to get Gibi pregnant?! I wouldn't tell her know. I'd oblige happily. Ben is lucky.


Q: Is Z3R0 retarded? Why so many spelling and grammatical errors?!
A: I'm not retarded, zoomer. I'm drunk! Know the difference. Seriously though, I keep all of that shit turned off that's supposed to fix it, "spellchecking" and shit, because I don't want active keyloggers running on my PC 24/7. I digress. I really like that wedding pic of Gina. She's a beautiful woman. If you wouldn't get her pregnant and sock off her 6 inch clit daily, then you're gay. And Ramone would agree with me.


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Ramon would definitely agree with you!


Ramon is literally the savior of the white race.


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a kinky haired gay nigger spic mongrel is maybe the savior of your butthole, but not the white race.


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Hey anon, was this post your doing? If so Nora is admiring your passion and creativity.
What do you think bros? does she lurk this thread as well?


I have no idea what you're talking about. You're spewing nonsense, anon.


The kikes and hapas fears Ramon.


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I'm glad she appreciates the passion and creativity. It is a lulzy post, BUT… (record_scratch_sfx.wav) that WAS NOT ME. I have more respect for Nora than that and even though we've only talked a few times, she knows me well enough to know that Z3R0 wouldn't say that shit.

In my time on /asmr/ I did what I could to keep people like Seraphim, Goebbels, AZ, doxanon, and others from attacking what I deemed as good content creators and kept them focused on the grifters and cash grabbers and e-whores. Well, you can see how all that turned out in the end.

Don't get me wrong though. I think Nora is a genuinely nice person and I'd put a ring on it. I'd race mix with her. She's whiter than most and she'd be worth keeping. I'd do the right thing with her and ask her out on a date and hold hands with her first, before I colonized hew womb with my white seed. And I'd even be okay with having Canadian kids. (I can imagine Nora having a hearty chuckle)

That wasn't me. It was probably some coom brained zoomer shitposting.


Oh, and I'm 90% sure she lurks here. She was a canon character on 8/asmr/ confirmed. When the board crashed, she survived the wreckage and may have followed a few of the survivors to here. Many of those girls lurked and even posted with pics and timestamps back then.


fuck my face with a nigger dick


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Now she's trying to throw us off by doing one of her troon roleplays but with her normal voice


are you sexually confused anon? :3


Nice try faggot.


Is all asmr coomb8? I remember using ASMR of some cuckime autistic girl made to fall asleep where I imagined I was with one of my waifus but I never fapped to it.


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It's not all coombrained, but alot of it is. It originally started as people whispering and evolved into something much bigger once people realized "tingles" could be farmed from this "art form." Imagine that the "tingles" are like the chills down your spine, piss shiver, scalp tingles, goosebumps, or any other phenomena. People who enjoy ASMR get a spark of euphoria and relaxation from these "tingles." So, said, ASMRtists used this to induce relaxation, alieviate anxiety, or cure insomnia with their videos. Not everyone feels ASMR though, which makes it an exclusive group of people who can really get tingles vs those who can't. Once it started to become more sexual and erotic, it was a means of artificial friendship and affection, which helped allieviate loneliness. I like the genre and appreciate what they do. Like ice cream, there's a thousand flavors to try. It's okay if you like Rocky Road and I like Chunky Monkey. If you want a waifu to coom with, there's an ASMR for that. If you're having a panic attack and need to calm the fuck down, there's also an ASMR for that too. That's why it's so wildly popular.


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I like when they make kissing and sucking sounds into more phallic microphones.

Somebody should come out with microphones that are straight up shaped like metal dildos for these, it's a great business opportunity.


I don't think anyone with a handle checks the webring, other than people who were here at the start. It would be funny if some e-celeb let it slip that he browses this place with a Super Ramon reference.
The majority of it is now. ASMR has replaced erotic audio as the go-to term for audio porn.


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No, but it started pretty innocent and then all the faggots trying to cash in on it turned it into that.
Plenty of niche pockets who just like doing their thing instead of soulless dick twitching bait though.
Older stuff is usually better since they weren't reliant or pandering to jewgles ad bot.


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Finally found Autistic GF ASMR


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Good explanation.
Simple way of putting it is on one end you have simple tingles and triggers ASMR which helps for relaxation, aiding sleep, soothing anxiety. In the middle you have friendship, female attention, affection/gf simulator type ASMR. Then on the other end you have erotic ASMR which is basically just ASMR pr0nz. Middle category has varying levels of crossover with the other two.


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I'm unable of understand why anyone would waste their time with ASMR. That is like a torture to me. I doubt anyone over 30 years old actually listen to ASMR, only if the are some kind of sissy or cucknime incel.


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It helps me go to sleep


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>Cute butterface
>Good sounds
>Shuts the fuck up
>Massive breasts

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