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File: 1726761826207.webm (4.44 MB, 284x158, 142:79, always.webm) ImgOps iqdb



>he's seething so hard he is spamming entire threads with his mongoloid homo erectus nigger coon.
You are anally devastated and eternally seething lmao.



I know you have trouble distinguishing between latinos and blacks, but I will not accept that Ramon is oriental, that's just ridiculous even by your lofty standards.

>homo erectus

Is this even an insult? Why are you doing this

>nigger coon

We've been over this before. You're the only nigger coon on this board, Jay'Quarius.


rate cuts take 6-12 months to show up in the economy as they lag the stock market


The kike is already trying to derail another thread, they fear based and well informed anons like OP.


File: 1726854309795.jpg (584.06 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Ramon living the life.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

One day I will find these Ramon OCs and feel nostalgic for tvch bros.

Love you bros
I know it's hard, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
but I hope you get to have a good life.


File: 1726857597035.png (243.36 KB, 612x477, 68:53, ramon.png) ImgOps iqdb

Now you feel me.


Ramon coons: porn addicted, prison gay nazi virgins who would shit a brick if they ever had to talk to someone irl.




Why isn't this faggot banned yet?


Mods are trying to play 4dchess against a ghost. It failed.


File: 1726866659433.webm (10.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ramon Florida Man.webm) ImgOps iqdb

What we need to save tvch is a Gahoole and Ramon meetup



One of the few good reason to vote for Dup or any other "righ-winger" faggy is to improve the economy.

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