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File: 1710847062289-0.jpg (319.96 KB, 1290x469, 1290:469, 1.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1710847062289-1.jpg (526.38 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



Also what's going on with alogspace ?


File: 1710847949976.png (61.04 KB, 1606x257, 1606:257, samefags pls respond.PNG) ImgOps iqdb

Too many goblinas with spic eyes.

>Also what's going on with alogspace ?


Their moderation now is far more shitter than before, and most of the old anons are gone, the place is dead


File: 1710857370853.jpg (128.44 KB, 584x1510, 292:755, sanpaku eyes.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>trusting in Chinese "medicine"


It's not chinkese and it's surprisingly accurate regardless. Pretty much every single "person" responsible for the state of the world today has one of those.


>trusting western "medicine"
reddit moment


Ok but what's happenned ?


the great deportation is going to be an egirl holocaust.


>accurate regardless

No its not its based on literal souless asian slit eyes if you have normal eyes the White showing often depends on the eye angle


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This, so much this! China rules the world and should nuke USA and Europe ASAP!


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this unironically
hail xi, hail mao, hail the ccp


lol, mutthurt


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>lol, mutthurt


Mod had a meltdown and went into a mass deleting campaign, The place is dead tho, its now nothing but a glorified kiwichat


for what purpose ?


because he couldn't handle the gahoole banter


Bloodsports turned the place into a Foxdicks colony that's why.


For real, the vast majority of mods are the reason why the webring is so fucking dead. People told to Gahoole to make up a clean in the mod team.


I know you're schizo, but that doesn't make you more than one person.


Cope and seethe more. You'll have to find another space for your schizophrenic gahoole rants.


>For real, the vast majority of mods are the reason why the webring is so fucking dead

Hmm it's like the people who have the time to be eternally online aren't the most mentally well-adjusted or moral people or something


Stop seething, faggot.


Good falseflagging.


Good falseflagging.

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