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File: 1729094542020-1.png (69.64 KB, 1189x407, 1189:407, i went too far.png) ImgOps iqdb


Guys please help he won't post black dicks anymore and he seems depressed.
Can yakuza or emoji give him a call and see how he's doing? I'm worried.


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He keeps yelling he's an engineer, there's something really wrong with him.


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ramon buckbroke troonzach


Good. Maybe you retards will finally talk about something else instead of fucking around with some fucking retard lolcow.


He is an old incel with deep mental and emotional problems, making he seethe and baiting him may be funny, but he have nothing to lose and will end up stabbing some white children and blaming this site.




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Friendly reminder that coonseether just straight up admitted to liking BBC the other day


Ramomfag won!


True, poozach has a massive collection of blacked porn, he's just shy about it.


Usual low IQ and low energy Nuzach seething.


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I don't think even /trannypol/ worship so fucking much nigger cock and jewish nose as him.


Its interesting, nuzach usually makes some smug response in these threads proclaiming victory even when hes already lost by virtue of existence. He is probably to busy literally seething on his /cow/ thread at the moment.


He spent the entire weekend seething and acting like a butthurt pajeet on at least three different webring imageboards.
Now he's on /dup/ with his usual small dick energy crying about Incels and Trump.


>the nazi virgins worship Ziodon.


There he is. Flawless victory, you got everyone to mock you.


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>you got 5 virgins angry and now they're seething at you.
I know! Haha.


He reminds me of that character from Kung Pow. The guy who thought getting beat up made him the winner.


You have an odd definition of the word "seething". Similar to how you don't seem to understand what "coon" means. Has it occured to you you may just be retarded?

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