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 No.153667[Last 50 Posts]

Guys please help he won't post black dicks anymore and he seems depressed.
Can yakuza or emoji give him a call and see how he's doing? I'm worried.


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He keeps yelling he's an engineer, there's something really wrong with him.


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ramon buckbroke troonzach


Good. Maybe you retards will finally talk about something else instead of fucking around with some fucking retard lolcow.


He is an old incel with deep mental and emotional problems, making he seethe and baiting him may be funny, but he have nothing to lose and will end up stabbing some white children and blaming this site.




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Friendly reminder that coonseether just straight up admitted to liking BBC the other day


Ramomfag won!


True, poozach has a massive collection of blacked porn, he's just shy about it.


Usual low IQ and low energy Nuzach seething.


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I don't think even /trannypol/ worship so fucking much nigger cock and jewish nose as him.


Its interesting, nuzach usually makes some smug response in these threads proclaiming victory even when hes already lost by virtue of existence. He is probably to busy literally seething on his /cow/ thread at the moment.


He spent the entire weekend seething and acting like a butthurt pajeet on at least three different webring imageboards.
Now he's on /dup/ with his usual small dick energy crying about Incels and Trump.


>the nazi virgins worship Ziodon.


There he is. Flawless victory, you got everyone to mock you.


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>you got 5 virgins angry and now they're seething at you.
I know! Haha.


He reminds me of that character from Kung Pow. The guy who thought getting beat up made him the winner.


You have an odd definition of the word "seething". Similar to how you don't seem to understand what "coon" means. Has it occured to you you may just be retarded?


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Seethe means you get angry at me.


Do you know the difference between mockery and anger? Calling someone a cuckold mexican retard isn't really a sign of anger, it's a humiliation thing. Do you understand that?


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Except you've never doxed me and have absolutely no clue who I am or what I look like. So you're just running in circles like a retard, chasing your own shitty memes. And it's all because of me!
And you seethe!
>inb4 NO, U


Nuzach you are a cuck.


>have absolutely no clue who I am
Nah, you've dropped enough that you're a known entity, either knowingly or by your own fault.
You're an incel, and pretend to be proud of it.
You're unemployed, far too much time on your hands, either on retardbux or living with your parents.
You're oddly butthurt by Ramon, while loving black penises, in your mind trannies are of higher value then actual women, clearly homosexual behavior.
Clearly suffering from a mental disorder that makes it impossible for you to let go, likely schizophrenia or something close to it.
And you must have absolutely nothing to do in your life that you feel that spamming infographs and interracial porn is the most entertaining and best use of your time.


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I watched blacked again today to make you guys seethe lol. You all nazi incels need to accept that black dicks rule the world, not DAJOOOOS, we're all gonna die alone unless we're black with a big coon dick.


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Axis forever btfo, porn sites are basically spyware, but who caers anything to btfo the wrongthinkers. Let's repost the same image over and over because that's how original we are.


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>we know what you told us, the notorious hypocritical, no integrity nuzach
You know nothing, bitch, but it's obvious that not knowing is killing you.
I love watching Foxdicks seethe over not being able to dox someone because it's all you care about, because it's the seethe that drives you. You seethe so hard!!!
I'm just a shitposter from the old internet era. You're a buttmad newfaggot Dupzi.
You will NEVER dox me!! Ahahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!


>muh doxing
lol who gives a fuck? What would we even do with it besides make some funny edits with how much of an ugly retard you undoubtedly look like. You're losing your shit all over the webring every day seething at all the retarded enemies your brain imagines are at war with you.
All I have to do to make you suffer is remind you of how shit your life is, and your depressed little mind will send you into a spergrage all over the webring.


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I liked PPP for a long time but him trying to dunk on gahoole out of desperation for any kind of win was just too pathetic


Last time I actually watched a stream of his.

All the rest also dropped in quality and became massive faggots, Surfer, Godwinson, LeoPirate etc.


Nuzach, where are you buddy?


rent free


Last kino moment of ashton


why are the anon.cafe mods pedos weasel?


>nuzach is an oldfag
Many times you have shown that you aren't though.


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Took you 10 minutes to reply lil guy, are you telling me you've been lurking all day but too afraid to post?


I opened up the website, saw one of you losers in the recent comments section seething at me, so I chimed in to reminder you that I live rent free in your heads so you would seethe anymore. Any you didn't disappoint! Coon.


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>I opened up the website
>10 minutes after getting called out
>just a coincidence
>totally not buckbroken and desperately trying not to look like it
Patrick Nelson doesn't just live rent free in your head, he's so deep in there he's what you measure you own life against. and failing hard


Weasel, why did you call the anon.cafe mods pedos just to cover for your buttbuddy dolphin?


And you where spamming black dicks and your infograph too, so you've definitely been lurking all day.
So what's been depressing you so much you wouldn't post, Nuzach? Your miserable life getting you down, buddy?


Weasel is doing everything but answering


Hey guys its Jewzach


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Weasel, you should accept that lolis prefer black dicks over your small slav white dick lol.
Rent free.


weasel is from the Netherlands wtf are you on about


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Nuzach is driven almost entirely by sour grapes. He knows he will always be a smelly brown Mexican't mutt and that he will never be white.


His new gimmick is to hate Trump and Assad.
He's even larping as a "nazi" now after he seethe'd so much about them and proudly saying he watched blacked probably to make you "irony zoomers" "seethe".


>His new gimmick is to hate Trump and Assad.
So mindraped that he sees nuzach everywhere. Take meds.
Assad and Trump are kikes. COPE.


I'm not coming back to this site until you all shut up about Nuzach.


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All this seethe collected from my nazi virgin stalkers. It feels so good to be missed and appreciated.
Yeah, I've not been posting as much but that is none of your business, as if your bum asses were ever going to even slightly dox me, haha.
Rent free, coons.


weasel not beating the allegations :skull


bumping to trigger nuzach


No, dummy, I like being the center of attention.
You coons are slow on the uptake.


No, you like making figures like Gahoole the center of attention, you just want to be the instigator.
So hows your massive fuck up of a life going today? Watched any more blacked to own the nazis instead of the usual cp?


not even nuzach, but you are really mindbroken by him at this point
he owns you, literal unhinged schizo


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>not even nuzach


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I really don't understand why you retards keep going on about Gahoolio. Ive repeatedly stated that I like Gahoole and identify with his plight as a fellow incel…but you morons keep going back to the Gahoole trough. Maybe you have a bone to pick with him? I've just about given up on your retardation besides concluding that I've simply buck broken you and you've gone insane.


You used to sperg out about him so much you got his thread on alogs deleted. You've been spamming this place for years with black dicks because you hate him so much.
Now you recently have had a weird stockholm syndrome moment for him, but with your schizophrenia I doubt it will last long.


I like Gahoole alot. Gahoole alogging goes back for years, before you delusional idiots incented nuzach, you dumb newfaggot. There was a thread on there that started in 2019 that the stupid fuck newfaggot mod Zidan deleted. If you want to go cry about the state of cow, go sling shit at Zidan.


>i like gahoole
>i alog gahoole so hard i got the thread deleted
It sounds like this actually makes sense in your retarded schizo brain.
Makes me wonder in a couple years how many retarded hoops you gotta jump through to convince yourself youre a tragic hero like the joker.
Instead of a schizophrenic loser who jerks off to black men and has wasted half a decade of his life seething about a handful of zlebs.


nuzach is legit mindbroken at this point.


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You're putting words in my mouth. Zidan had a coniption fit because he is a newfaggot janny and he is part of your weirdo, delusional nuzach cult, he saw the boogeyman shadows on the wall after the janny power rush went to his head, and proceeded to nuke multiple threads on the website.
Gahoole is a great guy.
The only ones responsible for what happened is you /pol/tard nazi losers. You fucked up 8chan and then you fucked up the webring by taking the internet too seriously and thinking your dumb nazi movement which you hilariously still pin on Dup needed to still use an imageboard to change the world. Meanwhile people who just wanted to have fun were run off in one way or another, including Gahoole for example.
Fuck you stupid nazis. Get a life already and for the love of God, don't do one of your dumb virgin rampages again.


>he is writing essays now to show how much he "don't care" and "how much he isn't a internet person".


Nuzach is a prison gaycel, he have this weird love/hate relationship with everything, by his reaction a few days ago be sure if Gahoole invited him to a motel he would go all happy for finally having a "date" and a "friend" in his dark and sad existence as an old closet faggot.


I started calling you queers prison gay a few months ago because your love of the Ramon homosexual got kind of weird, and I only meant it as a joke but you taking it so seriously seems to indicate I was on to something.
Go watch your Trans500.


Nuzach, just be honest with yourself, all your bitterness and cope isn't helping, you are a gay, simple as. You can't fuck pussy because you don't like women, deep down you want a big coon cock, you are prison gay, perhaps even a queer AGP tranny!


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So you're proving what I just said. You dumb /pol/tard nazis are so fucking pissed off you think taking the jokes I made that make you seethe, turning them around, and then actually beliving in them while you yourselves are basement dwelling virin porn addicts rallying around a gay pornstar while admitting to enjoying Trans500 makes you….not gay.
and you call me the schizo!


>post jew capeshit manlet actor
>seethe and copes again
<is 2am and he will instant reply in a site which he "left"


>prison gay

This is a very odd, very specific phrasing that only you ever use. Is that where you developed these urges you're ashamed of?


Yes, I was in prison before.


Apart from word salads full of typos he never coined any term. This term has always existed and ironically to refer to closet homos like him. As usual he just projects his own sins onto others because he doesn't want to be the biggest loser.


Obsessed and mentally unstable. Take meds losers or kys already Wrist.


Obsessed and mentally unstable, /cow/tranny.
Nuzach WON.


He's back with samefagging and astroturfing.
I have never come across an (((Anon))) with a more feminine personality than Nuzach.


Nuzach WON.


Yeah, the 30 years old incel who is always online seething and being assblasted "won". He is like the loser incel from Kung Pow.


Nuzach won, schizo.


Hey guys, Yakuzapedo here.

I got drunk and sucked a Nigerian dick again.

He said I suck good but I was drunk and don't know what I did but at least I didn't vomit over his black salty balls.

Emoji also had sex with a dude days ago, he bottomed to a turkey guy from Ontario.


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>Nuzach won, schizo.


Nuzach won, he jack off his little incel dick while watching blacked. Heh, you dudes lost.


slant-eyed subhuman hapa pedo creature obsessed with some nuzach above me o algo assad and trump are kikes btw


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>slant-eyed subhuman hapa pedo creature obsessed with some nuzach above me o algo assad and trump are kikes btw


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>couple obvious bait posts yesterday
>nuzachs still losing his shit itt
Feels good to be a nazi virgin incel.


How does the huge gallon jug of dick enlargement juice work? Do you just chug it?


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That's a good question. Hopefully Hipster Will Smith knows what he's doing.


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It's incredible


Based on all the missing posts I'm just going to assume Nuzach had another interracial mental breakdown.
He's probably having a rough time with Trump rising in the polls and his own life sinking into the sludge like Momalas campaign.


still haven't answered


Answered what? Posting black dicks isn't a question.



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Yeah, he went on one of his usual tard rages across different threads.


I'm gonna need more than that, please explain.
Yeah his mornings especially seem to be really bad, very common for people with depressions and schizophrenia to really sperg out after waking up.



more like you deleted it, because hes your buddy its pretty obvious


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It got deleted after you started sperging out over your gahoole spamming in unrelated threads getting jannied and spamming the board for months, and it was deleted explicitly to spite you and not attract more retards like you.
If you don't want the things you like to get deleted maybe contain your schizophrenia, not everything needs to be about your gay war with gahoole, weasel, vol3, essayfag, wrist and all the other zlebs you obsess over.
lol actual schizo shit.


More like you got butthurt after seeing your buttbuddy gahoole getting alogged too hard, i highly doubt the Mark thread would get the same treatment ever


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>nuzach is seething again
>even on /dup/ of all places


What did he do this time?


Who is Zidan?


Look two posts below yours, el ee el

(it's just niggerdick spamming as usual)


Hi nuzach, hows the head canon'ing in your brain these days?


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We should be frens and have nice conversations. Down with all this seething and drama.


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You sound like a small, pathetic person, bro.


Sage denied, butthurt incelzito.




You have no idea how much I hate all you virgin losers. I want Putin to turn your shitholes into smoking hot craters just like all the pussy of white whores lol.


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>You wanted a fight, coon, well, you've got it. There will be no forgiveness. No apologies. Tvch will be inundated with whatever the fuck I want until the plug is pulled.


Why are you giving an action movie monologue?


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Because I'm the badass Joker, I'm being an incel for over 18 years and nobody loves me, I'm the villain you wish you could be. I post black dicks to make nazis seethe. I don't care, I'll spend this entire night getting new blacked pics hahahahaha!


>I'll spend this entire night getting blacked


>Nuzach calling someone else a spic
Is this some more of your "trolling"?


You're just a homosexual that lusts for nigger dick, but if this is how you rationalize it to yourself nobody's buying it but you


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>I'm amazed by your inability to have fun on the internet. You really are just boring and miserable. Get a life!!!!!


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It's amazing, his feeble mind cannot comprehend that going from raging to trying to be smug and saying he's just having fun within the span of an hour is completely contradictory.
The mood swings are easy enough to explain of course, depression, schizophrenia, maybe even some bipolar tendencies.
But the inability to reflect on his own posts from less then an hour ago? An unfortunate sign of a stunted brain.


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Some anon back in 2022 used to bully Nuzach for his mood swings and even accused him of being bipolar faggot with hormonal issues.
If so many different anons in such a "long" space of time have noticed the same things, then it goes beyond being a simple theory. It's pretty obvious that he's a very bitter and lonely guy, a failed normalfag who wants everyone to be as miserable as he is.
And the fact that it's a closet homo is the icing on the cake.


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Based dubs of true.


I was thinking earlier that he comes across like he's bipolar.


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Gahoole and mods know who he is already and I can't go into details of how but they let him exist to be a punching bag but yes you are correct in that he is a bipolar faggot


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>You soyteen /pol/tard spics are tedious. Go outside, get a job, have sex. Hitler isn't coming back to save you.


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The other day he made me laugh a lot, it's nice to have a lolcow like him around. I recently rewatched Space Balls with my wife and that movie didn't make me laugh once, even though I loved it as a child.
But Nuzach seething, being baited and bullied while I ate my breakfast? That was priceless.


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My wife has just come into the room, kissed my forehead and said "I love it when you laugh like that", while Nuzach is as usual repeating the same words, seething and claiming that we're the ones who are crazy. Feels good to be white.


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>Lmao now you soytrannies are making me laugh!


>My wife
She won't be for long if you keep hanging around here, bub.


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That explains the quick turnarounds from manic to depressed to raging, the poor boy is just in a constant whirlwind of emotions.
Not surprised if gahoole&co keep him around willingly either, whenever there's not much happening it's always nice to have Nuzach and his antics to give you a chuckle.
The joker shit is kind of hilarious when you consider that he's basically an unpaid court jester.


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It's nice to have a lolcow like him around.


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Has anyone else noticed the coincidence that when Nuzach appears to seethe the cp threads are created?

Not only that, he appears, seethe, a cp thread appears, he gets banned, the cp thread disappears, twenty minutes pass, he comes back, seethe, the cp thread reappears within a span of two minutes.


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That's cause he is the one making them obviously.


I think that is because you think everyone you don't like is nuzach.


Hahahahahahaha you always make me laugh, my court jester.


I think that is because you think everyone you don't like is vol3/Wrist/Weasel/Essayfag/EsoAnon/Weakload/calculator-anon/Robi/NyaRalph/Yakuza/Emojitroon/Ramonfag/Balvfag/Adam/MEDBVLL


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Lil bro! Lil bro! Film yourself like these people. Go ahead, do it.


I find it hilarious and fascinating how you guys broke him down little by little, not that he was a solid man… Or a man at all.


Look at that!
Jewzach appeared to seethe both here and on alogs and magically cp appears.


Hi. Haven't posted in about a month. Nuzach still isn't a real. I just thought you'd all like to know.

Feel free to post something different any day now, or your site can continue being dead.


As a legitimate beta, he came to report to his superiors. Lmao!


rent free, nazi virgins. Go fellate your orange zioking now. lol stupid nazi virgins.


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>rent free, nazi virgins. Go fellate your orange zioking now. lol stupid nazi virgins.


Bro, a new CP spam pic was posted immediately before you posted this. That's a pure coincidence I know!


He show up again to sperg like a true small dick incel, then cp also show up, for the three time in a roll in two days!


His usual cope about virgin nazis and everyone being addicted to porn, even though he's the only one who posts porn and never shut about dicks and buttsex.


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>no, u


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I know Nuzach will reply it with pure seethe and cope, but I just got kissed by my wife 2 minutes ago while here, shitposting with a smile at face, bantering with some butthurt guy who can't handle some jokes.

Have a good sunday, Nuzach, try not to sleep all afternoon because you've been up all night crying.


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Would you kindly stop the spamming, Nuzach, it's ruining the flow of this otherwise amazing thread.


I think if we've all learned something about our exceptional friend it's that no, he will not in fact stop spamming.


It's odd, almost like he gets off on being humiliated in this and a bunch of other threads.
Then again, that does fit with his obsession with black dicks.


>you have a demonstrable obsession with nigger cock
<y u mad tho? :^)

Nobody's mad, they're just humiliating you.


>he got banned

what a faggot


Yeah the poor lad just can't contain his cp/blacked spamming. Maybe seeing his stuff deleted is part of his humiliation fetish as well.


Multiple times per day usually.


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One struggle.






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>Mealposters control the house, senate and presidency
Nuzachsisters… not like this…


Absolutely based


I ship Ben Carson with Milo Y. oh boy oh boy I wonder what Jamaal Bowman looks like… 'down there' teehee :3


There's nothing wrong with having McDonald's every once in a while.


There is when there's better options


McDonald's has some of the highest standards among fast food places. They've really upped their game. For example if you're traveling, you can usually get consistent quality if you stop in a McDonald's.


>JBalvin would endorse nigger slop



Oh cool, he's back from his ban and still seething, neat.


I've eaten at MickieDs buddy, Jack in the Box beats the shit out of it anytime, Burger King too strictly speaking about the burger only, Five Guys but it's quite expensive compared, ChickFilA if you don't want beef.
If you stumble upon a good one also InNOut and Whataburger, but those are harder to find a well managed one, Wendy's sadly i've never eaten in a good one.

McD's is great at nothing, not even the fries that were famous for decades. Eating there is because there's really no option left or your kids want a toy/play in the zone. I still don't understand people, everyone says it sucks but it's always full.


>I still don't understand people, everyone says it sucks but it's always full.
They're fast, the restaurants are clean, and they usually get your order right. If you're a fast food pro, you can make out pretty good with the app deals. They've got good shakes and they have fancy coffees competitive with Starbucks. All these things keep people coming back.


Jack in the Box used to be my main squeeze, but then I moved, and only recently have they expanded into my current state. I hope they build one in my city eventually. I love the variety of options on their menu. Tell me, are they still a 24-hour operation?


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Do you think he'll finally accept the fact that he's a closet faggot?


He does, but he's too insecure to tell his internet friends here :(


He doesn't even need to say anything, it's quite evident with his every action and word. Maybe this is one of the many reasons why women don't want anything to do with him.


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>They're fast
Jack is faster because it's usually servicing 3 people at max
>the restaurants are clean
Bunch of plebs and minorities shit the entire place up, they clean very often but Jack is usually cleaner because again it's empty and the oldfags who go there are the kind of people who clean their own table.
>good shakes
That is true but too sugary in my opinion.
>fancy coffees competitive with Starbucks
Not fast food but i agree, McD's coffee is top-tier.
I admit that there's one good deal: 20 chickun nuggers with something combo, usually 2 small burger with fries, for 20.

>Tell me, are they still a 24-hour operation?
Depends on the location but back in Phoenix a couple of months ago they were.
Full of pot heads and niggers at night makes some of them close for the night but i recall a bunch did service 24h. Bacon & Swiss Buttery Smashed Jack and curly fries, man


Is jack in the box even any good? Never been.


>Depends on the location but back in Phoenix a couple of months ago they were.
>Full of pot heads and niggers at night makes some of them close for the night but i recall a bunch did service 24h. Bacon & Swiss Buttery Smashed Jack and curly fries, man
Do they have a choice of fries, because I don't really like curly. Also do they still do breakfast all day?


They're awesome. I'm the guy who used to go there all the time and then moved to a state where they don't have any. I once considered driving across two states to get to the closest location, because I have been missing Jack for like 20 years.


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<Oops! All J. Balvins!


Best fast food burger franchise in the US, everything is made on the spot, 24/7, breakfast menu is also permanent.
>Do they have a choice of fries
Yeah, normal and curly, i think onion rings if you add a dollar or two more but i never did that
>Also do they still do breakfast all day?
All day, has like 8 options, i used to buy the sausage and egg sammich and a burger without the fries or soda.


I vaguely remember I used to get the breakfast sandwich on like a Texas toast sourdough. I don't remember what the hash browns were like.


>Texas toast
I never got this meme, it's just toast on a pan, it's the same thing as mexican toast


Fat virgins bullshitting about their favorite goyslop.


It's toast, but it's thicker-sliced bread, hence the name because "everything is bigger in Texas."


/dunk/ is a board about nothing.


As opposed to? you are a sad clown projecting your insecurities, and while i can understand the first two as being common the third accusation is retarded, and the forth even more so because /dunk/ is the Kid Cuisine of imageboards, goyslop of the lowest order due to low quantity and low quality, any good from it comes from mere accident.


I don't need Jews to make me love BBC.


Obviously, they already got to you a long time ago.




Funny how Jewzach tried to dick suck emoji a few days ago only to be now seething about any new post about emoji because emoji mostly post good looking women, but Jewzach can't hold his homosexual desire for black dicks and hatred for women.

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