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 No.151677[Last 50 Posts]

What are the odds that International Jewry set Ramon up for his arrest? What do you lads make of the arrest, anyways?

I presume that nothing came of it, or the charges were dropped, or it got plead down to nothing. I can't really find any information about what happened after he got sentenced to house arrest and the man seems to be doing fine now.

Was he set up? If not, why on earth was this beautiful man out driving around with a bunch of animals in his van?



I hope you both die.


Why? What'd I do to you?


International Jewery loves Ramon Coon and all black men who penetrate whites. You are a coon.


Cool word salad. Non schitzophrenics don't know what you're talking about.


So you are coonified and gay, but you are illiterate too? Damn, buddy.


Your just mad cause Ramon is an oldfag unlike you.


you won the bet, op, the butthurt incel with brown eyes show up to seethe and act as a lolcow, just like zach used to do with the flopson threads.


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>if you make fun of me, I win
truly cucked you are, Ramon Coons.


Ramon arrested?


Is so easy to btfo'd and bait jewzach, i guess being a new zach is the peak of his life.


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You just love it when I penetrate your threads and make you seethe.


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>You just love it when I penetrate your threads and make you seethe.
>thread made by a dude
lol nigga you gay


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oh NOOOOOWWWWW Ramon Coon doesn't like butt sex!


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>everyone is ramon poster
>butt sex
lol fag


It was YEARS ago, over some bullshit animal cruelty charge. Again, nothing at all seems to have come of it.

He has the same form of schitzophrenia most of the moderators do where they think the entire website is one person.

nigga you gay


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Emojitroon unironically jack off his little white dick watching Ramoncoon fucking trannies. Not only that, but he watches shota porn along side with Adam, Moliberry and Wolfspider.


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lmao the history of tvch in one post, not least because Gahoole is completely absent.


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Come to Montreal I'll shove my 9 inch quebecoi cock up ur little sissy ass


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digital steganography payloads, don't worry to much about it carry on


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The great god pan watches us all


Based Emojitroon, The Buck breaker.


Hey guys its Emojitroon here

Lets watch some troon porn together

I dream of being mogged and topped by these latina trans with big dicks



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It seems to me that the gods created Colombians to be shemale whores, there is no other possible explanation.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
no I want to fuck them not be fucked, I am not yakuza!

Colombia has the highest single mother hood rate in the world, also fucking trannies was part of their cocaine gangster culture of 80s and 90s, to be honest I don't blame them, imagine a bunch of lanita hot's walking around ur city, the culo would be too tempting to resist.

Lately I've grown to love white trans as well, my journey continues…


Yakuza only likes cuck and interracial porn, he doesn't like femboy and trans.


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I only like gravure.


I dare you to post your little dick. You can't even get an erection anymore virgin loser.

Kys Ramoncoon.



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You're backed into a corner. You have no choice but to double down on a Jew owned gay nigger forever lol.


I wish blacks like you would stop trying to claim white heroes as their own. Ramon is ours. Find your own savior, jigaboo.


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>Seething this hard
Your nigger coon is indeed a shitskin, kinky haired brown eyed, flared nostril N.I.G.G.E.R.


>sheeeit, muhfugga, Ramon be's black like me!

This is a whites only board, please leave.


That used to be true but I corrupted him in 2022, he likes trans now

I'd stomach bulge your little brown ass


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you are a tranny freak.


Ramon is fucking all the mexican sluts, that's why gaycel mexican is seething!


You wish i was a tranny so i could futa-fuck you

faggot come to montreal i'd love to see ur lil 5"7 spic ass


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another easy win to Emojitroon, everyone dabs and btfo'd jewzach with such ease


That's why you ARE Zach 2.0


Classic sissyboy nuzach, tsundere posting his black dicks.
> uwu you made me post the black dicks again that I really don't like senpai please don't punish me with bans
I mean I get why you get off to this, but aren't there more effective ways of being a loud and proud Latinx homo? Maybe try grindr and you can find a Ramon of your own.


There is a video of this walking stereotype (a kike) going to Ramon's house and trying to interview/incriminate him.
It's quite redpilled. Ramon acting with pure innocence and cordiality while the kike tries to trick him.


Oh, some sperg IP from Brazil on 4chan samefagging in his own thread for almost three hundred posts seethed about Ramon being a "devil worshipper".
And on the same day there was a thread dick sucking Israel made by a Brazilian mutt. I'm sure it's just a coincidence…


If you confront him about it he'll point out that he only goes to imagefap for his pictures of black cock, not pornhub, so it's okay and not gay or a paraphilia at all.

I'm not kidding, he really said that almost word for word last month. Getting your BBC spam from imagefap = straight and normal, unlike you pornhub losers.


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da joos

Nazi incels seething, look at all the responses lol. Go blame da joos for your bum ass virgin basement dwelling lives again. Porn addicted incels.


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>oy vey, no zog media censorship??
>spam spam spam


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You are trying to hard with your shitskin incel behavior.

Didn't the Mossad teach you anything useful or do you simply have no discipline and emotional control?


I don't know why you're here.


Yep, i'm thinking Mark won.


I would like to see all them reviewing Ramonkino.


A Ramon review roundup would be fun. Unironically the lore of Super Ramon should be charted for the world to admire.


I know he denounced a porn director on a Mexican show, the Jew had raped an actress.
This was before Ramon was put to do porn with trannies.


He took that mugshot like a man tbh


He know the jews are trying to fuck him up, he even said "they are making hard to me to work" with his beautiful broken english.
The lesson is never give up, no matter how much the kikes try to humiliate you and take your bread.


Ramon is unironically a fantastic role model. He's a real hero, if you will.


I see you're happy about your new thread on /cow/, Nuzach.


I also have heard from Ramonfag when he showcased that ramonposting has been around for years that Ramon pointed out the jewish control of the porn industry, after this he was arrested, stripped of his Doctorate, and its assumed the tranny porn was his punishment for pointing out who was in control.


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These are facts, anyone can check themselves instead of making up lies like our gaycelatrinx friend always does.


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he came and went like a phantom



>pearl embedded in his cock

That makes me wince just reading. What the fug is that shit about?



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What the fuck.

>The best-known historical use of pearling involves the yakuza organized crime syndicates of Japan, whose members perform several notable types of body modification, including large body irezumi tattoos and Yubitsume, the amputation of finger joints in penance to their superiors. Pearling is performed in prison by the yakuza, with each pearl supposedly symbolizing a year spent in prison.[4]

Yakuza is the same


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This is the worst fucking thread I have ever seen


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Nuzach seethe is best seethe!


Rent free, coon.


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man for real, i'm not even a ramonfag but you are honestly a very sad and pathetic dude.
just sunset yourself already


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Just found Ramons official channel


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>soy oy pruactor y diretor de la industria de entretenimiento por 12 anos en todo el mundo ,ahora estoy en nueva producion de la comunidad guy y tranjeneros ya me love comunidad guy y lesvians , www.trans500.com mi correo [email protected] .fabebook.raul armenteros. [email protected] or raul armenteros ,y saludos a todos mis fans por su apollo .por apollarme en esta nueva producion conTS SALUDOS DE ACTOR RAMON.


I don't understand anything in the taco language, but I can feel the aura of charisma emanating from his words.
If he had been born in another cultural and financial situation or in other times he would have become a leader among men, the equivalent of an Æthelstan, El Cid or Hadrian.


holy shit lol its real.


Ramon will be the next president of Brazil.


He has more guts than Lula or Bolsonaro, both jewish golems


>he DOESN'T have a pearl embedded in his cock

Get on my level anon


The only thing he is president of is your white butthole and your hand lol.


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>The only thing he is president of is your white butthole and your hand lol.


Literally 98 percent of all you do here is talk about assholes and porn and blacks. Have you ever considered you might actually be a homosexual? ALL you talk about is men cornholing each other.


Yes, I'm gay, unironically while you zoomers larp as gays with your dumb ironic attitude.
But above being gay I'm an incel. Even the black guys on grindr reject me. Kys!


lmao Ramon Coons btfo.


literally the only thing you talk about on here is nuzach and homosexuality. Maybe you have a projection problem? Get therapy, homo.


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Samefagging, saging and seething!


Seriously, ALL YOU DO is talk about how a bunch of obviously not black people are blacks and talk about how gay everybody is. You see homosexuality and negroes where there are none. Does this not strike you as odd behavior?


He is a non-white incel who bitterly denies being a huge homosexual. Reminds me a lot of Bryan Dunn.


>NO, U
Ramon is a nigger. Seethe.


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I think you'd better post more interracial cuck porn like you just did, that'll sure show us you're not gay!


You can really see his nigger genes there, which no doubt turns you con, coon.
>NO, U
Now and forever, you are the only homosexual here, you prison gay neonazi incel virgin porn addict!


>you get turned on by this, not me
>you are a porn addict and not me, the black dick spamming king

Pablo, you just posted a black dick thread last night.


>NO, U
NO, U is all you've got left, homo. Go jerk it to some trans500 kino now.


Go "ironically" watch some more dogfart content "to own the nazis" (he doesn't like it you know, he just does it because we make him watch interracial porn)


I didn't post it. This is an anonymous imageboard. You so not know anyone's identity.
Stupidass zoomer soytranny


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>you so not know


>balvin coon


This is a certified english as a second language moment.


>coon seething
Desperate for a win, coon, but you only prove how mad you are.
Post balvin coon again.


>everyone's mad but the one (1) guy that's constantly raging, day in and day out, any time he sees basically the only two homegrown tvch memes anyone gives a shit about

You've been doing this for MONTHS.



Get a life, buddy.


/cow/ keeps on winning


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>Get a life
>rages about Ramon seemingly morning to night, every day, for over a year, and is the one (1) person doing so on tee vee chan

What a shining example you set, anon, we all are proud of you


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Ramon board
Ramon site
Ramon world
Ramon reality


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his territory: gay white coon buttholes and hands lol.


>insane word salad

Post the screenshot collage, that'll finally accomplish something!


Based Ramonfag


smug pedo who jerk off his little mutt cock to blacked? wow, such a winner!


I think he finally hung himself after this last sad little episode


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he is a miserable coward, he probably pray to just die in his sleep ASAP.


Is Ramon retired? Tarantino and Harv should hire him for their next projects.


From what I've seen, he hasn't done any porn with TRANNIES for almost ten years. He did some scenes with MILFs and teen girls in Mexico after his trans500 saga.


This is a beautiful story. Ramon was an incel and ended up becoming a legend. He exposed the kikes and fucked thousands of pussies and culos.


Ramon was The King of INCELS.


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Why do some anons like to seethe so much and try to ruin discussions and a good time? Lets chill out and be friends.


Keep up the ramon music stills anon.


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There are three different anons doing this, including Yakuza who also seems to have embraced Ramonism.
Pretty kino and wholesome.


This fusion is actually more attractive than flopson normally.

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