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Shit is so bad nowadays that people are nostalgic for the 70s.
So why not the 00s?

What do you miss the most about this mediocre decade you were growing up in?


That the internet was my personal world, and now its the normalfags.


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Video games, TV, and movies were all way better at the beginning of the 2000s. The Internet hit its peak in the 2000s too. Also, there were more sensible beauty standards and "transphobia" was recognized as being normal. It was a pretty crappy decade but looks good to a lot of people nowadays because of just how bad things have gotten.


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Redditors fucking hate the 00's for being "edgy". Is a wigga era, but still pretty good regardless of society becoming more no-white and dumber.

I would say that books had already fallen into decay by then, but movies, music and vidya still produced a lot of quality in a sea of shit, enough to still be easy to find as a continent in the sea, not just an islet like we have today.


2000s nostalgia has been a thing for a while now. With that said, it was a much simpler time. Sure there was chaos but, compared to today's chaos, it's nothing.


And zoomers hate the 2000s too for being "cringe" and "degenerate", both the left-winger faggots and deus vult pederasts


Ramon is very nostalgic. Reminds me of a simpler time online.


back when even porn actually had some soul on it


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Fuck, bring me back please


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>00's nostalgia isn't happening
>zoomers hate the 00's
You people literally just never leave this bubble, do you?
Have you not noticed how like Shadow the Hedgehog is legitimately popular right now, and the last Deadpool movie was an outright celebration of all of those Fox Marvel movies from the 00's, or how Linkin Park are getting back together, or how people have started sating "epic" again?
This is LITERALLY the era we're in, and you have no idea, because you just sit around talking to five other weirdos on an irrelevant corner of the internet.


>muh weirods
>muh sonic
>muh based zoomers
Calm down, fatroon


Nice strawman, I never said or even implied any of that shit.
The 00s were pretty mediocre compared to the 80s/90s though, that's a fact.


They were actually one of the best times to be alive in this declining era, I think they owe the 80s and 90s a lot of that success however as those two decades served as a springboard for the climax of what little decent stuff was left in the West Post WWII.


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>those two decades served as a springboard for the climax of what little decent stuff was left in the West Post WWII.
Good point, it's all over now though


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Oh yeah…its fucking over, I honestly can see a revival of imageboards once the kikes go full censorship again, I can see them being unironically useful for dissident voices, but the golden age of the interner essentially died with the first five guys thread on /v/.


>Linkin Park are getting back together
It's just a money grab at this point. Chester is dead.


>What do you miss the most about this mediocre decade you were growing up in?

-appreciating jailbait was normal male sexuality and there weren't Karens everywhere shaming men for it
-race traitors and faggots were the dregs of society
-troons hid in the shadows
-anime filtered normalniggers
-you could get fast food 24 hours a day, usually prepared by Whites, and dollar menus were a thing
-core music was getting the pussies wet
-women's hairstyles and fashion peaked, most women still cared about their appearance
-Whites dominated the culture and in spite of this, race relations were better


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>What do you miss the most about this mediocre decade you were growing up in?
Internet culture. Before normalfags and corporations got a hold of it and pre-smartphone/social media days.
Nerdshit like comics/games and their adaptations like movies/TV were getting bigger but being a big fan of it was still not a normalfag thing so it wasn't totally ruined yet. PS2 and GBA games were my jam, local multiplayer like splitscreen with friends was awesome, I never got on online gaming and it was never as fun as local multiplayer.
The golden age of kids cartoons which started in the 90s still were strong in the 2000s.
It was a great era of sports too, icons all around.
I enjoyed the humour of the time too. People could still make edgy jokes. Nowadays everything is too ironic and nobody takes anything seriously and people get offended over everything, PC took over.


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Catchy and funny
Never heard this one, thanks!

I feels like it's getting better, people are sick of this corporate censorship and manipulative cancer.
Including the Zoomoids and Alphas that grew up in this shit.


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Pretty sure cyberbullying laws were conceived during that age.

>race traitors and faggots
Eminem, Smashmouth and even Kurt Cobain's rotting corpse were still popular, liberalism was already there but subtle for the cattle.


>Eminem, Smashmouth and even Kurt Cobain's rotting corpse were still popular, liberalism was already there but subtle for the cattle.
Of course, the seeds were being planted in the media, but it hadn't really trickled down to how regular people behaved yet. Contrast it with today, you can't go anywhere without seeing a mudshark with her pet ape, or some flaggot abomination. There's so many of them around now, we are literally in a Weimar Germany situation, except there is no Hitler coming to save us.


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>Nowadays everything is too ironic and nobody takes anything seriously and people get offended over everything, PC took over.
Case in point.


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>those comments


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That explains why Impractical Jokers went irrelevant.


It would be funnier if she was wearing Muslim clothing.


>victim of incest
This is a pretty dumb phrase. She was raped by a family member. Does it have to do with cognitive dissonance? Normalfags always go on about not caring about what consenting adults get up to privately. They also usually oppose incest even if it's hypothetically happening among consenting adults who are using contraceptives or are infertile.


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I bet the faggot pretending to be an oldfag never held a Mad magazine in his hands.


women and shitskins ruined the internet.


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I was reading SpyVsSpy while you were in your dads hairy nutsack

Hardstyle fucking sucks and fags still listen to it in clubs, it's pretty much untouched since it's so low effort and cheap to make.


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To be fair, the late 00s were pretty ass
I still think late 90s/Early 2000s were the peak of entertainment media.


Overrated era, only thing good about it was maplestory


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There was a level of optimism for the future that started in the 80s and reached its zenith in the late 90s-early 2000s, even though (((9/11))) really yanked it down but it still didn't entirely stop it. I am just thinking about the sort of optimism that came with Sonic Adventure and even pokenigger. Entertainment sort of half reflected this optimism and even when it was weary and sort of showed cracks of a darker future in some kinome more mainstream like cowboy bebop or ghost in the shell it still wanted to show off the cutting edge technology of the future.

Sadly it all died with the advent of the cuckphone and the way that soyny sort of lagged behind with the PS3 and microshits red ring. soytendo was able to maintain that bubble with the wii but still reality of the decadent calm before the storm was showing itself, and it was subsequently pushed back more years for us internet autists with the advent of quality entertainment in the form of youtube poops and content creators like AVGN and the NC. Anime also continued to be a decent form of escapism along with other internet autism. Even with the advent of the truth of the world with the news board we could still escape a bit longer, till gamergay came crashing down.

>watches avgn christmas special in 2006

>remember the nintendo wii
Are we really at that point? Oh god I feel so old.


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The Wii had plenty of good games, I guess your perception of it depends on whether or not you had the discernment back then to avoid the slop.


Also if you were one of those gen x faggots who hated the easy to use gimmik controls that you could easily replace with the classic controller for the most part. The wii was a great console, the last console in Widescreen as well.


Fuck the Wii


Metroid Prime controlled great with it.


>the last console in Widescreen as well.
Isn't everything in widescreen now?


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The Internet and computer culture were pretty much at their height. Everything else was pretty much garbage by the time 2007 came around though.


For me, the Wii classic controller was a gimmick. I never played a game that required the use of it. The Wiimote + Nunchuk had enough buttons.


brekkie burritos and tacoes


I meant not in widescreen anon, apologies for the confusion.


The Wii did have widescreen as an option also.


So you are born in 1980, mr oldfag?


Would you rather go back in time and live as the same age during the 2000s? Or go back in time as the current age and live as an adult during that time?


If I go back and live as the same age, do I get to bring the knowledge I have now? Because I would love to go back and fuck all the girls I found out later who were into me.


The number of the beast!


Go back in time and become one of the chosen few that became rich off the 2008 recession from my inside knowledge of the whole scam


I'd like to go back in time to the age I was back than, but with my adult mind and make a number of changes about my life decisions.

If anything I'd just like all the time back that I wasted on well nothing really.


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>Go back in time and become one of the chosen few that became rich off the 2008 recession from my inside knowledge of the whole scam


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>Not traveling to the great depression


Corporatism isn't the same thing as corporatocracy. People need to stop throwing words around that they don't understand.


Pretty sure its when a fascist government directs corporations in the direction of the state, or commissions them to do state projects.


Oh my bad its actually a very ingrained traditionalist way of organizing society. Fascism and National socialism were partial resurrections of it.


Yeah, it's just that people like to think it means big business steering the direction of government. They'll often throw in that fake Mussolini quote too, although even if it were real it wouldn't help their case at all.


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Retarded commies subverting terms, it was based when Hitler subverted the term socialist.

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