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File: 1718321640077-0.jpg (312.51 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, BNWO QOS BITCH KRIS dolls.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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Louis CK general thread.


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This guys story is so depressing, not because of what happened to him but because of how he ruined his family by his shit parenting and mental illness.


Would you care to elaborate more?


Somebody should delete this guy in Minecraft. We're long overdue for another John Lennon.


>his room that used to be filled with star trek memorabilia is now filled with cuckold paraphenalia
you can still see his voyager poster


You got that webm compiling his life OP?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Is this the most based troon maxxing ever?!

At what point in this hilarity are we actually IRL shitposting for the lulz?


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Voyager is a proto-reddit show for gen x cucks.


average reddit mod


I find him and these "people" in general viscerally repulsive. I couldn't care less if he just wanted to get fucked in the ass by spooks, but he takes it way beyond homosexual desire and instead aims for the lowest depths of self-degradation. I honestly consider "BNWO" fetishists almost on par with zoosadists and pedophiles and up their with trannies in terms of their depravity and antisocial nature. They have Discord cabals they use to coordinate with each other to force their fetish onto the public to try and "convert" people, including minors, and a lot of them seem malevolently gleeful at the prospect of causing harm to whites.
Well, I sure don't see any hope for him being cured.
I'm curious about the details too.


>They have Discord cabals they use to coordinate with each other to force their fetish onto the public to try and "convert" people, including minors, and a lot of them seem malevolently gleeful at the prospect of causing harm to whites.

Discord is a societal cancer that only exists to foster and protect the most degenerate groups of people online. It gives them an invisibility cloak via private chat rooms and, a fence from themselves and the rest of the public internet. Truly sickening


>It gives them an invisibility cloak via private chat rooms and, a fence from themselves and the rest of the public internet (surface web).
We used to have all that back in 2K with ICQ and Yahoo Chat until PSOs (phone sex operators) and bots ruined everything and made these services unusable. The same shit is killing us now, 20 years later. Some things never change.


Cell phones and texting going mainstream was what killed instant messengers in the 2000s.


>the floor of the second pic
>white baby with umbilical chord attached with a coat hanger next to it

we're getting to a whole weird area here, i'm not sure I like it anymore guys


The anon expert of his lore left the site, it's over.


What else can said about Voyager besides being a brainwashed amerimutt who makes Chris Chan look like a functional adult by humiliating himself and disgracing his family just to get that sweet tumblr-reddit clout?


I want to show up to my local VFW with one of those american flags


I noticed it too, truly sad, one of the few guys actually doing oc's around here too.





>Look him up
>He's being cancelled by tumblr teenies for being too racist against blacks


You don't understand, anon, this place is much better with zero interesting users at all, so long as the mods' feelings aren't hurt.


And his porn section is the least popular, no downloads,no comments, no nothing.



Has the guy actually been with a proud american youth or is he just larping? asking for a friend of Louis


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It would be even funnier if he's related to Zach/Nuzach


This creature is sad.


This louis ck thread has yet to have a louispost in it, what gives


bump for louis freedom


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Thanks, finally found the videos with music thanks to your filename.
Fucking grim, it's like watching the whole of Requiem for a Dream condensed in a short clip.


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>Raised by manchildren
<Trekkie dad and a sports dyke
Can't make this shit up.


Any more Kris kino?


Does he HAVE a twitter account or only Tumblr?


Would Ramon and Kris get along?


Ramon would likely be put off unless Kris is fine with doing blow.


Kris is jewish and Ramon isn't nigger enough for him, so nope.


genoside all "sissys" and racemixxers.




Apparently Kris traveled to Mexico and slept with brown prostitutes there. Maybe that's the origin of Nuzach. Half Jew, half latrino, 100% faggot and mentally ill.



What attracts wh*te people to the BNWO lifestyle? Isn't it just downsides to them?


Kris is jewish
EurasianTiger is a japa
Nuzach is a latrino

All three are great acolytes of the BNWO and totally not white.


da menko


Are there no genuine white people that worship at the alter of BNWO?


Define white people.


>oy vey goy what even is white anyways?

>hehehe p.s. kill whitey

I'm onto you schlomo


Why do you want white people to worship nigger dick???


Are there actually white people who don't?


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you are green with desirousness over superior bharat bbc. it is over for you timmy.


We need Kris!




When looking at the old pics of when he was younger I immediately got the impression that the dude was always gay. It's not uncommon for gay men to have beards and run respectable families while still being a full-on degenerate on the side, like John Wayne Gacy. Some speculated that he probably killed a few niggers during his NYPD days which might explain his extreme white guilt.


I want that to be true. Surely there was some sort of record of that.


>literally not one picture of this man with an actual black man

He's in love with the idea of negroes, not negroes themselves


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Guys like him shouldn't be settling down with ordinary women. It's deceptive, and if he's not a total homo then he'd be better off looking for a woman who's a more appropriate fit for him sexually. Unfortunately for Kris Kane, BNWO sick fucks are so far gone that I can't see very many women wanting anything to do with them. Who could notice what >>147110 pointed out and not feel their skin crawl? That's getting pretty close to serial killer territory.
That describes a good number of these people. They confuse their ideal of negroes with negroes themselves. Out of the black male population as a whole, how many do you think look like Abobo but with 9" peckers? They could at least be honest about having a fetish for certain types of blacks instead of trying to oversell the entire population.


Tiny black peckers.


Dunno man it be freaky out heer in da set, u kno wut im sayahn heahaha.


Big black cocks


I have never actually seen, ever, in my travels on the internet, a single woman into the BNWO thing. Snowbunnies sure, women that go black a lot yeah, but not… whatever the fuck this shit is. I don't know exactly what to make of that.


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Cumskins stole our AFRICAN culture!

Chastity belts are an African invention. We created the first chastity belts using vibranium.
Cumskins stole the invention only in recent centuries and to distort the original purpose put the offensive term of "Cuck cages" and linked it with "sissies".

Black women are goddesses and we African men wore chastity belts as a sign of respect for them and to demonstrate our incredible willpower.

Spread the truth!


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Preach. The albinoid cave devils can't get away with this.


I know the anon who used to post the Wakanda Culture meme back in the days on 8chan and 4chan, he actually made that picture and some funny pasta.

He used to post here to and love the jbalv and ramon memes. I should call him back.


Did Nuzach drive him away?


Most of the cool unique posters got driven away by the mods. It would seem they're not as psychotic as they used to be, but for a very, very long time literally just mentioning Ramon got you banned. Before that it was balvin.


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Good. I hope you die irl tbh. Maybe tomorrow you'll pull out in front of someone and die in a car accident, assuming you even go out in the world like normal people. A leap of faith given your weird online fetish of that nigger, I know.


I don't like the Ramon posting but it's not a very nice thing to wish death on strangers who haven't done anything to you. It's a kike trait, actually.


I forgot all about that. I guess it's because I was never into posting either of those. I do remember they were going to start banning people for calling out Nuzach as well as banning Nuzach's -coon posts.


Go get a cross and say a rosary for every fatass American you pass by then.


Yes. He got tired of all the threads being derailed and saged by some sperg shitskin.


Kris is a solid lolcow. Has a tragic story, has a huge online presence, has outlandish opinions and is just plain funny to watch.

Too bad he tried to erase all traces of himself. I wonder if he'll vote for Dup again.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
And this might be his possible Youtube channel.


Just some cringe breadtuber.

Kris is very conservative and hates left-wingers trannies.


As an American I don't understand why you guys are obsessed with this fella or calling him a "lolcow".

You guys have ruined the meaning of the term lolcow.


To modern Internet users, it means "individual who makes me seethe with obsessive thoughts and makes my butthole twitch with excitement, but I'm totally not gay for him I swear"


It doesn't even seem to mean anything anymore. Foxdick Farmers like to label anyone they don't like a lolcow, like dup or Musk.


Foxdick farmers are terminal seethers. lolcow culture is dead, just like with the rest of the internet. "lolcow" now means "that guy who makes me very angry, so I am going to pretend he is actually angry even though I constantly talk about him." Basically this >>152246
I remember how guys on 8chan back in the day knew kiwifarms would be a total shithole with Jewsh running it. They are all vindicated. The only reason why I even glance at kiwifarms is if I am doing a broad search about a happening, because I know the seethers will be there chronicling their seethe and may invertedly find something useful, because they have nothing else to do with their lives.
Even more to the point, the whole brouhaha around "seething" has been a disaster for internet culture. Everyone is seething on the internet. Pretending like you're not bothered but someone else is, is a transparently fraudulent cope. They would all be better off if they would admit that they really do hate something, that they really seethe hard at someone, and that they just have an axe to grind. It is ok to be mad. There has been to much confusion and muddying the waters of language.


You're not as sneaky or smart as you think, Jose.


ESLatrino moment


Because he is an actual lolcow, hes an insane cuckold who has spammed tons of nigger dicks and even some cp for almost 4 years all because he has an irrational hatred of tvch's and alogs userbase.

A lolcow is someone who just does crazy shit without any prodding, and he does it, one of the reasons I don't get why some anons b8 him. He spams like a maniac the most disgusting things and makes different posts under different identities Suggesting he is a scorned newfag who once liked posting here until at some point he gained the aforementioned grudge against a multitude of anons/admin.


Be honest, does your butthole twitch when you read "Nuzach's" posts?




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>Be honest, does your butthole twitch when you read "Nuzach's" posts?


I'll take that as a "yes", then. It's okay to be gay, you know. No one's going to judge you for having feelings for this "Nuzach" fellow.


You made the gaycel seethe and create more gay fantasies to cope about his sad life.


He is a kindred soul to many of us.


Why do so many lolcows like Kris, Zach and Nuzach feel this need and false sense of power when posting blacked and idealizing about black dicks?


I wonder what kind of a traumatic event has to happen in someone's in order to end like this.


Sometimes its the lack of trauma in life that ends up creating monsters like this.


If i have to guess Kris is unironically autistic, you can tell how obsessed he was with different things before he became a Sissy tranny. And he was a cop in New York, he must have dealt with a lot of niggers, and he had two ex-wives. All of that combined to make him that way.


It makes you seethe.


You are the incel who never cuddled or fucked a pussy in almost 20 years, lmao!

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