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/art/ - Drawing, Photography, Painting

Sculpting and Designing
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File: 1716317923881.png (8.56 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb


There is a global ban on publishing anything about DA:600564059.
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


There is a global ban on uploading DA:600564059 as spam and trolling.



There is a global ban on uploading DA:600564059 as spam and trolling.




Don't scroll past this thread please! This is urgent!

Anon#6525 must be permabanned from /ch3/ for trolling, calling me names, and believing LAIR 4 IS INVINCIBLE AND CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED when IT WILL be the opposite!

THEIR ACCOMPLICE AT tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html#q7403 should be permabanned too!




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>Thirteen women, in interviews with The New York Times, accused the artist, Aydin Aghdashloo, of sexual misconduct over a 30-year span. Most are former students, and some are journalists who have reported on art and culture.

Maybe it was just a performance piece



Literally who?


She is a jewish YouTuber who comments on politics, news, social psychology, media psychology, human communication, conspiracy theories and memes. She was first known for critiquing other YouTubers such as Armored Skeptic, MundaneMatt, Atheism Is Unstoppable, and Maddox.


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Ah yes the Indo-Iranian kind, "aryan" for short.

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Wtf was this drawn by Matt Groening? It looks like he traced over jpgs he got off google. the man's been so busy on lolita airlines and letting koreans do his work, he forgot how to draw his own cartoon characters.
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Looks like someone started to do cleanup on marge and then just figured fuck it, get it out the door it's good enough.


Didn't they show support for South Park but did jackshit because they're spineless faggots?


I wish he used his binky life in gell artstye.


They even look like zombies now.


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Elite artstyle, because these nepotistic liberal jews think they're hotshit but never worked their asses off in their lives.

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looking for books that teaches drawing but escpecially like scott robertson's basic, and then with distance determining and propotions of object in perspective like perhaps especially motorcycles, humans, horses, drawn upside down, in mathemathical perspective correctness

Post number #1011739, ID: 5889ba
| cont) like how to bring the distance between steer and fenders in a bike, and how steer and wheel LOOKS, when it rotates and its angular connection with the body and the rest of "unrotated parts", again, in perspective, so to look real, and correct in math, and perspective.


Looks like the bot needs a tune-up


>>3274 a book will do but clearly you cant even read

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Let's go.


all those are better than the crap posted by the psychotic drawfag


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Alright anons, let's get to drawing. Post stuff that you've made just now or in the past. Wheeeeeee!
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1709751590865.png (4.84 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, punk.png) ImgOps iqdb

How am I doing?



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hello there,

I'd like to know if anyone could help me here I'm trying to find out how many Lenses were made for the Olympus Pen E-PL1 Camera when it came out, I'm wanting to get all or as many Lenses as I can for this camera, I've gotten back into photography lately and I want to use more than just the one that came with the camera back when I got it

thank you kindly

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looking for a summary on how does art and illustration are modelled against the data towards maybe the possibility of 600k traffic/sales per content, or at least annually, maybe even per unit objects drawn,

like against niches and trends,and "topping" the quota, or actually numbering the quota to begin with.
>modelling the nook and crannies in exact details
>towards the projected target
>like putting visuals against numbers and market state and such


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Could someone critique this please?

What's your overall impression?
What do you think of the details on the face - does it look like a convincing face?
What do you think of the texture of the shadow at the bottom?

Thank you.


It looks really good. The shading on the underside of the bust could be a little darker. The lines at the bottom look cool in a stylized way, like the shadows are part of a living organism.


thank you - I ended up getting an A



File: 1707923790135.jpg (Spoiler Image, 59.87 KB, 380x540, 19:27, aee206300.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Now draw ramon

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Shir Pakman sculpts 3D characters inspired by the brushstrokes of classical art

Using a mix of software and techniques, the Tel Aviv-based illustrator merges traditional art with a more modern aesthetic.
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The globo homo art style?


"modern aesthetic"… there's a term for it - "corporate memphis", if I'm not mistaken. I wonder who came up with it originally - and as far as I can tell, they were obsessed with "body positivity" in an unhealthy way.


wow, it looks just like corporate eat-the-bugs art


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Same thing with tumblr, however you're stuck with angsty dykes who genuinely believe Tim Heidecker is a comedic genius while not being able to argue for shit and just push that report and block option whenever they defend the undefendable, bear in mind these old hags are pushing to their 30s but still behave like if they were in high school.


That sort of behavior is probably a sign of some kind of cognitive disorder. Or maybe too much internet at a young just permanently fucks your head up.

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