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/art/ - Drawing, Photography, Painting

Sculpting and Designing
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Is Bruce Timm that great artist


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this is the dude every time

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"Oh wow, amazing grass and ground texture, how did you do that?"
<"Well I painted, added glue and applied dirt and grass separately using an assortment of methods
>"And that water looks amazingly real too, how did you pull that off?"
<"Layers of colored resin that I dyed my self, after setting up some materials to look like a river bed"
>"That castle is pretty neat, how did you create that?"
<"Oh it's 3D printed"
>Mild feeling of disappointment

Would you consider 3D printing to be a respectable form of art or craftsmen ship? Personally I've always found it to be a cheap short cut in actually creating something. There could have been a multitude of other ways he could have constructed that castle, but 3D printing feels the careless and laziest way to go about it. The disappointment I feel is the same as if someone just printed out their painting on an inkjet printer.

How does anon feel about it? Can it work as it's own medium or is it just the lazy man's modeling clay?
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Whelp my soldering iron burnt out while I was replacing the themistors on my heatbed with thermocouplers so now I am stuck waiting a week for a new soldering iron to make it out here to the boonies. I started this post intending to shit on the country for not having tools, but then I realized I can't remember the last time I saw a soldering iron in the city. America really has decayed if there isn't enough interest in metropolitan areas for any store to carry the most basic tool for a trade.


Oh also GulfCoast Robotics manufactures some really high quality 3d printer parts at good prices. I ordered an Aluminum build plate from them and when I gauged it out there was zero deviation I could detect. 100% manufactured in America and made to order. If you want to upgrade your printer you should check them. Also MicroSwiss machines top tier hotends. If you want to work with high temp thermoplastics (nylons etc) I highly recommend you look into their all metal hotends. MicroSwiss is also 100% made in America by three brothers from Minnesota, so you could probably drive over to see them in person if you need something custom manufactured Gahoole.


Can I 3D print a big black dildo to fuck myself about while I engage in my Black New World Order sissy interracial hypno fantasies?


You want to check out 4chan's /diy/ 3d printing threads then. Tons of people showing off their dildo molds with giant dildos the length of their forearms.


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You're not leveling you're tramming. And the best test print I've found is to print a dozen or so thin squares all around the bed. Number them, peel 'em off then use calipers to find any deviation.

Just get an SLA printer for printing high detail 3d models that don't need much finishing. FDM is best suited for rapid prototyping or rough and ready parts.

Here's one of the first prints I did on my 4k mono SLA with cheap resin to give you an idea of the quality. It's Asuka on a penny, had to zoom in quite a lot to show the layer lines, they're not visible to the naked eye.

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I'm a professional print screen presser who knows exactly when to screencap, behold my work
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this femoole is so sexy it scares me


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Paused at the right time


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Footy's on Friday are you ready
Also draw footy art
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Starting in one hour. You guys will be fighting for your tournament lives against /christian/ in the sixth match of the day.


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rip /art/


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rip /fart/


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Infinity Cup 7 is now complete! Congratulations to /eris/ who joins the ranks of champions as they defeated /japan/ 3-1 in the Final! Stay tuned for the award winners over at our /icup/ board.
Thank you to every anon who chipped in throughout the Cup, and thank you especially to all the anons who took the time to tune in. We'll see you in the next one!

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What's /art/'s thoughts on Alex Ross? Personally, he's one of the few comic book artists who still keep me loosely interested in the comicbook genre. I remember reading Kingdom Come solely for the artwork and being blown away by the constant level of detail and quality in each panel. From what I've been told he hand paints all his panels himself.


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Here's my thoughts


He's very skilled but something about his color choices always seem off.



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I made a cartoon
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All yours friend!


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I made a new one in memory of vol3. Rest in peace, lil' nigga.


Holy shit thats kino. Rip vol3


Damn, thats a fine lookin' Gahoole


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JBalvin approves, I'm lovin' it

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https://www.deviantart.com/arcipello/art/happy-little-Jizo-Statue-919518684 whats the minimum of art to get that many traffic/views

How do i measurw whats in a canvas to know its traction
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That's Indiana Jones' hat


That's a cowboy hat. You're asking for 6 digits for a hat?


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Drew this today. If your space marine doesn't look like this, then you won't even get 100 views.


Fuckin' kino anon


Thats your 100 view
Thats 100 view? You are ģiving so little

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>Man who was pinned to ground as a terrorist at LaGuardia was held after fellow flyer mistook his vintage camera for a bomb

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wrong it was an Argus


oh my God lol


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reminds me of that time that guy did some athf street art and people thought it was a bomb



lmao as he should

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can i get some understanding on how reflections and refractions happen underwater or on the water? I feel like it is obvious enough but i cant seem mechanically plan it like i do shadows or reflections, and i have been looking for books about em but theyre not very common somehow so i guess i ll need to, understand it myself from scratch….
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>>2750 thats horribly cheaty and not as dynamic as i hope… does painters back then rely alot on photos???
>>2752 you get me. It s not about the equipments…


draw a space marine and then ill tell you how to draw fractions.


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Here you go.


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With ray tracing combined with blender and new hardware that supports it you can do water lighting effects. But it's a new field that doesn't have a lot of tutorials or documentation out right now.


calm down

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