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File: 1601682350391.jpg (5.77 MB, 2276x2862, 1138:1431, Conan.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Putting his art into words seems to lose something of its magic. Yet I do wonder what makes it so iconic. It is of course well composed, well made, and beautiful to look at, but there must be something more. Why do you think his work still resonates?


If I have to put it into words then I'd say his art has a very masculine energy to it. I'm not just talking about his pulp style artwork, even when it's just a simple portrait of himself, you can kind of sense that Chad energy. He also was never afraid of drawing unrealistically sexy women.


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>what makes him so iconic
I think he was very well fitted within his time and place. Back in the 80's people were getting into heavy metal and D&D and his art work really carries a lot of those elements strongly, i.e. the dark and heavy shadowing plus the gore and fanatical imagery. Of course his high quality and attention to detail is a major plus. Whenever I see his work I'm immediately reminded of the movie Fire & Ice which I enjoyed a lot as a kid.


File: 1602502858158.webm (7.46 MB, 720x576, 5:4, Heavy Metal 2.webm) ImgOps iqdb

Heck yeah


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Frank was better at composition. There have been a few people with some better technique since Frank in his commercial bubble but a lot of them failed to compose their work well.


Not only that, but it's raw and has a realism to it at the same time as it has the fantastic elements turned up to 11. Compare his art to Boris Vallejo's and Julie Bell's, who do work in a similar vein yet nowhere near as well. Their barbarians just look like what they were: bodybuilders being used as models. Artists like them can be enjoyable, but their work has nowhere near the sense of verisimilitude that Frazetta's has.


Adding to that, I think it has a very raw and primal sense to it, which resonates with men in a certain way, maybe more so than women, I dunno. It makes us feel.


On the subject of feminine beauty, I came across this amazing article that justifies why I like big titties https://www.jsanilac.com/dispelling-beauty-lies/#i-everyone-lies


File: 1668047620812.jpg (51.83 KB, 447x625, 447:625, BMM Dan Lacey.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Great article.

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