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File: 1718221783380.jpg (127.53 KB, 1200x897, 400:299, female-body-types.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Hey /art/, can you help me find an old image about female body shapes that used to fly around image boards in 2015?
It was about the female beauty in traditional art and used black&white photos. Instead of categorizing the women by geometric shape, they were called bovine, equine, cervine and so forth.

I have been through terrabites of old images and can't find it. Also because their shapes are compared to animals, I can't use search engines without being flooded by furry porn and horrific AI images.


Pamela Anderson is straight up disgusting, she was the first ugly and plastic female being shilled by the jews.


Gayest post of the month


>furry porn ans AI
Ahh truly the bane of the interner tbh.




File: 1724864239813.jpg (36.53 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 1722275812846.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



>Great replacement has arrived early
<Just to replace cucks who refuse to do commissions while focusing on their circlejerk at Discord
How will lewd artists ever recover?


Sorry but Corban has that BWC tho you dumb nigger.

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