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File: 1645892149306.jpg (112.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FMe22guWUAYLbRF.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Wtf was this drawn by Matt Groening? It looks like he traced over jpgs he got off google. the man's been so busy on lolita airlines and letting koreans do his work, he forgot how to draw his own cartoon characters.


>Marge being drawn cleanly while the others roughly in sketch form
>M.G. initials badly done
Doubt it was Matt if he's even able to draw to begin with


It prob was some intern with photoshop that did a sketch over. the flags are clearly identical and just copy and pasted


Groening has basically never actually drawn the Simpsons. He was never an animator on the show.


Still no Sneed and Chuck edit?

Last time he drew his retarded characters looked like ass, that underage slave should be grateful at least she got a shitty doodle from an overrated political soap box cartoon.


Looks like someone started to do cleanup on marge and then just figured fuck it, get it out the door it's good enough.


Didn't they show support for South Park but did jackshit because they're spineless faggots?


I wish he used his binky life in gell artstye.


They even look like zombies now.

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