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File: 1639363297619.jpg (358.12 KB, 1600x1092, 400:273, R.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Any first step improving my one page view, 0 comment/like/share, regular (shit)posting into something worthwhile?
i can think of, joining zine, winning awards, joining zine… mostly things i am not very good at.

hate to regularly shitpost but no good response. it's like talking to a wall or something. Not sure how to improve quality since my most realistic, time costing work wasnt as expected either.


Again try instagram. Or even twitter. Build an audience.
Some blog that has no real way to get to it isn't effective.


draw a FUCKING space marine


This isn't the drawfag weebcuck, he actually has some sort of taste


>>2330 how do you build audience


File: 1639614188482.png (8.43 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb


>>2340 lol where


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File: 1639626977166.jpg (865.02 KB, 2646x4158, 7:11, 14.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>>2342 maybe the only way to get out more is to get a job at meal delivery service…


File: 1639627704673.png (14.17 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1639628629790.jpg (56.27 KB, 736x414, 16:9, WINTER IS C_MING.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>t. Donna Hayward

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