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I only listen to video game music
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I wish there were more people online, like I remember there being a few years ago.
That's one of the only Dawn of War tracks that's any good.


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Christ, I fucking hate MMOs with a passion


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40k is becoming mainstream and full of pozzed and cringe fanboys tbqh.
I walked away from the hobby last year and I don't recret.

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"Wow, he's literally me" thread
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Anytime I watch or listen to this I always get brough back to when I first watched it as a 12 year old on a hot summer day.
This shit peaked my test so hard I touched a girls tits for the first time that same summer.


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Forever>Blue Velvet

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Muh ambience!!!


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Yes, neck yourself nigger


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>nooooooooooooo you can't use a pick and overdrive on bass
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I know he's posting his articles on Affirmative Right, but a lot of his political content reads like word salad to me.

I never got the way these people try to act like metal is its own entity divorced from rock. Is it because they're nerds who don't feel comfortable with the hard-partying, good-time image of more mainstream rock styles? For all their strident rhetoric about seeing reality for what it is, they aren't even willing to see a style of music for what it is.
>There's probably a few even in your local scene matter of fact so you can see them live.
I don't even think there are any black metal bands in my area.
>But like I said, these knockoffs aren't getting any attention because why should they when the bands they're ripping off are still touring?
I don't see why they shouldn't provided the older bands either gave up their old sounds or the newer bands can do just as good of a job as the older bands in their prime, although I'm sure most of the imitators fall short of mark.

Regardless, I stopped paying attention to the metal scene a long time ago, and even in the late 2000s I was listening primarily to older bands. Even the newer bands I was listening to then I haven't really felt the need to revisit at all.
>the idea of what metal was in that day didn't survive the 90s, but the aesthetics and musical pretenses did and those have been horribly bastardized.
That's 100% true.


> Is it because they're nerds who don't feel comfortable with the hard-partying, good-time image of more mainstream rock styles? For all their strident rhetoric about seeing reality for what it is, they aren't even willing to see a style of music for what it is.

Because most metalfags are self loathing and insecure. You could say that nu-metal or grunge was responsible for that, but every time metal was brought up in music stores, boomers would mention nerdy metalheads who liked Megadeth.

Metal in general just copes with not being seen as a serious art form, but the admittance of that also brings in really shitty, middle of the road reddit bands like Behemoth, CoF, Nightwish. basically whatever metal cuckchanners were into in 2009.


>I never got the way these people try to act like metal is its own entity divorced from rock. Is it because they're nerds who don't feel comfortable with the hard-partying, good-time image of more mainstream rock styles? For all their strident rhetoric about seeing reality for what it is, they aren't even willing to see a style of music for what it is.
Because it is. It strayed off. Even the harder, purer forms of rock (thinking about the Rolling Stones here) don't sound much like metal. Let alone the poppy "rock" that came after. Punk can admittedly get closer to metal in its rawness.


Metal is as much of a genre as it is a mindset, and genres change with the generations. Metal keeps a lot of its aesthetics from the 80s along with some of the 2000s dudebro tribal tat shit, but largely gets ripped on for not adapting aesthetically in that regard. The only problem with this I see is adapting to millennial/zoomer tastes makes it shittier and plagued with bisexual sexpest attitudes.


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>but every time metal was brought up in music stores, boomers would mention nerdy metalheads who liked Megadeth.
That was me in high school.
>Because it is. It strayed off. Even the harder, purer forms of rock (thinking about the Rolling Stones here) don't sound much like metal.
The Rolling Stones don't sound much at all like modern metal, but they sound way closer to the pre-NWOBHM bands that they directly inspired.
>Punk can admittedly get closer to metal in its rawness.
That's because metal bands started borrowing from punk once it caught on. Without punk, metal in the form we know it today wouldn't exist. A lot of it can be traced back to the influence of Motorhead, and Lemmy commented that Motorhead would have been labeled as punk if they'd had short hair.

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If Lana is musical Xanax, does that make Radiohead heroin?

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I've been hearing a lot of hype lately about Nic Sequeira's new single, "The Girl With The Crystal Plumage." I decided to give it a listen about an hour ago:


I am still blown away by this new Direction Sequeira is going in. I never would have guessed that the same guy behind "Jam It Like You Mean It" back in 2019 would now be producing this weird psychedelia. I can definitely see what all the fuss is about this guy, and I honestly have no idea what he'll be getting up to next.

What did you think about this one? Was it a disappointment?


Also why are you pretending mixing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (garbage) with The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (kino) is meaningful or a good idea?

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>so what surgery do you want?
<just give me the blowup doll look
>say no more ma'am


>oh no i look awful
>better try to hide it with a layer of make-up


I'd fuck her.


Still better than the human realdolls zoomers jack off to nowadays

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The meat puppets


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Live, italy 1992

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