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>>1939I know he's posting his articles on Affirmative Right, but a lot of his political content reads like word salad to me.
I never got the way these people try to act like metal is its own entity divorced from rock. Is it because they're nerds who don't feel comfortable with the hard-partying, good-time image of more mainstream rock styles? For all their strident rhetoric about seeing reality for what it is, they aren't even willing to see a style of music for what it is.
>>1944>There's probably a few even in your local scene matter of fact so you can see them live.I don't even think there are any black metal bands in my area.
>But like I said, these knockoffs aren't getting any attention because why should they when the bands they're ripping off are still touring?I don't see why they shouldn't provided the older bands either gave up their old sounds or the newer bands can do just as good of a job as the older bands in their prime, although I'm sure most of the imitators fall short of mark.
Regardless, I stopped paying attention to the metal scene a long time ago, and even in the late 2000s I was listening primarily to older bands. Even the newer bands I was listening to then I haven't really felt the need to revisit at all.
>>1946>the idea of what metal was in that day didn't survive the 90s, but the aesthetics and musical pretenses did and those have been horribly bastardized.That's 100% true.