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Fuck, I want to go back


Is it just me, or did Mike Patton sound like a nigger on The Real Thing?


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I think you mean "we care a lot"


No, I mean Mike Patton on The Real Thing. Something about that high-pitched voice he used made him sound like some kind of mulatto twink.


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That's actually interesting, he has a hell of a voice and I wonder if in his mind he thinks of certain vocal choices as "nigger range" or the like.

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Was it really suicide?
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Found the racist, homophobe, and sexist.




Based and /ourguy/. He did the right thing, just look at his daughter.




Back in the days people used to had theories about he being killed by a bald fat bastard who used to fuck Courtney Love.
This. The girl is a disaster.

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Finally found the best rap song ever made

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I despise the tvch haters who post on /tv/ and /dunk/ every day. It's bizarre they keep up so much with this page when they hate it. I love everyone who's here to have fun and waste time. And isn't black or Jewish.


File: 1658025280535.mp4 (7.25 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Sign II - Susumu Hirasawa.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Don't think about the Discord spics, think about the shitposting and fun times.
Have fun anon, that's what the internet is for.

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I called the cops today on my "neighbors" and by that I mean the homeless people living behind my house. That stupid bitch cop said they couldn't do anything unless someone said something. So I guess I need to call back tomorrow and allege they're hurting the dogs I know they're not feeding. I feel bad, cause I gave some woman a ride back to check if they were so fucked up.

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I live in a graveyard

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What is slow motion?

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best soundtrack to imo the best film ever made.

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Found some good shit

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