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/ost/ - Music, Composing

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Why aren't you listening to Modern Talking's In the Garden of Venus, anon? Afraid of being called a Russian in these times where the Noble Holol myth poisons the mind of the average normalfag?

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Spirits of /ost/, I summon thee. What is this song?


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lol i'm retarded, misheard the lyrics. here, for the trouble


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Kinda kino

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Oldschool EDM


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What about any EDM?


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My Epiphone Les Paul sounds like shit whenever I play an F chord on it. Almost like a muted sitar. I've been playing for years and never had this happen before. It sounds fine when I play the chord on other guitars, both acoustic and electric. I even tried playing on another Epiphone Les Paul and it sounded fine. It's only on this one guitar. I already tried changing the strings and it's still happening.


Bad setup or worn frets. Check the neck relief, bridge height and nut height.


This could be the case. I have an Epiphone Les Paul too and have a dead that's likely due to worn frets.

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What are you listening to while watching the news?
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It's all going to end soon, don't worry anon
Civs work in cycles


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too bad we can't go back (in time)


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I've been waiting for 15 fucking years to things to get better and they only get worse.
I just want this shit to end so something new can be born from the ashes.


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I used to be a big fan of Rob Zombie, but man, when I finally watched a live show with him he sucked balls.
Awful voice and lack of presence and endurance. I guess it's what happens when you're a vegan.


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Really nice russian song, I love it on FutaDomWorld it's the title screen song for the game

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What's some essential /jbalvincore/?

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this is the only good song grimes ever had and she looks cute in the video


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In '87, Huey released this… Fore. Their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is 'Hip To Be Square', a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics, but they should. Because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of friends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.


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Anon we were maxxing and relaxxing what are you doing?


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