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What are some of your favorite songs that are less than a minute long?


Anything less than five minutes isn't real music.


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Post them
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>Does and believes exactly what the government tell him and follows eveeyone else
That shit will never cease to be funny.


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Such many cases, the punk scene is full of fags like this



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>Wake up, sheeple
>Time to blow corporate cock

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Is this really the worst song ever made?

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RIP thanks for Blade Runner.
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He will be missed.


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RIP Greek God


>What Prince was to Rock
Not much? Vangelis is on par with J.M. Jarre in the entire electronica genre and that's not an exaggeration


Yeah, he was much more than whatever Prince was to rock. I'd add Giorgio Moroder to your list.


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Supposedly the last project that Vangelis worked on (and completed), the OST to "Nuclear Now," a documentary by Oliver Stone. Here's the official trailer.

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Ministry make song about Gahoole

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don't matter the genre


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Post them here
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All my favorite tracks from him are from the second SAW album. I like it better than the first.
If you're not trolling, you have as terrible taste as most members of your generation.


Based animukino king.


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samefagging won't save you

All his 90s stuff is gold
The 90s had a shitton of scenes that either sold out and died or simply died out.
Shittons of creativity in every medium, even if there was a severe financial decline from the 80s and tons of cynicism about that era, things were good.


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death of the west

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Russian Hindu rap

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Post some synth keyboard heavy stuff

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How does /ost/ feel about 1man?

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